How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I thought it was Weiner's device (lol), not Huma's?
There were a few. One was Huma's. Even still, Huma & Weiner lived together during the first investigation.

Their home should have been searched & all of these devices should have been found during the first go round for the simple fact that Huma was a suspect & had access to them all.
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The point is I didn't really give two shits about the money. I'd let him off the hook now and scale it back to something fun on this board now that it looks like I may be favored to win.

I don't care about the money, but he did apparently since when "grab em by the poontang" broke he only wanted to cut me to half a bet. What a baller!

I don't want the money and I don't need it either.

Anyway the offer is there if he says nix the bet then I'll be happy to now that I look to be favored.

Uh, i was never going to pay anything less than $200. Go back and read. I was offering YOU a 50% discount.
Someone or something forced the reopening of the investigation.

I'm not sure I buy that the FBI just realized that there was more info on the emails, or that the Wiener investigation shed light on them.

In my mind 1 of 3 things happened. Either the FBI was informed Wikileaks or someone has the missing 33000 emails, and was going to release them making the FBI look corrupt.

Comey had this planned all along, and didn't want Hillary to have enough time to wiggle out before the election.

Obama wants to be the new power player of the Democrat party, with all the money that comes with it. What better way to reach this goal than have Hillary go down in flames with the Clinton name tarnished.
The point is I didn't really give two shits about the money. I'd let him off the hook now and scale it back to something fun on this board now that it looks like I may be favored to win.

I don't care about the money, but he did apparently since when "grab em by the poontang" broke he only wanted to cut me to half a bet. What a baller!

I don't want the money and I don't need it either.

Anyway the offer is there if he says nix the bet then I'll be happy to now that I look to be favored.

Easy killer.... hahaha I'm sure you can piss on $200 like it's a bed pan. Regardless, no rationalization. Just pay the bet. I have no doubt that he will pay you. Look, I'm hoping Trump wins. But I know the cards are stacked against Trump.
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Jamo would pay. Anything less than paying him is punk. The more rationalizing you try to do on here just makes it worse. It's only 200 bucks and I'm pretty sure Jamo said you could give it to his charity. Anything besides "ok, cool man" is a completely incorrect answer.

And hell, you have a great chance of winning which makes any waffling look even more like a bitch.

Anyways, back to Hillary Clinton being a f*cking criminal.
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The point is I didn't really give two shits about the money. I'd let him off the hook now and scale it back to something fun on this board now that it looks like I may be favored to win.

I don't care about the money, but he did apparently since when "grab em by the poontang" broke he only wanted to cut me to half a bet. What a baller!

I don't want the money and I don't need it either.

Anyway the offer is there if he says nix the bet then I'll be happy to now that I look to be favored.

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Uh, i was never going to pay anything less than $200. Go back and read. I was offering YOU a 50% discount.

And I am offering you 100% discount right now. Going to take it?

Not saying you won't pay, but to say your more likely to pay than me was a bit funny.
Hannity just said he's talked to a couple people who would know (according to him) & he now doesn't believe the Huma/Weiner story.

He's convinced that the FBI is just using the Huma/Weiner story as an excuse to reopen the investigation to save face, b/c of all of the conspiracy, corruption, collusion & cover up that wikileaks has brought to light.
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And I am offering you 100% discount right now. Going to take it?

Not saying you won't pay, but to say your more likely to pay than me was a bit funny.
I'm not backing out of a bet because i'm not a useless hack who hides behind multiple names and copy/pastes tl;dr talking points from C-list liberal blog sites while also disappearing anytime news lands that i don't like.
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Jamo would pay. Anything less than paying him is punk. The more rationalizing you try to do on here just makes it worse. It's only 200 bucks and I'm pretty sure Jamo said you could give it to his charity. Anything besides "ok, cool man" is a completely incorrect answer.

And hell, you have a great chance of winning which makes any waffling look even more like a bitch.

