How will they rule ??!

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I can't tell you how much I have come to hate the public. How can you not give a damn about the biggest political scandal in our lifetimes? Why would you want to stay stupid?

How can you not know what Hillary has been accused of if you're a Hillary supporter?

Heard a great point that Trump is the result of weaponized immigration that has been used against us, who come from places where there is mass corruption and they don't care.

Dems like to pretend they're the most knowledgeable but this election proves how dumb and low-informed they are.
They are not dumb, they just don't care. Well, most of them anyways and ignorant. They know what is going on but, are willing to let it happen to further their agenda's.
For the record, on Comey, it's not only dishonest but just dumb for Lynch, Clinton and the Dem friendly media to say he should have complied with long standing policy and not commented on the investigation. Do wut? Dude has been in a fixture on my television for months, between press conferences and Capitol Hill testifying. You applauded what he was saying before - but now its shameful that he's making this public?

The dishonesty is no surprise, of course - but if this is the best they got, they're in trouble. It's not at all believable.....
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I hate Hillary more than all of you put together but I'm willing to bet my life this isn't true. I could never be so lucky.
Man, I hope so.

Wouldn't that be some shit. Hillary as the lead ringer is a pedophillic kid toucher

"Hope" such wickedness has not actually happened. If she's done something like that to a child, however, "hope" she dies in most gruesome way you can imagine.
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2 things:

1- my gawd can you imagine being a sex slave and have to please this devil woman? [sick]

2- Comey is falling victim to typical lib strategy to attack a persons character publicly to assasinate the strength they have against them. If the pressure becomes too much and he doesn't feel the backing to go through with this no matter what it is he will cave to their cause too.
Man, I hope so.

Wouldn't that be some shit. Hillary as the lead ringer is a pedophillic kid toucher
Never know. I'm pretty sure its been confirmed that Bill has visited that island before.

And like I said earlier. Something obviously really damning was found, and that would certainly be damning.
If he did break the law, eff it. That is the dumbest law to ever exist. If there is such a law, we literally live in Venezuela. "No you can't investigate the criminals running for president, because 'elections'".
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Supposedly a "bombshell" thing on Trump is supposed to drop this week. Not surprising as we all pretty much knew the Clintons and media would release something. Not sure it will be any worse than what will be dropped on Clinton this week.

Where are you hearing this?
This might be the craziest week in political history. I'm sure Hillary will sling any dirt she has, while WikiLeaks and the FBI possibly bust Hillarys ass this week too.
Clinton is a criminal. The whole Democratic Party are criminals and is in goose step with her lies.

Trump is not a criminal but the Republican Party is just as criminal as the Dems. Now the Republicans who did not support Trump like the Dems who support Clinton are worried about what will happen to them when they run for reelection because both parties could care a hoot about the American people.

Drain the swamp Trump.
Term limits.

This is a disgrace........I think the country was smart at first with this setup, but for Christ sake had we just kept the same top man and rotated the house and senate we would be better for it.

These people are losers to an unreal degree.........and I don't care who you like F them too! What a damn disgrace top to bottom.
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Ouch, this is WAY awkward. Huma and Weiner in the same room when the TV comes on with breaking news of his dick picks. Unbelievable. Obviously the first time either had heard the news. Watch both of their faces during the last 20 or so seconds.
Ouch, this is WAY awkward. Huma and Weiner in the same room when the TV comes on with breaking news of his dick picks. Unbelievable. Obviously the first time either had heard the news. Watch both of their faces during the last 20 or so seconds.
I got aroused at the sight of those shit weasels seeing their fabricated life unravel. Politicians are awful. Top to bottom, 1 exception for 10,000 examples. They deserve every bad thing they get and I don't say that lightly.
Confirmation that emails were on Weiner's server. Supposedly tons of them. Shit just got real. Another report saying Huma' passport has been taken.

Ouch, this is WAY awkward. Huma and Weiner in the same room when the TV comes on with breaking news of his dick picks. Unbelievable. Obviously the first time either had heard the news. Watch both of their faces during the last 20 or so seconds.

Not too awkward I mean he was just busted and straight up had his wife who is involved in a presidential run staring him down.

I'd like to think her mind was debating if he knew who she is connected to and death is an option. I'd like to then think he thought it through and realized death is an option too, and is dropping everything he knows and that includes specifically where to find the real stories that will bust this crook.

Huma abedin slapped her hands and that was her saying MFer I'll beat yo ass!
How do we get the president to wear a 24/7 body cam? If police have to do it while they are on duty, the chief executive should as well. Actual transparency would clean this shit.
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