How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Obamacare somehow shit shows all that. Why not have layers/levels of coverage? If you work, and actually pay, you get better healthcare, if you're poor, you still get healthcare, you just have a lower level.

I agree with this but it will never happen because it isn't "fair" to the poor. You would be deemed as heartless not to offer organ transplants (some of the most expensive procedures) to the poor for instance.
So has the phony polls conspiracy now spread to IBD, LA Times, and Rasmussen? Or nah?

So you decided that out of the 2 worst people that could be running, Hilary is the better choice? And what swayed you to her side?
Lol. The biggest liberal douche is using polls that have been +1 or 2 or even the whole race to argue that the others having it a landslide are legit.

Insert tired "I'm an independent " retort below
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So has the phony polls conspiracy now spread to IBD, LA Times, and Rasmussen? Or nah?

As I said a couple of weeks ago, all these polls will move to Clinton before the election to save face.

And now you have Reid saying the Senate will use the nuclear option if the Senate republicans don't confirm Hillary's (ultra-liberal) Supreme Court nominees.

While it's a grey morning in NYC, it sure does feel sunny.
As I said a couple of weeks ago, all these polls will move to Clinton before the election to save face.

And now you have Reid saying the Senate will use the nuclear option if the Senate republicans don't confirm Hillary's (ultra-liberal) Supreme Court nominees.

While it's a grey morning in NYC, it sure does feel sunny.
Reid is one of the biggest sob's of the Senate. His retirement can't come soon enough.
You guys already giving up on Trump in the election are simply buying the mantra from the Dems that it's over.

Turnout for Hillary will be less than Obama, while turnout for Trump will be more than Romney or McCain. The Dems know this, that's why they're spreading the message that it's over, to hamper Trumps turnout. Hell, they admitted in Wikileaks that's the game plan.

This idea the Reps are going to lose the house and senate as well is a joke. They won't.
You guys already giving up on Trump in the election are simply buying the mantra from the Dems that it's over.

Turnout for Hillary will be less than Obama, while turnout for Trump will be more than Romney or McCain. The Dems know this, that's why they're spreading the message that it's over, to hamper Trumps turnout. Hell, they admitted in Wikileaks that's the game plan.

From here on out. Anything that the media says, I will believe 1000% opposite. Nope. No more. Lying sacks of ostomy bags. Fool me once....
What the media has done this election is shameful. Absolutely awful, they ran with stories on Trump without vetting factuality. They have sat on or ignored stories on Hillary that put her in a bad light.
They have portrayed Trump supporters as the ones instigating violence, even though it was quite obvious who was instigating, and now it's been proven.
The medias main purpose is to give us, the citizens, an unbiased informative look into the Govt. They cast that aside without question this election, that is a dangerous precedent.
That is EXACTLY how dictators operate. It's how the Nazi's operated, Stalin, communist nations, it's not how free societies work.

It should frighten all of us.
What the media has done this election is shameful. Absolutely awful, they ran with stories on Trump without vetting factuality. They have sat on or ignored stories on Hillary that put her in a bad light.
They have portrayed Trump supporters as the ones instigating violence, even though it was quite obvious who was instigating, and now it's been proven.
The medias main purpose is to give us, the citizens, an unbiased informative look into the Govt. They cast that aside without question this election, that is a dangerous precedent.
That is EXACTLY how dictators operate. It's how the Nazi's operated, Stalin, communist nations, it's not how free societies work.

It should frighten all of us.

Took the words right out of my mouth. The news media has now become politicized and that is dangerous. In days past journalism is what kept politicians in kept check.
Curious why Clinton/DNC spend so much time bashing Trump, creating crazy schenanigans, using the press as their puppets to scrutinize Trump 24/7, use paying trolls and their Super-PAC to go online and tell us how it's over...if she has such a huge lead?

Usually people who are that far ahead don't waste their time for people who have no chance.
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You guys already giving up on Trump in the election are simply buying the mantra from the Dems that it's over.

Turnout for Hillary will be less than Obama, while turnout for Trump will be more than Romney or McCain. The Dems know this, that's why they're spreading the message that it's over, to hamper Trumps turnout. Hell, they admitted in Wikileaks that's the game plan.

This idea the Reps are going to lose the house and senate as well is a joke. They won't.
Think more white men turn out than women and Hispanics?
Think more white men turn out than women and Hispanics?

