How will they rule ??!

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That is not the Trump campaign being accused. It is a pro-Trump Super-Pac. There is a huge difference. If you want to talk about foreign donor scandals, look no further than the hundreds of millions given to the Clinton Foundation for access/influence to Hillary. The latest being the King of Morocco's $12 million pay to play bribe to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for a Hillary visit.
For a dude that calls everybody who disagrees with him "slow" to miss something so evident... that's pretty funny.
Bruce's America, may not agree with him. Interesting article.

“I call it the pissed-off steel workers party. A lot of people like someone who causes trouble. That’s why Trump is so popular,” said Wilson, sitting in the dim of his hillside shop in the slipping away hours of a warm afternoon. “Why am I voting for him? He’s not Hillary Clinton.” He smiled, turned the radio low. “You know, my entire adult life I’ve been voting for the lesser of two evils.”
Man these are groundbreaking revelations this morning. We need to elect Clinton to really clean up Washington, change the way things work, get dark money out of politics.

If there's one candidate who has a track record of being honest and not influenced by foreign money, it's Clinton.
Except there is direct evidence and the reporter went to the site to make a fake name badge. How is that remotely close? Do you have direct evidence of Cal cheating?

It's close because it's just another hit piece trying to profit off of trump.

Look we have direct evidence of voter fraud in video of those democrats and how they actually do it and pay people to do it........No stories though because that can't be verified. Actual footage of people admitting to it.

I hate to be a hypocrite on this and I get what you are going to say next that my intelligence is whatever........but the media will go out of its way to help Hilliary so for all we know those are people planted to look like Trump supporters just for this story.......but that would never happen right? I mean they only pay people to go to trump rallies and incite violence right? Or is that not true either....

Just tough deciding what is actually real and the media jumps all over every violent situation at trump rallies that turned out to be paid dem supporters, so how is this different?
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It's close because it's just another hit piece trying to profit off of trump.

Look we have direct evidence of voter fraud in video of those democrats and how they actually do it and pay people to do it........No stories though because that can't be verified. Actual footage of people admitting to it.

I hate to be a hypocrite on this and I get what you are going to say next that my intelligence is whatever........but the media will go out of its way to help Hilliary so for all we know those are people planted to look like Trump supporters just for this story.......but that would never happen right? I mean they only pay people to go to trump rallies and incite violence right? Or is that not true either....

Just tough deciding what is actually real and the media jumps all over every violent situation at trump rallies that turned out to be paid dem supporters, so how is this different?
My point was you have a lot of posters claiming they bash both, but dont. Fraud exists on both canidates. And for my 5th or 6th post, I will reiterate, I think what Clinton has done is criminal. The wikileaks stuff convinced me there is no way anyone can vote for her. As bad as Trump is, he never directly circumvented our democracy.
Man these are groundbreaking revelations this morning. We need to elect Clinton to really clean up Washington, change the way things work, get dark money out of politics.

If there's one candidate who has a track record of being honest and not influenced by foreign money, it's Clinton.
I get it, strawman. But I am not claiming people should vote Clinton. They shouldnt.
Ok slow guy, as I said in my previous post before, I mentioned Clinton was a, no, I did not miss anything. In our language, words actually have meaning.

I swear, its insanity land.
Notice this guy did not respond to the fact that this is a pro-Trump PAC and not the Trump campaign its self.

Notice this guy did not respond to the fact that this is a pro-Trump PAC and not the Trump campaign its self.

I am confused, how come none of you champions of truth are talking about Trump's foreign donor scandal?

And before you say HRC this, yeah, shes a criminal undermining our entire democracy.

Where is the word campaign? Where in the post?

And yes, the word Trump means a collective, just like all of us have been using especially the cons to consider anything part of HRC

I get it clown. :joy:
Hilary Clinton kills a man, posters on here criticize her.

LEK: "Why come you guys not criticizing Trump because this guy who likes Trump punched a guy in a bar. You say you criticize both sides but you don't."

OK, thanks, LEK.
Np Bill. I can show where many of the cons on here in their self righteous glory have said they openly criticize their champion. Just didnt see it. You know, you guys are such gods of truth, just thought it was odd.

I guess I could link the foundation scandal as well, but I am sure you guys will put it up at some point.
Ok slow guy...

This is the new Paddock drinking game; drink when LEK insults someone's intelligence. I started to quote every time you've called someone who disagreed with you "slow" or "dumb" or any other random intelligence slur... but then my screen froze (I'm assuming from over-quoting) and I suddenly realized I was giving you way too much head space.

