How will they rule ??!

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You were talking to Z. He didn't understand any of that. Let me help

You see Z, what we have here is Hillary was given a cupcake. It was a very tasty cupcake that she was only supposed to share with others that had similar cupcakes. She allowed Huma to guard her cupcake and Huma allowed her husband to take a bite. Weiner has been caught with crumbs in his beard.

Now do you understand?
You'll need to dumb this down a lot further lol.
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This is absolutely about the foundation.

Hilliary, Lynch nor any of them had a clue this was coming which is why they are begging for info to know what they need to do and cover up.

I am sick of them! The media has exposed themselves and I hope the lose more ratings and plummet into non existence.
looks like I get to be the one that spells this out for what it is . . . again . . . to wit:

The consistent pattern on display, once again, and befitting of HRC's recent statement of two-facedness, is that evil woman's standard practice of protecting men who victimize women or, in this instance, young girls.

Anthony Weiner has been caught engaged in sexually elicit communication with a 15 year old female child. What sort of person would not assist with FULL COORPERATION in order to allow authorities access to EVERY. SINGLE. BIT. of potential evidence, including ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES, sub-devices, and ALL recorded information therein without any concern for process OTHER THAN FOR THAT 15 YEAR OLD FEMALE CHILD???

answer: Hillary Rodham Clinton
I can't tell you how much I have come to hate the public. How can you not give a damn about the biggest political scandal in our lifetimes? Why would you want to stay stupid?

How can you not know what Hillary has been accused of if you're a Hillary supporter?

Heard a great point that Trump is the result of weaponized immigration that has been used against us, who come from places where there is mass corruption and they don't care.

Dems like to pretend they're the most knowledgeable but this election proves how dumb and low-informed they are.
Washington Post/ABC tracking poll saying that 30% of those polled less likely to support Clinton.
Would need to know more - were all of those Trump supporters anyway?

How many undecideds are there - 5%? 12%? Need to know what they think of this latest bit of shameless political hackers/shilling by Comey. Who is unamerican, btw.
Would need to know more - were all of those Trump supporters anyway?

How many undecideds are there - 5%? 12%? Need to know what they think of this latest bit of shameless political hackers/shilling by Comey. Who is unamerican, btw.
Technically, most Trump supporters wouldn't be less likely to support Clinton after this news came out. Can't get less than 0% support. Of course, had I been polled, I would have answered "yes, I am now less likely to support her", anyway- just out of spite. :)

yep . . . the top cops don't want to do their jobs. Would rather wait till she becomes president, and for two days to pass after a major act of domestic terrorism to get sent out on an attention deflection assignment, to pick a 50 day fight with some meaningless religious cult (WTC / Branch Davidians, Feb. 1993 - month after Bill Clinton took office). It will happen.
Here is the real problem......

Those in power need globalization and the Clintons are the final blow. F the corruption its globalization everyone who donates to her wants. They all hated America because we had it all and they were all 3rd world.

So when Bill was in we passed NAFTA thinking about cheaper products making inflation easier to handle.......instead we lost a ton of jobs to 3rd world places giving them a cut and the corporations were happy.

We have slowly bled out the foundation of what our country was built on and now we are taking in more immigrant population to balance America out with the rest of the world.

Meanwhile the money is still in the same hands as it was before and as long as Clinton gets in globalization is in a good place........people be damned.

Now if you are paying attention the corruption is based on creating the globalization and taking resources out of America, and it is exponentially getting out of hand to keep the train rolling and Trump, who is a horrible politician, is the only stopping block we have before it really happens in full force.

It sucks but if we can get back to be the US of A and not the United countries of earth then Trump will have succeeded IMO even if he takes us into a recession or a depression for that matter.
Email doesn't reside on a PC or a phone, it resides on the email provider's server. You get copies to your PC, your phone, or wherever you choose to access your email from.

This is such an ignorant non-story. These emails on that laptop will be duplicates. No question about it. Watching these idiots run around acting like people run email systems off their own laptop is just idiotic beyond description. All of these will be duplicate emails they already have.
** We interrupt yet another insane rant to bring you the following special report **

Wall Street Journal: Laptop may contain thousands of messages sent to or from private server.
The latest development began in early October when New York-based FBI officials notified Andrew McCabe, the bureau’s second-in-command, that while investigating Mr. Weiner for possibly sending sexually charged messages to a minor, they had recovered a laptop with 650,000 emails. Many, they said, were from the accounts of Ms. Abedin, according to people familiar with the matter.

Those emails stretched back years, these people said, and were on a laptop that both Mr. Weiner and Ms. Abedin used and that hadn’t previously come up in the Clinton email probe. Ms. Abedin said in late August that the couple were separating.
As usual, Z, you are dismissed.
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Mojocat said that Comey is unamerican for announcing this now. Anyone agree?

Comey has been the scapegoat from square 1 and only a complete moron has been unable to see this. The entire Loretta Lynch approach of "follow the FBI director's recommendations of whether to prosecute" ???? WTF is that ??? Since when does a public attorney AT. ANY. LEVEL. forego that responsibility to the cops? It is the jobs of the cops to collect and present evidence. It is the job of a public attorney to make the determination of whether that evidence is sufficient to warrant charges.

So, yeah . . . I would say Comey has been pretty well f'king pissed off. Being forced to provide a recommendation? That should NEVER have happened. So it was Lynch who said from the beginning she didn't want anything to do with this, VERY publically. Comey is going to make her. There is only one way completely out of this prior to the election, and it isn't pretty. Lynch has to file charges, and Obama has to pardon her. All Loretta Lynch ever had to do to keep this "un-American" process from happening was to DO HER JOB . . . and be the one who made the decision from the beginning. But she wants to be a US Supreme Court Justice, and she knew she wouldn't be able to get there with a congressional review having been able to second-guess her decision to not file charges. She put her career in front of her responsibilities as US Atty General. Who is Mojocat calling un-American exactly? drink!
Heat turning up.

