Taiwan is gonna be a goner.
Taiwan is gonna be a goner.
Nothing will beat Austin's continuous beatdowns of plat. At least vh will respond to gassy. Plat hides like a bitch.Austin vs Plat
Knowls vs Vhcat
Pfizer and Merck are taking the formula of ivermectin and tweaking it so they can re-label it and charge $70 a pill for it.
But my other question is. Why would we need Covid pills if the vaccines are so effective?
There's a taco bell joke that could be made here...
So, do you believe that this new "working" drug insn't somehow patterned DIRECTLY after the chemical structure of Ivermectin or HDCQ, the only 2 known effective treatments to date- coming from the very companies who've already failed miserably to accomplish the same thing with their vaxs?May do same thing(s), but it's clearly different chemical, not relabeled. He could be right about the above, but why hasn't/haven't independent researcher/s done this type study for ivermection? Or government-funded study if profit is the only reason? BTW, he states "he believes" & doesn't give data showing ivermectin to be better/equal. I'm OK whichever way it comes out.
My man, they have these people, who have already taken 2 ineffective, side-effect laden shots for the initial strain, lining up amd demading the EXACT SAME SHOT with the idea that it will be effective against the variant(s).
They. Know. How. Stupid. Their. Base. Is.
... and they run them like ponies.
Lol, yep.
Dumb as bricks. Israel is on their 4th booster and the vaxxed are dying in droves
Had a discussion w a lady this week. Nearly an hour about how this is killing everyone randomly. Her point was we have to do everything possible to protect others...so even if the shot helps a little, you have to do it!! Mass graves in NY and Italy!! Reminded me of the couple in the airplane. Normally very rational lady too.You can have a 1000 medical professional's tell people how dangerous the shot is ( which there is ) but the left and Karen's totally bow down to Fhoney Fauci ( with his investment ) statements..
that was exactly the case with my moms death certificate last December.I had a client die last week that had stage 4 lung cancer and a brain tumor. While in the hospital waiting to die they tested him for Covid.
I'm still waiting on the death cert... but I'll bet anything it lists "Covid" as cause of death.
Sorry for your loss.that was exactly the case with my moms death certificate last December.
Looks like Bidens MAGA policies are popular.
Biden hits 59 percent approval rating in Pew poll
A majority of Americans — 59 percent — approve of President Biden’s handling of his job as he approaches 100 days in office, according to a Pew Research Center poll released Friday.…thehill.com
Please do not vote for andy again and please get to know your local school board. If you elect the wrong people or keep current Fayette County school board members, we will have mandated Covid vaccines for kids. Fayette County school board needs to be overhauled. They will keep masks on kids until andy tells them they don’t have to and they will mandate Covid vaccinations for kids if governor tells them to. None of them vote with their own mind. They all follow teachers unions and governors orders. That’s why Fayette County kids were not in school almost all of last year.
Can someone explain why this occurring?
It almost seems on purpose, right? But why? Why destroy the greatest country on earth?Can someone explain why this occurring?
Man...UGA looks for real. And to think we almost lost to Missouri lol wow...getting killed by Tennessee.
Hope our Cats bring it tonight.
It depends, is it Chinese cargo? Is the US preventing them from entering?It almost seems on purpose, right? But why? Why destroy the greatest country on earth?
Tennessee has 55 in the 3rd quarter and still playing hard. I thought they would be flat in the 2nd half but not so far.Man...UGA looks for real. And to think we almost lost to Missouri lol wow...getting killed by Tennessee.
Hope our Cats bring it tonight.
KY just passed a bill last week 93-4 to make easy OOP voting permanent. only a scare mongering conservative thinks voting centers can't easily exchange data to stop people from voting twice. It's like we don't have these crazy things called networks and computers that instantly share data across the entire globe.
NS,S. But that's not a reason for not having a publicly-funded or nonprofit study of ivermectin, now is it? All the crap the government spends money on & claim they want to lower drug costs & yet they don't do a comparable ivermectin study?Because the money is in a new, patented drug, not something that is off patent and can be produced cheaply by others.
Sure you did. You just sluffed them off with your "But" w/o acknowledging them.I didn't ignore the value of drugs. I speak highly of ivermectin which is approved for Covid treatment in 79 countries.
At least? LMAO.Nothing will beat Austin's continuous beatdowns of plat. At least vh will respond to gassy. Plat hides like a bitch.
New world order. 6uild 6ack 6etter. Mandates to buy and sell. Now this. Don't tell me it is not related. Better get your house in order.
"Amazon One: an easier way through your day" on YouTube
I don't know what you mean by "patterned after". Clearly a different chemical of much lower molecular weight & includes a nitrogen component that ivermectin doesn't. Now if you mean they looked at how ivermectin "works" on covid & tried to find something that did similar things better, then I guess some could call that "patterned after".So, do you believe that this new "working" drug insn't somehow patterned DIRECTLY after the chemical structure of Ivermectin or HDCQ, the only 2 known effective treatments to date- coming from the very companies who've already failed miserably to accomplish the same thing with their vaxs?
Depending on how you answer this question, I may have been giving you WAY too much credit...