How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Any of you guys who think Trump is winning this election, you can go buy shares for 9 cents each that will pay you a dollar each if he wins.

That price isn't being driven into the ground because sharp money people think he is going to win. It's the exact opposite.

Market Quotes: Pres16_WTA
2016 Presidential Election Winner-Take-All Market.

Quotes current as of 17:00:01 CST, Tuesday, October 25, 2016.
Symbol Bid Ask Last Low High Average
DEM16_WTA 0.905 0.918 0.915 0.901 0.915 0.910
REP16_WTA 0.084 0.098 0.090 0.080 0.101 0.090
Any of you guys who think Trump is winning this election, you can go buy shares for 9 cents each that will pay you a dollar each if he wins.

That price isn't being driven into the ground because sharp money people think he is going to win. It's the exact opposite.

Market Quotes: Pres16_WTA
2016 Presidential Election Winner-Take-All Market.

Quotes current as of 17:00:01 CST, Tuesday, October 25, 2016.
Symbol Bid Ask Last Low High Average
DEM16_WTA 0.905 0.918 0.915 0.901 0.915 0.910
REP16_WTA 0.084 0.098 0.090 0.080 0.101 0.090

Well, shit the bed fred, JohnKBA. When I need to know the deciding factor on all things American political elections, you better believe Jack that I ALWAYS go to a penny stock website to check the odds.
Damn nation son. Obama hung like an elephant.

My damn white privilege gave me an average penis.

On an unrelated note, Michael More voting Trump has me very confused. He did say that electing Trump will be "the biggest F-U" in history and then filmed this line to the Trump rally.

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I really don't understand how there is absolutely no discussion coming from any Congressional committee, ethics violation and/or legal entity actually questioning the recent activities by Hillary's team, the DNC and even the Obama administration regarding some of these leaked transgressions.

The only discussion is centered around the election, but no one even remotely considering filing or pressing any charges. Has this nation just said F'it, they're crooked and that's ok?
I really don't understand how there is absolutely no discussion coming from any Congressional committee, ethics violation and/or legal entity actually questioning the recent activities by Hillary's team, the DNC and even the Obama administration regarding some of these leaked transgressions.

The only discussion is centered around the election, but no one even remotely considering filing or pressing any charges. Has this nation just said F'it, they're crooked and that's ok?
Yes, you see this with posters like Albany on here. It is nation wide from government to civilian workers. Look at the schools like UL and UNC. Money drives the train and this train is wide open. When it derails guys like Albany, JohnKBA, and Jameslee32 will blame it on all the old white men in this nation and still try to feed the flames of malcontent but, it will be too late for them and their legions of followers as they will have no funding left to keep them going.
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I think Trump gets more women votes than whats projected now. He's going to pick up a chunk of working class Dem voters.

I do believe he's going to do better than Romney, and Hillary won't do as good as Obama. Whether that leads to him winning or not remains to be seen, but I believe it will.
You could be right. The perfect storm. Women that can deal with a hand-friendly Donald but not the dirty politics coming from the left. Not sure that works with Hispanic women though.
Any of you guys who think Trump is winning this election, you can go buy shares for 9 cents each that will pay you a dollar each if he wins.

That price isn't being driven into the ground because sharp money people think he is going to win. It's the exact opposite.

Market Quotes: Pres16_WTA
2016 Presidential Election Winner-Take-All Market.

Quotes current as of 17:00:01 CST, Tuesday, October 25, 2016.
Symbol Bid Ask Last Low High Average
DEM16_WTA 0.905 0.918 0.915 0.901 0.915 0.910
REP16_WTA 0.084 0.098 0.090 0.080 0.101 0.090
Smart money hasn't bet yet. It is still letting the suckers get lulled in by the spread.
LBJ and Bush lied, tens of thousands died.

LBJ wasn't a Republican in case that was the point you were trying to make.

Also, this is forgotten when people discuss the Iraq War but Gaddafi did give up the WMD strategy because of us. Could you imagine what would happen if ISIS had those materials?
You could be right. The perfect storm. Women that can deal with a hand-friendly Donald but not the dirty politics coming from the left. Not sure that works with Hispanic women though.

