How will they rule ??!

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Former CEO of Clinton Foundation seeks asylum at Russian Consulate.

First off, I don't have any faith in the credibility of this news source. But.......if I was a former CEO of the Clinton Foundation I would be looking over my shoulder and watching my back.
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Clinton will be far worse for America by any objective standard.

She's going to raise taxes, expand Obamacare, sign the TPP and line her pockets with our tax dollars and the blood of American soldiers.

At least Trump will need to do all his governing through EO since Congress will hate him. Then they'll challenged the EO's and the SCOTUS will shoot down his EOs giving us precedent against a POTUS governing by executive dictate (like Obama has done).

If Trump sucks as a POTUS, at least I'll be sending less money to Washington to pay for the bullshit as opposed to more under Clinton.

Very shortsighted. If he sucks and cuts taxes guess what, we do go trillions more in debt!

The only way he works is if he can get people, including corporations, on board with his vision.
So you'd rather she suck and raise taxes and we still go trillions more in debt?

Trump's plan at least has a chance of giving a jump start to the economy.
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I will not waver in my thoughts that either way this election will cause civil unrest no matter who wins. One side is going to be PISSED.

Yes, but is anyone afraid of liberals? What are they going to do, say mean things, pull your hair... scratch your eyes out?

They're pansies... bring it on lol.

The other side, however, is very well armed.
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Yes, but is anyone afraid of liberals? What are they going to do, say mean things, pull your hair... scratch your eyes out?

They're pansies... bring it on lol.

The other side, however, is very well armed.

The left has a bunch of leftist SJW pussies, radical BLM and Muslims. That's their fan base.

As well as the use of the government/military (although military is definitely right).

So if it's against just the people, I'd say bring it on. If it's against the military then we're in trouble.

Honestly though, how can anyone look at what the left is today and think that is a good recipe for success as a country? How they have convinced themselves that they're the good guys is astonishing. They're pure evil in every way. If there's a way to show that you're a garbage human and a way to destroy this country, chances are that Dems are for it.
Yes, but is anyone afraid of liberals? What are they going to do, say mean things, pull your hair... scratch your eyes out?

They're pansies... bring it on lol.

The other side, however, is very well armed.

Maybe you haven't heard that we will import 500K Muslims, and you may not be scared which I'm not either but let's face it those little dirty dudes are a hard bunch to read.

No Bill I do not support Hilliary nor have I at any point in this threads history.

But let's be honest here if you expect anyone to actually work with Trump you are not paying attention to what is going on.
HOLD THE F*** up Bill.

I GD clearly heard it from the lips of her mouth that her policies WILL NOT add 1 cent to the debt.
You've got him there Willy, I heard the same thing. She's a government official and she's sworn to tell the truth. It's not just unlawful for her to lie, it's impossible.
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The left has a bunch of leftist SJW pussies, radical BLM and Muslims. That's their fan base.

As well as the use of the government/military (although military is definitely right).

So if it's against just the people, I'd say bring it on. If it's against the military then we're in trouble.

Honestly though, how can anyone look at what the left is today and think that is a good recipe for success as a country? How they have convinced themselves that they're the good guys is astonishing. They're pure evil in every way. If there's a way to show that you're a garbage human and a way to destroy this country, chances are that Dems are for it.
What the left is today is the exact reason why no democracy in history has lasted as long as this one has. There is no better roadmap for running a country than history and history shows us exactly where we're headed. Human nature can be a bitch, but at least it's predictable and we can defend against it because we know exactly what will happen next. Our forefathers knew. They gave us a constitution to protect us from ourselves and others but democrats have busted their asses to subvert it and circumvent it at every chance. Idiots like Albany cheer them on because he's too shortsighted to see what he's actually advocating for.
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Hillary and Dems running ads about Trump's apartments not renting to black people back in the 70s or 80s.

This is where it gets comical. I love that everyone ignores the data, experiences and research that indicate that blacks are statistically more likely to default on loans, not pay mortgage/rent, tip less at restaurants (Washington Post did this study) and drive down property value.

I'm sorry it hurts their feelings but maybe they should ask banks why they don't set up shop in black neighborhoods that often or many businesses go there? But yeah, let's act like it's all on Trump.
Any Dems care to try and explain away that email? You can't. You're garbage. Already shows proof of a cover up and that both the president and Clinton lied.

It's sure does. But what will happen? Nothing.

Look folks, these two are nothing more than spokes in the soros machine. Obama will say and do whatever it takes to make sure hillary wins. Was part of the deal in 2008 to get her to withdraw.

Hillary and Dems running ads about Trump's apartments not renting to black people back in the 70s or 80s.

This is where it gets comical. I love that everyone ignores the data, experiences and research that indicate that blacks are statistically more likely to default on loans, not pay mortgage/rent, tip less at restaurants (Washington Post did this study) and drive down property value.

I'm sorry it hurts their feelings but maybe they should ask banks why they don't set up shop in black neighborhoods that often or many businesses go there? But yeah, let's act like it's all on Trump.

I think this is fair game and the only evidence of trump having racist tendencies at all. Although a deeper examination shows it was his dad's company, it was 50 years ago, and it was most likely green rather than black that drove the policy.

