How will they rule ??!

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Dilbert gets it....bullying the common denominator in academia, union leaders, editorial boards, entertainment mouthpieces, even silicon valley where Peter Thiel is facing severe backlash. It is pathetic.

The Bully Party
Posted October 25th, 2016 @ 9:14am in #Trump #Clinton

I’ve been trying to figure out what common trait binds Clinton supporters together. As far as I can tell, the most unifying characteristic is a willingness to bully in all its forms.

If you have a Trump sign in your lawn, they will steal it.

If you have a Trump bumper sticker, they will deface your car.

if you speak of Trump at work you could get fired.

On social media, almost every message I get from a Clinton supporter is a bullying type of message. They insult. They try to shame. They label. And obviously they threaten my livelihood.

We know from Project Veritas that Clinton supporters tried to incite violence at Trump rallies. The media downplays it.

We also know Clinton’s side hired paid trolls to bully online. You don’t hear much about that.

Yesterday, by no coincidence, Huffington Post, Salon, and Daily Kos all published similar-sounding hit pieces on me, presumably to lower my influence. (That reason, plus jealousy, are the only reasons writers write about other writers.)

Joe Biden said he wanted to take Trump behind the bleachers and beat him up. No one on Clinton’s side disavowed that call to violence because, I assume, they consider it justified hyperbole.

Team Clinton has succeeded in perpetuating one of the greatest evils I have seen in my lifetime. Her side has branded Trump supporters (40%+ of voters) as Nazis, sexists, homophobes, racists, and a few other fighting words. Their argument is built on confirmation bias and persuasion. But facts don’t matter because facts never matter in politics. What matters is that Clinton’s framing of Trump provides moral cover for any bullying behavior online or in person. No one can be a bad person for opposing Hitler, right?

Some Trump supporters online have suggested that people who intend to vote for Trump should wear their Trump hats on election day. That is a dangerous idea, and I strongly discourage it. There would be riots in the streets because we already know the bullies would attack. But on election day, inviting those attacks is an extra-dangerous idea. Violence is bad on any day, but on election day, Republicans are far more likely to unholster in an effort to protect their voting rights. Things will get wet fast.

Yes, yes, I realize Trump supporters say bad things about Clinton supporters too. I don’t defend the bad apples on either side. I’ll just point out that Trump’s message is about uniting all Americans under one flag. The Clinton message is that some Americans are good people and the other 40% are some form of deplorables, deserving of shame, vandalism, punishing taxation, and violence. She has literally turned Americans on each other. It is hard for me to imagine a worse thing for a presidential candidate to do.

I’ll say that again.

As far as I can tell, the worst thing a presidential candidate can do is turn Americans against each other. Clinton is doing that, intentionally.


As I often say, I don’t know who has the best policies. I don’t know the best way to fight ISIS and I don’t know how to fix healthcare or trade deals. I don’t know which tax policies are best to lift the economy. I don’t know the best way to handle any of that stuff. (And neither do you.) But I do have a bad reaction to bullies. And I’ve reached my limit.

I hope you have too. Therefore…

I endorse Donald Trump for President of the United States because I oppose bullying in all its forms.

I don’t defend Trump’s personal life. Neither Trump nor Clinton are role models for our children. Let’s call that a tie, at worst.

The bullies are welcome to drown in their own bile while those of us who want a better world do what we’ve been doing for hundreds of years: Work to make it better while others complain about how we’re doing it.

Today I put Trump’s odds of winning in a landslide back to 98%. Remember, I told you a few weeks ago that Trump couldn’t win unless “something changed.”

Something just changed.

You might like my book because Clinton’s bullies have been giving it one-star reviews on Amazon to punish me for blogging about Trump’s persuasion skills.
The media is trying their best to convince Trump supporters that the race is over and their vote will not matter. Did anyone see the Megan Kelly vs Newt debate from her show last night? This witch is in a full on assault of Trump because she didn't like the way he called her out in front of a live audience months ago and in my opinion, since her contract is coming up to expire, she is putting on an audition for CNN or NBC/ABC so she can earn a fatter paycheck when she leaves FoxNews. She has been as bad as every liberal news outlet the last few months and refuses to call Bill Clinton a sexual predator, but will refer to Trump as one when he has not been proven of anything.