I don't think he's going to get the majority of women. I just don't think he has too in order to win.
I think her turnout will be lower than the last 2 elections. I think this has her campaign worried, which is why we're getting hammered with it's over, and MSM is releasing polls they KNOW aren't close to accurate.
I really don't understand how there is absolutely no discussion coming from any Congressional committee, ethics violation and/or legal entity actually questioning the recent activities by Hillary's team, the DNC and even the Obama administration regarding some of these leaked transgressions.

The only discussion is centered around the election, but no one even remotely considering filing or pressing any charges. Has this nation just said F'it, they're crooked and that's ok?
You really don't know? I don't know, just seems obvious it goes higher up than her. If she goes down, so does he.
Wiki leaks is setting up Obama. I really believe the email leaked today was a teaser.

It basically said Obama knew, but left enough out that you could argue otherwise. Not concrete, I think they left the goods out just so White House could deny. Dangle it out like bait.

Then when White House denies, hit them with proof.

And if Assange goes down, they still release. The revolution is starting.
BS your not torn, you are completely sworn to Hilliary and it's ok what people like you have in store is a lot closer than you think.

Personally I can't wait.
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Any of you guys who think Trump is winning this election, you can go buy shares for 9 cents each that will pay you a dollar each if he wins.

That price isn't being driven into the ground because sharp money people think he is going to win. It's the exact opposite.

Market Quotes: Pres16_WTA
2016 Presidential Election Winner-Take-All Market.

Quotes current as of 17:00:01 CST, Tuesday, October 25, 2016.
Symbol Bid Ask Last Low High Average
DEM16_WTA 0.905 0.918 0.915 0.901 0.915 0.910
REP16_WTA 0.084 0.098 0.090 0.080 0.101 0.090
More individual bets have been placed on Trump; more billionaire bets on Clinton.

Just like Brexit- remember how that played out?

Anyway, appreciate your assessment of the betting markets, but I'm sure that your time can be better spend over on the Tard basketball board, sucking up to Zipp and company and being the designated "reasonable UK fan" (aka, asskisser).

Feel free to retort, but rest assured that I won't read it; henceforth, you're blocked.
I hate Obama as much as the next person, probably more, but I never look at people email addresses. You hit reply. Then it's stored in your outlook.

The fact that he said he didn't know about it until he saw it on the news really sounds more reasonable to me than 85% of the shit he says.
Something tells me that this Sorosite has selected a group of close Brexit polls to be compared with a group of polls that have a plus 29 D sample. Your side will be better served to stop talking about how easily she is going to win, and start concentrating on presenting an argument as to WHY she deserves to win. Of course, the latter is all but an impossible task. Hence, the psyops- which won't work, as it will only serve to further mobilize the opposition to vote.
Jamo, The average polls in our election is crap this year.

They have been, and still are oversampling democrats and independents.
We see it from the polls , and read that was the plan from the DNC.

The ABC poll had 36% Dems, 27% Reps, and 31% ind out of 870 people. Now, do you think you could randomly call 870 people and get more Ind than Reps, no.
Yet lo and behold that poll is in the average. The week before NBC had an 11 point difference.
I don't know if he's ahead, but he ain't down 8 points.
What is the worst that happens if either candidate win? I think Trump is right that we end up in a WW if Hilliary is elected but who knows how bad it would really get?

I mean does any of her billionaire supporters explain paying more taxes and still supporting her?
I don't think he's going to get the majority of women. I just don't think he has too in order to win.
I think her turnout will be lower than the last 2 elections. I think this has her campaign worried, which is why we're getting hammered with it's over, and MSM is releasing polls they KNOW aren't close to accurate.
I don't trust polls either but if it's double-digits a week from now, then it might be noteworthy. Either way, I'm hoping for a 1-term presidency. But this campaign season surely has soured more worthy candidates for 2020.
Anyone want to chime in about how well Obamacare is doing? Remember Deee singing its praises circa 2011-2014
I have never sang its praises and said from the very beginning that it was designed to fail so that it would lead to a single payer system. The design of Obamacare was to get millions of people insured and thus politically difficult to later take that access to insurance away.

