How will they rule ??!

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I'm already sick of the attempted spin by Democrats. "It's irresponsible for the FBI to influence the election this late in the game".

Shut the f*ck up. The election isn't a sacred ritual that can only be influenced by the candidates themselves and the establishment media. Treason (which is what it would be if she sold classified info) is a cause worthy of investigation. If you didn't want the FBI coming in at the 11th hour, you shouldn't have nominated one of the most corrupt people in politics.

Basically, "How dare you give the voter's truth and more information about us. Anything other than glowing praise from our media puppets is outrageous, racists."
Well, if Hillary had given up her server immediately then this all would have been over months ago. Funny that she continued to hide stuff to the very end...yet she DEMANDS that the FBI immediately release all of the info they have on this investigation. Let me say that another way...the person being investigated is demanding that the FBI release all of their info...DURING the investigation.

I can't believe anyone is even considering voting for that crooked, lying, horrible excuse for a human being.

BTW...there is still more to come on the CF corruption. Stay tuned...

It should not surprise you that Dems don't give a damn about character, values or ethics. It's a win at all costs type thing for them.
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I just don't get it. They perceive Trump to be all of these nasty things and then they torment someone who is innocent and harming no one. Where in their thought process was that ok? Why is it ever ok to kick a women who is doing nothing to you? "Trump is terrible guy, so I'm allowed to beat this lady up. I'm still a good person because it's in the name of anti-Trump. Trump doesn't respect women." This is a perfect example of what false moral superiority does to an individual. I guarantee you each one of them went home and went to sleep thinking they made the world a better place. Just sickening the lows people will go and justify it in the name of politics.
It is not unlike Nazi's who justified horrible atrocities in the name of cleansing their nation. Not dissimilar to the liberal PC movement in this nation. You see it on here with a few posters. Some have said that they cannot wait until all of the old white men of this nation are gone.
Could you imagine Dem/Hillary voters giving this much of a leash to a spouse or an employee that they give Hillary?

Imagine this much stuff occurred under someone actually in your life. Imagine your spouse has been caught lying so many times or that all of this drama is constantly occurring around them. Imagine having an employee around you where there's always complaints and stuff going missing. You think they would still be this stupid?

I don't know what it is about the hero worship of today, whether it be politics or sports or whatever, there are a ton of people who can't step outside the bubble of brainwashing loyalty.
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How can someone be a Democrat today? Honestly? Unless you're corrupt, effed in the head, too scared to go against the machine, too stupid to know better or want a government check, how can someone justify it?

Just brainwashed? What else could it be? This party has become insane & dangerous. They attack you, they try to stop you from disagreeing with them, they try to steal elections, they're anti-military and anti-cop, anti Christian but pro Islam and pro BLM, they're against guns, want open borders, have press complicit with media, are so corrupt but justify it.
How can someone be a Democrat today? Honestly? Unless you're corrupt, effed in the head, too scared to go against the machine, too stupid to know better or want a government check, how can someone justify it?

Just brainwashed? What else could it be? This party has become insane & dangerous. They attack you, they try to stop you from disagreeing with them, they try to steal elections, they're anti-military and anti-cop, anti Christian but pro Islam and pro BLM, they're against guns, want open borders, have press complicit with media, are so corrupt but justify it.
It is all designed to destroy this country and bring in a new order. Arm yourselves, the fight is coming.
For her sake, I hope it is a fake as nobody deserves that. That said, if it is a fake, it's the best damned fake I've ever seen or they found one uncanny doppelganger.
Only way to know for sure is, Chelsea is just gonna have to flash it live so the people can judge for themselves!
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How can someone be a Democrat today? Honestly? Unless you're corrupt, effed in the head, too scared to go against the machine, too stupid to know better or want a government check, how can someone justify it?

Just brainwashed? What else could it be? This party has become insane & dangerous. They attack you, they try to stop you from disagreeing with them, they try to steal elections, they're anti-military and anti-cop, anti Christian but pro Islam and pro BLM, they're against guns, want open borders, have press complicit with media, are so corrupt but justify it.

Because they believe they are the minority party. They also really do not have a clue what their leaders are for.
Been thinking about Chelsea's p*ssy for about 7 hours today. Would love to eat it. Corruption or not. That was a beautiful spread. I'd let her fart piss in my face unexpectedly and then act surprised when it happened.
Been thinking about Chelsea's p*ssy for about 7 hours today. Would love to eat it. Corruption or not. That was a beautiful spread. I'd let her fart piss in my face unexpectedly and then act surprised when it happened.