Woman is a straight up bad word lol
Yeah, that's what we're hearing on the local-level. Record voter turn-outs expected for Travis County and Williamson County, Texas, and in the 90% range. It appears Trump may have pissed the Latino vote off. I know three Latino gals fairly well. One in particular, who is a nice-looking software engineer in her 50s, first generation Mexican immigrant and former staunch McCain supporter in '08, refuses to back Trump.

Looks like a wild ride for sure.

Hopefully not. But who knows. With dems they don't have to be citizens or even real people. So that was my guess as to the huge increase

The media is trying their best to convince Trump supporters that the race is over and their vote will not matter. Did anyone see the Megan Kelly vs Newt debate from her show last night? This witch is in a full on assault of Trump because she didn't like the way he called her out in front of a live audience months ago and in my opinion, since her contract is coming up to expire, she is putting on an audition for CNN or NBC/ABC so she can earn a fatter paycheck when she leaves FoxNews. She has been as bad as every liberal news outlet the last few months and refuses to call Bill Clinton a sexual predator, but will refer to Trump as one when he has not been proven of anything.

Woman is a straight up bad word lol

She saw a huge career opportunity during that debate, and she took it. It paid off, and she's continuing the heel turn. She'll be leaving Fox for a pay increase soon
I really don't mind the constant onslaught of Trump and I understand he gives the meat to the news that will get ratings so financially speaking it's better for them to report it.

That said they choose not to report the corruption and if he would have scaled back his rhetoric a month ago and given less sound bites then maybe it would have forced the media to present more Hilliary controversy.

Trump had a chance to blow this up and make it happen but now it is really a tight battle and if Wikileaks can't get him over the hump soon she will be your president soon enough.

The anxiety of what happens either way keeps me so motivated that I can tell you.
Love quotes like this from the Podesta emails:

"I can't recall where we landed exactly on trade. Is she going to say she supports it?"

Not, "what does Clinton believe". "What's she going to say she believes."

Of course, as we saw in the recent documentary Abraham Lincoln told her to lie to the American voters in order to get elected.
No it wasn't

If that was your point then it makes no sense to say "there was a 12 point swing the night before".

Here's a hint, other people made the same comment. Now we get it, you think you're gods gift to this forum, but you make a lot of dumb mistakes and when called upon them, your only retort is to insult.
My point was to show polls can be unreliable. I have said in other posts, while I understand stats, the reliability can be in question. There was no dumb mistake, and not once, literally, not once, have you ever proved me wrong.

I backed up my opinion with polls being unreliable with a fact of the KY governor race. I then backed that up by referencing other posts. So, no Phatty Joint, thats not insults, that is using facts.

If you want, I can show many examples and facts of me destroying you in every argument from my all time favorite, the US giving up control of the internet, to not understanding basic grammar.

In an objective argument, facts will decide the victor. Logic doesnt live in your world of emotions.
Dilbert gets it....bullying the common denominator in academia, union leaders, editorial boards, entertainment mouthpieces, even silicon valley where Peter Thiel is facing severe backlash. It is pathetic.

The Bully Party
Posted October 25th, 2016 @ 9:14am in #Trump #Clinton

I’ve been trying to figure out what common trait binds Clinton supporters together. As far as I can tell, the most unifying characteristic is a willingness to bully in all its forms.

If you have a Trump sign in your lawn, they will steal it.

If you have a Trump bumper sticker, they will deface your car.

if you speak of Trump at work you could get fired.

On social media, almost every message I get from a Clinton supporter is a bullying type of message. They insult. They try to shame. They label. And obviously they threaten my livelihood.

We know from Project Veritas that Clinton supporters tried to incite violence at Trump rallies. The media downplays it.

We also know Clinton’s side hired paid trolls to bully online. You don’t hear much about that.

