How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Thanks asshole. I really wanted to be excited about all the money I was going to make tonight on the Iowa/Maryland game but now your telling me it isn't going to matter either way.

I don't care if I win dollars that aren't worth anything this weekend. I'm still going to make it rain...doesn't matter if the dollars are real or invisible.


Save it up. There is a tiny little house next to my apartment that is on the market for $200,000. 1400 sq ft in Clarksville, IN. This time next year it may be worth half that. Buy it, sell it to me, and you'll make a profit and I'll finally be a home owner. Btw this house is PERFECT for a single first time home owner that doesn't make a ton of money, but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo the housing market has to be super inflated.
What the heck happened between my post at 8:21 PM ET and UKUGA's at 9:56? When was the last time this thread took a break for more than 1:30?

I don't know why man.

Buuut. Been watching Spuds McKenzie Bud Light videos on YouTube and made me think about how liberals sexually assaulted Lassie and Benji. They probably molested Spuds too..
I've been convinced that we are going to suffer an economic collapse that will probably be worse than what happened in 2008 for at least a year now. I started to think that as soon as we started shutting things down and having massive unemployment but somehow the market kept going up. I'm really starting to worry it will be Great Depression levels soon. People that complained that we spent $2 trillion in Afghanistan over 20 years want to drop $3.5 trillion over the next 10 years, in addition to the spending we already have. I won't pretend to know what the solution is, but we can't spend our way out of it.
We have no choice but to spend like the wind right now. I don’t like it but there us no way out. Hyperinflation has been inevitable since 2008. The economy never really rebounded a 1 T deficit and QE are what have kept the markets propped up. I say screw any social program boosts and dump 3-4 trillion into practical infrastructure. Meaning the things we use daily. Bring our country up to 1st world standard before the economic collapse hits. At least the poor jobless will have a newly paved road to drive on.
We have no choice but to spend like the wind right now. I don’t like it but there us no way out. Hyperinflation has been inevitable since 2008. The economy never really rebounded a 1 T deficit and QE are what have kept the markets propped up. I say screw any social program boosts and dump 3-4 trillion into practical infrastructure. Meaning the things we use daily. Bring our country up to 1st world standard before the economic collapse hits. At least the poor jobless will have a newly paved road to drive on.

Get rid of Democrats and this country will be the greatest ever
Crimes that could be considered nonemergencies include burglary of a residence.

You go in the wrong house to burglarize it and get put down does it stay in the non-emergency category? We are going to have a lot of justice by homeowners when no one comes to protect them and they are forced to protect themselves. Then they will punish the homeowner for shooting the criminal.
It's sad here now...when Trump was in office it was like The Roman Empire, if you stepped away for just 4 or 5 hours you would come back and realize you missed 10 pages.
Most left after the fraud election. Hard to have as many pages when most of the liberals realized how screwed up the choices they made were. You just have like 3 or 4 of them now trying to seem like more with all these sock accounts popping up.
You go in the wrong house to burglarize it and get put down does it stay in the non-emergency category? We are going to have a lot of justice by homeowners when no one comes to protect them and they are forced to protect themselves. Then they will punish the homeowner for shooting the criminal.
This is exactly what I’m afraid of. Was just discussing this with my wife earlier. She said, “I’ll blow their damn head off!” Which, of course, used to be legal and self defense. I’m not so sure that’s the case at this juncture, or at least, in the near future.

Incredibly ridiculous and absurd times we live in. Thanks to these moronic liberals. Undoubtedly the most ignorant segment of our population, easily.
Good movie... (Cat Paw sucks at media links)

• None of the children “killed” had social security numbers.
• The family photos presented to the press look visibly photoshopped, at least one was tracked down to being someone else’s kid on FB.
• All the parents happened to be anti-gun activists, many were actors, entertainers, and the town had almost all of their houses paid off.
• There’s no blood in any videos or photos, and Sheriff Vance (also an anti-gun activist) was caught telling someone there was no blood when they asked who cleaned it up.
• No triage is set up, only 3 EMT’s were allowed in the scene and they did nothing. Vehicles blocked the way for all the other emergency service or town folk to get in.
• Neither Adam Lanza nor his mother’s DNA was found at their own murder/suicide “scene.”
• Adam’s DNA also wasn’t found on the rifle, but one of the “dead” adult’s DNA was all over it...including on the bullets inside the mag as if THEY had loaded it.
• At least two videos supposedly taken from that day actually reveal within the metadata that they were taken the day before, and likewise FB pages, charity links, and articles were set to go a day or more ahead of the event.
• No one is grieving or crying in any of the actual videos. Most people seem calm and just walk around in circles, entering and exiting the building over and over.
• A year before this happened, a weird law was passed in Connecticut prohibiting the release of children’s autopsies, they would eventually go on to use Sandy Hook as the reason to ban any public records not approved by law enforcement from being released in the state as well as anti-gun laws.
• Sheriff Vance came out and threatened the town folk that any “misinformation” they spread on social media was a “crime” and only law enforcement’s version of events was true.
• Most of the “witnesses” seem to be sketch, the guy who pretended to be a barber but didn’t have a current license, the school janitor no one has ever interviewed, and the infamous “I gave them milk and cookies for 15 minutes before calling the police” weird actor guy that changed his story many times and who slipped saying he thought it was a “script” and that the kids were supposed to be “practicing.”
• All the parents have become full time anti-gun activists personally making millions in the process, as did the town of Newtown ($50 million) and all the officers and personnel involved that day.
• The community was and is still part of a weird cult-like Isreali religion called Baha’i that pushes all that New World Order and Agenda 21 crap.
Pfizer launches final study of cv19 drug that is strikingly similar to horse paste...

They gone call it Pfizermectin...
Go back and check my posts. One of my friends is a chemist. He told me that about a month ago. I thought I posted here.

Ppl called me a conspiracy kook about this, even in person. It's not a conspiracy theory when it's true! F them

What he sent me yesterday:
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Go back and check my posts. One of my friends is a chemist. He told me that about a month ago. I thought I posted here.

Ppl called me a conspiracy kook about this, even in person. It's not a conspiracy theory when it's true! F them

What he sent me yesterday:

Pfizer and Merck are taking the formula of ivermectin and tweaking it so they can re-label it and charge $70 a pill for it.

But my other question is. Why would we need Covid pills if the vaccines are so effective?

Florida Covid hospitalizations are down 69% in the last 6 weeks with NO vax passports or vax mandates because Ron DeSantis set up monoclonal antibody centers in Florida for early treatment. But the press won't tell you that.

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