How will they rule ??!

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I have a feeling that the Clinton campaign is going to be delivering one of these accusers to the media every day until the election.

Independents and Republicans are not morons. The only people who believe that BS are the same who believe everything the liberal media tells them.

As men, we have seen way too many BS claims by women to fall for this act. Real assault victims go to police. They don't go to the NYT or Gloria Alred or the Clinton camp a decade after something allegedly happened and they don't wait until two weeks before an election to do it.

The man has been in the public eye for decades. He's been running for the presidency for 18 months. These women just now felt the need to come out conveniently at the same time and conveniently accuse him of the tape the media sat on for months so they could use it as some proof?

Puhleeez. We've seen this act before. We know what the left does. It's always the same. Accuse of racism, accuse of sexual assault, sexism, bring up some ridiculous BS like in Romney's case his dog and trying to link him to the death of a guy's wife for him getting let go.
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Wonder how many msm stories will be running where they ask if hillary will quit?

Also, can you imagine all the under the table moves being made right now by the clintons?
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Wonder how many msm stories will be running where they ask if hillary will quit?

Also, can you imagine all the under the table moves being made right now by the clintons?

I bet they are in hyperdrive. Watch them get even more crazy with the assumptions they will plant.

"Trumped sodomized me with a miniature pool stick and then killed my baby"

One week before election
Dems and cucks have been condemning "You elected the one guy who couldn't win" and blah blah blah. No self awareness to look in the mirror and realized the left trotted out of the most corrupt and unlikable pieces of establishment scum to ever run for the presidency.

You think Dems have this much trouble with someone not Hillary? Nope. So look in the mirror.
Dems and cucks have been condemning "You elected the one guy who couldn't win" and blah blah blah. No self awareness to look in the mirror and realized the left trotted out of the most corrupt and unlikable pieces of establishment scum to ever run for the presidency.

You think Dems have this much trouble with someone not Hillary? Nope. So look in the mirror.
And she is still probably going to win when the FBI botches this investigation. So...
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And she is still probably going to win when the FBI botches this investigation. So...

Then that's on her sheep followers or what Lenin would call "Useful idiots."

If someone is still willing to destroy this country by voting for a known corrupt criminal, then there's nothing that can be done.
As tempting as the Comey statement might be, MSM hopping on it, etc. . . caution everyone that it could very well be a brilliantly crafted ruse. Although certainly there is not sufficient time for an investigation prior to election, there is more than sufficient time for (1) this late statement of "another look" at new info, (2) agreed media to immediately make it known, (3) a few requisite days to pass, and (4) for Comey to announce on the Friday prior to the election "that after having devoted maximized resources to look into the matter, as the need to do so in short window of opportunity prior to the election has demanded, the FBI, once again, has found nothing warranting a charge recommendation to the US attorney general."

Then, 3-1/2 days of non-stop media attention, Hillary in the image of a sanctimonious, most overly-scrutinized candidate in history, victimized, only because she is a woman, how has she been able to endure?? . . . just a statement of this great woman's ability to deal with the harshest of challenges . . . she truly wants to serve the people . . . .11th hour proof that she truly is fit for this office.

edit . . . [sick]
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Pete Williams reporting that the pertinent emails:
(1) weren't withheld
(2) aren't from Clinton
(3) aren't related to Podesta/Wikileaks
...but that they were found "on a device in an unrelated investigation".

Anthony Weiner maybe?
Interesting that the live Presidential betting odds have been slowly shifting over the past hour. Still only 21% for Trump, but up from 15%.

At this point in the election, can the Dems place someone else on the ballot if Hillary were to drop out?

No clue as to the legalities, but I'm of the opinion that if either party replaced their candidate by 11/7/16, that person would win in a landside the likes of which have never been seen in American politics.
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Pete Williams reporting that the pertinent emails:
(1) weren't withheld
(2) aren't from Clinton
(3) aren't related to Podesta/Wikileaks
...but that they were found "on a device in an unrelated investigation".

Anthony Weiner maybe?

Heard that too. I'm skeptical of it being true. We will see though.

If it's Weiner, God bless that dick pic takin SOB.
No clue as to the legalities, but I'm of the opinion that if either party replaced their candidate by 11/7/16, that person would win in a landside the likes of which have never been seen in American politics.

No way. Half of the ballots will have already been cast.

I still think no matter the Republican, we were getting an insane chatacter assassination by the left's media. Where Dems truly made a mistake is going all in on Hillary for eight years. Hell, even Biden would have done way better than her.
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Pete Williams reporting that the pertinent emails:
(1) weren't withheld
(2) aren't from Clinton
(3) aren't related to Podesta/Wikileaks
...but that they were found "on a device in an unrelated investigation".

Anthony Weiner maybe?
RIP Anthony if he was involved in any way.
I wonder if Comey gave all three of these Bozo's a heads up before his letter was sent to congress.

The mere risk of reopening has to mean something. If they feign another earnest investigation and get busted (again), not sure they could withstand the public black eye.

... Makes me worry new evidence has "emerged" that would clear her/all of them.
Dems and cucks have been condemning "You elected the one guy who couldn't win" and blah blah blah. No self awareness to look in the mirror and realized the left trotted out of the most corrupt and unlikable pieces of establishment scum to ever run for the presidency.

You think Dems have this much trouble with someone not Hillary? Nope. So look in the mirror.
I swear that I was going to post something much like this myself. Had the Democrat primary not been rigged, Trump might be down in 40 states- and the party would not have to worry about something like what just happened today happening.
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