How will they rule ??!

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Very PC of you to make sure it isn't picked on incorrectly.

Now take that same mentality to the fact that our school system fought to get most of anything Christian out of schools and then understand why teaching anything religious is wrong.

It isn't the school systems job to teach religion and I would say that kids are very impressionable so telling the good side of a religion is comparable to making the slavery era look "ok" in early learning like I was taught. Then I got to college and found out different........a lot different.

So basically if I want my child to learn about allah leave that up to me to teach or expose him to.

TIA but no thanks!

There is a distinguishing factor. It isnt that it was to get Christianity out, it was that there was a fight to stop the indoctrination. Its ok to learn something exists. Its not ok to indoctrinate, any religion. The claim was that it was to indoctrinate, which it wasnt. Its ok to know that some people are Hindu and understand what that means. Same with any other religion. Its not ok to say you should be Muslim. The schools werent doing that.They arent teaching religion as dogma, but as a historical and cultural piece of information.
I see you missed:

The district’s seventh-grade social studies classes use a curriculum from the state that includes lessons on major world religions like Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism, the district said.

But grats on quoting a mom's over reaction and not knowing the full curriculum as your Perry Mason moment. That is what would be called an emotional response.

The mad mom said her daughter’s teacher explained that knowledge of the fundamentals of Islam is mandated by Tennessee’s education standards.

Jan Hanvey, the Maury County Public Schools middle school supervisor, said telling students about the Five Pillars of Islam is a one-day segment of the seventh-grade curriculum (as opposed to Porterfield’s contention of three weeks) and is intended to give students a richer perspective.

We cant have a simple conversation without overreaction. Its amazing, its like you didnt even read the articles, just responded with emotion...

And i see you missed:

For this last section on the Islamic World this past week, our educators had students complete an assignment that had an emphasis on Islamic Faith. The assignment covered some sensitive topics that are of importance to Islamic religion and caused some confusion around whether we are asking students to believe in or simply understand the religion.

So clearly, if this one section took a week... you do the math.

We cant have a simple conversation without overreaction. Its amazing, its like you didnt even read the articles, just responded with emotion...
There is only one smart person. and shes 225 and has daddy issues.
Once again, I present facts, you present insults. This is why. If you present an argument, you argue the merits and facts of the issues. You are unable to for some reason. So your response is to insult and get emotional. Address the argument. Your one claim was a teacher said it was a 3 week lesson. The superintendent countered that saying it was one day. If you have anything relevant to the argument besides ad hominem, lets discuss, if not, sorry you are so emotional and there isnt much point in talking.
And i see you missed:

For this last section on the Islamic World this past week, our educators had students complete an assignment that had an emphasis on Islamic Faith. The assignment covered some sensitive topics that are of importance to Islamic religion and caused some confusion around whether we are asking students to believe in or simply understand the religion.

So clearly, if this one section took a week... you do the math.

We cant have a simple conversation without overreaction. Its amazing, its like you didnt even read the articles, just responded with emotion...
So for example, referencing a time frame of when you thought something isnt say it covered the whole week. So for you to say that, is twisting the english language in such a way that is beyond common sense.
This isnt ah ha, its you not understanding a singular event. Its not semantics, its basic common sense.

Jan Hanvey, the Maury County Public Schools middle school supervisor, said telling students about the Five Pillars of Islam is a one-day segment of the seventh-grade curriculum (as opposed to Porterfield’s contention of three weeks) and is intended to give students a richer perspective.
Once again the 200+ albino is telling everyone how much they suck and how much she is just awesomeee.

Only took 10 paragraphd or so

Definite daddy issues
Your response does not detail one wrong thing about what I said, merely insults. A conversation/argument/debate isnt won by insults, its decided by merit of an argument.

If I claim X, and here is why because Y1, Y2, Y3, thats an argument.
You claim an insult without referencing said argument, this means you are not arguing, but merely being emotional.

This is why you lose. This is what I mean by facts>emotions. So when you keep responding not on merits of argument, but emotion, I can only think it means you are triggered and ruled by your emotions.
There is a distinguishing factor. It isnt that it was to get Christianity out, it was that there was a fight to stop the indoctrination. Its ok to learn something exists. Its not ok to indoctrinate, any religion. The claim was that it was to indoctrinate, which it wasnt. Its ok to know that some people are Hindu and understand what that means. Same with any other religion. Its not ok to say you should be Muslim. The schools werent doing that.They arent teaching religion as dogma, but as a historical and cultural piece of information.

Right I get it.......just honestly do not care to expose a kid to that until they are old enough to think a little more for themselves and learn something real about it.

Prefer my kids not hear much of anything about religion from their teachers.
Right I get it.......just honestly do not care to expose a kid to that until they are old enough to think a little more for themselves and learn something real about it.

