How will they rule ??!

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where's my gif, you @ssh*les?
Her damn husband was on the board of a sharia law school system.

Yeah. About that. Fuzz only selects what is acceptable or not. No proof of Trump sexually assaulting women and I guarantee when Fuzz is around his "liberal friends", they all talk about Trump being a no good womanizing misogynist. Yet there is not one ounce of proof.

That's they type person he is. A GD snake, two-faced liar

God this girl has to be a troll(not an internet one)

Youre literally not even worth arguing with.

Again. i wasnt the one talking about the internet. all i said was that you were acting like a little bit** for weeks because screwduke was in a sense, correct. we did give up control of naming and numerical rights. not content, which i clearly stated.

Now, get off the couch. put the ice cream/adult toys down, and pull your panty wedgie out, trim the bush, get on the tread mill, buy some makeup and then maybe, just maybe you wont be such a dislikable person.

I apologize that my whole life doesnt revolve around trying to seem super smart on the interwebs, so sometimes i dont write in such an elegant way, but you got serious daddy issues.

Youve proven how crappy of a person you are in the thread about people losing their house. just a sick, ugly(inside/out) person.
So you never answered that question about doing things to make your community better. If you raise the standard, show me?

Or is this another list of things from polls, to US internet to control (I even quoted your wrong post, but you never acknowledged), to basic grammar you fail at in life. See, this is a list of things you perform poorly. The mere stating "I live on my couch," jive is nothing. Not only do you fail at the others, you severely lack at psychoanalyzing people, but maybe its the weed you have been smoking that is holding you down, Phatty Jay.

As far as the person losing their house, I can explain how someone may not get sympathy on the paddock ,especially one with racist posts. But I get it, you are stretching. Pretty obvious we are done here. You act superior, but not one of your actions or thoughts actually conveys that fact.
So you do?

I'm not the one asking. Why even try to give you any info. You'll just twist it and turn it and then deny it. All while taking the slightest of rumors about Trump and running with them.

You don't really want to see any evidence Fuzz. You just want to play games.
You'll have to give reference to Hillary supporting "radical Islam".

Why? Do any islamists believe in the gay lifestyle?

I wouldn't know honestly but it certainly seem to go against their religion.

Also, and please understand it doesn't bother me at all either way.......but if I have to explain something in detail wouldn't the same treatment be fair for the opposing candidate?

For example, Trump is apparently Putin's understudy so can we explain that? With proof? And not the kind of proof that I could tie Hilliary and ISIS together with.
I'm not the one asking. Why even try to give you any info. You'll just twist it and turn it and then deny it. All while taking the slightest of rumors about Trump and running with them.

You don't really want to see any evidence Fuzz. You just want to play games.
Man, I was undecided until maybe 2 weeks ago (I know some wont believe that), but after WikiLeaks, from the suppression to the content, I absolutely can not vote for HRC. You can not have a democracy that covers up the truth that badly. The basic tenet of a democracy is the free exchange of information. Whatever good she was for was demolished.
Not stretching at all

Youre a complete garbage individual who has to try to feel good about themself by berating others. not a chance, youre attractive. no where near as smart as you think you are. and guess what, people that do things to make the world better typically dont have to go around talking about it. so you either dont do a damn thing, or you do it again, to make yourself feel better about obvious shortcomings.
Man, I was undecided until maybe 2 weeks ago (I know some wont believe that), but after WikiLeaks, from the suppression to the content, I absolutely can not vote for HRC. You can not have a democracy that covers up the truth that badly. The basic tenet of a democracy is the free exchange of information. Whatever good she was for was demolished.

I believe you 100%. Regardless who the vote is for, at least you're not going to a play a part in her government ponzi scheme.
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Not stretching at all

Youre a complete garbage individual who has to try to feel good about themself by berating others. not a chance, youre attractive. no where near as smart as you think you are. and guess what, people that do things to make the world better typically dont have to go around talking about it. so you either dont do a damn thing, or you do it again, to make yourself feel better about obvious shortcomings.
Oh, boy, emo dumb guy is triggered.
Why? Do any islamists believe in the gay lifestyle?

I wouldn't know honestly but it certainly seem to go against their religion.