Got to love Hispanics voting. A huge portion can't even speak English or contribute in any way other than producing a ton of kids but hey, come vote to determine our election.

I'm curious what will the U.S. look like one day when the Dems don't have the "blame the white man" routine to fall back on constantly with their pandering? Since it's white men that are apparently the ones to blame for all of the bad stuff.
By cheating. Great ethics there, Albany.
Man, I really do believe there is cheating going on with Soros Machines, but look at the totality. 2 people said this which they could have made a mistake, its not 1000s or hundreds. They touched the wrong screen. I get is no First Action Number One News Goodtime Reporting Trusting News, but probably going to hold off until this gets bigger.
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Man, I really do believe there is cheating going on with Soros Machines, but look at the totality. 2 people said this which they could have made a mistake, its not 1000s or hundreds. They touched the wrong screen. I get is no First Action Number One News Goodtime Reporting Trusting News, but probably going to hold off until this gets bigger.

I don't think MSM will pick up these lil blogs that are reporting fraud.

The problem for me now, who to believe?
"Know what else happens when you remove incentive for profit? You remove the incentive for performance. You can't legislate or dictate performance.

It'll be like the VA. Just worse."

Don't understand how some people cannot see this. It happens in everything you do. When there is no reason to try hard, most don't.
If I was rigging my voting machines to cheat, I probably would suppress the option to tell the voter I changed their vote. Then again, if I was breaking federal election laws, I'd probably do something less moronic than hiring a costume duck. So you never know.
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You guys already giving up on Trump in the election are simply buying the mantra from the Dems that it's over.

Turnout for Hillary will be less than Obama, while turnout for Trump will be more than Romney or McCain. The Dems know this, that's why they're spreading the message that it's over, to hamper Trumps turnout. Hell, they admitted in Wikileaks that's the game plan.

This idea the Reps are going to lose the house and senate as well is a joke. They won't.
That is probably why there is already cheating going on with the machines changing votes from Trump to Hillary. Wasn't there another couple of states experiencing the same problem?
Again cheating will not determine this race......I have way believe wikileaks is showing the Dems they can find out by releasing all these emails.

I will say that by rigged system I agree with Trump. Watching CNN is so fun when you aren't slurping it up like Dems do and you actually see the agenda being driven.

I'd like to think Trump would win, but I can't really get my head around either of these idiots representing America or figuring which would be worse!

I will not waver in my thoughts that either way this election will cause civil unrest no matter who wins. One side is going to be PISSED.
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Think more white men turn out than women and Hispanics?

I think Trump gets more women votes than whats projected now. He's going to pick up a chunk of working class Dem voters.

I do believe he's going to do better than Romney, and Hillary won't do as good as Obama. Whether that leads to him winning or not remains to be seen, but I believe it will.
Clinton will be far worse for America by any objective standard.

She's going to raise taxes, expand Obamacare, sign the TPP and line her pockets with our tax dollars and the blood of American soldiers.

At least Trump will need to do all his governing through EO since Congress will hate him. Then they'll challenged the EO's and the SCOTUS will shoot down his EOs giving us precedent against a POTUS governing by executive dictate (like Obama has done).

If Trump sucks as a POTUS, at least I'll be sending less money to Washington to pay for the bullshit as opposed to more under Clinton.
Ran across this from five years ago. It's 10 ways the Dems are like Nazis (they like to call everyone Hitler so I'd figure I would see the similarities about them).

9. Practice the big lie – The Nazis were infamous for their propaganda techniques – which were actually pioneered by the Bolsheviks. Goebbels advised: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe.” Although the competition is fierce, probably the Democrats’ most outrageous lie is that they are for the middle class and all of the problems of Main Street can be laid at the door of Republicans and Wall Street. Democratic solicitude for Middle America is manifested by: giving us chronic 9% unemployment, an anti-progress tax system, crippling domestic energy production (leading to pain at the pump, among other effects), growing the national debt to shrink the economy (Obama increased the debt almost 30% in less than 3 years), leaving our borders unguarded so that blue-collar workers have to compete with hordes of illegal aliens, and a government-created crisis in the mortgage-housing market, putting homeownership out of reach for young families for decades. Democrats’ declaration of solidarity with the middle class is as sincere as Hitler’s assurances throughout the 1930s that he wanted peace – up until the moment he invaded Poland. While assuring us they have our interests at heart, Democrats invade our bank accounts and pension plans.