How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Albany's personal experience pretty much validates the incredible success and value of Obamacare. It's certainly not a stretch for any of us to assume that his sample of one can be extended to 10's of millions of other fine God-fearing, (and even those non God-fearing) Americans.

As Nancy Pelosi so confidently declared.....we signed it, we saw it, and now we've lived it.!!!
As I have stated before, I do believe a fight is coming. I really hate to think about what our country has become. Embrace the leftist PC policies or be attacked. It has literally come down to that.

Yep. Embrace is the key word there.
Albany's personal experience pretty much validates the incredible success and value of Obamacare. It's certainly not a stretch for any of us to assume that his sample of one can be extended to 10's of millions of other fine God-fearing, (and even those non God-fearing) Americans.

As Nancy Pelosi so confidently declared.....we signed it, we saw it, and now we've lived it.!!!

Just leveling the hyperoble on here about rate increases for friends and others. I just shared my exact numbers. Everything is going well and for my fellow employees in terms of healthcare costs.
The winning side...

But seiously, if you don't like how our democracy works, feel free to leave. Whining about a civil war beause the American people have spoke is about as un-American as you can be.

GD delusional. [laughing] The "people" didn't speak. They were silenced. smh. It's like the dumb ass factory went out of business when they made you. Perfect specimen.

And if Hillary wins, her measly 35% to 45% of the total vote doesn't speak for America. Quit saying "we". There is no "we".
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Goddammit. So it seems Kim Dotcom was just trolling for attention, and the email thing was a bunch of bullshit.

I've given up on the whole Wikileaks.

Hoped it would make Justice and Punishment for the whole criminal syndicate.

It's not happening. She's about to pull an OJ Simpson.
GD delusional. [laughing] The "people" didn't speak. They were silenced. smh. It's like the dumb ass factory went out of business when they made you. Perfect specimen.

And if Hillary wins, her measly 35% to 45% of the total vote doesn't speak for America. Quit saying "we". There is no "we".

Well, she's going to win the popular vote in the yes, America has spoken.
Now get in line.
Dems like to be claim others will be on the wrong side of history. They better look in the mirror at their tactics, policies and corruption and develop some self awareness.

They're most certainly going to be looked at as monsters and brainwashed sheep down the road.
Well, she's going to win the popular vote in the yes, America has spoken.
Now get in line.

No, America has not spoken. They have been silenced and manipulated. She won't be my president. And getting 35% to 45% of the vote isn't jack mf'ing shit. There is no "we". There's the Good guys and there are the bad guys (hillary and her voting sheep). It's us vs them.
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Goddammit. So it seems Kim Dotcom was just trolling for attention, and the email thing was a bunch of bullshit.
Were you one of those people monitoring horse farm purchases and tracking flights from Gainesville c. 2008?

But hey, at least you didn't stay up until 4AM on a weeknight!
But we should follow someone who will get even less?

First off, we can't even start this discussion from an unbiased stance since Hillary has absolutely cooked the books on this election. It's like letting a horse get a 100 link head start before the other horse is allowed to start.

To answer your question, Trump would have more votes if this election wasn't rigged. He may not speak for everyone, but he does speak for our Constitution that Hillarry consistently pees on
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By gawd ive seen it all

The beyotch that goes on multiple rants a day has said someone else is triggered. [roll][jumpingsmile]

225, freckles, translucent skin, glasses. tennesse orange hair. and currently in a year plus non self induced streak of celibacy.
First off, we can't even start this discussion from an unbiased stance since Hillary has absolutely cooked the books on this election. It's like letting a horse get a 100 link head start before the other horse is allowed to start.

To answer your question, Trump would have more votes if this election wasn't rigged. He may not speak for everyone, but he does speak for our Constitution that Hillarry consistently pees on

And dumps a months worth of excrement on.
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First off, we can't even start this discussion from an unbiased stance since Hillary has absolutely cooked the books on this election. It's like letting a horse get a 100 link head start before the other horse is allowed to start.

To answer your question, Trump would have more votes if this election wasn't rigged. He may not speak for everyone, but he does speak for our Constitution that Hillarry consistently pees on
It is really sad that you and others think that the election is rigged. The overwhelming size of the conspiracy that would require is mind boggling. But your side is going to lose and rather accept responsibility for the reasons for that loss...a candidate even more flawed than HRC...a campaign based upon division and're going to cry that the election is rigged.

Yeah, yeah...your team never loses, it's always the referees fault.
It is really sad that you and others think that the election is rigged. The overwhelming size of the conspiracy that would require is mind boggling. But your side is going to lose and rather accept responsibility for the reasons for that loss...a candidate even more flawed than HRC...a campaign based upon division and're going to cry that the election is rigged.

Yeah, yeah...your team never loses, it's always the referees fault.

It's sad that you'll excuse criminal behavior. That's actually called aid and abetting, which means technically means that you should be imprisoned.

It's sad. Very sad.

It's rigged and you're helping her get it away with it. Congratulations, you're the AC Cowlings to OJ simpson. Sad very very sad
People who work in my wife's company saw their policy go from $600.00 a month for a family to $1,200.00 a month. Some take home about $300.00 every two weeks and were working just for the healthcare. Now they are being told that it will probably go up again. Many say they can't afford it and will probably have to quit and go on the government dole.
Mine's nearly doubling.