I was going to vote 3rd party. But if you can promise me that you can think of a way for me to forget I ever read this I will vote for Donald Trump.
- Chelsea was at Derby a few years back, said hey as she walked past our box....not terrible looking in person. Willy has nailed much worse.

- I try to take the simplest explanation in most cases......I think Comey has been stewing since Lynch pulled the tarmac stunt and ORDERED Comey to not charge. That explains why his July speech was littered with explanations of what all Hillary did which he really didn't owe anyone (and he knew he'd get grilled on the hill).

Fast forward to this week, after 3 months of internal FBI strife, the news is presented to him that the f*cking criminals (shockingly) did not turn over all equipment and there are more emails. Basically tells Lynch to get pumped, sending a letter to the hill and will balance out what was forced on him in July. Not like Lynch can do anything to him at this point.

Oh, and Hillary Rodham Clinton goes down as the biggest potus candidate failure of all time, losing two gift wrapped elections to lesser improbable opponents. And Bernie yells at some stray cats.
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I've started seeing Trump ads on both cable and broadcast television since ~Wednesday.

In Washington.
Jamo originally bet Krazy $200 that Clinton would beat Trump. Then awhile later Jamo offered him 50% off or to pay those terrorist doctors on the borders. But to no avail did that amendment happen. So now, it's straight up $200. Win or Lose. The People Vs. The System.
Krazy already said he was t paying. Why is this an issue, now it's changed around?
Been thinking about Chelsea's p*ssy for about 7 hours today. Would love to eat it. Corruption or not. That was a beautiful spread. I'd let her fart piss in my face unexpectedly and then act surprised when it happened.

There's more . . . Honestly, Willy, it's in the best interest of overall board health for you to fully express your feelings. What are you not telling us?
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There's more . . . Honestly, Willy, it's in the best interest of overall board health for you to fully express your feelings. What are you not telling us?

Man, look just sayin that p*ssy was eatable despite the bias. Good lord, those wet pink shower curtains flappin' with every flick of the tongue. mmmmm mmmm.
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- Chelsea was at Derby a few years back, said hey as she walked past our box....not terrible looking in person. Willy has nailed much worse

One of the universal truths.

Remember Rex when I about puked up in that girl's vagina that smelt like a dead human sewer?
I've started seeing Trump ads on both cable and broadcast television since ~Wednesday.

In Washington.
Why would that be happening? On the one hand, there is no way he wins Washington state, even after yesterday.
Clinton could be indicted tomorrow, and he still wouldn't be able to overcome the vote from the People's
Republic of Seattle. Sanders would win on write-in votes in that case if that was an option, otherwise, Jill wins. On the other hand, why would his campaign be wasting money there? Is it something where metro Portland ads are running in the southern part of the state? That would at least make some sense, as he's within 5 to 10 points in Oregon, and that was before the nuclear bomb hit yesterday afternoon.
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That's horrible. That absolutely enrages me. No one stood up to help that lady. Those people need to be stabbed and bled dry. Despicable.

Breaks my heart to see that.

Typical liberal trash. If you don't agree with them you are the problem, evil, and stupid.

Liberals are more dangerous to this country than ISIS at this point.
Why would that be happening? On the one hand, there is no way he wins Washington state, even after yesterday.
Clinton could be indicted tomorrow, and he still wouldn't be able to overcome the vote from the People's
Republic of Seattle. Sanders would win on write-in votes in that case if that was an option, otherwise, Jill wins. On the other hand, why would his campaign be wasting money there? Is it something where metro Portland ads are running in the southern part of the state? That would at least make some sense, as he's within 5 to 10 points in Oregon, and that was before the nuclear bomb hit yesterday afternoon.

That's my guess. I saw an ad here in Louisville , that I'm sure was aimed at Indiana residents
That's my guess. I saw an ad here in Louisville , that I'm sure was aimed at Indiana residents
Interesting. Indiana is an absolute lock (even Jamo would have to agree with that), so maybe he's just trying to hit as much popular vote as possible so he can claim a mandate? On another note, I never watch TV except for football. Recently the Ohio ads were about split but today 80 percent were for Trump. She's probably seen the writing on the wall here and is cutting losses.
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No idea. surely it wouldn't be targeted to ky? I'd think ky is even more of a lock
The only question about Ky is this- can he win Jefferson, Franklin, and Fayette, and whatever county in Eastern Kentucky that always votes Dem? He'll win every other county. He might win the NKY counties by 30 points. It's going to be a bloodbath in the NKY suburbs. It's also going to be a massacre in the "inner cities" of Covington and Newport (these cities have very low minority populations).
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