Thou dost project too much, methinks.
Michelle and Hillary doing a joint campaign event in North Carolina...I imagine it will dwarf any single Trump rally.
I imagine you are in a fairy tale land. Have you witnessed the crowd even just from Florida the other day for Trump? People are pissed at Obama for health care and hate Hillary because she is a crook. The polls are heading the right direction for Trump and still do not show a true forecast of what is going on in true America. You keep depending on those polls with 38% D, 35% I and 27% R because we all know if you randomly select voters there will be more independents than Republicans lol.
This is the new Paddock drinking game; drink when LEK insults someone's intelligence. I started to quote every time you've called someone who disagreed with you "slow" or "dumb" or any other random intelligence slur... but then my screen froze (I'm assuming from over-quoting) and I suddenly realized I was giving you way too much head space.

Thou dost project too much, methinks.
I insult your intelligence because I cant figure out anything else. I mean literally, you ask a dumb question, that has been answered right before, and whatever claim you make has been invalidated the post before. I dont know what else to call it? Is it that you are super smart and just miss something?
I insult your intelligence because I cant figure out anything else. I mean literally, you ask a dumb question, that has been answered right before, and whatever claim you make has been invalidated the post before. I dont know what else to call it? Is it that you are super smart and just miss something?
Your lack of self awareness is stunning. Really. Find a mirror. Talk to it for 10 minutes. Get back to me.
Anyone have the video of Robert Zimmermann from the Kelly File last night looking like an idiot for refusing to answer questions about Hillary's emails and going with the "Why aren't we mad at Russia" theory lol.
Np Bill. I can show where many of the cons on here in their self righteous glory have said they openly criticize their champion. Just didnt see it. You know, you guys are such gods of truth, just thought it was odd.

I guess I could link the foundation scandal as well, but I am sure you guys will put it up at some point.

This election has nothing to do with Trump for me, and I've made that abundantly clear. Any story you want to post about Trump, there's one on the same topic but 100 times more severe for Clinton.

So excuse me for not scouring the left wing blogs for Trumped up (lol thanks HRC) stories on Trump and his alleged misdeeds. We've continuously seen, through our own eyes and the emails, the extent to which the media is willing to go to fabricate stories about Trump.

I've said time and time again, Trump is a horrible candidate, but won't be as bad for the country because he won't be able to actually do anything. So he could murder someone on tape, actually grab a woman's pussy against her will and stone cold stunner a disabled reporter and I'd still rather see him in office than Clinton.
LEK wanted to vote for anti-establishment soooo bad but he felt bullied by Trump. His temperament bothered him. Lol

Michelle and Hillary doing a joint campaign event in North Carolina...I imagine it will dwarf any single Trump rally.

Doubtful. Equal to slightly more. Now, the Katy Perry concert, then the Snoop dogg concert...that might dwarf a trump rally.

Lmao Smoop was on twitter talkin bout respect women and stuff. I mean, that's hilarious. The dude who literally walked two prostitutes down the red carpet with leashes, and who's entire career is centered around pimping. Mf'er is a great pimp. It's just hilarious that a lot of people can't peep game when it's right in front of their face. Snoops the man. I wish he would run with Trump. Very similar. You got the finesse and the gorilla pimp.

Tbh, America is wayyyy out of pocket. We have let hoes become housewives. We have put them on a pedestal. Dudes are acting like hoes now. We are eating booties at an incredible rate. Shit is way out of line. It's cool to be the victim. We need Daddy Trump. Politics is business is pimping, baby.
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Then you're wack af, Bill. This is all about Trump and not these political hoes. It's why he defeated fifty twenty republican clones very easily.
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Np Bill. I can show where many of the cons on here in their self righteous glory have said they openly criticize their champion. Just didnt see it. You know, you guys are such gods of truth, just thought it was odd.

I guess I could link the foundation scandal as well, but I am sure you guys will put it up at some point.

The real problem you face is that your choosing to pick the argument in which your candidate is way worse, and proven to be way worse.

I am ok criticizing Trump for his idiotic inability to let things pass him by instead of needing to fight unnecessarily which keeps his BS "bad" moments in the media longer. You can also pick apart his lack of political experience and his foreign policy if there is any. You can also pick apart anything he has done as a private business man to make a buck which includes taking advantage of the system our politicians put in place with bad policy. I'll even listen to you berate his taxes but understand I too avoid as much tax as possible as an individual not prepped for a political run.

Other than that though your guy......I mean worse in every instance so it's tough to say Hilliary took a 145M donation from Russia after selling them Uranium, but trump took a couple 100K.....or Hiliary is taking 12M from Morocco but Trump is taking 1M.