I would joke and say that in 10 years, our paycheck will actually be a bill to the federal government, but I'm actually scared shitless that it wouldn't actually be a joke.
I am 100% for total genocide of democrat voters who vote Hillary. Gas them. Kill them. Throw away their useless bodies. I don't care.

Here's Trump's star on Hollywood walk of fame

Hmmm....I guess it means finally realizing that GWB won a second terms and wondering how many idiots this country has to reelect a criminal to another term. A guy and his administration who clearly cooked up intelligence in taking us to a war and then in process of destroying millions of emails once being investigated for taking us to an illegitimate war.A war that cost us over 5000 brave American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.

But once coming down from the ledge, I knew the US would do just fine after GWB left office. Having faith in our election process and knowing one party’s consistent terrible decisions will eventually catch up to them.

Not once did I question our democracy or think me and my kind need to take up arms because a larger portion of this country voted a different way.

Does that help ya?

Translation. As long as my side wins.
You all should read Edward Klein's book "Guilty As Sin" about the Hillary investigatio and her and her group's corruption. It's a solid read.

Even stuff I did not know despite my utter hatred for this monster. It would be more enjoyable if it wasn't so depressing of how corruption prospers.

Honestly, Dems of today from the Obama and Hillary camps deserve to be executed for treason. Also, how pathetic are our citizens that choose to stay stupid and not informed?
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Just saw on the news a bc/bs letter to a father listing his premium going from 720 to 1882. wow, but must be BS cuz albany only went up 3 bucks.
Life is good for Albany, and all of her friends- just ask her and she'll tell you, not once, but many, many times. Actually, you don't even have to ask; the information will be volunteered, not once, but many, many times. Good times, good times for Albany and probably everyone in the whole city of Albany as well!
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Just saw on the news a bc/bs letter to a father listing his premium going from 720 to 1882. wow, but must be BS cuz albany only went up 3 bucks.

Everything Dems touch goes to hell. Then when the ship is going down, instead of accepting responsibility or acknowledging the mistake or corruption, they blame someone else and jump ship.
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The winning side...

But seiously, if you don't like how our democracy works, feel free to leave. Whining about a civil war beause the American people have spoke is about as un-American as you can be.

What is this democracy you speak of? The one where no republicans voted for and insurance scam forced upon us?

What about the democracy that allows the FBI to cover political corruption?

Or the democracy that imports terrorism and covers it up by calling people who don't want terrorism xenophobes?

Or the democracy that is happy to let corporations shop for the cheapest labor globally and ship jobs out of the US?

That the democracy we are supposed to be proud of?

Define winning?
What is this democracy you speak of? The one where no republicans voted for and insurance scam forced upon us?

What about the democracy that allows the FBI to cover political corruption?

Or the democracy that imports terrorism and covers it up by calling people who don't want terrorism xenophobes?

Or the democracy that is happy to let corporations shop for the cheapest labor globally and ship jobs out of the US?

That the democracy we are supposed to be proud of?

Define winning?

You are a king, my friend. Fantastic take.
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Insurance used to be based on risk. O'bama forced insurers to insure existing conditions. Risk was replaced with certainty. Prices were forced to increase artificially.

In a free market prices are dictated by supply and demand. In a free market each person makes the decision for themselves what goods and services they are willing to purchase. O'bama stole our free market option for insurance and created unlimited supply and mandated demand. Where is the safety valve?

Once the dems provide us with a single payer system controlled by the government, health care becomes a de facto tax, subject to the whims of the ruling party. If my current insurance company tries to screw me over, I have a recourse that may or may not satisfy my problem. Where will my recourse come from when the government is making the decisions? Who guards the fox in the henhouse?
Insurance used to be based on risk. O'bama forced insurers to insure existing conditions. Risk was replaced with certainty. Prices were forced to increase artificially.

In a free market prices are dictated by supply and demand. In a free market each person makes the decision for themselves what goods and services they are willing to purchase. O'bama stole our free market option for insurance and created unlimited supply and mandated demand. Where is the safety valve?

Once the dems provide us with a single payer system controlled by the government, health care becomes a de facto tax, subject to the whims of the ruling party. If my current insurance company tries to screw me over, I have a recourse that may or may not satisfy my problem. Where will my recourse come from when the government is making the decisions? Who guards the fox in the henhouse?

Totally agree. The gov't will tell you to wait in line with 3000 poors who smell like unwashed scrotum. Just to get to the front of the line only to be told that the insurance grief coordinator has left for the day and won't be back till next week.

The whole insurance market is a racket. Monopolized and there is no such thing as a "free market" when it comes to health insurance
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Trump only down 3 points in latest Fox News poll who had him down 7 recently. That's within the margin of error.
Trump only down 3 points in latest Fox News poll who had him down 7 recently. That's within the margin of error.

Yea CNN moraclusly has him only down 6 after cheering he was down 12 and all but out.

Dana Bash trying to get him to guarantee more of his own money into the campaign today was funny. She says she pressed him because he has only spent 40M of his own money even though he says it's closer to 100M. Hey Dana how much has Hiliary spent?
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