How will they rule ??!

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It now looks like Cheryl Mills and Huma were sharing classified information on a non-secure server using non-governmental email addresses. that a felony and, if so, will they indict? And another "If" can they indict the two of them and not Hillary?

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I am typing very slowly... spending a couple of hours at the very most teaching someone the very basics about any religion or people from which the class will move on and never approach the subject again it not putting religion in the classroom. They aren't instructing kids to pray to Allah as their savior or asking Allah for forgiveness. Asking Allah for touchdowns.
Yeah, when I played in high school 40+ years ago our coach required everyone to say the Lord's Prayer before every game. A few years later he caught flack for it too because a couple of kids got punished because they didn't want to pray.
See the difference? Praying vs learning a little about a religion? One is an exercise of religion, the other is learning about a religion. Learning <> promoting. If you are praying before every game, that is practicing religion.
BTW...Christianity...I should say people who called themselves Christian treated gays and women and let's not forget blacks pretty much the same way as do Muslims for many, many centuries. There are some that still attempt to do so.

Perhaps you haven't noticed but not all Muslims are the same. Yes, there is a small radical minority that gets all the headlines but they aren't representative of all Muslims. Pakistan, a Muslim country had a woman Prime Minister in 1988...she was re-elected in 1993. Turkey, Indonesia and Bangladesh have also had female heads of state. Nearly a third of Egypt's parliament is female.

But no...because of some F'd up towelheads who are claiming to represent Islam have tried to hijack a religion and the people of a region, because they get all the headlines and because you can't read and research things for yourself, you let others convince you that is that minority that represents the whole. Your pea sized brain can't reconcile that within the 1.6 billion who practice Islam that all are not alike.

Open your f'ing brain, someday some knowledge might find its way there.

I'll use the attack on France as my example.

The most commonly quoted verse by muslims when addressing jihad and its place in Islam and the quran is "Whoever kills an innocent person, it is as though he has killed all of mankind." (quran 5:32) If this is the most commonly quoted verse by muslims to non-muslims then it logically follows that they perceive this as their best proof against killing from the quran.

Notice 2 remarkable things: 1) None of the muslims quote the entire verse. 2) None of the muslims quote the verse after it. Why do they leave most of it out? Why don't they ever quote the verse that comes after it? It's because if you read the passage without leaving something out, you will immediately see that it actually commands the sorts of attacks we witnessed in Paris.

Let's read chapter 5 verse 32 and see what our "peaceful" muslims omitted. "
"On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person -unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land."

We know exactly where this verse comes from because it was popular in Arabia with Jews during Muhammad's time. It comes from the Jewish Talmud. It's ironic that the most peaceful verse in the quran happens to be from the Jewish Talmud.

So we read what allah declares for Jews. Now what did allah declare for muslims? The answer is found in the very next verse.
"The punishment of those who wage war against God and His Apostle, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter." (5:33)

A muslim is commanded to kill you if you do mischief in muslim lands. So what counts as mischief? Lots of things. Apostasy, preaching anything other than islam, adultery, becoming too westernized, violate sharia,. By opposing sharia you declare war on allah and must pay. The most extreme form of mischief of course is launching a military attack on muslim communities. That's definitely a death penalty.

Now according to islamic teachings, not according to your opinions but according to islamic teachings, has France made any mischief in the lands of muslim countries? Yes. According to 5:33 of the quran what is the penalty for the French military for what was done in muslim lands? Death. What about French civilians? Muhammad said "people who equip soldiers receive the same". So who pays the French military? The government. Who funds the government? Its civilians.

Now think about this. 5:33 of the quran justifies not only killing the French military but also any that support it in any way. This justifies the terrorists attacks in Paris. Instead of quoting verse 33, western apologists go to the verse before it and cut out this being a teaching from the Talmud about the Children of Israel. They then edit it by stripping it of its context and proceed to tell us islam is a religion of peace and tolerance and that anyone who does exactly as commanded in the next verse isn't a true muslim.

So what does this deception accomplish? It's great for Westernized muslims that don't bother reading the texts that their religion condemns terrorist attacks and it's great for non-muslims that dont bother reading the texts that islam condemns terrorist attacks. Twisting a verse until it actually means the opposite of what it actually says will never change the minds of those that read the text and are willing to do what it says.

The only thing this accomplishes is to pacify us until the next terrorist attack which is inevitable because we never confront the actual ideology that have been driving these attacks for almost 1400 years. What can we do to stop the deception and misdirection and finally have an open and honest discussion about Muhammad's teachings? Carefully study the muslim sources and when presented an opportunity online or in person correct those that are misquoting verses such as 5:32 and 5:33 until they stop misquoting it.

