How will they rule ??!

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If I didn't know any better, after listening to that speech he gave, I'd say Moore was a closet Trump fan. He laid out a pretty good case for Trump, & what are the reasons behind why most people are voting for him.

Maybe it is possible that Mike Moore hasn't completely forgotten what it is that got him to where he is today - Roger and Me.
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I will say that I do think its interesting that after 2 weeks straight of terror attacks a month or so ago that islamic terrorists went quiet. My guess is ISIS told its soldiers to stop until after the election. They want Hillary to win too.
Screwduke- We re about to see quite a triangle. The best fall back on America is the SCOTUS. What if a Trump type gets elected against the will of the mainstream.

We are already Orwellian. Just a matter of finding the balance for it gets unbalanced. I feel bad for the future people, Thank goodness I had a vasectomy
I will say that I do think its interesting that after 2 weeks straight of terror attacks a month or so ago that islamic terrorists went quiet. My guess is ISIS told its soldiers to stop until after the election. They want Hillary to win too.

Actual reason for this is that it is Islamic new year since like end of September... during the new year they are supposed to spend time with families and abstain fromchopping heads off... supposed to
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Love this video. MSNBC found some black women and thought they were going to get some Trump bashing and it backfired. These women were too smart for his tactics and are too informed to see what Dems do/don't do to the black community.

The video is a perfect display of how the left tries to manipulate minorities especially blacks. They're like the high school girl running around and saying to someone about their enemy "Can you believe they said that about you? Don't you just hate them? I'd never say that. I'm your friend."
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The winning side...

But seiously, if you don't like how our democracy works, feel free to leave. Whining about a civil war beause the American people have spoke is about as un-American as you can be.
You are wrong here, when the attitude from the winning side is "We won the election deal with it" meaning half of the nation does not count, then it is time for an uprising and ousting of a dictator type leadership. The democrats and their supporters have now become controlling and greedy for power.
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You are wrong here, when the attitude from the winning side is "We won the election deal with it" meaning half of the nation does not count, then it is time for an uprising and ousting of a dictator type leadership. The democrats and their supporters have now become controlling and greedy for power.

You'd think they would have some awareness to this but they are a different breed and usually dwell in echo chambers of thought.

Dems are the ones seeking out conservatives and conservative politicians and speakers to protest, cause violence and shut down. We don't go follow you or your party. We don't even want to be around your group but your group makes sure to cause havoc at private events of people who disagree with you.

The left and their PC insanity tries to insert speech codes and narratives and if someone doesn't agree, they're subjected to the left's insanity and mob mentality.

The left runs our education, our media, our federal government and are the ruling machine that tries to silence anyone who goes against them or destroy them.

Conservatism is the counter culture today but the left is filled with delusional people that think they're being rebellious and going against the machine. You ARE the machine.

Regardless of the outcome of this election and the tactics the left will inevitably play, it's a beautiful thing to see people sick of the BS from the left and getting pushed around and are finally waking up. It's why the people didn't rally around a generic Republican wimp.
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You'd think they would have some awareness to this but they are a different breed and usually dwell in echo chambers of thought.

Dems are the ones seeking out conservatives and conservative politicians and speakers to protest, cause violence and shut down. We don't go follow you or your party. We don't even want to be around your group but your group makes sure to cause havoc at private events of people who disagree with you.

The left and their PC insanity tries to insert speech codes and narratives and if someone doesn't agree, they're subjected to the left's insanity and mob mentality.

The left runs our education, our media, our federal government and are the ruling machine that tries to silence anyone who goes against them or destroy them.

Conservatism is the counter culture today but the left is filled with delusional people that think they're being rebellious and going against the machine. You ARE the machine.

Regardless of the outcome of this election and the tactics the left will inevitably play, it's a beautiful thing to see people sick of the BS from the left and getting pushed around and are finally waking up. It's why the people didn't rally around a generic Republican wimp.
I know Dems like to act as if repubs or Trump supporters will go nuts after this election, but if Trump wins I really and truly expect Dems to lose their shit including Hilliary.