Prefer my kids not hear much of anything about religion from their teachers.
Thats fair, and should be your right. One of the articles talked about a guy getting banned for trying to do that.
Good F'ing Lord, teaching kids about different cultures and different religions is not "indoctrination". You jack-legged inbreds want people ignorant about different peoples so that you can indoctrinate them with your hate filled ignorance.
You get some ignorant parent, perhaps one of you, who doesn't want their kid to know anything about Muslims other than their idea that they should all die a terrible death. They find out their kid has a lesson about Islam and go screaming that the maybe 2-3 hours of education the child received on the subject equates to "indoctrination".
"Well they aren't doing the same thing for Christianity..."; they say...perhaps because every child in the class is Christian and already has far more in depth knowledge on that subject than would be covered in the classroom.

What lekthinksshestheshit doesnt get, i dont even care about this situation nor most that she goes on her lunatic rages about. its the way she argues her intellectual superiority over any and everyone.

The lady clearly said that the last section on islam was done this past week. not last week. meaning: we did this throughout the week and it was only one section.

Truths are not insults. youve never denied that youre a female. and again i would be willing to placr a wager with anyone that im correct. the proof is in your writings.
It isnt that it was to get Christianity out,

I know in the past on catpaw and in public debate I have seen nearly universal opposition from the left about creationism even being mentioned as a "theory" in schools even though the majority of the country believes in it. Not pointed at you.
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Good F'ing Lord, teaching kids about different cultures and different religions is not "indoctrination". You jack-legged inbreds want people ignorant about different peoples so that you can indoctrinate them with your hate filled ignorance.
You get some ignorant parent, perhaps one of you, who doesn't want their kid to know anything about Muslims other than their idea that they should all die a terrible death. They find out their kid has a lesson about Islam and go screaming that the maybe 2-3 hours of education the child received on the subject equates to "indoctrination".
"Well they aren't doing the same thing for Christianity..."; they say...perhaps because every child in the class is Christian and already has far more in depth knowledge on that subject than would be covered in the classroom.
So you cool on Islamic immigrants being required to be educated about the basic tenets of christianity when they come to the US?
I think we should offer Introduction to Christian History classes to our friends in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Indonesia. The individuals supporting similar classes in Islamic History here in the States should be the ones to go teach them.

Good luck with that....
From our own backyard. Thought you guys might be interested:

Lexington Herald-Leader: Federal Election Commission Complaint Filed Against GOP Operative and Former McConnell and Paul Campaign Manager Jesse Benton

In the video released this week, Benton tells undercover Telegraph reporters who claimed to represent a wealthy Chinese businessman that their money would “definitely allow us to spend two million more dollars on digital and television advertising for Trump.” The Chinese donor’s name would be “whispered into Mr. Trump’s ear whenever your client feels that it’s appropriate,” Benton says.

Benton proposed routing the $2 million through his Louisville-based political consulting firm, Titan Strategies, and then through a pair of nonprofit political groups referred to as 501(c)(4)s, at least one of which — Vision for America — was run by another Trump operative, Eric Beach. Finally, he told the reporters, the money would go to Great America PAC, which independently supports Trump in the Nov. 8 election, according to The Telegraph. Beach is co-chairman of Great America PAC.

“I don’t know if you ever hear journalists wring their hands about ‘dark money’ in politics. They’re talking about 501(c)(4)s,” Benton says in the video. “There’s no prohibition against what we’re doing, but you could argue that the letter of the law says that it is originating from a foreign source, and even though it can legally go into a 501(c)(4), then it shouldn’t be done.”


In a separate part of the video, Benton — a former campaign manager to Republican U.S. senators Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell — said Great America PAC was working to suppress voter turnout among likely voters for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, including racial minorities.

“In Cleveland, if we can return Hillary to normal turnout levels … we can turn her to regular turnout levels, she’s gonna lose about 60,000 votes in that area — that’s dead heat,” Benton told the undercover reporters, according to The Telegraph. “So we have a voter suppression campaign quite frankly, targeting African-Americans, and uh, and sort of, suburban moms, just bad stuff about Hillary, just trying to take their taste for her away.”

“I see,” one of the reporters replied. “So that they don’t turn out?”

“Yeah, just keep them — just try to drop her turnout two or three points,” Benton said.
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Trump now leading Independents 41% - 28%. As election day draws closer, more & more I's are jumping ship from third parties & backing Trump.
If Trump wins Independents by 10+% and gets possibly 15-20% of the black vote, they may as well go ahead and give Trump the WH.
Lmaoooo 10 Clinton staffers spent 12 hrs creating 10 drafts for.....a tweet!

Who's paying those people?

These people are fn weirdos. I bet Obamas team is worse. He's wY more weird and calculated. Bet all his shit ran through a google algorithm.

Fm weirdos man. We need to not elect these type of people, and sterilize them if possible. Talk about dumbernshit and not being able to think for yourself.