The sooner we get past the misquoting the sooner our muslim friends can have an accurate picture of islam so they can finally decide if the quran is a book worth following.
Mojo, got links to those other two stories? Hadn't heard that today.
Several pieces today on the Doug Band confession memo about the CF. Best one was probably Kim Strassel in the WSJ, but that's probably behind a firewall. Here's one from John Fund:

And here's something on Hillary saying the US should have rigged the Palestinian election:

Good grief - someone finds audio of her with a quote that completely affirms Trump's entire platform ("it's rigged")! In a normal election year, that would be the biggest story of the week. This year, it's not even a Friday footnote.....
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It now looks like Cheryl Mills and Huma were sharing classified information on a non-secure server using non-governmental email addresses. that a felony and, if so, will they indict? And another "If" can they indict the two of them and not Hillary?

Pretty sure they both were given immunity. Not sure of the parameters
Immunity for what they stated, not for additional evidence that could be found. I don't think immunity gives you life eternal freedom. But I've been wrong before.
I'll use the attack on France as my example.

The most commonly quoted verse by muslims when addressing jihad and its place in Islam and the quran is "Whoever kills an innocent person, it is as though he has killed all of mankind." (quran 5:32) If this is the most commonly quoted verse by muslims to non-muslims then it logically follows that they perceive this as their best proof against killing from the quran.

Notice 2 remarkable things: 1) None of the muslims quote the entire verse. 2) None of the muslims quote the verse after it. Why do they leave most of it out? Why don't they ever quote the verse that comes after it? It's because if you read the passage without leaving something out, you will immediately see that it actually commands the sorts of attacks we witnessed in Paris.

Let's read chapter 5 verse 32 and see what our "peaceful" muslims omitted. "
"On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person -unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land."

We know exactly where this verse comes from because it was popular in Arabia with Jews during Muhammad's time. It comes from the Jewish Talmud. It's ironic that the most peaceful verse in the quran happens to be from the Jewish Talmud.

So we read what allah declares for Jews. Now what did allah declare for muslims? The answer is found in the very next verse.
"The punishment of those who wage war against God and His Apostle, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter." (5:33)

A muslim is commanded to kill you if you do mischief in muslim lands. So what counts as mischief? Lots of things. Apostasy, preaching anything other than islam, adultery, becoming too westernized, violate sharia,. By opposing sharia you declare war on allah and must pay. The most extreme form of mischief of course is launching a military attack on muslim communities. That's definitely a death penalty.

Now according to islamic teachings, not according to your opinions but according to islamic teachings, has France made any mischief in the lands of muslim countries? Yes. According to 5:33 of the quran what is the penalty for the French military for what was done in muslim lands? Death. What about French civilians? Muhammad said "people who equip soldiers receive the same". So who pays the French military? The government. Who funds the government? Its civilians.

Now think about this. 5:33 of the quran justifies not only killing the French military but also any that support it in any way. This justifies the terrorists attacks in Paris. Instead of quoting verse 33, western apologists go to the verse before it and cut out this being a teaching from the Talmud about the Children of Israel. They then edit it by stripping it of its context and proceed to tell us islam is a religion of peace and tolerance and that anyone who does exactly as commanded in the next verse isn't a true muslim.

So what does this deception accomplish? It's great for Westernized muslims that don't bother reading the texts that their religion condemns terrorist attacks and it's great for non-muslims that dont bother reading the texts that islam condemns terrorist attacks. Twisting a verse until it actually means the opposite of what it actually says will never change the minds of those that read the text and are willing to do what it says.

The only thing this accomplishes is to pacify us until the next terrorist attack which is inevitable because we never confront the actual ideology that have been driving these attacks for almost 1400 years. What can we do to stop the deception and misdirection and finally have an open and honest discussion about Muhammad's teachings? Carefully study the muslim sources and when presented an opportunity online or in person correct those that are misquoting verses such as 5:32 and 5:33 until they stop misquoting it.

The sooner we get past the misquoting the sooner our muslim friends can have an accurate picture of islam so they can finally decide if the quran is a book worth following.
Too many words when the response to fuzz needs to be simply:

It now looks like Cheryl Mills and Huma were sharing classified information on a non-secure server using non-governmental email addresses. that a felony and, if so, will they indict? And another "If" can they indict the two of them and not Hillary?