Yesterday, by no coincidence, Huffington Post, Salon, and Daily Kos all published similar-sounding hit pieces on me, presumably to lower my influence. (That reason, plus jealousy, are the only reasons writers write about other writers.)

Joe Biden said he wanted to take Trump behind the bleachers and beat him up. No one on Clinton’s side disavowed that call to violence because, I assume, they consider it justified hyperbole.

Team Clinton has succeeded in perpetuating one of the greatest evils I have seen in my lifetime. Her side has branded Trump supporters (40%+ of voters) as Nazis, sexists, homophobes, racists, and a few other fighting words. Their argument is built on confirmation bias and persuasion. But facts don’t matter because facts never matter in politics. What matters is that Clinton’s framing of Trump provides moral cover for any bullying behavior online or in person. No one can be a bad person for opposing Hitler, right?

Some Trump supporters online have suggested that people who intend to vote for Trump should wear their Trump hats on election day. That is a dangerous idea, and I strongly discourage it. There would be riots in the streets because we already know the bullies would attack. But on election day, inviting those attacks is an extra-dangerous idea. Violence is bad on any day, but on election day, Republicans are far more likely to unholster in an effort to protect their voting rights. Things will get wet fast.

Yes, yes, I realize Trump supporters say bad things about Clinton supporters too. I don’t defend the bad apples on either side. I’ll just point out that Trump’s message is about uniting all Americans under one flag. The Clinton message is that some Americans are good people and the other 40% are some form of deplorables, deserving of shame, vandalism, punishing taxation, and violence. She has literally turned Americans on each other. It is hard for me to imagine a worse thing for a presidential candidate to do.

I’ll say that again.

As far as I can tell, the worst thing a presidential candidate can do is turn Americans against each other. Clinton is doing that, intentionally.


As I often say, I don’t know who has the best policies. I don’t know the best way to fight ISIS and I don’t know how to fix healthcare or trade deals. I don’t know which tax policies are best to lift the economy. I don’t know the best way to handle any of that stuff. (And neither do you.) But I do have a bad reaction to bullies. And I’ve reached my limit.

I hope you have too. Therefore…

I endorse Donald Trump for President of the United States because I oppose bullying in all its forms.

I don’t defend Trump’s personal life. Neither Trump nor Clinton are role models for our children. Let’s call that a tie, at worst.

The bullies are welcome to drown in their own bile while those of us who want a better world do what we’ve been doing for hundreds of years: Work to make it better while others complain about how we’re doing it.

Today I put Trump’s odds of winning in a landslide back to 98%. Remember, I told you a few weeks ago that Trump couldn’t win unless “something changed.”

Something just changed.

You might like my book because Clinton’s bullies have been giving it one-star reviews on Amazon to punish me for blogging about Trump’s persuasion skills.

As if on cue, I saw a report this morning that trumps walk of fame star was destroyed by a vandal
Purely hypothetical: Let's pretend that you're Julian Assange and you have "better ones coming". Why the touch wouldn't you release them yesterday?
- 8 million people have already voted.
- 2/3 of the votes in NV, AZ, and NC will be cast before Election Day
- 1/2 of the votes in Florida and Georgia will be cast before Election Day.
- The entire battleground state of Colorado (which Conway listed just this morning as part of Donald's path to 270) is mail-in....and they got their ballots a week ago.

The only battleground states of real substance that will be decided on Election Day are Virginia and Pennsylvania. This thing could easily be decided before Nov 8 due to how many battleground states depend heavily on early voting.

Really? So where do you have Mr. Assange at now, serious question . . . some immaculately principled individual with protectionist "USA first" agenda on his mind? In the ideal sense he's stuck in Embassy la-la land, and not without some reason to be concerned about JAIL. Nobody is helping him out of that, so it seems, regardless of what goods, it seems, he may have on who or what.

So if he's got anything left he's got an axe to grind to go with it. What better euphoric state for him to put himself in, than to watch voters in the States elect HRC while he releases information on her in narrow timeframe (shortly before or after) . . . with content so damning it makes ALL OF THEM regret it on a dime's turn?

