How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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There has got to be some form of ramification to pleading the fifth?

I just don't believe it's original intent was to be used as a get out of jail free card. Hell, right now that's exactly how the current Govt is using it. It's setting a bad precedent.

This is definitely not the intent. It allows a person to remain silent, but only if their statement can reasonably expect to result in being prosecuted.

With immunity, there's no such possibility. That's why it's ridiculous those operatives were allowed to plead the fifth.

Invoking the privilege is pretty sacred right. But in reality what needs to happen here is an immediate hearing to determine if there's a possibility for prosecution. If not, the subject should be forced to answer immediately; or be jailed for contempt until they're willing to answer.
DT went from down 1 to up 3 in LA Times daily tracking *overnight*.
This would only reflect one-seventh of the impact from the news yesterday, as it is a seven day rolling poll. Absent a comparable bombshell against Trump to come, she will be down by a minimum of five points within the next few days.
Term limits is how to fix it.
Yep, I think that would go a long way to solving the perpetual election cycle where leaders are more worried about getting re-elected than governing and actually having to live with the laws they enact. Also, politicians and high ranking officials MUST be banned from becoming lobbyists once they leave office as this is a huge part of the corruption that permeates our government.
Tried Google searching that thread so I could read it all.

Was nearly impossible to locate. Had to get a link from some other site that discussed it. The auto fill was hilarious. Hillary was never an option. Even after hillar.
Just saw a segment where people in Florida at the voting stations are being asked about the new discovery of emails & reopened investigation.

Some are saying they came to vote this morning for Hillary, but are now having to turn around & go home to rethink who to vote for after hearing the news this morning.
Schmoe said it came from Weiner's laptop

Holy crap. All I can say is Weiner makes the world's greatest BS-artists seem like blowhards.
Honestly, guys, I have no clue where it came from. I was just fooling around with the Weiner laptop stuff. Seemed like the funniest & most appropriate place for such a picture to be found.
Honestly, guys, I have no clue where it came from. I was just fooling around with the Weiner laptop stuff. Seemed like the funniest & most appropriate place for such a picture to be found.

I told my old lady about the pic a few minutes ago before reading this. She hates Clinton-Inc anyway. I suppose correcting the record is now required.
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That's horrible. That absolutely enrages me. No one stood up to help that lady. Those people need to be stabbed and bled dry. Despicable.

Breaks my heart to see that.
I just don't get it. They perceive Trump to be all of these nasty things and then they torment someone who is innocent and harming no one. Where in their thought process was that ok? Why is it ever ok to kick a women who is doing nothing to you? "Trump is terrible guy, so I'm allowed to beat this lady up. I'm still a good person because it's in the name of anti-Trump. Trump doesn't respect women." This is a perfect example of what false moral superiority does to an individual. I guarantee you each one of them went home and went to sleep thinking they made the world a better place. Just sickening the lows people will go and justify it in the name of politics.
I don't know for sure. Looked around & you can really see the difference between fakes & that particular one. From my untrained eye, looks real enough to me.
For her sake, I hope it is a fake as nobody deserves that. That said, if it is a fake, it's the best damned fake I've ever seen or they found one uncanny doppelganger.
The scenarios laid out in that 4chan thread are pretty terrifying. What is equally troubling is that, while I consider myself to be a fairly rational, level headed person, I'm leaning towards believing a completely anonymous 4chan poster's 'findings' on what could be the most far reaching conspiracy in our country's history.
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It seems as though the media is turning on Hilliary. Yea they are calling out Comey but they aren't letting her off the hook nor are they allowing people to push a narrative that this is nothing.

According to multiple sources this was the nicest way the FBI could word this and the Dems are complaining. Like they dare the FBI to unleash the material knowing they won't.

At this point I wouldn't push anyone and hope like hell we don't find ouselves in deep shit. I said yday her being for sale could spur a war because now if Trump when's they donated for nothing, and if she is elected it sounds like she is ready to go to war with Russia.

Good luck America.
The scenarios laid out in that 4chan thread are pretty terrifying. What is equally troubling is that, while I consider myself to be a fairly rational, level headed person, I'm leaning towards believing a completely anonymous 4chan poster's 'findings' on what could be the most far reaching conspiracy in our country's history.
It was said at the time it came out that it could quickly become one of the most important documents in American history... if true.
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I'm already sick of the attempted spin by Democrats. "It's irresponsible for the FBI to influence the election this late in the game".

Shut the f*ck up. The election isn't a sacred ritual that can only be influenced by the candidates themselves and the establishment media. Treason (which is what it would be if she sold classified info) is a cause worthy of investigation. If you didn't want the FBI coming in at the 11th hour, you shouldn't have nominated one of the most corrupt people in politics.
I just don't get it. They perceive Trump to be all of these nasty things and then they torment someone who is innocent and harming no one. Where in their thought process was that ok? Why is it ever ok to kick a women who is doing nothing to you? "Trump is terrible guy, so I'm allowed to beat this lady up. I'm still a good person because it's in the name of anti-Trump. Trump doesn't respect women." This is a perfect example of what false moral superiority does to an individual. I guarantee you each one of them went home and went to sleep thinking they made the world a better place. Just sickening the lows people will go and justify it in the name of politics.
Not only that, but it wasn't enough for men to berate her, kick her & knock her to the ground. One of the women had to make sure to steal & then destruct her property while she was down.
Well, if Hillary had given up her server immediately then this all would have been over months ago. Funny that she continued to hide stuff to the very end...yet she DEMANDS that the FBI immediately release all of the info they have on this investigation. Let me say that another way...the person being investigated is demanding that the FBI release all of their info...DURING the investigation.

I can't believe anyone is even considering voting for that crooked, lying, horrible excuse for a human being.

BTW...there is still more to come on the CF corruption. Stay tuned...
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