How will they rule ??!

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Once care premiums have been going up for the past thirty years. Not sure why all of a sudden it is the black man's fault.
Wow, ok.
First, almost everything goes up in cost on a yearly basis. Second, even with increases, we had many choices. Third, don't give me the 'black man bullshit' as I never said it had anything to do with his race.
The duck stuff in that video is irrelevant. Dressed as a duck, turtle, makes no difference. What's relevant is that they now connect Hillary directly.

After the first two videos Hilliary's camp & the DNC maintain plausible deniability & denied any involvement with Americans United, claiming they were a rouge organization acting on their own. They did this b/c they knew it was a violation of FEC coordination laws for them to be in cahoots.

Hillary, anyone from her camp, or anyone from the DNC cannot collude and/or coordinate with a SuperPAC. In this new video they specifically name Hillary as the one who gave the orders. That is basically a confession of a federal crime.
Obamacare is another thing that frustrates me that Trump can't articulate. Mandating insurance is dumb. Routine procedures are not insurable. Insurance is not healthcare. Traumatic and life threatening illnesses that happen randomly and you can't possibly prepare for are the only things that are insurable, by definition. When everyone pays x monthly just because, it doesn't matter what the hospitals do. They can charge whatever they want and have whatever absurd bureaucracy they want, because the end consumer only sees x$ a month that they have to pay anyway.

It's a very similar problem to education and mandating everyone is able to get a loan for whatever cost. Colleges can literally charge whatever they want, because the government will guarantee a loan.

It's very similar to the 2008 financial crisis, people could charge whatever they wanted for homes, because builders / homeowners could charge whatever they want because they could get loans.

It's very similar to the current auto-loan bubble, has anyone else noticed way more luxury cars on the road in the last few years? Is everyone magically able to afford an Acura / Lexus / BMW in this amazing economy? No, people are getting auto loans for 6.5 years!

It's very similar to the CELL PHONE LOAN BUBBLE. God dammit, people can't even afford iPhone without a 2 year loan! Verizon, et al, encourage the loans even though THEY ARE PHONES AND BREAK WHEN YOU DROP THEM, but it's ok because just securitize the loans.

Hey Government, if you actually want to solve problems, how about working toward actual price transparency? If people charge too much, prices need to come down. Don't let people play retarded financial games . . . err, oh yeah Social Security, national debt, 5k screws from Lockheed, negative interest rates kkfj;oejf;loiafv;ioewajrefakjngfuieagrtiuloshgliuhslgbnsflkjitnfkodhjagrhuegoihegibnlf
57% approval today I think...easily reelected. Sucky is so opinionated.
Re-electable against these two dimwits...absolutely lol.

His approval grows because he is on his way out. There's nothing else he can do to screw the American people...atleast that I can think of.
Re-electable against these two dimwits...absolutely lol.

His approval grows because he is on his way out. There's nothing else he can do to screw the American people...atleast that I can think of.
His approval rating is a bullshit number. MSM doesn't implicate him as they should, for one thing. The other is the same trickeration they pull for the Clinton polls.
You're kidding - right?

99% of the problems with our country is because of Obama according to 99% of the people posting on this thread.
So...ignoring the obvious hyperbole of your fictitious believe that the criticisms of those in this thread over the course of the current administration stem from the simple fact that Obama is African-American? Not conviction, not ideology, not honest belief, not loyal oppositon--just because he's black?

Prime example of race-card politics. You are absolutely the worst. Truly terrible. You are why bipartisan dialogue does not exist.
Donald Trump still has a slight edge in Rasmussen Reports’ latest White House Watch.

The new national telephone and online survey of Likely U.S. Voters shows Trump with 43% support to Clinton’s 41%. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson gets five percent (5%) of the vote, while Green Party nominee picks up three percent (3%). Another three percent (3%) like some other candidate, while five percent (5%) are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Today’s survey is unchanged from Friday but includes the second full night of surveying following the final presidential debate last week in Las Vegas. Rasmussen Reports is one of three national polls that still shows the race as competitive with two weeks to go; most others portray Clinton with a wide – and, in some cases, growing - lead.