Also, and please understand it doesn't bother me at all either way.......but if I have to explain something in detail wouldn't the same treatment be fair for the opposing candidate?

For example, Trump is apparently Putin's understudy so can we explain that? With proof? And not the kind of proof that I could tie Hilliary and ISIS together with.
Whether or not someone believes in a lifestyle or not is not really relevant. Fact is an overwhelming majority of people of all faiths live peacefully with others. I don't believe in an Amish lifestyle but I've got no problem with people who want to live that way.

Here is the difference between you and me. You want to judge people based on their group or your perception of their group. I judge people by what kind of person THEY are. I know racist, bigoted people of all faiths, colors and origins...each is an exception to whatever classification you might give them.

Trump is the one who claims to admire Putin...don't think I've ever heard anyone say he was his "understudy". All I have to do is look at Trump's own words.
Whitehouse now blaming republican governors for the spike in Obamacare care premiums. A law that was passed strictly by democrats, not one republican voted for it. Even sadder many pea brain dead people in this country will believe it.
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Whether or not someone believes in a lifestyle or not is not really relevant. Fact is an overwhelming majority of people of all faiths live peacefully with others. I don't believe in an Amish lifestyle but I've got no problem with people who want to live that way.

Here is the difference between you and me. You want to judge people based on their group or your perception of their group. I judge people by what kind of person THEY are. I know racist, bigoted people of all faiths, colors and origins...each is an exception to whatever classification you might give them.

Trump is the one who claims to admire Putin...don't think I've ever heard anyone say he was his "understudy". All I have to do is look at Trump's own words.

At his own words? Interesting you say that......ever listen to Hilliary and what she says and basically by default what that makes you a supporter of?

Also, I don't really judge people, because for the most part I don't really give a shit about much. I mean if things go bad I hope we go into a civil war. If things get good again well I'll keep working my ass off and making a living.

Do not get confused I do not like Islam at all what so ever. Not the good ones and certainly not the bad ones. And that isn't because I judge them it's simply that they have nothing in common with any rationale that fits inside this country.

You can defend it or them if you choose and over time I'm sure they will provide people like me more opportunity to point in a direction of we are better with them where they are than in our country.

And that isn't to say anything bad toward or about them, it just is what it is. For example I do not go into the west end because frankly anyone down there has nothing in common with me and we do not see eye to eye on life. I don't judge them, hate them, but I do avoid the area because I think it is in my best interest.

That isn't racism it's simply being different and accepting the difference as something that hasn't nor will it change because neither side wants it to.

Another example, I don't mind BLM, I mean I joke on them for doing things different than I would, but in life it happens. Their cause could be effective but the goal IMO is a bit shifty so most likely they will fail just like the KKK.

Either way I really do not care nor am I grabbing a pitchfork and a noose. If the govt decides we need their problems then I'll decide how to protect my family from those problems which is usually move farther from the city where the uncivil idiots won't go.

It's worked so far and I do not see it changing. And that is the real difference between me and you.......not even sure what your rambling goal was but I figured I'd help you out.
Going after the governors is an interesting angle. I mean strategically it seems it would push people into Trumps camp that were fine to jump ship, but nationwide what it does it make people realize the govt is out of its domain.

I mean if the fed can't make the states do what it promised how or why should anyone believe it will change? Pushing this narrative is awful tricky 2 weeks from the election and I'm stunned that the WH is even bothering with the issue instead of side stepping it until we as a nation beg for single payer.
I am 100% for total genocide of democrat voters who vote Hillary. Gas them. Kill them. Throw away their useless bodies. I don't care.

Here's Trump's star on Hollywood walk of fame

"I run a campaign on issues, he runs a campaign on insults" - Hillary

Her issues are about how bad Trump is. She has an issue with his wall, she takes issue against his taxes, she has an issue with how he talks about women, this woman has so many issues with Trump that you would think that they were married. Something Bill would probably be happy about.
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I am 100% for total genocide of democrat voters who vote Hillary. Gas them. Kill them. Throw away their useless bodies. I don't care.