The people on Obamacare are by large "uninsurable" so the idea that any for-profit company could group those people into an insurable group is ludicrous. Add the fact that so many healthy uninsured people are willing to pay the penalty for not having insurance rather than being in the insured pool with the "uninsurable". If the penalty for not having insurance was more costly than actually buying that insurance then they would be forced to buy in which would spread the risk more and lead to lower premiums. But the major problem with Obamacare is the same problem with the healthcare marketplace. Why do we have a middle-man between us and our health care providers? How many billions of healthcare dollars go insurance company operations and profits and don't provide one iota of healthcare?
Trump has suggested allowing plans to cross state lines which I totally agree...but that still doesn't solve the core issue.
Plans across state lines means that providers don't have to administrate as many plans. The cost savings there are pennies.
The math of it all still doesn't change. The same number of people still require healthcare.

So the question those people have any right to healthcare? You know, I know and everyone knows that they can't pay for it. Are we going to deny them healthcare? If not, who is going to pay for it?

A somewhat related discussion needs to be had about medical billing. Who among us understands it?
How does a healthcare provider bill in excess of $32000 for a procedure but agrees to accept as the "group rate" $950?
That very thing happened with a procedure my wife had this past Spring.
Who is paying $32000 for this procedure? Absolutely nobody...but you can damn well bet that if the procedure went unpaid that the provider would write it off as a $32000 loss.
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So now we get to hear from the stupid shit Obamacare supporters how none of them ever thought Obamacare was supposed to work, but they always thought it was going to fail and wanted that.

F*ck all of you as hard as you can possibly be f*cked. You're gullible dipshits who ate what you were fed and are now trying to save face.
They have been, and still are oversampling democrats and independents.
We see it from the polls , and read that was the plan from the DNC.
I am 100% confident that 100% of the people** complaining about the oversampling comment in that email don't even know what oversampling means....or they're just trying to rile up those people who don't know what it means.

**source: basic knowledge of wtf is involved in polling
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Donald Trump's tax plan would help the 1% most

"Donald Trump's new tax plan gives the top 1 percent an average cut of at least $122,400, while the middle class could get a break of less than $500, according to a new analysis.

The independent Tax Foundation said Monday that the Republican presidential candidate's plan, announced last week, would cut taxes for every income group. Yet the biggest reductions would go to the biggest earners.

According to the plan, the top 1 percent of taxpayers would see a 10.2 percent to 16 percent boost in their after-tax incomes from the plan, assuming a steady economy. The middle class, or those in the 40 percent to 60 percent quintile, would only see a 1.3 percent increase. "

Monday, 19 Sep 2016
Donald Trump's tax plan would help the 1% most

"Donald Trump's new tax plan gives the top 1 percent an average cut of at least $122,400, while the middle class could get a break of less than $500, according to a new analysis.

The independent Tax Foundation said Monday that the Republican presidential candidate's plan, announced last week, would cut taxes for every income group. Yet the biggest reductions would go to the biggest earners.

According to the plan, the top 1 percent of taxpayers would see a 10.2 percent to 16 percent boost in their after-tax incomes from the plan, assuming a steady economy. The middle class, or those in the 40 percent to 60 percent quintile, would only see a 1.3 percent increase. "

Monday, 19 Sep 2016

so a tax cut based on percentages means people who make infinite more money than me keep a higher dollar figure than I do. and i am supposed to be pissed because they make millions to my chump change?

fwi, no one reads your links. like no one. save yourself some time.
So now we get to hear from the stupid shit Obamacare supporters how none of them ever thought Obamacare was supposed to work, but they always thought it was going to fail and wanted that.

F*ck all of you as hard as you can possibly be f*cked. You're gullible dipshits who ate what you were fed and are now trying to save face.
I supported it for economic reasons. It was a republican idea originally. When others aren't paying into a system, yet use it, that creates a burden for those paying. Pretty simple really.

I wanted it to work.
So now we get to hear from the stupid shit Obamacare supporters how none of them ever thought Obamacare was supposed to work, but they always thought it was going to fail and wanted that.

F*ck all of you as hard as you can possibly be f*cked. You're gullible dipshits who ate what you were fed and are now trying to save face.

These sheep would never acknowledge they were wrong or that Dems didn't know what they were doing.

They are the guy that wants to pop a wheelie and you warn him that he doesn't know anything about motorcycles and ultimately crashes into a Waffle House and then jumps up and says "I meant to do that."

I absolutely hate Democrats. Their stupidity costs us all.
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