How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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The only question about Ky is this- can he win Jefferson, Franklin, and Fayette, and whatever county in Eastern Kentucky that always votes Dem? He'll win every other county. He might win the NKY counties by 30 points. It's going to be a bloodbath in the NKY suburbs.

The only question about Ky is this- can he win Jefferson, Franklin, and Fayette, and whatever county in Eastern Kentucky that always votes Dem? He'll win every other county. He might win the NKY counties by 30 points. It's going to be a bloodbath in the NKY suburbs.

I'd say Jefferson is the only one he'll lose.
Why would that be happening? On the one hand, there is no way he wins Washington state, even after yesterday..

a couple of stretch thoughts:

#1 - military personnel. Very large population in Wash. St. Probably one of the largest. Those votes go to the home states, but the size of that body is large enough in Washington to not ignore.
#2 - impression on other elections. Gets them to the polls. Away from Seattle (going east), particularly on the other side of the Cascades when the state becomes agricultural, these are very, very, very conservative people. Make no mistake just how. But these people can't get Patty Murray (dem) out of office on their own. Recent polls indicate she may be vulnerable by Rep. challenger Chris Vance. I would wager this is the precise reason for any Trump ads in the Sea-Tac area . . .
a couple of stretch thoughts:

#1 - military personnel. Very large population in Wash. St. Probably one of the largest. Those votes go to the home states, but the size of that body is large enough in Washington to not ignore.
#2 - impression on other elections. Gets them to the polls. Away from Seattle (going east), particularly on the other side of the Cascades when the state becomes agricultural, these are very, very, very conservative people. Make no mistake just how. But these people can't get Patty Murray (dem) out of office on their own. Recent polls indicate she may be vulnerable by Rep. challenger Chris Vance. I would wager this is the precise reason for any Trump ads in the Sea-Tac area . . .
Good points. I didn't think of either of those. If he's trying to help the down ticket, that's a very good sign as to what his internals are indicating. Of course, after the news from yesterday, it's hopefully a done deal anyway.
Been thinking about Chelsea's p*ssy for about 7 hours today. Would love to eat it. Corruption or not. That was a beautiful spread. I'd let her fart piss in my face unexpectedly and then act surprised when it happened.

We knew all that, willy. the real question is, would you tag the hildabeast?

If so, please give details.

If not, what caused you to draw the line?
Good points. I didn't think of either of those. If he's trying to help the down ticket, that's a very good sign as to what his internals are indicating. Of course, after the news from yesterday, it's hopefully a done deal anyway.

Could be the military - after reading your reply, I'm reminded that this isn't a "typical" Republican candidate. Be interested to know exactly who is paying for those spots.
A black homeless woman gets beaten and silence from the MSM.
Trump's campaign is trying to find her. My hope is that local law enforcement is trying to find the SJW aggressors and turn it over to the feds- and, when they do, these animals need to get HAMMERED. This calls for a MINIMUM of five years in prison.

This is not a simple assault case. This is a civil rights violation; it's modern day Brownshit behavior. And it's not the first example of it, as the barbarous behavior of SJWs at Trump rallies has already shown.
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Trump's campaign is trying to find her. My hope is that local law enforcement is trying to find the SJW aggressors and turn it over to the feds- and, when they do, these animals need to get HAMMERED. This calls for a MINIMUM of five years in prison.

This is not a simple assault case. This is a civil rights violation; it's modern day Brownshit behavior. And it's not the first example of it, as the barbarous behavior of SJWs at Trump rallies has already shown.
SJWs are no better than the nazis from 30s Germany.
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SJWs are no better than the nazis from 30s Germany.
True. What they don't realize is this- in 30's Germany, it was a fair fight between the Nazi Brownshirts and their Communist counterparts- those commies worked for a living and they were some tough customers. Should the right ever starting fighting back on the streets in this day and age, it won't be pretty for the American left. Can you imagine a street fight between the average hardcore right winger and the average 97 pound hipster SJW with his ironic beard and pointy fake glasses?
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Could you imagine if a video of a group of Trump supporters were beating a black Hillary supporter existed? The media would've played it 24/7 and the city it happened in would have been in flames.
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True. What they don't realize is this- in 30's Germany, it was a fair fight between the Nazi Brownshirts and their Communist counterparts- those commies worked for a living and they were some tough customers. Should the right ever starting fighting back on the streets in this day and age, it won't be pretty for the American left. Can you imagine a street fight between the average hardcore right winger and the average 97 pound hipster SJW with his ironic beard and pointy fake glasses?
Our side has a lot more guns than their side too. It wouldn't end pretty for the leftists. Sadly it may come to this one day, but so be it. We can't let these SOBs destroy the country.
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Our side has a lot more guns than their side too. It wouldn't end pretty for the leftists. Sadly it may come to this one day, but so be it. We can't let these SOBs destroy the country.
Some of their team is very well-armed, but they can't shoot out the side of a barn. Sometime they like to try to shoot sideway, and that usually doesn't end very well. :)
The only question about Ky is this- can he win Jefferson, Franklin, and Fayette, and whatever county in Eastern Kentucky that always votes Dem? He'll win every other county. He might win the NKY counties by 30 points. It's going to be a bloodbath in the NKY suburbs. It's also going to be a massacre in the "inner cities" of Covington and Newport (these cities have very low minority populations).

