How will they rule ??!

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It was the NYT that discovered and exposed the HRC email scandal.
Lemme ask you something. Why do you think it's the case that Pat Forde of Yahoo Sports always gets the scoop on any big UofL news? When they hired Petrino, he broke the news and got the first interview - even though by his own admission the columns he'd previously written about Petrino were among the "meanest" he'd ever published. Last week when UofL released the Notice of Allegations, Forde broke that. Not the UofL beat guy from the Courier. Not someone from ESPN, which UofL has long had a cozy relationship with. Not someone from the local NBC or ABC or CBS or Fox affiliate. Yahoo Sports.

Rather than turn this into a discussion, let's just say it: Forde gets the stories because he's a friend of the program. UofL knows that Forde will treat them well, it's why he continues to get better access than everyone else. If a bad story breaks, you want a friendly person to write the story. They can "explain" it (away) better than a hostile can. They can put it "in context" - which really means, say it in a way that makes the reader think "Oh, I get it, that's not so bad."

Read the leaked emails. There is no mystery why the NYTimes broke the private server story.

That works both ways though, right?

It does, but I think Hillary is taking a chance.
If Trump gets 90% or better republican support he wins. Simply because a lot of blue collar traditional democrats are going to support Trump.

I'm in the IBEW, I opened the letter from the local I'm in yesterday. It went through the various candidates from each district that they recommended. However, they simply left the President portion blank. Trust me, that's an unspoken endorsement of Trump.
Pipe fitter I work with told me his local was the same.
German students forced to chant Alluh Akbar. Elect Hillary and this will become a thing in our schools too.

Wtf man.

This shit infuriates me. Leave the damn innocent children out of this bullshit. So F'd up.

And it's happening here. Not to that degree, I don't think, but the downplaying of Christmas and all that PC junk we've been on for years now. It will eventually lead to what Europe is dealing with if we allow it to.

And if it were happening here, we would never really know. Some obscure blog would report it and MSM would bury it or explain it way saying you're not a nice person if you don't recognize Islam and praise Allah. Duh. Islam is the new progressive religion, I mean what are you some lame ass Christian? Lmaooo.

The kids. Leave the fn kids alone.

And Willy wtf is she doing personally meeting with head of Florida elections? What is that? Is that legal? Do you have a link? Wtf.
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Ed Rendell is not a dummy. Doesn't mean he's right. But he's no dummy:

“I think there’s a hidden Donald Trump vote,” Rendell told Philadelphia radio host Rich Zeoli Tuesday. “All this talk about it being over and now the real contest is the Senate is going to persuade a couple of Hillary Clinton voters and Democratic voters to say ‘Well, what do I have to stand on line for an hour [to vote] for?’”

Rendell added that “there a lot of things that are in motion that are favorable to Donald Trump. I wouldn’t say that it’s over then. The odds are that he’s going to lose, but I wouldn’t bet my life on it.”

That thought has occurred to me - and you too, I bet. In going so far to try to convince people that "this thing is over", the media may actually be hurting HRC. Could be plenty of her voters might just stay home, figuring there's no real point in voting....
Wtf man.

This shit infuriates me. Leave the damn innocent children out of this bullshit. So F'd up.

And it's happening here. Not to that degree, I don't think, but the downplaying of Christmas and all that PC junk we've been on for years now. It will eventually lead to what Europe is dealing with if we allow it to.

And if it were happening here, we would never really know. Some obscure blog would report it and MSM would bury it or explain it way saying you're not a nice person if you don't recognize Islam and praise Allah. Duh. Islam is the new progressive religion, I mean what are you some lame ass Christian? Lmaooo.

The kids. Leave the fn kids alone.

And Willy wtf is she doing personally meeting with head of Florida elections? What is that? Is that legal? Do you have a link? Wtf.

Oh, that's happening here. Happened in Georgia and Tennessee and in California. Those are three I know of.
Wtf man.

This shit infuriates me. Leave the damn innocent children out of this bullshit. So F'd up.

And it's happening here. Not to that degree, I don't think, but the downplaying of Christmas and all that PC junk we've been on for years now. It will eventually lead to what Europe is dealing with if we allow it to.

