How will they rule ??!

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Not that it's going to happen, but how ironic would it be if the thing that finally brought Hillary down was a weiner?

Who'd a thunk it? Just a little prick would show her as a free bleeder.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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I'll use the attack on France as my example.

The most commonly quoted verse by muslims when addressing jihad and its place in Islam and the quran is "Whoever kills an innocent person, it is as though he has killed all of mankind." (quran 5:32) If this is the most commonly quoted verse by muslims to non-muslims then it logically follows that they perceive this as their best proof against killing from the quran.

Notice 2 remarkable things: 1) None of the muslims quote the entire verse. 2) None of the muslims quote the verse after it. Why do they leave most of it out? Why don't they ever quote the verse that comes after it? It's because if you read the passage without leaving something out, you will immediately see that it actually commands the sorts of attacks we witnessed in Paris.

Let's read chapter 5 verse 32 and see what our "peaceful" muslims omitted. "
"On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person -unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land."

We know exactly where this verse comes from because it was popular in Arabia with Jews during Muhammad's time. It comes from the Jewish Talmud. It's ironic that the most peaceful verse in the quran happens to be from the Jewish Talmud.

So we read what allah declares for Jews. Now what did allah declare for muslims? The answer is found in the very next verse.
"The punishment of those who wage war against God and His Apostle, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter." (5:33)

A muslim is commanded to kill you if you do mischief in muslim lands. So what counts as mischief? Lots of things. Apostasy, preaching anything other than islam, adultery, becoming too westernized, violate sharia,. By opposing sharia you declare war on allah and must pay. The most extreme form of mischief of course is launching a military attack on muslim communities. That's definitely a death penalty.

Now according to islamic teachings, not according to your opinions but according to islamic teachings, has France made any mischief in the lands of muslim countries? Yes. According to 5:33 of the quran what is the penalty for the French military for what was done in muslim lands? Death. What about French civilians? Muhammad said "people who equip soldiers receive the same". So who pays the French military? The government. Who funds the government? Its civilians.

Now think about this. 5:33 of the quran justifies not only killing the French military but also any that support it in any way. This justifies the terrorists attacks in Paris. Instead of quoting verse 33, western apologists go to the verse before it and cut out this being a teaching from the Talmud about the Children of Israel. They then edit it by stripping it of its context and proceed to tell us islam is a religion of peace and tolerance and that anyone who does exactly as commanded in the next verse isn't a true muslim.

So what does this deception accomplish? It's great for Westernized muslims that don't bother reading the texts that their religion condemns terrorist attacks and it's great for non-muslims that dont bother reading the texts that islam condemns terrorist attacks. Twisting a verse until it actually means the opposite of what it actually says will never change the minds of those that read the text and are willing to do what it says.

The only thing this accomplishes is to pacify us until the next terrorist attack which is inevitable because we never confront the actual ideology that have been driving these attacks for almost 1400 years. What can we do to stop the deception and misdirection and finally have an open and honest discussion about Muhammad's teachings? Carefully study the muslim sources and when presented an opportunity online or in person correct those that are misquoting verses such as 5:32 and 5:33 until they stop misquoting it.

The sooner we get past the misquoting the sooner our muslim friends can have an accurate picture of islam so they can finally decide if the quran is a book worth following.
I take it that either a) you have not read the Bible or b) you choose to ignore many passages from the Bible.

The Quran just like the Bible can be used to justify anything.

Deuteronomy 17 12-13 NLT
12Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the lord your God must die. In this way you will purge the evil from Israel.13Then everyone else will hear about it and be afraid to act so arrogantly.

Your knowledge of the Quran is limited to what you can cut and paste of others cherry-picking. Anyone who cares to do so could do the same thing with the Bible.
For those thinking Podesta's comments were sincere, here is some food for thought. He knows as do most with a brain that the FBI cannot release any information (emails) until the investigation is complete so, this call for releasing the emails is a damage control smoke screen to make it look like they have nothing to fear.
I take it that either a) you have not read the Bible or b) you choose to ignore many passages from the Bible.

