How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I don't trust polls either but if it's double-digits a week from now, then it might be noteworthy. Either way, I'm hoping for a 1-term presidency. But this campaign season surely has soured more worthy candidates for 2020.

With what we've seen and read why would you believe polls that have it a double digit lead?
There was literally a 14 point difference in polls? That's absurd.
I am 100% confident that 100% of the people** complaining about the oversampling comment in that email don't even know what oversampling means....or they're just trying to rile up those people who don't know what it means.

**source: basic knowledge of wtf is involved in polling

And you aren't trying to rile folks up?
I know it's fun to call it trickle down economics but right now it's different and actually should be a job growth tax plan.

Not sure why this needs to be explained but I'll try and keep it simple:

1000 workers where the top 5% pay 30% but have crazy tax holes and actually pay 10% on 1M income

70% pay 20% and do not have access to the same loopholes so they mostly pay 20% on 50K

25% pay next to nothing and are offered handouts

50 x 100,000 = 5M

700 x 10,000 = 7M

250 take 12,000 a year in handouts = -3M

Ok so then we say lower taxes, yay, and all of a sudden those wealthy folks say well since I pay less now I'll create more jobs.

Now 1500 where it's now split by 5% 75% and 20% with 15% tax rate and rich get it down to 7% now:

75 x 70,000 = 5.25M

1125 x 7500 = 8.437M

300 x -12,000 = 3.6M

And guess what more jobs adds to the tax pool creating more taxes in the budget and more take home money to more people.

Now somedemocrat idiot is going to poke holes in this very simple example to be cute so let me repeat this is a simple example and nothing elaborately detailed to exact data etc.

I'm aware it wouldn't be so cut and dry but the principle of job creation is the backbone of any financially tax base system........the wealthy will never ever carry the bulk of the tax pool dollars for a national budget.
People pay me for tax advice. I'd need to pay someone to explain that post to me.

Pretty simple. As jobs are created a lower tax rate still helps the total taxes taken in. Democrats love to talk bad about trickle down but working for others isn't going to make you more money than the owner so why worry about the "trickle down", instead improve your position in life.
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Insurance isn't healthcare. It is insane that the goal of Obamacare was to force everyone in the country to buy insurance and pretend like it was somehow going to be a good thing. The idea is similar to forcing everyone in the country to go to Vegas and systematically place a chip on every number of the roulette board, so someone wins 35:1 on every non-zero spin. Not only would the casino margins be down, but they would have to make more roulette tables to satisfy demand, so either prices are going up or payouts are going down.

The real solution to all of this was to tax employer based healthcare plans as income (or remove income taxes, but let's be realistic), and let people choose to have that money in their check or send directly to insurance company. Most would choose to get the money and shop for an insurance plan (or not), and prices would come down for everything. Lower insurance costs, lower healthcare costs, and doctors not doctoring according to the insurance payment schedule.
So she really believes that all of a sudden overnight 12% had a nightmare or something and switched to bevin?

Could it possibly be just crap polls?
Insurance isn't healthcare. It is insane that the goal of Obamacare was to force everyone in the country to buy insurance and pretend like it was somehow going to be a good thing. The idea is similar to forcing everyone in the country to go to Vegas and systematically place a chip on every number of the roulette board, so someone wins 35:1 on every non-zero spin. Not only would the casino margins be down, but they would have to make more roulette tables to satisfy demand, so either prices are going up or payouts are going down.

The real solution to all of this was to tax employer based healthcare plans as income (or remove income taxes, but let's be realistic), and let people choose to have that money in their check or send directly to insurance company. Most would choose to get the money and shop for an insurance plan (or not), and prices would come down for everything. Lower insurance costs, lower healthcare costs, and doctors not doctoring according to the insurance payment schedule.

It would be similar to people buying auto insurance that covered oil changes and tire rotations.

How about offering up something that is only used in dire situations? Kind of like auto insurance.
Don't care that much for Newt, but I despise Megyn Kelly. This was good.

I hate Kelly. B is a narcissist and a leftist, IMO. She has made a name for herself of being the villain of Trump.

I do like the "Bill is not on the ticket" um he's effing fair game when you use his time in office as some sort of accomplishment for you and proof that you're the best candidate and then claim to be a fighter for women.

If there were any justice in this world, Hillary would get hit by a bus tomorrow along with her media puppets.
Aren't you glad we are importing more of these people into America?

They had best cut down on that kind of nonsense or they'll watch France elect its first woman President next year. Let's just say that the media won't be quite as gung-ho about that historical event there as they will be about it here, if we have our first woman President.
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Aren't you glad we are importing more of these people into America?

Honestly, you don't even have to follow politics that much to know that this one issue is why Hillary should never get the presidency. Any candidate that wants open borders and a 550% increase of these savages deserves to be sent to an Islamic nation.

Honestly, if any one of these jerk offs rape or murder someone here, everyone who helped bring them here should be sent to prison
Honestly, you don't even have to follow politics that much to know that this one issue is why Hillary should never get the presidency. Any candidate that wants open borders and a 550% increase of these savages deserves to be sent to an Islamic nation.

Honestly, if any one of these jerk offs rape or murder someone here, everyone who helped bring them here should be sent to prison
Its already happened. A little girl was raped in Idaho by a migrant. Didn't make the news though.
Man Trump's going to cut my taxes? But I should be pissed because other people who are getting taxed even more than I am get a break?

Yeah, good point. I'll vote Clinton so I can pay more in tax just so other people have to too.

liberal taxation faith = self nullification fulfillment
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Reminder. Let's hope it's not bullshit.

Starting to wonder if anything will stick to her. We did get an email today proving Obama and Hillary covering up receiving emails.

