How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yep. We got about 58% in 2012. Almost.

If you ever down my way. Stop by. I am sometimes up your way. Got a buddy that lives in Amelia Island

Sounds good. Will definitely keep that in mind.

Only thing that sucks about the amendment in Florida is that they're trying to make it difficult to qualify medically (only 10 specific illnesses qualify). Regardless, though, it's a step in the right direction.
Sounds good. Will definitely keep that in mind.

Only thing that sucks about the amendment in Florida is that they're trying to make it difficult to qualify medically (only 10 specific illnesses qualify). Regardless, though, it's a step in the right direction.

Yep. They do have PTSD as one to qualify, I think, so that will open a lot of avenues for people. I found out that I cannot write suggestions for Medical Marijuana even though I can diagnose PTSD.
It does, but I think Hillary is taking a chance.
If Trump gets 90% or better republican support he wins. Simply because a lot of blue collar traditional democrats are going to support Trump.

I'm in the IBEW, I opened the letter from the local I'm in yesterday. It went through the various candidates from each district that they recommended. However, they simply left the President portion blank. Trust me, that's an unspoken endorsement of Trump.
Pipe fitter I work with told me his local was the same.

You must work at GE.
I found out that I cannot write suggestions for Medical Marijuana even though I can diagnose PTSD.

Yeah, PTSD is listed. That's odd you can diagnose but can't suggest mm as treatment. Doesn't make much sense.

I also read somewhere that they're even going to try to limit how many patients a single doctor can prescribe to. I'm assuming they're afraid of another "pill mill" repeat.
I there a video that exists from the past few months that shows Clinton walking up steps unassisted without stumbling?


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2.9 3rd quarter GDP...not bad.

according to "advanced estimate" . . . often known to be widely askew in either direction, and I just wonder which direction that would be prior an election . . . this election . . . you are such a tool . . . revised estimate won't be available until end of next month and then final, "real" value will not be released until Dec. 21.
This election feels like I'm watching the end of the 2016 title game.

Could not care any less about Villanova. Just need them to hit the shot to stop the evil, corrupt UNC from winning a title.

Really wish we could get a Jay Wright "Bang" moment and get something that really sealed Clintons fate. Like having a seizure and falling down a flight of stairs or something.
It's sad hillary voters are so easily gullible and naive.
After years of ranting about Iraq, Goldman Sachs, waterboarding, 1%ers, and political insiders.....they are backing the polar opposite of everything that supposedly pissed them off. If we had a functional press they would be eviscerating Sanders and Pocahontas.
After years of ranting about Iraq, Goldman Sachs, waterboarding, 1%ers, and political insiders.....they are backing the polar opposite of everything that supposedly pissed them off. If we had a functional press they would be eviscerating Sanders and Pocahontas.

That's why I hate them with every bleeding drop from my ever-hating heart
This election feels like I'm watching the end of the 2016 title game.

Could not care any less about Villanova. Just need them to hit the shot to stop the evil, corrupt UNC from winning a title.

Really wish we could get a Jay Wright "Bang" moment and get something that really sealed Clintons fate. Like having a seizure and falling down a flight of stairs or something.

Donald trump tweets out unconfirmed claims against the Clintons and causes hillary clinton to have a seizure, fall down flight of steps.
This is the prime example of stupidity and ignorance that is sweeping this country. This is an over emotional response to learning. When did it not become ok just to learn about other religions, Since when does it represent that our country is being taken over by Muslims, just to talk about other cultures. Too many people are swept away by these blogs that act as news sources. They are not. They are not rigorous peer reviewed standards. Its an over emotional take on stuff that 20 years ago, wouldnt have mattered.


I get it. If they were teaching Islam, and not christianity and trying to indocronate these kids, that would be a big issue. They werent. Thats the issue. Is that many read these uniformed blogs, and just the headlines, and the assume the worst. Its amazing how emotional people have become.

I get the claims that Islam is a violent religion. No argument there. But every one of these 3 (one was repeated) was taken out of context.

