How will they rule ??!

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Damn, someone(s) getting Michael Pena'd as we speak:

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The mere risk of reopening has to mean something. If they feign another earnest investigation and get busted (again), not sure they could withstand the public black eye.

... Makes me worry new evidence has "emerged" that would clear her/all of them.

My wife thinks the same thing because of how pessimistic we have all become.
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Assange says his next leak will make the FBI throw Hillary into prison.

Where are people getting this? I've seen it multiple places, but it was my understand he was stuck in an embassy with no internet access. And it didn't look like it was from Wikileaks' twitter.
Replace Allah with Jesus and that story is all over local and mainsteam media, we'd argue for a week about getting religion out of public schools....which I thought it was. Even in my day, fn 10+ years ago, you couldn't dare say a prayer. It was a big deal, as it should be. Keep that shit to yourself. Our damn football team got flack. Now, not only are we reverting back, but we're promoting the religion that hates gays and women. Progress!

We are going backwards socially. Big time. It's unreal.
I am typing very slowly... spending a couple of hours at the very most teaching someone the very basics about any religion or people from which the class will move on and never approach the subject again it not putting religion in the classroom. They aren't instructing kids to pray to Allah as their savior or asking Allah for forgiveness. Asking Allah for touchdowns.
Yeah, when I played in high school 40+ years ago our coach required everyone to say the Lord's Prayer before every game. A few years later he caught flack for it too because a couple of kids got punished because they didn't want to pray.
See the difference? Praying vs learning a little about a religion? One is an exercise of religion, the other is learning about a religion. Learning <> promoting. If you are praying before every game, that is practicing religion.
BTW...Christianity...I should say people who called themselves Christian treated gays and women and let's not forget blacks pretty much the same way as do Muslims for many, many centuries. There are some that still attempt to do so.

Perhaps you haven't noticed but not all Muslims are the same. Yes, there is a small radical minority that gets all the headlines but they aren't representative of all Muslims. Pakistan, a Muslim country had a woman Prime Minister in 1988...she was re-elected in 1993. Turkey, Indonesia and Bangladesh have also had female heads of state. Nearly a third of Egypt's parliament is female.

But no...because of some F'd up towelheads who are claiming to represent Islam have tried to hijack a religion and the people of a region, because they get all the headlines and because you can't read and research things for yourself, you let others convince you that is that minority that represents the whole. Your pea sized brain can't reconcile that within the 1.6 billion who practice Islam that all are not alike.

Open your f'ing brain, someday some knowledge might find its way there.
Where are people getting this? I've seen it multiple places, but it was my understand he was stuck in an embassy with no internet access. And it didn't look like it was from Wikileaks' twitter.
He did an interview with some newspaper overseas. Saw it on twitter earlier, but just remembered it. In the interview he said his next leak(s) will have Hillary thrown in prison. Wonder if its parts of the 33000 emails.

Edit: found a link.
Good Lord. What a day. A 12 page memo detailing/confirming that the Clinton Foundation is the sham everyone said. Audio of Clinton saying about the '05 elections in Palestine, "And if we were going to push for an election, then we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win.” The FBI reopens the investigation, further beclowning Comey.

Hillary Clinton makes Richard Nixon look like your garden variety upstanding public servant. If only her party and 2016 media were as interested in justice as his party and 1974 media were......
So...found this tidbit and not verified, but interesting if true:

Flashback from trump on 8/29/16:

"Trump reacted to the news that Abedin is splitting from Anthony Weiner in a statement,”Huma is making a very wise decision. I know Anthony Weiner well, and she will be far better off without him. I only worry for the country in that Hillary Clinton was careless and negligent in allowing Weiner to have such close proximity to highly classified information. Who knows what he learned and who he told? It’s just another example of Hillary Clinton’s bad judgment. It is possible that our country and its security have been greatly compromised by this.”