How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yes I did and I was wrong...hope I am right this time :)
You may very well be right as to the result; however, if you think that the evening of the 8th is going to be anything but tense, you will be in for a big surprise. At this point, I can easily envision (assuming Trump wins Florida and assuming Clinton wins Pennsylvania) everything boiling down to close races in Colorado and Arizona and Nevada, and Trump will probably have to sweep all three.
Fuzz always says something stupid and then completely ignores the subject from then on...

NBCnews tweets - couldn't be an NBC tweet, check and verify dumbasses...verified. Oops.

Dailymail article w/like 2 simple pictures - "that's not even a good photoshop!" did you think was photoshopped? LMAO

Most bizarre dude around.
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You realize that haven't yet left the EU so any long term effects of Brexit are still way down the road.
Yes, but this does put paid to the predictions about the immediate catastrophic consequences that would follow a "Leave" result- and please don't even try to deny that the MSM was making such predictions.
In one email, Neera Tanden, now a member of Clinton's transition team, questioned whether the person who told Clinton she could use private email has "been drawn and quartered."

In another, Podesta asks campaign manager Robby Mook if he had "any idea of the depth of this story." Mook replied: "Nope." He said that email issue had been raised before, but they "were told that everything was taken care of."

Lmao! From

"Drawn and quartered"

Trump has not wished medieval style torture on anybody, fyi, tbh. Is this funny to you sick people? Guarantee whoever was her private IT person is deader than shit.
Fuzz always says something stupid and then completely ignores the subject from then on...

NBCnews tweets - couldn't be an NBC tweet, check and verify dumbasses...verified. Oops.

Dailymail article w/like 2 simple pictures - "that's not even a good photoshop!" did you think was photoshopped? LMAO

Most bizarre dude around.

And before making ass of himself, a quick, simple Google Image search of "Hillary McAuliffe" brings back dozens of pictures of Hillary & McAuliffe from the same exact fundraiser.
Yes, but this does put paid to the predictions about the immediate catastrophic consequences that would follow a "Leave" result- and please don't even try to deny that the MSM was making such predictions.
I don't really listen or care much about what the MSM says...and to be honest, the MSM rarely says things, they report what others say and do. If you pay attention, especially about political matters (and brexit is a political matter) they actually report a whole host of opinions. People who have this combative thing about the MSM focus in on what they think validates their opinion and ignores what is contrary to that opinion. Just like people who claim that the NYT is just a political puppet of HRC and Democrats. It was the NYT that discovered and exposed the HRC email scandal. Trump's opponents during the primaries said that the MSM was giving too much time to Trump, that he got $10's of millions of free exposure. Nobody in Trump's camp was complaining. Now Trump wants to complain about the MSM because that's popular to do with his supporters.
And the best part, that fundraiser was her very first after she announced she was running for president. Not a dime of that $ went to her campaign, but instead all went to McCabe. She literally used voters' donations to pay for an FBI cover up.
You may very well be right as to the result; however, if you think that the evening of the 8th is going to be anything but tense, you will be in for a big surprise. At this point, I can easily envision (assuming Trump wins Florida and assuming Clinton wins Pennsylvania) everything boiling down to close races in Colorado and Arizona and Nevada, and Trump will probably have to sweep all three.

For it to be a late/tense night, Trump will have to win all of FL, NC and OH (assuming Hillary wins PA). That may be a tall order.
This is one of the guys standing outside the polling station with a bat.