Anyways, back to Hillary Clinton being a f*cking criminal.

First off F you!

I'm offering him to get out of the bet because I don't give a shit and I am not concerned with his money period and now it looks like I will win, possibly.

My god I'm looking like the fav and letting him skate or make it a fun board bet with a wig or something involved.....

Sorry I look like a bitch offering jamo the chance to get out of the bet now, that I'm possibly the favorite.
I'm not backing out of a bet because i'm not a useless hack who hides behind multiple names and copy/pastes tl;dr talking points from C-list liberal blog sites while also disappearing anytime news lands that i don't like.

Hannity just said he's talked to a couple people who would know (according to him) & he now doesn't believe the Huma/Weiner story.

He's convinced that the FBI is just using the Huma/Weiner story as an excuse to reopen the investigation to save face, b/c of all of the conspiracy, corruption, collusion & cover up that wikileaks has brought to light.
Man, this thing is gonna blow all to hell.

When are you coming to Austin? Perhaps we can meet up.
Man up folks! Stay the course, pay your bets and the winner buys the beer if I can get away to get to were you are.
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Man up folks! Stay the course, pay your bets and the winner buys the beer if I can get away to get to were you are.
They make you check your firearms at the King County border. I'd have to meet you over at the border with Red Washington.
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I mean, you should reread this sentence. You have been openly waffling about payment for months and Jamo has not once. On it's face, your less likely to pay than him. Not close.

Yep I still will not admit paying him if he wins and I do pay.

Moving on now......
Yep I still will not admit paying him if he wins and I do pay.
Haha what does that matter? I will clear your name here on the Paddock and you can walk amongst your fellow millionaires with your head held high.
When are you coming to Austin? Perhaps we can meet up.
Probably not going. Austin is few days detour out of the way. Might be a little much for a plate of bbq.

Although, I have been wanting to go to Franklin's for forever & it'll be so close. Guess it all depends, but it's looking like no go as of now.

I'll definitely get there someday, though. Hopefully Aaron doesn't decide to hang it up before then.
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Haha what does that matter? I will clear your name here on the Paddock and you can walk amongst your fellow millionaires with your head held high.

Yea right I knew you'd try to play that angle. Scared to admit getting screwed over by the Krazy one!!
Anyway you got my email enough gambol talk.

CNN is really spinning the shit out of this careful what you ask TV dopes.

Also, what are chances Comey said pay me or I bring it back out and Hilliary said yea right! BOOM should have paid in cash.

I really love the spin that this is the FBI's fault. Comical
Did you read that? Chick has lead a privileged life. She lived in exotic locales, she experienced many adventures, and now she's paid to talk about herself. How could she possibly understand Islam and separate it from Christianity?


umm . . okay . . which part? . . . "privileged life" ?? I'm assuming this would have been sometime after her family's home was destroyed during the Lebanese civil war? Sometime after when she took a piece of shrapnel as a 10 year old girl? Spent the next 7 years living in the basement ruins of that home (an 8 x 10 foot box)? Sometime after all those years when she had to ditch crawl to avoid PLO snipers while fetching fresh water so her mom and dad wouldn't just . . . die? Sometime after that war ended and after she got a very modest 1-year BA degree from the Beirut YWCA? dude . . . I think the better question is, did you read any of that or did you just totally pimp me with A-rate sarcasm? Either way, and I mean this . . . thanks
Probably not going. Austin is few days detour out of the way. Might be a little much for a plate of bbq.

Although, I have been wanting to go to Franklin's for forever & it'll be so close. Guess it all depends, but it's looking like no go as of now.

I'll definitely get there someday, though. Hopefully Aaron doesn't decide to hang it up before then.
Honestly, like my father always said, Frankin's BBQ happens when the spirit moves him. Great stuff, but unfortunately, I must wait until a day off. Us Poors must wait until a day off. Hence my response regarding Feb. TX State employee here in Lib land.
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