I love it too. I live in Boone, but for the life of me I have yet to see one god dam Hillary yard sign in the greater NKY area.
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Could you imagine if a video of a group of Trump supporters were beating a black Hillary supporter existed? The media would've played it 24/7 and the city it happened in would have been in flames.

. . . and white people taunting over her while helplessly on the ground, saying "bitch is faking" and stuff like "I'll bet you would like to have a paramedic right now . . . too bad they're white people."
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This election still just baffles me. Republicans have been the religious right for forever, and they nominate Trump. Democrats have been complaining about money in politics for forever and they nominate Hillary. Libertarians try to position themselves as a smart third option that takes good parts from both, and they nominate Gary Johnson. Smart independents think they are both horrible, but seem to think one or the other will literally be the end of Western Civilization.

Personally, I can't get over Hillary being above the law. I also don't see Trump being any more narcissistic, dumb, sex addicted, or dangerous than any other politician has ever been. But it is shocking when people I respect and are reasonable like Sam Harris say that Trump would literally destroy the world. Same can be said for people in the now alt-right who are saying the same of Hillary.

Is this election actually different than any other one? I specifically remember in '08 my dad acting like Obama was going to destroy the country, but I remember being completely confident that was nonsense.
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This election still just baffles me. Republicans have been the religious right for forever, and they nominate Trump. Democrats have been complaining about money in politics for forever and they nominate Hillary. Libertarians try to position themselves as a smart third option that takes good parts from both, and they nominate Gary Johnson. Smart independents think they are both horrible, but seem to think one or the other will literally be the end of Western Civilization.

Personally, I can't get over Hillary being above the law. I also don't see Trump being any more narcissistic, dumb, sex addicted, or dangerous than any other politician has ever been. But it is shocking when people I respect and are reasonable like Sam Harris say that Trump would literally destroy the world. Same can be said for people in the now alt-right who are saying the same of Hillary.

Is this election actually different than any other one? I specifically remember in '08 my dad acting like Obama was going to destroy the country, but I remember being completely confident that was nonsense.
The alt-right is largely correct, because they correctly perceive that she risks goading us into a war with Russia- which would absolutely insanity for her to do (and which would be the end of the world as we know it), and because they correctly perceive that she is going to pull a Merkel on America with refugees. You make a good point about this oddness of this election, but Buchanan predicted it years ago. It's no longer right vs. left. It's now the patriots against the globalists. Brexit was the first "F you" to the bad guys in this respect, and, as even Michael Moore correctly predicts, this election will be the second. There's a good chance that France will shatter the earth next spring, for the third shocker in a year. Not likely, but possible and at worst, they'll have a center-right President who is going to understand the situation and who will co-opt much of the hard right platform.
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. . . and white people taunting over her while helplessly on the ground, saying "bitch is faking" and stuff like "I'll bet you would like to have a paramedic right now . . . too bad they're white people."
In truth, if a bunch of Trump supporters were acting like savages against a white Clinton supporter like these animals were acting against this victim, it would still be about 90 percent as much as a media hysteria as it would be against a black victim. Race wouldn't be the issue; the issue would be the politics. Either way, the media scum would exploit it to the extent that Trump's approval rating would be affected. As it is, this won't hurt her chances at all. The news yesterday, however....that's another story.
On another note, did everyone watch today's game?

I can't believe that we didn't win by 50 points!