Wall Street Journal: FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe.

Federal agents are preparing to scour roughly 650,000 emails contained on the laptop of former Rep. Anthony Weiner to see how many relate to a prior probe of Hillary Clinton’s email use, as metadata on the device suggests there may be thousands sent to or from the private server that the Democratic nominee used while she was secretary of state, according to people familiar with the matter.
One would imagine the 33000 missing are among those 650000.
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Supposedly a "bombshell" thing on Trump is supposed to drop this week. Not surprising as we all pretty much knew the Clintons and media would release something. Not sure it will be any worse than what will be dropped on Clinton this week.
which part . . . did you think was nonsense? How your father was "acting" or that anybody could have felt that way? More importantly, how do you feel about it now, 8 years later? Obama labeled our political leadership as "traitors" for allowing what was then 9 trillion dollar fed debt to be shouldered to our children and grandchildren. The debt may be more than 20 trillion when Obama leaves office, above 19 trillion now. By his own definition, is Obama not greater than the sum of all previous debt-compiling "traitors" and, as such, is a definition of "destructor" reasonable consideration? I'll let you think about how to say "no" to that . . . more interested in your answer to the first question.

I think he was wrong in that we had a choice between destroying the country and not destroying the country. The choice in 2008 was between Obama, and McCain who was known for being a "maverick" meaning he voted left. Until he ran for president, the left and MSNBC loved him. There was no savior in 2008 outside of maybe Ron Paul who didn't make the ballot. By the way that feels a lot different now that WikiLeaks has shined some light on the Bernie Sanders situation. Also, 9 trillion is about the same as 20 trillion in terms of actually being able to reverse course. There is no way out of the current debt / unfunded liabilities mess besides depression and/or war, and the same was true when Bush left office. What would McCain have done to make it all better?
Supposedly a "bombshell" thing on Trump is supposed to drop this week. Not surprising as we all pretty much knew the Clintons and media would release something. Not sure it will be any worse than what will be dropped on Clinton this week.

Of course, right? Ha. He's been in the running for 18 months and this info just so happens to come out a week before the election?

What are they going to do this time? We've already got the rape and sexual assault stuff, what new theme do they have now? Theft? Murder? Putin texts? Ha.

Eff all of them. The Clintons are a crime family. This country needs to get rid of the Clintons and the Bushes types.

C'mon, America. Please, do the right thing and kick the Clinton family to the curb. Save the country.
Mojocat said that Comey is unamerican for announcing this now. Anyone agree?

He did?

No. Bad form, maybe, unless they have absolute, damning, hardcore proof of guilt - which could be construed as patriotic via either protecting the people/nation from the black eye of an inevitable impeachment OR just the fact that the FBI did their job and caught a national security traitor.

If they are reopening just to feign competence and happen to stumble upon something that would magically exonerate Hill, State dept., DNC, FBI and DOJ all at once (and I wouldn't put it past them). But, yeah, that would be unamerican.
Things are starting to feel like Venezuela with the State controlling the media and all facets of life.

It really makes since if you think about it in that since. CNN, MSNBC & the New York Times are state run media sources.
Supposedly a "bombshell" thing on Trump is supposed to drop this week. Not surprising as we all pretty much knew the Clintons and media would release something. Not sure it will be any worse than what will be dropped on Clinton this week.
Oh, I'm thoroughly expecting the weekend before Election Day to be absolutely bananas.

This sh!t show isn't nearly over.
Of course, right? Ha. He's been in the running for 18 months and this info just so happens to come out a week before the election?

What are they going to do this time? We've already got the rape and sexual assault stuff, what new theme do they have now? Theft? Murder? Putin texts? Ha.

Eff all of them. The Clintons are a crime family. This country needs to get rid of the Clintons and the Bushes types.

C'mon, America. Please, do the right thing and kick the Clinton family to the curb. Save the country.
The 4chan Prophecy says bribery... and a weak connection to TCF.
Whatever it is Trump should go ahead and bring it out himself before they do. Own beforehand and and explain it and move on.

Ruin their hand before they play it because nothing will measure up to being under investigation, again, by the FBI.

I mean that had to blindside her completely.
Whatever it is Trump should go ahead and bring it out himself before they do. Own beforehand and and explain it and move on.

Ruin their hand before they play it because nothing will measure up to being under investigation, again, by the FBI.

I mean that had to blindside her completely.

If the left wants to agree to disregard both candidates and try again with our best shots, I'd be okay with that or even let our VPs become the top candidates.
I hate Trump and would only vote for him if his opponent were Hitler/Stalin/Pol Pot etc.

That said, the idea of a millionaire doofus surviving the Clinton attack machine simply by doing the campaign equivalent of "I'm rubber and you're glue", only for Clinton to be taken down by an ersatz Woody Allen character sounds pretty amazing.
He did?

No. Bad form, maybe, unless they have absolute, damning, hardcore proof of guilt - which could be construed as patriotic via either protecting the people/nation from the black eye of an inevitable impeachment OR just the fact that the FBI did their job and caught a national security traitor.

If they are reopening just to feign competence and happen to stumble upon something that would magically exonerate Hill, State dept., DNC, FBI and DOJ all at once (and I wouldn't put it past them). But, yeah, that would be unamerican.

They can't possibly come up with some lost Tubby fax. They have already determined her role and she lied. That won't change.

Call me crazy but I do think this is to satisfy the FBI that felt wronged by Comey's BS.
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If that was true the Dems would have already condemned her and moved away.

I mean grab em by the P is basically nothing if that is true.