How will they rule ??!

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I meant nothing negative by conspiracy theory. It's like we're all watching this thing through the House of Cards lens, and as it turns out that is actually the proper way to watch. Who knew.
I think the reality is that the people running the country like the conspiracy theories because it muddies the water so that everything is unsure and deniability because of this makes it easier for them to lie. Too many lemmings willing to believe or needing to believe that their candidates are being set up by the other side.
Totally bizarre election season. Waiting for the other shoe to drop. Is 11 days left enough time for another October surprise? Why would any worthy candidate ever run for president again?

The main problem is that neither of these two are worthy, but one will be POTUS and I am anti Hilary.
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It doesn't really matter if your a Dem or Rep. how could anyone ever vote for Hillary Clinton. If you want a pay to play government vote for her.

Liberals are just like the UNC fans, deny, deflect, refuse to see the facts.
Remember those laptops owned by Mills & another Clinton staffer that Comey agreed to destroy? Well, a former DOJ Official just said on national TV that they're learning today that it may not true.

Supposedly the other FBI agents investigating the case refused Comey's directions to destroy that evidence & there's a chance that it still exist. If true, could be bad news for Hillary.
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Nailed it. So far tonight both Hannity & O'Reilly are confirming this scenario after speaking to personal friends who are higher up FBI agents. The Huma/Weiner story is just the excuse Comey needed. Now, hopefully, a real investigation takes place.
The 4chan thread foretold of this 4 months ago.

Just sayin. It's pretty GD creepy how correct that document gets by the week.
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ABC/WAPO poll just released this morning has Hillary only up by 2 points. This same poll has Hillary leading by 10-12 just several days ago.
That's horrible. That absolutely enrages me. No one stood up to help that lady. Those people need to be stabbed and bled dry. Despicable.

Breaks my heart to see that.
Yep. Pretty bad that not one single person bothered to intervene. I can understand some not wanting to get into a physical altercation with an angry mob, but no one even bothered to speak up & say how wrong that shit was.

What's worse is reporters were on scene (according to tweets from people who were there) yet I haven't seen a single article or news broadcast about this happening.
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Karma is a real bitch Hillary.....

Some of our lib friends have been awfully quiet on here since the news came out.
This election has been THE MOST bizarre event in my life time. It's the personification of a Dramady. What's next?? Funny thing is this latest incident and the timing would never have happened if Hildabeast had turned over everything when given the opportunity years ago. Additionally, if the FBI had done it's due diligence in the initial investigation and seized all computers, electronic devices and paperwork like they would in the normal course of a security breach, then these emails would have been discovered long ago.

While I'm certainly laughing at the whole thing and certainly getting a kick that Hillary is getting what she deserves, I'm saddened for my country that our only real choice is between a corrupt, paranoid and power hungry woman and a carnival barking, boorish and self centered billionaire. I know people in this country feel abandoned by both parties and nobody is looking out for their interests but we, as a people, need to be able to maintain reason and demand better than what we are getting. The Dems all but coronated Hillary (a massively flawed and corrupt candidate) and Trump tapped into the voter anger over Republican incompetence and that anger took him all the way to the nomination. How do we fix this??
I think the reality is that the people running the country like the conspiracy theories because it muddies the water so that everything is unsure and deniability because of this makes it easier for them to lie. Too many lemmings willing to believe or needing to believe that their candidates are being set up by the other side.
Exactly. When anyone says anything about the global warming scam the typical idiots come out of the woodwork to mock the "conspiracy theory". How much do they need to see before they realize our government is not concerned about us. They are only concerned with power and wealth and the quickest easiest way to multiply each one. The lemmings hitched their wagon to the global warming lie and now, in an effort to save face and not reveal their gullibility, refuse to understand its true nature.

They have been brainwashed into believing that they are the "progressive" party. Yet the things they ask for take us back to the very reason we left England and started this country. They want to limit free speech, they want to deny gun ownership, they want the government to provide for their very existence. When the POSPOTUS acts with EO's to circumvent congress, they cheer him on because they are oblivious to the implications of autocracy.

Be careful what you wish for liberals, you just might get it.
The 4chan thread foretold of this 4 months ago.

Just sayin. It's pretty GD creepy how correct that document gets by the week.
I'm one of the few who read all of that. The accuracy of that guy's statements is uncanny. If he was making stuff up, he got extremely lucky. Too lucky.
I'm one of the few who read all of that. The accuracy of that guy's statements is uncanny. If he was making stuff up, he got extremely lucky. Too lucky.
A FB friend and I have been PM-ing exclusively about the validity of that 4chan thread since it came out, monitoring its performance, so to speak.
Honestly, the only thing that HASN'T happened as dictated in that thread is Bill Clinton falling over dead before year's end. If that happens, I am officially scared. And he looks like death eating a cracker.
The blowback would be massive if Lynch is even mentioned in this newest investigation. At this point, there's no positive outcome for Hillary with regards to this round of inquiry. There will either be damning information released before the election and/or it will be hanging over her head while people decide whether to vote for her. It also serves to validate Wikileaks as her supporters can no longer claim, "every claim against her has been debunked and found to have no truth."

Side comment....a lot of the focus on voter fraud leading up to the election and especially the "outing" and arrests of those involved may be meant as a deterrent to others who are contemplating committing such crimes. Basically---this isn't a joke, people are watching more closely than you think and its a criminal offense whereby you may very well be prosecuted. I think it's very intentional.

Can someone repost the 4chan claims? TIA.
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This election has been THE MOST bizarre event in my life time. It's the personification of a Dramady. What's next?? Funny thing is this latest incident and the timing would never have happened if Hildabeast had turned over everything when given the opportunity years ago. Additionally, if the FBI had done it's due diligence in the initial investigation and seized all computers, electronic devices and paperwork like they would in the normal course of a security breach, then these emails would have been discovered long ago.

While I'm certainly laughing at the whole thing and certainly getting a kick that Hillary is getting what she deserves, I'm saddened for my country that our only real choice is between a corrupt, paranoid and power hungry woman and a carnival barking, boorish and self centered billionaire. I know people in this country feel abandoned by both parties and nobody is looking out for their interests but we, as a people, need to be able to maintain reason and demand better than what we are getting. The Dems all but coronated Hillary (a massively flawed and corrupt candidate) and Trump tapped into the voter anger over Republican incompetence and that anger took him all the way to the nomination. How do we fix this??

Term limits is how to fix it.
Remember the 4chan stuff and felt the it may very well had been legit. Feel even more so now that it is dead on. Makes me wonder if Comey all along had this in mind. Give her a leash and wait until right before the election to open the case up again. Keeps her from becoming POTUS which makes things much cleaner than the alternative which is bring down the entire government for treason and watch this country go up in flames.
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Shaun Spicer just showed a signed disclosure from 2013 by Huma to hand over ALL classified info.

He said he doesn't know what documentation there is but once again here we are in another situation where the Clinton campaign has not been transparent and if they had we wouldn't be here today.

That is the clear message today and next week.

The FBI doesn't owe her a damn thing......bye Hillary!
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