I'll put it another way . . . all of you are being totally stupid by assuming Wiki's and other wells are running dry simply because the election is getting near.
My point was to show polls can be unreliable. I have said in other posts, while I understand stats, the reliability can be in question. There was no dumb mistake, and not once, literally, not once, have you ever proved me wrong.

I backed up my opinion with polls being unreliable with a fact of the KY governor race. I then backed that up by referencing other posts. So, no Phatty Joint, thats not insults, that is using facts.

If you want, I can show many examples and facts of me destroying you in every argument from my all time favorite, the US giving up control of the internet, to not understanding basic grammar.

In an objective argument, facts will decide the victor. Logic doesnt live in your world of emotions.

Lol. my god you really are an idiot

No there was not a 12 point swing the night before an election. a 12 point swing would mean that one poll had a 9 point margin, then the next was plus 3. since the election happened it just means the polls were wrong. no swing.
The way you said it was inherently wrong. if you had said what you tried to say, we wouldnt be having this discussion.

And yes, youve been proven to be a blabbering idiot numerous times. the only one who doesnt realize it, is you. and guess what, ive been proven to be wrong multiple times as well. just not by you.

Im guessing 225?
Lol. my god you really are an idiot

No there was not a 12 point swing the night before an election. a 12 point swing would mean that one poll had a 9 point margin, then the next was plus 3. since the election happened it just means the polls were wrong. no swing.
The way you said it was inherently wrong. if you had said what you tried to say, we wouldnt be having this discussion.

And yes, youve been proven to be a blabbering idiot numerous times. the only one who doesnt realize it, is you. and guess what, ive been proven to be wrong multiple times as well. just not by you.

Im guessing 225?
US Giving up control of internet emo boy?

Here, this is a little some thing I like to call a fact.

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample MoE Conway (D) Bevin (R) Curtis (I) Spread
Final Results -- -- -- 43.8 52.5 3.7 Bevin +8.7
RCP Average 10/6 - 10/27 -- -- 44.3 41.3 6.3 Conway +3.0
Vox Populi (R) 10/26 - 10/27 618 RV 3.9 44 44 6 Tie
Courier-Journal/SurveyUSA 10/23 - 10/26 798 LV 3.5 45 40 6 Conway +5
Western Kentucky Univ. 10/19 - 10/25 770 LV 3.5 45 40 7 Conway +5
Mason-Dixon 10/6 - 10/8 625 LV 4.0 43 41 6 Conway +2

I get it, it doesnt fit into your agenda. And no, not once have you ever proven me wrong. Ever.

Should I just start putting in gifs of me dunking on you, because thats just what I keep doing to you. You would be amazed at your arguments if you actually incorporated facts.

I will just keep patting you on your head, proving you wrong over and over, you simple emotional boy.
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@PhattyJ4UK hey, I get you're not the smartest man, and probably way left on the bell curve, but thought since you lack basic search skills of the internet, this would be useful:

Its a stat course, get a basic level of understanding. Its apparent you dont understand significance in statistical terms, not as an english grammar word. So when polls say they have a high level of signifigance, it means more than you think:

The measure of whether the results of research were due to chance. The more statistical significance assigned to an observation, the less likely the observation occurred by chance.

I can throw some logic in there too, but I think its too advanced for you. Baby steps and all.

Trump is up 4 in OH and up 2 in FL.

Typically those are areas that determine a race.

PA, WI, MI, NV are absolutely being crushed by Obamacare and if Trump hammers that home he could take this.

How is Hilliary winning PA anyway?
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Trump is up 4 in OH and up 2 in FL.

Typically those are areas that determine a race.

PA, WI, MI, NV are absolutely being crushed by Obamacare and if Trump hammers that home he could take this.

How is Hilliary winning PA anyway?
Even with the polls showing what they is my stance:

It is MUCH easier to set at home and answer a phone and reply, "I'm with her!" than it is to talk yourself into going out to actually vote for a woman you have no faith in and know is corrupt. Donald has rallied his supporters...Hillary not so much. Just look at the rallies.

God this girl has to be a troll(not an internet one)

Youre literally not even worth arguing with.