Same guy who says he hates white people and that we need to kill white babies.

this guy is full of anger and hate. It is easy to want to hate him back. However, it is also easy to respect him. He does not hide behind a hood. He shows his face, does not mince his words, lets all his feelings and desires be known, corrupt and evil as they may be. I actually have more respect for this man than I do for Hillary Clinton. He is my human enemy yet I don't have to worry about any "two faced-ness" with this guy. Even though a low-down scum, he's on the up-and-up. He's even decent enough to wear some form of uniform to allow himself to be easily identified, not about to attempt to cowardly mix-in with civilian innocents. almost oddly pleased he made it to the top of page 1-1-1-1
For it to be a late/tense night, Trump will have to win all of FL, NC and OH (assuming Hillary wins PA). That may be a tall order.
He'll take Ohio. As far as Florida goes, he's now up by 3 points in the most recently released poll. NC is iffy, but is probably going his way. Iowa is actually another must win swing state, but that looks good for him as well.
Fuzz always says something stupid and then completely ignores the subject from then on...

This was described almost precisely by Ayn Rand as a common tactic by socialist liberals, that when particularly cornered by logic and reason an emotional response in the form of something meaningless and irrelevant as an attempt to bring the matter to a close will very often or nearly always be used.
I would agree with that take for all black panthers.

Also, if you missed the emails saying Trump was the one they wanted to face I'd assume it is safe to say that played into the media coverage no doubt.

And a FL/OH sweep seems very likely right now. NC may play different but it's close as are IA, MI, WI and I bet PA is closer than some thing.
You may very well be right as to the result; however, if you think that the evening of the 8th is going to be anything but tense, you will be in for a big surprise. At this point, I can easily envision (assuming Trump wins Florida and assuming Clinton wins Pennsylvania) everything boiling down to close races in Colorado and Arizona and Nevada, and Trump will probably have to sweep all three.

Trump will win Florida. Mark my words. He will win Florida.
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If you mailed in your ballot you better check to make sure it's being counted.

I am a single, Republican mother of two younger kids in small town Illinois. Within my friends, I keep seeing and hearing of all these examples of voter fraud going on right now with Trump supporters.

Three well-respected people within the same household in my town who mailed in their ballots in favor of Trump went online to make sure their votes were counted – only to find they were not going to be counted because the signatures on the ballot didn’t match those on their letter. They would have never seen this if they hadn’t gone online to verify!

How many others who have no thought to follow up on their vote are having the same thing happen to them?

We are TERRIFIED in small towns across America of what influence Democrats and the Clinton campaign are having on the votes.

PLEASE look into this further – my fear is that it’s a bigger issue than we are even aware of.

It is appalling.

Thank you for all that you are and all that you do — you are appreciated!

I don't really listen or care much about what the MSM says...and to be honest, the MSM rarely says things, they report what others say and do. If you pay attention, especially about political matters (and brexit is a political matter) they actually report a whole host of opinions. People who have this combative thing about the MSM focus in on what they think validates their opinion and ignores what is contrary to that opinion. Just like people who claim that the NYT is just a political puppet of HRC and Democrats. It was the NYT that discovered and exposed the HRC email scandal. Trump's opponents during the primaries said that the MSM was giving too much time to Trump, that he got $10's of millions of free exposure. Nobody in Trump's camp was complaining. Now Trump wants to complain about the MSM because that's popular to do with his supporters.

Fish: Stop this right now!
Conrad: Who said that?
Fish: Me! Remember, the fish? Came home in a baggy, loved me for two weeks, and then nothing.
Sally: The fish is talking.
Cat: Well, sure, he can talk. But is he saying anything? No, not really.

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He'll take Ohio. As far as Florida goes, he's now up by 3 points in the most recently released poll. NC is iffy, but is probably going his way. Iowa is actually another must win swing state, but that looks good for him as well.

well . . . Florida is just a wait and see. He loses without it, plain and simple. Urgently must have Arizona and North Carolina. Still, if he wins those 3 states - personally believe he will - that will still leave him 10 electoral votes shy. Where will those come from? As many have mentioned, myself included, this election is won and lost in Pennsylvania. If he could manage Penn and Florida, he could win without either North Carolina or Arizona but not without both. So, back to the 10 electoral votes shy scenario . . . if he doesn't win PA, he would need either (1) at least one unlikely great lake state, (2) unlikely combination of NV and CO, or (3) some unforeseeable other combination.