It's an uphill either right? Who knows but it certainly seems Hilliary is for sale while it's just concerning for Trump and we do not know that he will return the favor like seemingly Hilliary has.
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This election has nothing to do with Trump for me, and I've made that abundantly clear. Any story you want to post about Trump, there's one on the same topic but 100 times more severe for Clinton.

So excuse me for not scouring the left wing blogs for Trumped up (lol thanks HRC) stories on Trump and his alleged misdeeds. We've continuously seen, through our own eyes and the emails, the extent to which the media is willing to go to fabricate stories about Trump.

I've said time and time again, Trump is a horrible candidate, but won't be as bad for the country because he won't be able to actually do anything. So he could murder someone on tape, actually grab a woman's pussy against her will and stone cold stunner a disabled reporter and I'd still rather see him in office than Clinton.
Its not you, you have been on record you think Trump is horrible. Your stance makes the most sense.
The real problem you face is that your choosing to pick the argument in which your candidate is way worse, and proven to be way worse.

I am ok criticizing Trump for his idiotic inability to let things pass him by instead of needing to fight unnecessarily which keeps his BS "bad" moments in the media longer. You can also pick apart his lack of political experience and his foreign policy if there is any. You can also pick apart anything he has done as a private business man to make a buck which includes taking advantage of the system our politicians put in place with bad policy. I'll even listen to you berate his taxes but understand I too avoid as much tax as possible as an individual not prepped for a political run.

Other than that though your guy......I mean worse in every instance so it's tough to say Hilliary took a 145M donation from Russia after selling them Uranium, but trump took a couple 100K.....or Hiliary is taking 12M from Morocco but Trump is taking 1M.

It's an uphill either right? Who knows but it certainly seems Hilliary is for sale while it's just concerning for Trump and we do not know that he will return the favor like seemingly Hilliary has.
Crazy, I will try and have a conversation if you want, but I am not voting HRC, and have bashed her many times. As stated, if you saw the WikiLeaks and can still vote for that, I am not sure what to say. The only argument is that she is better than Trump, but I dont think so. I also never berated Trump for taxes, I think he has enough job creation and pays other taxes that it more than makes up for it.
I can agree with that.

I'm just saying there are things that you can pick trump apart on that doesn't lead a republican to say "what about Hiliary".

And it seems those aren't the arguments you are bringing against him this morning. Both(or at least the one today) examples you point to lead trump supporters to create a she is worse argument.

Doesn't make him right.....just less wrong and/or not proven to be bought as Hiliary is.

Just like she runs a campaign of "At least I'm not trump" her supporters hinge on that too......but they can't tell you what they like about her and defend it.
I imagine you are in a fairy tale land. Have you witnessed the crowd even just from Florida the other day for Trump? People are pissed at Obama for health care and hate Hillary because she is a crook. The polls are heading the right direction for Trump and still do not show a true forecast of what is going on in true America. You keep depending on those polls with 38% D, 35% I and 27% R because we all know if you randomly select voters there will be more independents than Republicans lol.
The love for that moose is baffling to me. She hates this country. At least the white parts.
I am confused, how come none of you champions of truth are talking about Trump's foreign donor scandal?

And before you say HRC this, yeah, shes a criminal undermining our entire democracy.

Where is the word campaign? Where in the post?

And yes, the word Trump means a collective, just like all of us have been using especially the cons to consider anything part of HRC

I get it clown. :joy:
Bill did all the replying needed of how foolish your post was. That had nothing to do with Trump and/or his foundation. Unlike that of Hillary's donors to her Clinton Foundation that she is directly tied with.
if Hilldawg cruising to a 40+ state 10+ point victory (plus senate & maybe even house flipping) dont understand the need to sue the RNC & Trump to stop the rigged election tactics/talk?

couldnt be because they see internals that the message is sinking in & helping him/hurting her?
What comes around, goes around.

"Mr Benton was a senior figure at the PAC until he was convicted in May in connection with buying a senator’s endorsement for Ron Paul’s presidential campaign in 2012."
Never understood why anyone would have anyone on ignore...clearly shows your thin skin.
pretty stupid to not use available technology features to make this entertainment activity of viewing message board posts more enjoyable. your ignorance at manipulating software properly I'd expect with a leftie.
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I will say that I do think its interesting that after 2 weeks straight of terror attacks a month or so ago that islamic terrorists went quiet. My guess is ISIS told its soldiers to stop until after the election. They want Hillary to win too.
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