The reason they can't indict is because our POSPOTUS is as deeply involved as anyone. We know now that he was emailing her on her private server as well. If he didn't want what he was saying to be subject to FOIA requests, then it must be something damning. I think we can all agree that the social experiment of O'bama was an abject failure. Can't we?
But no...because of some F'd up towelheads who are claiming to represent Islam have tried to hijack a religion and the people of a region, because they get all the headlines and because you can't read and research things for yourself, you let others convince you that is that minority that represents the whole. Your pea sized brain can't reconcile that within the 1.6 billion who practice Islam that all are not alike.

This brilliant and qualified lady can explain much better than any of us precisely why your concept is on a good day moronic.

Good point. We're forgetting who the current president is.

This will end up just reassuring the American people that Hillary is not guilty, she has done nothing wrong, she is the jkst heavily scrutinized president ever.
Good point. We're forgetting who the current president is.

This will end up just reassuring the American people that Hillary is not guilty, she has done nothing wrong, she is the jkst heavily scrutinized president ever.


Gowdy petitioned coney to reopen a month ago and he said hell no. Basically said they would need a smoking gun.

Must have found it. Or, they had it all along and it's about to get dropped by someone else so their hand is forced.
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Donald Trump needs to be put in a straight jacket and locked in a basement with no internet or cell phone access until election day.
This made me laugh loudly and clap two times.

"Why can't the man just get a damned haircut?" Me, just now, seeing DT on my television. And just like that, I turned into my dad.....
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No way FBI brings this circus back four months later unless there is a legitimate reason. I doubt this is done to help the Clintons or Obama. There would be no need.

Comey must really have something and perhaps wants to save his career.
Odds of:

A trump accusation over the weekend

A terrorist attack over the weekend

Terror attack hurts Hillary. You'll probably get an accuser and a black criminal killed by a cop. When news of her uranium deal broke, the Freddie Gray crap happened.

When the DNC leaks occurred, two black criminals got killed by cops and then cops in Texas and Louisiana got murdered.

Wait and see.
Terror attack hurts Hillary. You'll probably get an accuser and a black criminal killed by a cop. When news of her uranium deal broke, the Freddie Gray crap happened.

When the DNC leaks occurred, two black criminals got killed by cops and then cops in Texas and Louisiana got murdered.

Wait and see.

You're right

That should have been the 3rd option

But terror attacks happened overseas and I think Orlando was very close to negative news dropping on her also-- they may hurt her, but anything to take her directly out of News cycles
HRC buying personal campaign ad time in Wisconsin, as are the Dems on Feingold. HRC definitely hasn't spent money on ads in Wisconsin this year; not sure if the national Dems have spent any on Feingold.

They must've seen some concerning movement in the last couple rounds of polling.
I think one or two accusers may be believable.

However, 13 women being groped and not once did more than one woman come forward on the same day screams of a political ploy.

No doubt that this is going to get blamed for what's going to happen in a week and a half. But, that will be bunch of crap. He was probably going to beat her anyway.
This only happens if they know he is going to win or if they think there is a chance so they can control what information gets out.

If he wins the investigation and trial will be over before Jan 20 and if she wins she will get pardoned.

If you can't see the protection angle for all of them at this point then you are blind AF.

No matter what they can not allow Trump to be the head of this thing so they got in front even if it cost her the presidency. They can overcome that better than all the info going public because of Trump.

That said she has ALOT of money banked for favors she is supposed to give.......I'd imagine we just inherited ALOT of anger if she loses. Those people won't get a refund nor the favors they were promised.

America was in deep doodoo either way because of Hiliary.
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This only happens if they know he is going to win or if they think there is a chance so they can control what information gets out.

If he wins the investigation and trial will be over before Jan 20 and if she wins she will get pardoned.

If you can't see the protection angle for all of them at this point then you are blind AF.

No matter what they can not allow Trump to be the head of this thing so they got in front even if it cost her the presidency. They can overcome that better than all the info going public because of Trump.

That said she has ALOT of money banked for favors she is supposed to give.......I'd imagine we just inherited ALOT of anger if she loses. Those people won't get a refund nor the favors they were promised.

America was in deep doodoo either way because of Hiliary.

Is there a way to circumvent that very thing occurring?
This only happens if they know he is going to win or if they think there is a chance so they can control what information gets out.

If he wins the investigation and trial will be over before Jan 20 and if she wins she will get pardoned.

If you can't see the protection angle for all of them at this point then you are blind AF.

No matter what they can not allow Trump to be the head of this thing so they got in front even if it cost her the presidency. They can overcome that better than all the info going public because of Trump.

That said she has ALOT of money banked for favors she is supposed to give.......I'd imagine we just inherited ALOT of anger if she loses. Those people won't get a refund nor the favors they were promised.

America was in deep doodoo either way because of Hiliary.
So all this information is coming out because they don't want trump to win? Haha