I'm talking true shock TV levels.
True dat. See Bush 43 for more info.

Not my President! Selected, not elected.

Remember those days?
I know Dems like to act as if repubs or Trump supporters will go nuts after this election, but if Trump wins I really and truly expect Dems to lose their shit including Hilliary.

I'm talking true shock TV levels.

Election night will be the ONLY time i ever watch cnn/msnbc just hoping to see an sjw flipout live from inside the HRC runner up party
I'm hoping and praying for a Trump victory but looking at the electoral college, it could be tough...very tough. Then again, this isn't a normal election and these aren't normal candidates.

Just don't know how Trump can pull it off with everything needed. Dems basically have such an easy path all the time because of the coasts.
I'm hoping and praying for a Trump victory but looking at the electoral college, it could be tough...very tough. Then again, this isn't a normal election and these aren't normal candidates.

Just don't know how Trump can pull it off with everything needed. Dems basically have such an easy path all the time because of the coasts.
Yes, difficult but certainly tightening as of the latest polls. CNN even switched 2 states from lean Dem to battleground. Hannity did an electoral vote example last night showing how it is possible for Trump but he has to pull a couple of Dem leans over to the GOP. It's not over yet and seems the momentum is swinging again to Trump. Any more negative Wikileaks stuff (which is likely) will swing more and more voters to Trump.
Well for starters they have PA as a given to her and I'm not so sure about that. Once you take that away and some of the ones they say lean her way then they both have work to do.

Also remember they have places like Texas and Utah as undecided, please!!

I know the media acts like a sweep is so hard to pull off because it's trump but Iowa, Michigan, Ohio, and Florida are pretty heavy Trump leans right now and Wisconsin, Arizona, and Pennsylvania are all being crushed by Obamacare with Hilliary in hiding.

If we could get 1 really big wikileaks story this could end right now IMHO.
Love this video. MSNBC found some black women and thought they were going to get some Trump bashing and it backfired. These women were too smart for his tactics and are too informed to see what Dems do/don't do to the black community.

The video is a perfect display of how the left tries to manipulate minorities especially blacks. They're like the high school girl running around and saying to someone about their enemy "Can you believe they said that about you? Don't you just hate them? I'd never say that. I'm your friend."

yeah, that racist white reporter totally profiled those stately ladies . . . was expected from them some angry, anti-Trump banter, and as soon as he realized his biased AGENDA had been victimized by the virtue of those elegant women he had to shut it down instead of continuing to put that faultless image on further, admirable display.
You are wrong here, when the attitude from the winning side is "We won the election deal with it" meaning half of the nation does not count, then it is time for an uprising and ousting of a dictator type leadership. The democrats and their supporters have now become controlling and greedy for power.

Elections have consequences...that is the importance of having sound policies the masses agree with.
Honestly we should all scour the internet for stories on "Trump supporters" who are trying to "intimidate voters".

That's just as bad as Clinton herself directing her SuperPacs on how to spend the money it collected from foreign donors, her top political operatives detailing how they plan on committing voter fraud, and one of Clinton's top billionaire foreign donors supplying the voting machines for numerous states.

Not sure how democracy can survive if Trump supporters, not connected to his campaign, photoshop ID badges and ask people who they voted for.

Thanks, for bringing this to our attention, LEK. Actually changed my vote to Clinton to combat evil Trump and those unbelievable accusations of people that are going to vote for him possibly asking people who they're going to vote for resulting in the safe space ninnies feeling intimidated.
I am confused, how come none of you champions of truth are talking about Trump's foreign donor scandal?

And before you say HRC this, yeah, shes a criminal undermining our entire democracy.

That is not the Trump campaign being accused. It is a pro-Trump Super-Pac. There is a huge difference. If you want to talk about foreign donor scandals, look no further than the hundreds of millions given to the Clinton Foundation for access/influence to Hillary. The latest being the King of Morocco's $12 million pay to play bribe to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for a Hillary visit.
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