Still, fair game. And something he should've addressed way earlier to prevent this from having much impact. He didnt.
What the left is today is the exact reason why no democracy in history has lasted as long as this one has. There is no better roadmap for running a country than history and history shows us exactly where we're headed. Human nature can be a bitch, but at least it's predictable and we can defend against it because we know exactly what will happen next. Our forefathers knew. They gave us a constitution to protect us from ourselves and others but democrats have busted their asses to subvert it and circumvent it at every chance. Idiots like Albany cheer them on because he's too shortsighted to see what he's actually advocating for.
Spot on truth here. If you forget history or don't know history, you are destined to repeat it.
The left has a bunch of leftist SJW pussies, radical BLM and Muslims. That's their fan base.

As well as the use of the government/military (although military is definitely right).

So if it's against just the people, I'd say bring it on. If it's against the military then we're in trouble.

Honestly though, how can anyone look at what the left is today and think that is a good recipe for success as a country? How they have convinced themselves that they're the good guys is astonishing. They're pure evil in every way. If there's a way to show that you're a garbage human and a way to destroy this country, chances are that Dems are for it.
If the country ever split, the military would take sides too and a large portion of that would go right.
George Soros wants to go to online voting. Think about that one.

Yeah, it's not like digital polling can't be manipulated. Ha.

If there were ever a time that a party needed to be thrown out, it's right now. The Dems are so crazy and corrupt. They do not reflect our values or the best interests of our nation.

What the hell has happened to Republicans? How did they fall asleep and allow the left to completely overtake them in every facet? It's not something that happens overnight. They have overtaken our education system, own our media, use Hollywood for influence, have not enforced immigration laws at all and run our federal government.

They assault people who disagree with them and try to silence opposing thought on college campuses. How in the hell can people be on board with what they're trying to do?

I guess until more people wake up and have their daily lives affected, they will continue to stay stupid and rely on BS narratives from the left.
George Soros wants to go to online voting. Think about that one.

That horse face Allison Grimes had some important people meeting in my town about this, solely about this. Wtf.

I mean, it's obviously a horrible idea, like moving money online, but whatever. It will happen. No question about it.
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Anyone want to chime in about how well Obamacare is doing? Remember Deee singing its praises circa 2011-2014
What the hell has happened to Republicans?

Money. Career politicians got lazy. Lots of Islamic radical and/soros money floating around. Much easier to take that money, do their bidding, give lipservice to the constituents, keep getting elected, and keep getting legalized bribes.

Much easier than risking a loss, and being forced to actually become a productive member of society.

Right now, you have two parties; but not the two that comes to mind. You actually have the establishment (career politicians of any party) and the non establishment.
Soros pushing online voting, what could go wrong with that? Maybe he learned something from his days living behind the Iron Curtain.

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How in the hell can people be on board with what they're trying to do?

Man bc they've tied all this bullshit in with morals and ethics and equality and it's downright hilarious, but you can't counter it. It's fn genius in an evil way. Anthony you say ----> you're a bad person. Boom. Next question! It's so F'd up. We have to get feelings out of politics, but I don't see any logical path to that. We would fight before that could ever happen.
Man bc they've tied all this bullshit in with morals and ethics and equality and it's downright hilarious, but you can't counter it. It's fn genius in an evil way. Anthony you say ----> you're a bad person. Boom. Next question! It's so F'd up. We have to get feelings out of politics, but I don't see any logical path to that. We would fight before that could ever happen.

history tells you that occasionally you do fight in order for that to happen.
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Yeah, it's not like digital polling can't be manipulated. Ha.

If there were ever a time that a party needed to be thrown out, it's right now. The Dems are so crazy and corrupt. They do not reflect our values or the best interests of our nation.

What the hell has happened to Republicans? How did they fall asleep and allow the left to completely overtake them in every facet? It's not something that happens overnight. They have overtaken our education system, own our media, use Hollywood for influence, have not enforced immigration laws at all and run our federal government.

They assault people who disagree with them and try to silence opposing thought on college campuses. How in the hell can people be on board with what they're trying to do?

I guess until more people wake up and have their daily lives affected, they will continue to stay stupid and rely on BS narratives from the left.
Problem is, the GOP is about as bad now. Both are in bed with big corporations. It is just that they have different ones they support but, the bottom line is, they are all corrupt.
Lol. The biggest liberal douche is using polls that have been +1 or 2 or even the whole race to argue that the others having it a landslide are legit.

Insert tired "I'm an independent " retort below
But, but he's not really a prog! He's just a disgruntled NeverTrump cuck. (Yeah, right!)
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Problem is, the GOP is about as bad now. Both are in bed with big corporations. It is just that they have different ones they support but, the bottom line is, they are all corrupt.

There are different levels of corruption. Hillary is about a 9/10 while former congressman William Jefferson (D-LA) was a 10/10. Hiding his illegal dough with the pie crusts in his freezer.

There are different levels of corruption. Hillary is about a 9/10 while former congressman William Jefferson (D-LA) was a 10/10. Hiding his illegal dough with the pie crusts in his freezer.


Jefferson doesn't seem less corrupt. He just seems to be dumber and on par with a drug lord stashing his cash in mysterious places. The Clintons were just smarter about their corruption. They set up a fake charity to sell favors, access and influence.

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