The Quran just like the Bible can be used to justify anything.

Deuteronomy 17 12-13 NLT
12Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the lord your God must die. In this way you will purge the evil from Israel.13Then everyone else will hear about it and be afraid to act so arrogantly.

Your knowledge of the Quran is limited to what you can cut and paste of others cherry-picking. Anyone who cares to do so could do the same thing with the Bible.
I take you have a reading comprehension problem when it comes to the Bible. Not surprised, you seem to have that problem with post on here. Chin up though, Hillary will send you some emails that will help you out.
Meh. It's going to take weeks/months to comb thru the "thousands" of emails and issue a report/recommendation to the AG. Until that happens, it's up to innuendo. The fact that Weiner is involved is going to cause a huge swath of people to tune out; media spin cycle (which is already in full effect if you were watching Blitzer earlier) will take care of another big chunk of the already-diminishing Undecideds.

Trump's campaign is financially broke (see: numerous updates on Twitter today) and HRC's machine is going to continue combing NC and FL for every single early voter possible so that they get those votes banked before any other bad news hits.

And all of that is ignoring whatever hot mic "BREAK GLASS IN CASE OF" tape they've kept next to the fire extinguishers and naked pics of Melania.

It might end up closer than it would've otherwise, but just watching how quickly the story has been watered down over the course of this afternoon makes me think it won't be a durable story over the next week and a half (which is, of course, and eternity in this late-term-pregnancy-in-need-of-a-"fall-down-the-stairs" election).

Might save him Arizona, though.
Meh. It's going to take weeks/months to comb thru the "thousands" of emails and issue a report/recommendation to the AG. Until that happens, it's up to innuendo. The fact that Weiner is involved is going to cause a huge swath of people to tune out; media spin cycle (which is already in full effect if you were watching Blitzer earlier) will take care of another big chunk of the already-diminishing Undecideds.

Trump's campaign is financially broke (see: numerous updates on Twitter today) and HRC's machine is going to continue combing NC and FL for every single early voter possible so that they get those votes banked before any other bad news hits.

And all of that is ignoring whatever hot mic "BREAK GLASS IN CASE OF" tape they've kept next to the fire extinguishers and naked pics of Melania.

It might end up closer than it would've otherwise, but just watching how quickly the story has been watered down over the course of this afternoon makes me think it won't be a durable story over the next week and a half (which is, of course, and eternity in this late-term-pregnancy-in-need-of-a-"fall-down-the-stairs" election).

Might save him Arizona, though.
But what do the polls say?
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So all this information is coming out because they don't want trump to win? Haha

Nope......because they are scared he may win. He is close enough now that they need to get this out of the way if he wins.

What is best for democrats is not to have Trump and the Repubs over top of this investigation.....period!

They will expedite this thing on Nov 9 regardless.
Just a prediction. Huma and Weiner will be found dead in about a week. If not sooner.

Huma is more in control than Hillary imo.

Immunity for what they stated, not for additional evidence that could be found. I don't think immunity gives you life eternal freedom. But I've been wrong before.

Obstruction, lying to federal agents, and perjury are all excluded from deals.
Don't believe it's to do with wiener

I think they know of a bomb being dropped shortly

But the thought of wiener involved opens up the best #. #dickieleaks
If Trump can't beat her with Obamacare blowing up as we speak and now this investigation then I have lost every ounce of hope I had left for this country.
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Within hours of each other:

WSJ/NBC: Heck up 7
Gravis/Breitbart: Heck down 6

Toughest state in the nation to poll? Probably. What a weird place.
I take it that either a) you have not read the Bible or b) you choose to ignore many passages from the Bible.

The Quran just like the Bible can be used to justify anything.

Deuteronomy 17 12-13 NLT
12Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the lord your God must die. In this way you will purge the evil from Israel.13Then everyone else will hear about it and be afraid to act so arrogantly.

Your knowledge of the Quran is limited to what you can cut and paste of others cherry-picking. Anyone who cares to do so could do the same thing with the Bible.

