How will they rule ??!

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You can definitely tell who is a paid clinto twitter troll

Every single one has this tweet:

MSM embarassed after forced to walk back overhyping of Clibton FBI investigation

Must be the Correct the Record crowd and DNC bots. They're morons. Honestly, it's amazing how they refuse to ever read anything about their candidate they don't like.
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Meh. It's going to take weeks/months to comb thru the "thousands" of emails and issue a report/recommendation to the AG. Until that happens, it's up to innuendo. The fact that Weiner is involved is going to cause a huge swath of people to tune out; media spin cycle (which is already in full effect if you were watching Blitzer earlier) will take care of another big chunk of the already-diminishing Undecideds.

Trump's campaign is financially broke (see: numerous updates on Twitter today) and HRC's machine is going to continue combing NC and FL for every single early voter possible so that they get those votes banked before any other bad news hits.

And all of that is ignoring whatever hot mic "BREAK GLASS IN CASE OF" tape they've kept next to the fire extinguishers and naked pics of Melania.

It might end up closer than it would've otherwise, but just watching how quickly the story has been watered down over the course of this afternoon makes me think it won't be a durable story over the next week and a half (which is, of course, and eternity in this late-term-pregnancy-in-need-of-a-"fall-down-the-stairs" election).

Might save him Arizona, though.
He was going to win Arizona, anyway. If I were you, I'd start worrying about Hawaii and D.C.
Have we actually had a Democrat on here be critical of Hillary or acknowledge her corruption or flaws yet?

We've never had issues with conservatives be critical of their candidate or party.

There's a ton of differences between the left and conservatives and it becomes very clear, just how pathetic the left is in every way due to their constant deception, corruption, lies, failures, refusal to accept responsibility for mistakes or acknowledge being wrong.
Have we actually had a Democrat on here be critical of Hillary or acknowledge her corruption or flaws yet?

We've never had issues with conservatives be critical of their candidate or party.

There's a ton of differences between the left and conservatives and it becomes very clear, just how pathetic the left is in every way due to their constant deception, corruption, lies, failures, refusal to accept responsibility for mistakes or acknowledge being wrong.
Almost socialistic/communistic in their loyalty. Win at all cost because we can no longer have a free society or a capitalistic government.
Could it be that Hiliary doesn't actually know what they have and doesn't want to give more than they have to?

If this bleeds into next week it is over!

Jamo you still want our bet? I'll let you out right now
Here is some food for thought, wouldn't be funny if we find out this was directed by Obama to derail her winning. I mean his baby is failing (Obama care) and will fail completely next year and with Trump in he blames it on the GOP. Dems normal mode, blame everyone but us.
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Here is some food for thought, wouldn't be funny if we find out this was directed by Obama to derail her winning. I mean his baby if failing (Obama care) and will fail completely next year and with Trump in he blames it on the GOP. Dems normal mode, blame everyone but us.

She is the "father" of the birther movement.

Regardless of what any stupid jack ass lib says. 100% proof that Hillary started the birther movement. So I wouldn't be surprised
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Ohhh, and Anderson F Cooper of all people raising a key point....."why wasn't Humas device turned over??"

Because they are all f*cking criminals. They do f*cking criminal things.
I thought it was Weiner's device (lol), not Huma's?
HL endorses Gray :scream:

In my lifetime I don't remember them endorsing an R for POTUS, Governor, or Senate. There MAY have been a House endorsement or two out of dozens but can't remember.
Here is some food for thought, wouldn't be funny if we find out this was directed by Obama to derail her winning. I mean his baby if failing (Obama care) and will fail completely next year and with Trump in he blames it on the GOP. Dems normal mode, blame everyone but us.

It's been said that this would happen and if she wins he could have her indicted and stay in office until this is over.

Which could be a long time!
HL endorses Gray :scream:

In my lifetime I don't remember them endorsing an R for POTUS, Governor, or Senate. There MAY have been a House endorsement or two out of dozens but can't remember.

I think America has figured out the Establishment. Doesn't matter if they are R or D. There is a trend that will bring those two groups unpopular. There is no difference between Rubio, Clinton, Reid, Bush, Pelosi, Kasich. Sorry. Those scums are in the same corrupted boat
Could it be that Hiliary doesn't actually know what they have and doesn't want to give more than they have to?

If this bleeds into next week it is over!

Jamo you still want our bet? I'll let you out right now
IF? This will bleed way beyond next week.
I wouldn't know where to look to really debunk that idea but I heard it multiple times.

I did just google and per very unreliable sources it's impossible because the VP is sworn in first anyway but nothing happens until the presidents term is over/expired.

So per language it would seem that it is impossible.
Trey Gowdy on The Kelly File. Pretty cool dude, wasn't overly excited, or he wasn't showing it anyway, I'm sure he was on the inside. Gowdy would make a great presidential candidate. Megyn is kinda' reserved tonight, she doesn't have that little, FU head tilt tonight.

Like to hear Sen. Chaffetz's take on the situation.
Trey Gowdy on The Kelly File. Pretty cool dude, wasn't overly excited, or he wasn't showing it anyway, I'm sure he was on the inside. Gowdy would make a great presidential candidate. Megyn is kinda' reserved tonight, she doesn't have that little, FU head tilt tonight.

Like to hear Sen. Chaffetz's take on the situation.
LOVE Gowdy. Dude's a bulldog.
She like Gowdy, actually she like all republicans but Trump doesn't meet that criteria so naturally she doesn't like him.

Hated to hear her admit she isn't fascinated with sex the other night while Newt roasted her.
Lol @ Krazy. Man, Jamo is more likely to pay you than you will him. He's rich. He's making West Coast money. He makes enough that $200 is a weekly fetish entertainment cash. Jamo has the only basement in the city and he has at least 4 dead whores that he has no clue how to discard.

I think Trump wins. If Hillary wins with the assumed rigging. Don't be a Fuzz/Rq. Pay the bet.
I think America has figured out the Establishment. Doesn't matter if they are R or D. There is a trend that will bring those two groups unpopular. There is no difference between Rubio, Clinton, Reid, Bush, Pelosi, Kasich. Sorry. Those scums are in the same corrupted boat

This. I'm hoping the American people finally figured it out.

Clean house, both left and right.

New Congress next.
The point is I didn't really give two shits about the money. I'd let him off the hook now and scale it back to something fun on this board now that it looks like I may be favored to win.

I don't care about the money, but he did apparently since when "grab em by the poontang" broke he only wanted to cut me to half a bet. What a baller!

I don't want the money and I don't need it either.

Anyway the offer is there if he says nix the bet then I'll be happy to now that I look to be favored.
Ohhh, and Anderson F Cooper of all people raising a key point....."why wasn't Humas device turned over??"

Because they are all f*cking criminals. They do f*cking criminal things.
That's what I was thinking. How were these emails not found during the first investigation that Huma was apart of? Goes to show how half assed that investigation really was.
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