How will they rule ??!

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A crock of crap by the same guy who dangled it out there that he would release her emails on her birthday, followed by asking for a couple million of investments
There's certainly a burgeoning marketplace of hucksters looking to peddle such wares.
Nevermind. Is that a youtube video saying mike moore is voting Trump?
No, but he's been terrified for months that Trump will win this. He had a really good segment on Real Time back during the conventions
Nevermind. Is that a youtube video saying mike moore is voting Trump?
If I didn't know any better, after listening to that speech he gave, I'd say Moore was a closet Trump fan. He laid out a pretty good case for Trump, & what are the reasons behind why most people are voting for him.
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Oh, I must've missed your post. Link?

Been busy with work; honest apologies, not trolling

No worries I have already stated even if I lose I won't ever admit to paying and any effort you make to the contrary is simply you not wanting to admit letting someone stiff you.

However my stupid email set up for online nonsense is not working now for some weird reason and I'm not posting my real email.

I figure it out and get you the info in a few
If I didn't know any better, after listening to that speech he gave, I'd say Moore was a closet Trump fan. He laid out a pretty good case for Trump, & what are the reasons behind why most people are voting for him.

Yeah, I thought so. But it is Dr Beavers first post. I can't believe I'm referring to someone named "Dr Beavers"

I just need to quit.
Honest question for those who may remember. What was Reagan treated like by Republicans when he was in the primaries and got the nomination? Was it similar to the Never Trump tools?
How ironic the Dems "signature legislation" (Obamacare) may be what costs them this election.
Honest question for those who may remember. What was Reagan treated like by Republicans when he was in the primaries and got the nomination? Was it similar to the Never Trump tools?

He wasn't beloved as everyone thinks he was. The only reason we love him now is he lowered taxes and took on Russia.

He was a cool and calm presence and we were a strong nation then not afraid of hard work.

Also remember he created the real Rick Ross with his BS Nigaurga(?) policy. He almost single handed made cocaine and crack what it was here and then turned on those people as soon as the problem hit white suburbs.

When he was elected interest rates were near the 20s if not above and at the time gas was extremely high for the time and there was a scare of whether it would run out(lol).

There is reason to be happy with his terms and a lot to not like as well and he wasn't beloved as history likes to say now.
How ironic the Dems "signature legislation" (Obamacare) may be what costs them this election.

It also may be what pulls Hilliary out the next few weeks. I mean she can't just ignore this and hope it passes over.

Also it could get obama off the campaign trail too.

More Hilliary equal bad, less obama equal good!

Now if trump would simply drill it home and forget everything else he ever thought, ever, he may swing this damn thing.
Also can you imagine that walk where trump gets to usher obama out of the WH?!?

I mean that will be must see.
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You should read that book I mentioned earlier. It goes into detail about the media and Hillary's squad of scumbags that lie for her. They're called the "Clinton Slime Room" and act as her attack dogs.

Worst candidate Dems could have possibly run but they want to talk smack about Trump? Too funny. She has to be the most unlikable Dem ever.
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Hillary and her ilk are a sinking ship. Too corrupt, too many lies, MSM bias, etc... This is going to the wire folks

The pathetic thing is, the media went so overboard and Dem supporters are so violent and crazy, they have made Trump sympathetic.

Look what they have done.

- Firebombed GOP headquarters
- Attacked Trump supporters and rioted
- BLM destroys their own cities
- Trots out tons of BS accusers, which no one but far left believes
- Media made it way too obvious they're Hillary puppets
- Podesta and DNC emails continue to highlight their deception and how scummy they are.
- Claim to take the high road but constantly steal Trump yard signs and now we have a guy who destroyed his star on the walk of fame

If someone is still a Democrat and a Hillary supporter, that tells me they're a terrible human.
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So who the hell is Matthew Julio Yglesias? Why does this guy's opinion matter?
Think he writes for Politico. This is the start of a barrage of "Obamacare isn't that bad & is turning the corner" opinionated pieces from the left.
So who the hell is Matthew Julio Yglesias? Why does this guy's opinion matter?
One of the main guys at Vox and part of a tribe of liberal writers that Obama invites over for off-the-record collaboration. 200k followers but overall I was using him as an example of these jagoffs helping sell Obamacare, defending it, and now stating it just needs to go all in for single payers. In short, I hate him.
One of the main guys at Vox and part of a tribe of liberal writers that Obama invites over for off-the-record collaboration. 200k followers but overall I was using him as an example of these jagoffs helping sell Obamacare, defending it, and now stating it just needs to go all in for single payers. In short, I hate him.

I get that. I'm likely to listen to this guy's opinion as I am a homeless guy telling me about thermo hydro nuclear fission.
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Think he writes for Politico. This is the start of a barrage of "Obamacare isn't that bad & is turning the corner" opinionated pieces from the left.
He's a SJW, not an expert in economics. In any event, his spin is going to mean nothing. The MSM spin on this cannot help, either. It's as if gas prices doubled last week. There's no spin that can persuade the angry voter who just saw his premium double that he got anything other than the proverbial shaft. The opposition better pray they can produce another Trump video.
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