Radio was reading the tweet stuff from some website compiling the best wikileaks.
Lmaoooo 10 Clinton staffers spent 12 hrs creating 10 drafts for.....a tweet!

Who's paying those people?

These people are fn weirdos. I bet Obamas team is worse. He's wY more weird and calculated. Bet all his shit ran through a google algorithm.

Fm weirdos man. We need to not elect these type of people, and sterilize them if possible. Talk about dumbernshit and not being able to think for yourself.

Radio was reading the tweet stuff from some website compiling the best wikileaks.

Can you give me a link to the staff needing 12 hours to create a tweet. I'd love to use that if true.
From our own backyard. Thought you guys might be interested:

Lexington Herald-Leader: Federal Election Commission Complaint Filed Against GOP Operative and Former McConnell and Paul Campaign Manager Jesse Benton

In the video released this week, Benton tells undercover Telegraph reporters who claimed to represent a wealthy Chinese businessman that their money would “definitely allow us to spend two million more dollars on digital and television advertising for Trump.” The Chinese donor’s name would be “whispered into Mr. Trump’s ear whenever your client feels that it’s appropriate,” Benton says.

Benton proposed routing the $2 million through his Louisville-based political consulting firm, Titan Strategies, and then through a pair of nonprofit political groups referred to as 501(c)(4)s, at least one of which — Vision for America — was run by another Trump operative, Eric Beach. Finally, he told the reporters, the money would go to Great America PAC, which independently supports Trump in the Nov. 8 election, according to The Telegraph. Beach is co-chairman of Great America PAC.

“I don’t know if you ever hear journalists wring their hands about ‘dark money’ in politics. They’re talking about 501(c)(4)s,” Benton says in the video. “There’s no prohibition against what we’re doing, but you could argue that the letter of the law says that it is originating from a foreign source, and even though it can legally go into a 501(c)(4), then it shouldn’t be done.”


In a separate part of the video, Benton — a former campaign manager to Republican U.S. senators Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell — said Great America PAC was working to suppress voter turnout among likely voters for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, including racial minorities.

“In Cleveland, if we can return Hillary to normal turnout levels … we can turn her to regular turnout levels, she’s gonna lose about 60,000 votes in that area — that’s dead heat,” Benton told the undercover reporters, according to The Telegraph. “So we have a voter suppression campaign quite frankly, targeting African-Americans, and uh, and sort of, suburban moms, just bad stuff about Hillary, just trying to take their taste for her away.”

“I see,” one of the reporters replied. “So that they don’t turn out?”

“Yeah, just keep them — just try to drop her turnout two or three points,” Benton said.

Eye for eye seems fair, no?

I mean if Dems aren't going to stop doing it themselves then why shouldn't republicans do the same.
Good F'ing Lord, teaching kids about different cultures and different religions is not "indoctrination". You jack-legged inbreds want people ignorant about different peoples so that you can indoctrinate them with your hate filled ignorance.
You get some ignorant parent, perhaps one of you, who doesn't want their kid to know anything about Muslims other than their idea that they should all die a terrible death. They find out their kid has a lesson about Islam and go screaming that the maybe 2-3 hours of education the child received on the subject equates to "indoctrination".
"Well they aren't doing the same thing for Christianity..."; they say...perhaps because every child in the class is Christian and already has far more in depth knowledge on that subject than would be covered in the classroom.

Replace Allah with Jesus and that story is all over local and mainsteam media, we'd argue for a week about getting religion out of public schools....which I thought it was. Even in my day, fn 10+ years ago, you couldn't dare say a prayer. It was a big deal, as it should be. Keep that shit to yourself. Our damn football team got flack. Now, not only are we reverting back, but we're promoting the religion that hates gays and women. Progress!

We are going backwards socially. Big time. It's unreal.
I'd agree with the dems on that religion story, if it weren't for the massive double standard.

Make that Christianity, and the president and msm are all over it
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With all this fraud going on with early voting, it should be disallowed after this election IMO. I've never cared much for it anyway. Just don't see why people should be able to vote nearly 2 months before an election. Anyone else feel this way or is it just me?
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Hey guys, the FBI is opening a new investigation into Clinton. Totally going to be above board this time. No secret meetings on airplanes. No cash payments. No quid pro quos.

This just makes the FBI previously clearing Clinton even more meaningful, IMO, since it shows they still want to nail her.
Hey guys, the FBI is opening a new investigation into Clinton. Totally going to be above board this time. No secret meetings on airplanes. No cash payments. No quid pro quos.

This just makes the FBI previously clearing Clinton even more meaningful, IMO, since it shows they still want to nail her.
Maybe they found the intent this time. We will see, still don't trust Comey. But the fact that this will almost certainly hurt the Clintons makes me smile.
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FBI has to know you can't be taken serious when you let this much corruption go unpunished. It's a fact that she did it. It's a fact that it was covered up. There is nothing more to be proved. That's all that was ever needed.