Who gives a flying f**k about what the Quran says. If you like that piece of shit book, go read and fondle yourself in a corner somewhere.
You just knew after the way she lost to Obama that she'd find a way to screw this up. Anthony freakin Weiner? LMFAO

Well I may not lose that $50 after all. Gloat on Republicans...well earned
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I take it that either a) you have not read the Bible or b) you choose to ignore many passages from the Bible.

The Quran just like the Bible can be used to justify anything.

Deuteronomy 17 12-13 NLT
12Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the lord your God must die. In this way you will purge the evil from Israel.13Then everyone else will hear about it and be afraid to act so arrogantly.

Your knowledge of the Quran is limited to what you can cut and paste of others cherry-picking. Anyone who cares to do so could do the same thing with the Bible.


"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." —Jesus

"Fight those who do not believe in Allah." —Muhammad

"A man came to Allah's messenger (Muhammad) and said: "Guide me to such a deed as equals jihad (in reward). Muhammad replied, "I do not find such a deed."

According to Muhammad, is there a greater deed than jihad? NO.

Muhammad says Allah guarantees that he will admit the mujahid (those who wage jihad) in his cause into paradise if he is killed.

So if you want assurance of salvation, (know where you are going after death) you must fight all unbelievers (all non-muslims).

Muhammad: "Nobody who dies and finds good from Allah (in the hereafter) would wish to come back to this world and whatever is in it, except the martyr who, on seeing the superiority of martyrdom, would like to come back to the world and get killed again.

Once you make it to paradise, where you get to spend eternity deflowering virgins, there is nothing that would make you want to come back to this world except martyrdom because of the reward you get from Allah for dying for him while waging jihad.

Muhammad: "A single endeavour of fighting in Allah's cause in the afternoon or forenoon is better than all the world and whatever is in it.

According to Muhammad, what is the greatest thing in the world? Love? Friendship? Marriage? Democracy? Freedom? No the greatest thing in the world is fighting and dying for Allah.

Muhammad: "By him in whose hands my soul is! I would love to be martyred in Allah's cause and then come back to life and then get martyred, and then come back to life again and then get martyred and then come back to life again and then get martyred.

Allah declares Muhammad is the pattern of conduct of muslims.

Is it possible these passages play any role for any muslim ever?

Is it possible that Muhammad's commands on jihad to affect what muslims do? Many of our current leaders would answer no. They believe there is an impenetrable wall between what Muhammad commands about jihad and what muslims do. These leaders are willing to rest the safety of the world and of all future generations on a wall that exists nowhere outside their own delusional minds. So we turn to the potential leaders of the future, if you answer no to the same question then you are carrying some serious ideological baggage that's going to get lots of people killed if you are ever given the task of making decisions for Western nations.


Briggitte Gabriel - plenty of YouTube clips of her, destroying the cowardly "peaceful majority" argument in various formal/semi-formal setting. She is a peaceful "we're the victim here" Muslim's nightmare.
Did you read that? Chick has lead a privileged life. She lived in exotic locales, she experienced many adventures, and now she's paid to talk about herself. How could she possibly understand Islam and separate it from Christianity?


Don F Trump, right this whole time about crooked Hillary.

Ohhh, Mitt Romney being right all along about Russia likes this.
I believe most like Albany, Fuzz, Deee, and others knew this also but, like UNC and UL fans considered winning at all cost including the death of this country, was more important.
You can definitely tell who is a paid clinto twitter troll

Every single one has this tweet:

MSM embarassed after forced to walk back overhyping of Clibton FBI investigation
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CNN just admitted that new polls show Trump cutting Clinton lead from 12 to 4!


If that's true (I don't put stock into any polls), that is a significant amount with today's story and more sure to come. The woman is poison and unlikable.

This should come down to the wire. Will depend on a few states like always.


Don F Trump, right this whole time about crooked Hillary.

Ohhh, Mitt Romney being right all along about Russia likes this.

Doubt we will get anyone on the left to acknowledge it. I've never seen any of them acknowledge a mistake or accept responsibility on anything. Everything is always someone else's fault. But going back and reading their twitter takes from four years ago are hilarious.
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