That, of course, totally ignores any idea that Texas and Georgia are actually "in-play" . . . has confidence in Ohio and Iowa outcomes like you mention. The man basically has to win Pennsylvania - currently a way's from promoting to "iffy" status.
Of course I say trump will win and hillary is down here having meetings with the top person in charge of Florida's election. Why the hell is she having meetings with anyone on a state's election committee
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He'll take Ohio. As far as Florida goes, he's now up by 3 points in the most recently released poll. NC is iffy, but is probably going his way. Iowa is actually another must win swing state, but that looks good for him as well.
Tim Kaine had a Florida rally cancelled just today because nobody was going to show up lol. I don't think she stands a chance in Florida.
well . . . Florida is just a wait and see. He loses without it, plain and simple. Urgently must have Arizona and North Carolina. Still, if he wins those 3 states - personally believe he will - that will still leave him 10 electoral votes shy. Where will those come from? As many have mentioned, myself included, this election is won and lost in Pennsylvania. If he could manage Penn and Florida, he could win without either North Carolina or Arizona but not without both. So, back to the 10 electoral votes shy scenario . . . if he doesn't win PA, he would need either (1) at least one unlikely great lake state, (2) unlikely combination of NV and CO, or (3) some unforeseeable other combination.

That, of course, totally ignores any idea that Texas and Georgia are actually "in-play" . . . has confidence in Ohio and Iowa outcomes like you mention. The man basically has to win Pennsylvania - currently a way's from promoting to "iffy" status.

Ok please stop with the Texas is in play......Hiliary isn't even wasting her time there and knows it isn't in play.

Utah maybe but it certainly isn't because of Hilliary it's because of the third party people.
Hillary is campaigning with Michelle Obama today......looks like she needs a headliner to help her fill the seats. Interesting pairing...Michelle got very personal with Hillary during the Obama vs. Clinton campaign and I'm pretty sure I've read some disparaging comments from Michelle about Hillary uttered in private.

Strange bedfellows and all.....
Of course I say trump will win and hillary is down here having meetings with the top person in charge of Florida's election. Why the hell is she having meetings with anyone on a state's election committee
Why indeed?
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It doesn't look likely that Clinton's lead is real, but should she win who's up for revolution and anarchy? Trumplings seem pretty mad and upset.

That article just proves the BS of MSM

It's very obvious by the answers that they were all asked a question similar to :" if trump loses the election do you predict an uprising or what?" I mean Christ, one dude began with "unfortunately I'm not a violent man"
She isn't winning. Independents are crushing her

She won't win, everything from the " it's already over" to " Texas is in play" has been to try and persuade the electorate.

I think Trump will win Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio and probably North Carolina.

Hillary is an awful candidate.
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She won't win, everything from the " it's already over" to " Texas is in play" has been to try and persuade the electorate.

Hillary is an awful candidate.

I fully believe they are trying to convince whomever will listen that it's already in the bag so when the machine goes into motion on election day and she wins in a landslide, they'll point to the phony polls and propaganda and say, "See. We tried to tell ya." Tinfoil hat and all, I swear this is what I think is happening.
I fully believe they are trying to convince whomever will listen that it's already in the bag so when the machine goes into motion on election day and she wins in a landslide, they'll point to the phony polls and propaganda and say, "See. We tried to tell ya." Tinfoil hat and all, I swear this is what I think is happening.

I don't trust Democrats with anything. They are the slimiest bunch and have proven to do anything.
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I fully believe they are trying to convince whomever will listen that it's already in the bag so when the machine goes into motion on election day and she wins in a landslide, they'll point to the phony polls and propaganda and say, "See. We tried to tell ya." Tinfoil hat and all, I swear this is what I think is happening.

Possibly, I think it was done to try and get people to sinmply not vote. If you feel the election is over, and your guy doesn't stand a chance, some people will choose not to take time out of their day to vote.