Here's Trump's star on Hollywood walk of fame

As I have stated before, I do believe a fight is coming. I really hate to think about what our country has become. Embrace the leftist PC policies or be attacked. It has literally come down to that.
My father in law just text me a copy of his new premiums jumping from 450 a month to ~875.

Said he is just going to roll without for a year and hope nothing happens then once Trump is elected hopefully get something worth a shit.

That is counter effective to what it was supposed to stop, right?
People who work in my wife's company saw their policy go from $600.00 a month for a family to $1,200.00 a month. Some take home about $300.00 every two weeks and were working just for the healthcare. Now they are being told that it will probably go up again. Many say they can't afford it and will probably have to quit and go on the government dole.
Whether or not someone believes in a lifestyle or not is not really relevant. Fact is an overwhelming majority of people of all faiths live peacefully with others. I don't believe in an Amish lifestyle but I've got no problem with people who want to live that way.

Here is the difference between you and me. You want to judge people based on their group or your perception of their group. I judge people by what kind of person THEY are. I know racist, bigoted people of all faiths, colors and origins...each is an exception to whatever classification you might give them.

Trump is the one who claims to admire Putin...don't think I've ever heard anyone say he was his "understudy". All I have to do is look at Trump's own words.
Admire is different than respect. Trump said he respects Putin. You can respect someone's work without liking them or certainly without admiring them.
Goddammit. So it seems Kim Dotcom was just trolling for attention, and the email thing was a bunch of bullshit.
People who work in my wife's company saw their policy go from $600.00 a month for a family to $1,200.00 a month. Some take home about $300.00 every two weeks and were working just for the healthcare. Now they are being told that it will probably go up again. Many say they can't afford it and will probably have to quit and go on the government dole.

oh, now wait, that just can't be . . . we were promised nothing of that sort could or would happen . . . must be some form of corrupt doing on your wife's part . . . that's it . . . that's the angle in play here . . . her company, her fault . . . what additional sacrifices has she failed to make in order to prevent this virtuous and moral implementation from being successful? That's what liberals will want to know. The future of all liberal/social mandates depends on private ownership's ability to possess guilt. Get with the program.
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oh, now wait, that just can't be . . . we were promised nothing of that sort could or would happen . . . must be some form of corrupt doing on your wife's part . . . that's it . . . that's the angle in play here . . . her company, her fault . . . what additional sacrifices has she failed to make in order to prevent this virtuous and moral implementation from being successful? That's what liberals will want to know. The future of all liberal/social mandates depends on private ownership's ability to possess guilt. Get with the program.
But it's OK, you know, Robin Hood just robs from the rich and gives to the poor. Average American families are being robbed by the 'Affordable Care Act'. The ACA was was simply a way to get insurance coverage for the people that didn't have it - bottom line. Now, those of us that actually work and pay taxes can't afford insurance anymore. I'm so pissed about this I can't see straight.
People who work in my wife's company saw their policy go from $600.00 a month for a family to $1,200.00 a month. Some take home about $300.00 every two weeks and were working just for the healthcare. Now they are being told that it will probably go up again. Many say they can't afford it and will probably have to quit and go on the government dole.

Yeah, healthcare costs suck, but that has been the case forever. I am fairly certain it will only get worse. We have too many unhealthy peole. It also depends on who you work for. Here are the changes to my own plan and yes, my employeer is very generous...

High Deductible Plan for myself and two kids - $3K deductible with a $9K max out-of-pocket.
Employeer also contributes $1000 to my HSA.

2016 costs - $53.27/pay period ($1279/year)
2017 costs - $55.75/pay period ($1338/year)
feel free to describe what exactly "Democracy" means to you? for all of us.

Hmmm....I guess it means finally realizing that GWB won a second terms and wondering how many idiots this country has to reelect a criminal to another term. A guy and his administration who clearly cooked up intelligence in taking us to a war and then in process of destroying millions of emails once being investigated for taking us to an illegitimate war.A war that cost us over 5000 brave American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.

But once coming down from the ledge, I knew the US would do just fine after GWB left office. Having faith in our election process and knowing one party’s consistent terrible decisions will eventually catch up to them.

Not once did I question our democracy or think me and my kind need to take up arms because a larger portion of this country voted a different way.

Does that help ya?