And if it were happening here, we would never really know. Some obscure blog would report it and MSM would bury it or explain it way saying you're not a nice person if you don't recognize Islam and praise Allah. Duh. Islam is the new progressive religion, I mean what are you some lame ass Christian? Lmaooo.

The kids. Leave the fn kids alone.

And Willy wtf is she doing personally meeting with head of Florida elections? What is that? Is that legal? Do you have a link? Wtf.

this is precisely why the old adage of "being careful of what you wish for" is always in play. Religious conservatives are often very reckless. The pursuit of such issues as (1) prayer in public schools and (2) posting of 10 commandments in public buildings (e.g. public schools, courthouses) are among some of the most potentially destructive agenda in existence. These efforts may "feel" conservative on basis that they link to something traditional (Christian religion), but by mere pursuit provide an argumentative in-road for precisely what those groups do not want: (1) prayer in public school for other religions, (2) promotion of other religions in public facilities (as if posting the 10 commandments wouldn't do that anyway, even more so, on behalf of Judaism).

This is also precisely why being "too far to the right" is very often more harmful than good, as an overall motivation is very similar to those who are "too far to the left": strong tendency to act on perceived basis of "doing the right thing." And, oh my, those ironic and/or dangerous times when the two far ends arc so far that they link together, and behave likewise. In this example: irony, where it is a political left, instead of a right, that has managed to put prayer in a children's school. Again, always be careful what you wish for. Always . . .
I wouldn't be surprised if it does happen in America. Its not like the MSM would report on it.
Tim Kaine had a Florida rally cancelled just today because nobody was going to show up lol. I don't think she stands a chance in Florida.
Tim Kaine had a Florida rally cancelled just today because nobody was going to show up lol. I don't think she stands a chance in Florida.
She will lose Florida. She's toast in my state, Ohio, and she's done in Iowa. We are going to get her, and, if not, no problem, I'll just move to Europe. Unlike Liberal lying riff-raff, I really will move there, probably to Prague.
Ok please stop with the Texas is in play......Hiliary isn't even wasting her time there and knows it isn't in play.

Utah maybe but it certainly isn't because of Hilliary it's because of the third party people.
Utah is not even remotely in play. This election will come down to PA, NM, CO and WI.
Frank Luntz throwing shade at Trump - says he's the only one, other than perhaps Cruz, who would lose to Hillary. That's what I used to believe, but after being swayed by the Paddock I'm down with the idea that Trump is the only one worthy of running as GOP standard bearer.

Rubio had his own issues that would have been amplified. I think a lot of us thought he'd be the ideal guy by GOP, the type they would make in some lab. However, he did not resonate with voters and looked bad in debates.

Now if he couldn't even inspire his own party in the primaries, how was he going to win a general election? He wouldn't.

Just saw he said Kasich would be up by even more. That's absurd. Republicans were sick of that type.
1000's of immigrants are now crossing the border each day, voluntarily turning themselves in to border control to be purposely contained in migrant centers in order to wait out the election, hoping that Hillary wins, so they can be granted amnesty.
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On local news this morning, it was announced Texas voting splits for Hillary and Trump among men is 43/54. Hispanics is 56/33 and it's all even among women at 45/45. Tight statewide, but The Donald may just take Lone Star.

Texas women must like being abused if they are voting the Donald, right? That's what Hillary would say.
Below is a most welcome headline released 30 minutes ago.

USA Today: After Election Day, access to marijuana likely to reach all-time high across nation.

Heck yes! Too bad us transplanted Texans still reside in the stone age. *Sigh* We'll modernize someday.
Have to admit that when I filled out my ballot last week, the first oval I colored in was "yes" for Ammendment 2 in Florida. It almost passed during the last cycle - received more than 50% of the vote - but Florida has the 60% rule.
Have to admit that when I filled out my ballot last week, the first oval I colored in was "yes" for Ammendment 2 in Florida. It almost passed during the last cycle - received more than 50% of the vote - but Florida has the 60% rule.

Yep. We got about 58% in 2012. Almost.

If you ever down my way. Stop by. I am sometimes up your way. Got a buddy that lives in Amelia Island
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