How will they rule ??!

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umm . . okay . . which part? . . . "privileged life" ?? I'm assuming this would have been sometime after her family's home was destroyed during the Lebanese civil war? Sometime after when she took a piece of shrapnel as a 10 year old girl? Spent the next 7 years living in the basement ruins of that home (an 8 x 10 foot box)? Sometime after all those years when she had to ditch crawl to avoid PLO snipers while fetching fresh water so her mom and dad wouldn't just . . . die? Sometime after that war ended and after she got a very modest 1-year BA degree from the Beirut YWCA? dude . . . I think the better question is, did you read any of that or did you just totally pimp me with A-rate sarcasm? Either way, and I mean this . . . thanks
A-rate sarcasm. This ( /dem ) was the tell.
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The best thing about the FBI re opening this case is that it will almost surely take Huma down too (assuming they really were found on Weiners phone or whatever)

No telling what shady shit shes been doing. She might be the only other person in America more shadier than Hillary.
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O'Reilly just said he talked to a very high up, very influential FBI agent & the agent told him that Comey had no choice but to go public & reopen the investigation in order to save his career.

Went on to say there's a mutiny taking place in the FBI right now & agents have lost all faith in Comey since his earlier recommendation.
After seeing everything else that has come out (wikileaks), they (FBI agents) were threatening Comey with going public themselves.
O'Reilly just said he talked to a very high up, very influential FBI agent & the agent told him that Comey had no choice but to go public & reopen the investigation in order to save his career.

Went on to say there's a mutiny taking place in the FBI right now & agents have lost all faith in Comey since his earlier recommendation.
After seeing everything else that has come out (wikileaks), they (FBI agents) were threatening Comey with going public themselves.

I believe this is the most likely scenario as well. Never made sense. They already proved she lied and did it. He sold his dignity and integrity and made a joke of the FBI with his decision.
I believe this is the most likely scenario as well. Never made sense. They already proved she lied and did it. He sold his dignity and integrity and made a joke of the FBI with his decision.

Yeah, he mentioned this was the main thing driving it. The other agents weren't comfortable with being labeled based solely on the decisions of one man, whom they completely disagreed with.
It's very possible Comey's hand was forced due to internal pressure....basically open it back up or agents would revolt. The discovery that his #2's wife received huge monetary assistance from McAullife and had Hillary's backing probably didn't help either.

Maybe, just maybe--the dam has sprung a leak that won't be plugged.

I knew there was good reason to not buy the Weiner story. They just don't want to give WikiLeaks (and other hackers) the credit. They had to come up with something. Maybe the FBI knows the 33000 emails are about to be released by WikiLeaks (or whoever has them), and Comeys trying to get out in front of it so he won't look like a fool. We'll see.
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I love how conspiracy theories are actually the proper way to discuss politics now. So effing ridiculous.
With an investigation and no one knowing what they have or don't have does wikileaks now have to be cautious with what they let out?

It would seem if they let out info involved in this investigation it could lead to us destroying them.

Maybe not I guess as that would have happened already.
O'Reilly just said he talked to a very high up, very influential FBI agent & the agent told him that Comey had no choice but to go public & reopen the investigation in order to save his career.

Went on to say there's a mutiny taking place in the FBI right now & agents have lost all faith in Comey since his earlier recommendation.
After seeing everything else that has come out (wikileaks), they (FBI agents) were threatening Comey with going public themselves.

Burn the city of Washington to the ground.

But it's not really a conspiracy theory. The other agents who investigated the case have been saying this behind the scenes for months. Now there's just too much evidence out there for Comey to ignore and/or cover up.

I meant nothing negative by conspiracy theory. It's like we're all watching this thing through the House of Cards lens, and as it turns out that is actually the proper way to watch. Who knew.
I occasionally like to imagine how I would view things from the opposite perspective. I am now imagining what would be going through my head if I was "with her". And, if I was, I would very, very worried. I would have grave concerns, to say the least.
[laughing] Hillary now demanding transparency & for Comey to release all new evidence. If she's so gung ho about transparency all of the sudden, how about she hold a press conference tomorrow, & her & Huma tell us all about what is on these devices.
A-rate sarcasm. This ( /dem ) was the tell.

well, crud . . . missed that tag. hurry reading / reply between innings w/ dvr assist. good for folks to know her story though. Had I followed the way you intended probably would have summarized similarly anyway . . . just without the question marks. peace, ymm
You must've missed it, she always wanted to release all of her emails. She said it on CNN.
Not to mention, but the big picture here is that none of this would have ever taken place if she would have just been transparent from the start, didn't set up her own private server, & then didn't try to lie about it & cover it up for years. This is all on her. You break the law, you run the risks of suffering the consequences.
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Totally bizarre election season. Waiting for the other shoe to drop. Is 11 days left enough time for another October surprise? Why would any worthy candidate ever run for president again?
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If Comey did this to save face - because of pressure from inside the Bureau - I suspect he just jumped squarely out of the frying pan. He's taking the exact opposite route of John Roberts. When Comey decided that no reasonable prosecutor would indict Clinton in July, he was feted - clearly this was that rarest of Republicans, reasonable, intelligent, fair minded. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, the Times, the Post, Politico, they loved him!

That's all gone in less than 12 hours. He is now no more than a political hack. Front of is about Hillary demanding the FBI turn over the goods - as if she's the one pursuing justice and Comey is the one hiding stuff. Amazing.....
These pics say a lot. That moment Hillary and Huma realized they will be in prison soon.

That second picture of Humas death stare, I wonder what was said because she obviously took offense to it.

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Totally bizarre election season. Waiting for the other shoe to drop. Is 11 days left enough time for another October surprise? Why would any worthy candidate ever run for president again?

I sure as hell wouldn't. Think if you're Donald Trump. Life was good. Tons of money, beautiful wife, got a bunch of businesses and wasn't hated really or dealing with crazy media.

Now abandoning his lifestyle to run, he's one of the most hated by half the country and has been picked apart like crazy.
You must've missed it, she always wanted to release all of her emails. She said it on CNN.

I know when I'm forthcoming, I usually use bleach bit to destroy and have my staff finishy phones off with a hammer.

It's like a girlfriend asking to see your phone and instead of letting her see it, you delete the history real fast, stomp on it and then chuck it into the river.
You know something was promised when they met right before he announced he wasn't running. He has his pick of positions.
Maybe, but Secretary of State?. Can't think of a worse position for him and this Country.
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