Team has improved but Missouri is awful. if we win next Sat against the Dogs, that means an elusive a winning SEC record. Oh, please let that happen . . . If we had played UT today? Dang. They'll probably have most of their injured players back and playing well when we go to K-town.
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This election still just baffles me. Republicans have been the religious right for forever, and they nominate Trump. Democrats have been complaining about money in politics for forever and they nominate Hillary. Libertarians try to position themselves as a smart third option that takes good parts from both, and they nominate Gary Johnson. Smart independents think they are both horrible, but seem to think one or the other will literally be the end of Western Civilization.

Personally, I can't get over Hillary being above the law. I also don't see Trump being any more narcissistic, dumb, sex addicted, or dangerous than any other politician has ever been. But it is shocking when people I respect and are reasonable like Sam Harris say that Trump would literally destroy the world. Same can be said for people in the now alt-right who are saying the same of Hillary.

Is this election actually different than any other one? I specifically remember in '08 my dad acting like Obama was going to destroy the country, but I remember being completely confident that was nonsense.

As for the religious thing, I believe a lot of us have moved on from focusing on it. Those days are gone. Can't win an election like that anymore. I don't need you to have the same faith as me, but I do want you to leave those people alone and at least realize they're compatible with western civilization as opposed to Muslims.

People who fall for the guys praying in front of them are why Republicans got smoked in 2012. This isn't running for a position at the church. We don't need you to even be a likable guy. You can be a total asshole but get the job done.

However, where the line is drawn is total corruption and being a weak POS. Hillary is the most crooked candidate and the worst of the D.C. establishment. The pathetic Republicans who did nothing for us and let the left get everything they wanted, is why the right went with an outsider. Like Krazy said, he's the consequence of this; not an ideal guy.

So my hope is to stop the left's destruction, stop Hillay and put a band aid on the massive problems that have been created until we can get things under control not to mention getting two conservative judges on the court will protect the 2A.
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which part . . . did you think was nonsense? How your father was "acting" or that anybody could have felt that way? More importantly, how do you feel about it now, 8 years later? Obama labeled our political leadership as "traitors" for allowing what was then 9 trillion dollar fed debt to be shouldered to our children and grandchildren. The debt may be more than 20 trillion when Obama leaves office, above 19 trillion now. By his own definition, is Obama not greater than the sum of all previous debt-compiling "traitors" and, as such, is a definition of "destructor" reasonable consideration? I'll let you think about how to say "no" to that . . . more interested in your answer to the first question.
Lol wtf? I didn't post that. I knew Obama would be terrible from day one. I didn't need my dad to tell me. Thats bizarre. Where tf did you see this post at?
Lol wtf? I didn't post that. I knew Obama would be terrible from day one. I didn't need my dad to tell me. Thats bizarre. Where tf did you see this post at?

no . . . dammit, my screw up . . . I had two posts up while I was replying and wasn't watching what I was doing when I edited the top one out. It was somebody else's . . . and I eff'd it totally up.
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I specifically remember in '08 my dad acting like Obama was going to destroy the country, but I remember being completely confident that was nonsense.

which part . . . did you think was nonsense? How your father was "acting" or that anybody could have felt that way? More importantly, how do you feel about it now, 8 years later? Obama labeled our political leadership as "traitors" for allowing what was then 9 trillion dollar fed debt to be shouldered to our children and grandchildren. The debt may be more than 20 trillion when Obama leaves office, above 19 trillion now. By his own definition, is Obama not greater than the sum of all previous debt-compiling "traitors" and, as such, is a definition of "destructor" reasonable consideration? I'll let you think about how to say "no" to that . . . more interested in your answer to the first question.
no . . . dammit, my screw up . . . I had two posts up while I was replying and wasn't watching what I was doing when I edited the top one out. It was somebody else's . . . and I eff'd it totally up.
Ok, gotcha.

For a second I thought the Russians hacked my account.
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Is this election actually different than any other one? I specifically remember in '08 my dad acting like Obama was going to destroy the country, but I remember being completely confident that was nonsense.
This is different and this is serious...

I posted earlier it's a boy cried wolf analogy; hrc is very much a real wolf. Alt-right is right because they have been losing since Reagan essentially, either outright or forced to elect the Bush(s) who compromised on core conservative principles. A generation of perpetual loss forces introspection
Wait...Bill Clinton performed the wedding ceremony for Huma and Weiner. Can we get a copy of those docs?
Via NYT, remember when civilian death stats, committed by insurgents, were put on Bush/Cheney?

I love it too. I live in Boone, but for the life of me I have yet to see one god dam Hillary yard sign in the greater NKY area.
No signs of any kind in my neighborhood or anywhere I go around here. It is as if they don't know, are afraid to put them out or, just don't care.
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