How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Come on guys.

There's no way a person that thinks so highly of themselves is a male. stop calling it a he.

Has to be a bat ugly woman with daddy issues.
I've got LEK on ignore so no idea what half of this thread is about.

LEK is police

It was worth reading. I think he's dropped the troll schtick and is 100% serious this time...

Of course, he'll probably just pull the troll card again and then talk about how he volunteers at the church.

All the shit making him look like a hypocrite vanished. Mods they're personally attacking me don't they read the rules!!!
pretty stupid to not use available technology features to make this entertainment activity of viewing message board posts more enjoyable. your ignorance at manipulating software properly I'd expect with a leftie.

Yes, I am terrible with technology...thanks for helping me understand that.
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LEK is police

It was worth reading. I think he's dropped the troll schtick and is 100% serious this time...

Of course, he'll probably just pull the troll card again and then talk about how he volunteers at the church.

All the shit making him look like a hypocrite vanished. Mods they're personally attacking me don't they read the rules!!!
I didnt call the mods, but nice try. I am glad I can personally help people like you living off welfare, Mash.
You cannot make this up. DNC suing GOP for wanting poll watching to prevent voter fraud.

Dems crying foul is hysterical considering they had the Black Panthers outside polling stations with bats in 2012.

Democrats are pure evil. Lawless sacks of garbage. They might fool their low-informed sheep but we know they commit voter fraud & it's also why they're so against voter ID laws.
You sure the black panthers weren't there to vote?

You know what I think........Canada should handle our election.
You do know that Albany was being sarcastic. He knows that Hillary can't draw more than 20 people to her rallies and I'd bet 10 of them are paid to be there.
I was wrong anyways. Venue holds 14k & they're expecting capacity. So far it's about 3/4 full, so not quite there yet.
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You sure the black panthers weren't there to vote?

You know what I think........Canada should handle our election.

This is one of the guys standing outside the polling station with a bat.


Same guy who says he hates white people and that we need to kill white babies.

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I would bet everything that its a female. unattractive and hasnt been pleased in ages.

probably should be careful what you say, honestly. emotional ramp-up in that one is so extreme . . . angrily self-validating ALL the time . . . other warning signs of self-destructive tendencies
probably should be careful what you say, honestly. emotional ramp-up in that one is so extreme . . . angrily self-validating ALL the time . . . other warning signs of self-destructive tendencies
Man, the gang of dumb is really attacking me today. I would be worried, but the collective IQ is that of a tomato, so I'm not. I think I triggered their feelings.
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The other 10 are street walkers trying to get food from the other 10 she paid.

Actually the homeless have been rooting for Trump. The scummy hillary voters showing "tolerance" by defacing Trump's Walk Star in Hollywood is being defended by a homeless guy who is protecting the star.

Hillary would just turn the homeless into meal food for Syrian refugees.
Crazy, I will try and have a conversation if you want, but I am not voting HRC, and have bashed her many times. As stated, if you saw the WikiLeaks and can still vote for that, I am not sure what to say. The only argument is that she is better than Trump, but I dont think so. I also never berated Trump for taxes, I think he has enough job creation and pays other taxes that it more than makes up for it.

LEK, let me be on record saying that Trump and Hilary are terrible. It is crystal clear to me that Hilary is all about making money and having power and she has sold out already. I voted for Trump, because,in my mind, he is the lesser of two evils, and I think he can do more for the economy than Hilary will. She has her money and could care less about the rest of the country.
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LEK is police

It was worth reading. I think he's dropped the troll schtick and is 100% serious this time...

Of course, he'll probably just pull the troll card again and then talk about how he volunteers at the church.

All the shit making him look like a hypocrite vanished. Mods they're personally attacking me don't they read the rules!!!
Not only that, but he's found the spell check function on his computer. He was much more fun to read when he wrote things like "thats a logical phallacy". Cracked me up. I realize it was just a Freudian slip, but I still laughed. Good times indeed.
Not only that, but he's found the spell check function on his computer. He was much more fun to read when he wrote things like "thats a logical phallacy". Cracked me up. I realize it was just a Freudian slip, but I still laughed. Good times indeed.

**looks like she edited it out..really worried about the perception of her **brilliance
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She hasnt found the punctuation button.

A couple posts back she is berating someone for being dumb while putting a question mark at the end of a sentence.

I dont go around pointing out errors like she does, but just found it funny.

it's gone past the free entertainment it was. At the core, is a natural urge to break down every encounter into individual comparisons. When the "opponent" doesn't go for it, it is easy to see how unsatisfying, frustrating, that becomes . . . does nothing to put those urges under control. That is the consistent pattern. Sub patterns include combined anger / self-validation. Becoming more and more frequent. Truly, cause for concern.
This is one of the guys standing outside the polling station with a bat.


Same guy who says he hates white people and that we need to kill white babies.

Well we do have abortion as an apparent topic this election so I guess that works.

Also I'm still not convinced he isn't there to vote and just found out that his felony is not permitting that........WTF am I thinking Dems don't care about that!