We need some absolute hardcore stuff to make these morons not vote for her. Basically, there's about only three things I can think of that may do it.

1. Say something derogatory about gay, trans or blacks.
2. Be connected to ISIS with no plausible way to deny it.
3. Be connected to setting up someone's death

Even that stuff is debatable considering the character of Dems.
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WikiLeaks is only halfway through the email dump too. We're two weeks away, you have to imagine there are better ones coming.
It was used as an example of polls being wrong. Are you always this dense? Never mind, it was rhetorical...

No it wasn't

If that was your point then it makes no sense to say "there was a 12 point swing the night before".

Here's a hint, other people made the same comment. Now we get it, you think you're gods gift to this forum, but you make a lot of dumb mistakes and when called upon them, your only retort is to insult.
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WikiLeaks is only halfway through the email dump too. We're two weeks away, you have to imagine there are better ones coming.
Purely hypothetical: Let's pretend that you're Julian Assange and you have "better ones coming". Why the touch wouldn't you release them yesterday?
- 8 million people have already voted.
- 2/3 of the votes in NV, AZ, and NC will be cast before Election Day
- 1/2 of the votes in Florida and Georgia will be cast before Election Day.
- The entire battleground state of Colorado (which Conway listed just this morning as part of Donald's path to 270) is mail-in....and they got their ballots a week ago.

The only battleground states of real substance that will be decided on Election Day are Virginia and Pennsylvania. This thing could easily be decided before Nov 8 due to how many battleground states depend heavily on early voting.
Purely hypothetical: Let's pretend that you're Julian Assange and you have "better ones coming". Why the touch wouldn't you release them yesterday?
- 8 million people have already voted.
- 2/3 of the votes in NV, AZ, and NC will be cast before Election Day
- 1/2 of the votes in Florida and Georgia will be cast before Election Day.
- The entire battleground state of Colorado (which Conway listed just this morning as part of Donald's path to 270) is mail-in....and they got their ballots a week ago.

The only battleground states of real substance that will be decided on Election Day are Virginia and Pennsylvania. This thing could easily be decided before Nov 8 due to how many battleground states depend heavily on early voting.

Why wouldn't he release the one about the cover up today showing the president knew about Hillary's server? Seemed stupid not to do that.

Then again, I imagine it takes a ton of time to sort though thousands of emails. Maybe it is smoke and mirrors but literally every batch has at least one good revelation in it. If they're going to pull the trigger on something good, they have to do it in a manner that is close to the election so the public's attention span won't already have forgotten and give the media ample time to spin the BS.

It could all be wishful thinking. The truth is, any POS that will still vote for Hillary probably won't be swayed. But if there is something very good, it might get a lot of people who were going to vote for her to simply sit it out.
Just saw a stat that Texas early voting was up 42% at same date. Not sure if it's correct.

If so, I'd have to guess such a drastic rise means tons of new dem votes.

Laura Ingraham with a great article.

The time has come to strike out on a different path. When you look past all the elite blather about Trump's "temperament" and "tone," one thing becomes obvious: On the big foreign policy issues facing America, Trump is right, and the elites are wrong. It is insane — and dangerous — to keep propping up a global trading regime that treats Chinese companies better than American companies. It is insane — and dangerous — to keep wasting the U.S. military on missions that cannot succeed. It is insane — and dangerous — to continue trying to maintain a position in the world that we can no longer afford. It is insane — and dangerous — to tear down all borders and effectively dissolve the nations of the West. Most of all, it is insane to install, as president of the United States, a vapid and untrustworthy politician who has consistently been wrong on every major foreign policy issue of the last 20 years.
Remington Research polling has Trump surging in key battleground states. This this is not over, folks.

Telling you right now. Trump will win Florida.

If this state will elect Voldermort, they will in no doubt elect Trump. I'm casting my early vote for him this weekend. And I feel good voting for the best candidate of the two. I'll sleep good at night knowing I did my part to save our country from the perils and destruction of Hillary.
Just saw a stat that Texas early voting was up 42% at same date. Not sure if it's correct.

If so, I'd have to guess such a drastic rise means tons of new dem votes.
Yeah, that's what we're hearing on the local-level. Record voter turn-outs expected for Travis County and Williamson County, Texas, and in the 90% range. It appears Trump may have pissed the Latino vote off. I know three Latino gals fairly well. One in particular, who is a nice-looking software engineer in her 50s, first generation Mexican immigrant and former staunch McCain supporter in '08, refuses to back Trump.

Looks like a wild ride for sure.
Purely hypothetical: Let's pretend that you're Julian Assange and you have "better ones coming". Why the touch wouldn't you release them yesterday?
- 8 million people have already voted.
- 2/3 of the votes in NV, AZ, and NC will be cast before Election Day
- 1/2 of the votes in Florida and Georgia will be cast before Election Day.
- The entire battleground state of Colorado (which Conway listed just this morning as part of Donald's path to 270) is mail-in....and they got their ballots a week ago.

The only battleground states of real substance that will be decided on Election Day are Virginia and Pennsylvania. This thing could easily be decided before Nov 8 due to how many battleground states depend heavily on early voting.

I don't think WikiLeaks is actually trying to manipulate the election. They don't give a shit. What is more powerful, damming evidence against a candidate for president or damming evidence against a sitting president?

Even if they were, this strategy has been more effective than a big toilet clogging deuce. For example, 337 women accused Trump of rape in the same day. Does anyone still remember that nonsense? Wouldn't it have been more effective to trickle them out, let Trump respond "I don't grab genitals, this is bogus", then a couple more, then Billy Bush? Of course it would have.