Hunnington- The district’s seventh-grade social studies classes use a curriculum from the state that includes lessons on major world religions like Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism, the district said. They had a character, who was Islamic, saying he believed in Allah being the only god. Well, according to someone who is Muslim, they think that. Its not rocket science. Just like someone who is polytheistic, believes in many gods. Its not advocating religion, its having children study it. But according to others the mere mention is indoctrination, which is pure hysteria and emotion.

Tennessee- They were doing an assignment on Islam: They did this assignment where they wrote out the Five Pillars of Islam, including having the children learn and write the Shahada, which is the Islamic conversion creed," she explained. They werent indoctrinating children to Islam, merely teaching it. Yet HeismanWhitesRule thinks its making kids do this. It is not based in reality and is an over emotional response. They were righting out the 5 doctrines of Islam, which most people know. Prayer to Mecca, Visits to mecca, charity to poor, fasting, and then the 1st commandment. To learn a subject isnt to indoctrinate them and to attempt to insist that is the case is lazy thinking. Its ok to learn about things different than you. Different isnt bad.

Georgia- So if you actually read the article, which tries its best to make you scared: Georgia tries to mandate that students be able to “Compare and contrast the prominent religions in Southwest Asia (Middle East): Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. In Walton County, that manifested itself in a homework assignment one parent found objectionable: “Allah is the [blank] worshiped by Jews & Christians,” the document said. The child filled in the blank with “same God.” So the child is a dumb ass, and its middle school's fault? They arent teaching, but once again the whole over emotional reaction.

None of these articles show we are indoctrinating our children with Islam. Merely teaching a student about Islam does not equate to indoctrinating, not matter what reality you live in. If the state were, we would have a huge issue, but none seem to have it when Under God was in the pledge?

But this is the type of lazy thinking and mass hysteria that is constantly shown. People dont actually read the evidence of the cases, they dont take into account the facts, and then they emotionally react.
Once again the 200+ albino is telling everyone how much they suck and how much she is just awesomeee.

Only took 10 paragraphd or so

Definite daddy issues
“Like a sandstorm/on the desert/sending camels/into motion,” the lyrics read. “Like how a single faith/can make a heart open/They might only have one God/But they can make an explosion.”

After 20 seconds, i see the pillar of perfectness left out the above lyrics that the kids were forced to sing. gee, i wonder why.

Could it be that kids just might interpret them to have many different meanings?

Ojaala Ahmad, communications director for the school system disagrees with you lek:
“Our reaction was that obviously the teacher could have had a better choice of words,” Ahmad said. “Those (lyrics) were very open to interpretation. ... If (the students) taught misinformation or biased information, that’s going to be on their minds.”

But that Muslim is probaby just a dumbass also, right?
After reading 2of these articles:

Islam is the only religion where the kids were forced to memorize and recite anything: "allah is the only god"

They spent three weeks on Islam.

Skipped Christianity and spent very little time on others. but lek would have you believe they had an hour long session learning the foundings of every religion.
Last edited:
“Like a sandstorm/on the desert/sending camels/into motion,” the lyrics read. “Like how a single faith/can make a heart open/They might only have one God/But they can make an explosion.”

After 20 seconds, i see the pillar of perfectness left out the above lyrics that the kids were forced to sing. gee, i wonder why.

Could it be that kids just might interpret them to have many different meanings?

Ojaala Ahmad, communications director for the school system disagrees with you lek:
“Our reaction was that obviously the teacher could have had a better choice of words,” Ahmad said. “Those (lyrics) were very open to interpretation. ... If (the students) taught misinformation or biased information, that’s going to be on their minds.”

But that Muslim is probaby just a dumbass also, right?
Once again you missed the point. And no, they didnt disagree, its an over reaction, just like your response. The whole claim is that they were indoctrinating. They were not.
After reading these articles:

Islam is the only religion where the kids were forced to memorize and recite anything: "allah is the only god"

They spent three weeks on Islam.

Skipped Christianity and spent very little time on others. but lek would have you believe they had an hour long session learning the foundings of every religion.
Its part of the tenet. Its not hard. Doesnt equate to indoctrination.