Again. i wasnt the one talking about the internet. all i said was that you were acting like a little bit** for weeks because screwduke was in a sense, correct. we did give up control of naming and numerical rights. not content, which i clearly stated.

Now, get off the couch. put the ice cream/adult toys down, and pull your panty wedgie out, trim the bush, get on the tread mill, buy some makeup and then maybe, just maybe you wont be such a dislikable person.

I apologize that my whole life doesnt revolve around trying to seem super smart on the interwebs, so sometimes i dont write in such an elegant way, but you got serious daddy issues.

Youve proven how crappy of a person you are in the thread about people losing their house. just a sick, ugly(inside/out) person.
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So now we get to hear from the stupid shit Obamacare supporters how none of them ever thought Obamacare was supposed to work, but they always thought it was going to fail and wanted that.

F*ck all of you as hard as you can possibly be f*cked. You're gullible dipshits who ate what you were fed and are now trying to save face.
You are more than welcome to find anywhere where I have said anything other that what I said above and I challenge you to search back to the day Obamacare was passed.
The original design of Obamacare was to allow people to buy into Medicare but that idea couldn't gain enough support because of the insurance lobby who wanted part of the action. Once it changed to private insurance it was doomed in that form but the political idea to move closer to universal care was achieved.
If you are paying attention even the critics of Obamacare who talk about repealing it say that they will replace it with something else. Again, the political idea is to move us to universal care. Everyone with half a brain knows that is the eventual outcome. As long as people are receiving healthcare nobody is going to worry about what it is called.
My father in law just text me a copy of his new premiums jumping from 450 a month to ~875.

Said he is just going to roll without for a year and hope nothing happens then once Trump is elected hopefully get something worth a shit.

That is counter effective to what it was supposed to stop, right?
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Its already happened. A little girl was raped in Idaho by a migrant. Didn't make the news though.
Bet it made the news locally. According to FBI statistics there are 80,000 - 100,000 rapes reported every year in the US. which comes out to ~250 per day. How many of those do you hear about? Further, most rapes go unreported so it is pretty save to say that more than 500 women are raped every day in the US alone.
On the issue of supporting radical Islam, think about this:

Hillary supports radical Islam, who murders homosexuals.


Hillary supports homosexuals.

All without the msm ever questioning the hypocrisy
On the issue of supporting radical Islam, think about this:

Hillary supports radical Islam, who murders homosexuals.


Hillary supports homosexuals.

All without the msm ever questioning the hypocrisy

In all fairness the having to pick and choose between minorities is a bit confusing.
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Bet it made the news locally. According to FBI statistics there are 80,000 - 100,000 rapes reported every year in the US. which comes out to ~250 per day. How many of those do you hear about? Further, most rapes go unreported so it is pretty save to say that more than 500 women are raped every day in the US alone.

So, are you saying the rape of a child really isn't that important in the big scheme of things?

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On the issue of supporting radical Islam, think about this:

Hillary supports radical Islam, who murders homosexuals.


Hillary supports homosexuals.

All without the msm ever questioning the hypocrisy

I've said this forever. The left is big LGBT advocates and pushes feminism constantly and champions themselves as a fighter for women...and then wants to import Muslims and are apologists for them.

They're completely conflicting ideologies.
"I run a campaign on issues, he runs a campaign on insults" - Hillary


It's all psychological projection, simplistic primitive thinking... they attack Trump by projecting their own faults on to him... talk about diversionary.

So many damn pivots, no one is willing call this BS for what it is a touching Traveling violation every damn time.
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So, are you saying the rape of a child really isn't that important in the big scheme of things?


No, saying that because you didn't hear about it doesn't mean that there is some media conspiracy to cover it up.
Perhaps someone should launch RNN...Rape New Network so we could have a 24/7 news network dedicated to reporting nothing but rapes. With ~10 per hour 24/7/365 they would never run out of material.
WikiLeaks is only halfway through the email dump too. We're two weeks away, you have to imagine there are better ones coming.
Seeing that early voting is already underway and that there have been record numbers doing so...if ya had something, holding it to the last minute probably isn't the best course of action.