How will they rule ??!

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BTW, who ever imagined that little ol' Pepe the Frog would come so far? From a little known Boy's Club comic, to a popular meme, then a symbol white supremacy, to finally the God of Chaos sent to destroy Hillary. What a ride!
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WaPo editorial in July

The Post's View
Republicans attack Mr. Comey for doing his job

“It appears damage is being done to the rule of law,” Mr. Ryan said. He’s right, but the FBI director isn’t doing the damage. The wreckers are those who cast baseless aspersions on U.S. law enforcement in the service of their partisan goals.
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Email doesn't reside on a PC or a phone, it resides on the email provider's server. You get copies to your PC, your phone, or wherever you choose to access your email from.

This is such an ignorant non-story. These emails on that laptop will be duplicates. No question about it. Watching these idiots run around acting like people run email systems off their own laptop is just idiotic beyond description. All of these will be duplicate emails they already have.
Yep. Was just on the Post website and was about to Post this. Amazing. Pravda.

2016. The year journalism died.
I would argue the journOlist of 2008 that was met with a shrug is where it finally went fully off the rails. Regardless, they are done. They are now running outrage stories about rupugs yelling mean things at them and how much in danger they are. Clinton playbook....when bullying doesn't work play the victim card.
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Email doesn't reside on a PC or a phone, it resides on the email provider's server. You get copies to your PC, your phone, or wherever you choose to access your email from.

This is such an ignorant non-story. These emails on that laptop will be duplicates. No question about it. Watching these idiots run around acting like people run email systems off their own laptop is just idiotic beyond description. All of these will be duplicate emails they already have.

It doesn't matter if they are duplicates if any of them happen to be duplicates of the classified material.

They were found on Weiner's laptop, who his wife shared with him & used often. Pretty sure Weiner doesn't have clearance to be privy to and/or have classified material shared, discussed, stored etc... on his device(s).

It's no different than Huma & Hillary discussing/sharing/storing classified info on your laptop. Would that be an ignorant non-story as well?
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The alt-right is largely correct, because they correctly perceive that she risks goading us into a war with Russia- which would absolutely insanity for her to do (and which would be the end of the world as we know it), and because they correctly perceive that she is going to pull a Merkel on America with refugees. You make a good point about this oddness of this election, but Buchanan predicted it years ago. It's no longer right vs. left. It's now the patriots against the globalists. Brexit was the first "F you" to the bad guys in this respect, and, as even Michael Moore correctly predicts, this election will be the second. There's a good chance that France will shatter the earth next spring, for the third shocker in a year. Not likely, but possible and at worst, they'll have a center-right President who is going to understand the situation and who will co-opt much of the hard right platform.
It is GD crazy that it is 9 days out and voters STILL don't understand this very basic of concepts. No wonder we're ****ed.
As for the religious thing, I believe a lot of us have moved on from focusing on it. Those days are gone. Can't win an election like that anymore. I don't need you to have the same faith as me, but I do want you to leave those people alone and at least realize they're compatible with western civilization as opposed to Muslims.

People who fall for the guys praying in front of them are why Republicans got smoked in 2012. This isn't running for a position at the church. We don't need you to even be a likable guy. You can be a total asshole but get the job done.

However, where the line is drawn is total corruption and being a weak POS. Hillary is the most crooked candidate and the worst of the D.C. establishment. The pathetic Republicans who did nothing for us and let the left get everything they wanted, is why the right went with an outsider. Like Krazy said, he's the consequence of this; not an ideal guy.

So my hope is to stop the left's destruction, stop Hillay and put a band aid on the massive problems that have been created until we can get things under control not to mention getting two conservative judges on the court will protect the 2A.
Preach! Great post. Hope it gets digested by open minds.
Email doesn't reside on a PC or a phone, it resides on the email provider's server. You get copies to your PC, your phone, or wherever you choose to access your email from.

This is such an ignorant non-story. These emails on that laptop will be duplicates. No question about it. Watching these idiots run around acting like people run email systems off their own laptop is just idiotic beyond description. All of these will be duplicate emails they already have.
<------- Former MS Exchange and Sendmail server administrator.

From a very basic perspective, true statement, but forensically speaking, when we additionally discuss originating IP addresses combined with alternate accounts for the same entity (individual), this plot thickens considerably.
<------- Former MS Exchange and Sendmail server administrator.

From a very basic perspective, true statement, but forensically speaking, when we additionally discuss originating IP addresses combined with alternate accounts for the same entity (individual), this plot thickens considerably.
You were talking to Z. He didn't understand any of that. Let me help

You see Z, what we have here is Hillary was given a cupcake. It was a very tasty cupcake that she was only supposed to share with others that had similar cupcakes. She allowed Huma to guard her cupcake and Huma allowed her husband to take a bite. Weiner has been caught with crumbs in his beard.

Now do you understand?
Minnesota Somali Muslims mad that HBO is doing a docuseries on them and how ISIS is recruiting there (9 convicted last year). Prediction...series won't make to airing.

I've spoken about this a couple of times. This is a particularly serious security threat. There are locations and support functions around MSP intl. that are 100% populated and/or operated by Somali Muslims. This is yet another great Clintonian success story.
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4chan, aka, The Prophecies.....heh

"A former FBI assistant director told CNN Saturday night that the FBI has for months been conducting an "intensive" investigation into the Clinton Foundation. The former G-man, Tom Fuentes, also contradicted CNN's reporting from earlier this year that said the FBI's attempts to open a public corruption case into the Clinton Foundation were quashed by the DOJ. CNN reported back in August that three field offices wanted to launch an investigation, but DOJ officials had pushed back against opening a case because "the request seemed more political than substantive." There were conflicting reports at the time, however, which said a joint FBI-U.S. Attorney probe was indeed underway."
Have the Podesta emails instructing on poll creation and manipulation been discussed here yet? Did I miss it?


well . . . I don't know if it has been discussed or not, but my take on that string is that it goes beyond cryptic suggestion of re-engineering / creating fraudulent polling data . . . but because it is from Jan. 2008, it looks like evidence of HRC / Podesta et al efforts to run a fraudulent campaign against then democrat nominee Obama. So, it becomes pretty obvious why this is happening to Trump . . . if the POTUS doesn't have a problem with HRC having done this sort of corrupt shit against him, then pretty sure she and Podesta feel at complete liberty to do it to whomever, whenever, however . . . and then maybe even also engage in whatever other forms of fraudulent activities then can conjure up like - I don't know - steal classified documents, sell them through emails, watch that foundation slush fund grow and grow ?? Hillary is empowered - significant authority with currently NO actual position - through a series of "turn a blind eye" to this and that, over and over and over . . . it is miraculous how she has become this powerful. It is almost impossible to resist the obvious comparison.