No matter how emotional your response or out of context you will rebut, it does not equate to that. People on the right scream about the over pussification of America, yet here is a prime example of it. Overly sensitive to just the mere learning.
This is the prime example of stupidity and ignorance that is sweeping this country. This is an over emotional response to learning. When did it not become ok just to learn about other religions, Since when does it represent that our country is being taken over by Muslims, just to talk about other cultures. Too many people are swept away by these blogs that act as news sources. They are not. They are not rigorous peer reviewed standards. Its an over emotional take on stuff that 20 years ago, wouldnt have mattered.


I get it. If they were teaching Islam, and not christianity and trying to indocronate these kids, that would be a big issue. They werent. Thats the issue. Is that many read these uniformed blogs, and just the headlines, and the assume the worst. Its amazing how emotional people have become.

I get the claims that Islam is a violent religion. No argument there. But every one of these 3 (one was repeated) was taken out of context.

Hunnington- The district’s seventh-grade social studies classes use a curriculum from the state that includes lessons on major world religions like Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism, the district said. They had a character, who was Islamic, saying he believed in Allah being the only god. Well, according to someone who is Muslim, they think that. Its not rocket science. Just like someone who is polytheistic, believes in many gods. Its not advocating religion, its having children study it. But according to others the mere mention is indoctrination, which is pure hysteria and emotion.

Tennessee- They were doing an assignment on Islam: They did this assignment where they wrote out the Five Pillars of Islam, including having the children learn and write the Shahada, which is the Islamic conversion creed," she explained. They werent indoctrinating children to Islam, merely teaching it. Yet HeismanWhitesRule thinks its making kids do this. It is not based in reality and is an over emotional response. They were righting out the 5 doctrines of Islam, which most people know. Prayer to Mecca, Visits to mecca, charity to poor, fasting, and then the 1st commandment. To learn a subject isnt to indoctrinate them and to attempt to insist that is the case is lazy thinking. Its ok to learn about things different than you. Different isnt bad.

Georgia- So if you actually read the article, which tries its best to make you scared: Georgia tries to mandate that students be able to “Compare and contrast the prominent religions in Southwest Asia (Middle East): Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. In Walton County, that manifested itself in a homework assignment one parent found objectionable: “Allah is the [blank] worshiped by Jews & Christians,” the document said. The child filled in the blank with “same God.” So the child is a dumb ass, and its middle school's fault? They arent teaching, but once again the whole over emotional reaction.

None of these articles show we are indoctrinating our children with Islam. Merely teaching a student about Islam does not equate to indoctrinating, not matter what reality you live in. If the state were, we would have a huge issue, but none seem to have it when Under God was in the pledge?

But this is the type of lazy thinking and mass hysteria that is constantly shown. People dont actually read the evidence of the cases, they dont take into account the facts, and then they emotionally react.

Very PC of you to make sure it isn't picked on incorrectly.

Now take that same mentality to the fact that our school system fought to get most of anything Christian out of schools and then understand why teaching anything religious is wrong.

It isn't the school systems job to teach religion and I would say that kids are very impressionable so telling the good side of a religion is comparable to making the slavery era look "ok" in early learning like I was taught. Then I got to college and found out different........a lot different.

So basically if I want my child to learn about allah leave that up to me to teach or expose him to.

TIA but no thanks!
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After reading these articles:

Islam is the only religion where the kids were forced to memorize and recite anything: "allah is the only god"

They spent three weeks on Islam.

Skipped Christianity and spent very little time on others. but lek would have you believe they had an hour long session learning the foundings of every religion.
I see you missed:

The district’s seventh-grade social studies classes use a curriculum from the state that includes lessons on major world religions like Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism, the district said.

But grats on quoting a mom's over reaction and not knowing the full curriculum as your Perry Mason moment. That is what would be called an emotional response.

The mad mom said her daughter’s teacher explained that knowledge of the fundamentals of Islam is mandated by Tennessee’s education standards.

Jan Hanvey, the Maury County Public Schools middle school supervisor, said telling students about the Five Pillars of Islam is a one-day segment of the seventh-grade curriculum (as opposed to Porterfield’s contention of three weeks) and is intended to give students a richer perspective.

We cant have a simple conversation without overreaction. Its amazing, its like you didnt even read the articles, just responded with emotion...