In the latest survey, 88% of voters say they are now certain how they will vote, and among these voters, Trump holds a statistically insignificant 48% to 47% lead. Johnson has three percent (3%) support, Stein two percent (2%). Among the voters who still could change their minds between now and Election Day, Trump has the most to potentially lose: He’s ahead of Clinton 34% to 26% among these voters, with Johnson at 25% and Stein at 15%.

Most voters aren’t buying the Democrats’ story that the Russians are trying to manipulate the election for Trump but do think the U.S. media is trying to swing things for Clinton.

Sixty-two percent (62%) believe the national media, not the candidates, are setting the agenda for this year’s presidential race.

Eighty percent (80%) of voters believe this year’s presidential campaign is more negative than past campaigns.

Ninety-five percent (95%) say the character of a presidential candidate is important to their vote, but only 29% say the character of a candidate is more important than his or her specific policy proposals.
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There will eventually be an outcry for the government to provide single payer. Pretty sure this has been the plan from the moment this crap storm started.

yes . . . this is both ends of the modern liberal on full display. On one end, it is willing to pursue it's objective by implementing a design failure and promoting it as a great idea. On the other, it is willing to pursue it's corrupt desire for maximized dependency by embracing each and every self-nullifying probability.

But when Dagny had her corrupt brother James cornered dead to rights, after every liberal and social reform program had fallen flat on it's face in front of him and all his rich leftist elites, even then he refused to admit anything. It doesn't matter that we were wrong! (paraphrasing what he shouted at his sister) It doesn't matter that all of it failed! It doesn't matter that the economy and industry are ruined! It doesn't matter that nothing will ever be as good as it used to be! And why? Because we were trying to do the right thing anyway.
So...ignoring the obvious hyperbole of your fictitious believe that the criticisms of those in this thread over the course of the current administration stem from the simple fact that Obama is African-American? Not conviction, not ideology, not honest belief, not loyal oppositon--just because he's black?

Prime example of race-card politics. You are absolutely the worst. Truly terrible. You are why bipartisan dialogue does not exist.

I'm curious why Obama is always black and not referred to as mixed? He is just as much white as he is black yet he never talks about that side. There's something about mixed black/white people that think they have to overcompensate (Kaepernick, Obama, Jessie Williams).

Obama's race has nothing to do with how awful he has been. However, he has absolutely showed that he's a racist.
I'm curious why Obama is always black and not referred to as mixed? He is just as much white as he is black yet he never talks about that side. There's something about mixed black/white people that think they have to overcompensate (Kaepernick, Obama, Jessie Williams).

Obama's race has nothing to do with how awful he has been. However, he has absolutely showed that he's a racist.

Let me just take care of this for Albany and CardK now . . . the reason Obama is so stinking awful is because of the white in him.
His approval rating is a bullshit number. MSM doesn't implicate him as they should, for one thing. The other is the same trickeration they pull for the Clinton polls.
Yup. Have to be an idiot to think nearly 60% of the country still likes him. I personally know many who voted for Obama and not a single one of them still like him, many even told me they regret voting for him. I'd like to know where these 57% are at.
A lot of people say Obamacare is a failure but its actually successful. It was built to implode so Obama/next Democrat President can turn it into single payer.

just stop . . . with the use of "single payer" when describing that construct. Obamacare was engineered to fail in order to "turn it into" government takeover of our entire medical care system. The government wants that money you've been paying insurance companies through employer payroll deductions. The government wants to provide the "group coverage". The government wants control of all pricing and dispensing. The government wants FULL CONTROL of determining what conditions qualify who for what procedures, what surgeries, what treatments. It is a rotten, rotten future. To the people who supported Obama and Obamacare . . . biggest "group fools" in history.
I'm glad to see Breitbart gave Curt Schilling his own radio show.

A disgrace how ESPN treated him.
25% increase? That's touching stupid. How can anyone say that's the cost of doing business?

Health insurance for all is not a concept of free insurance for all because of goodwill, it's a concept that you had people getting treatment and not paying into the system. Those of us with insurance had to pay more so insurance companies could recoup costs. It's a basic cost benefit analysis. Uninsured were adding to much to the debt. Pretty simple.

Obamacare somehow shit shows all that. Why not have layers/levels of coverage? If you work, and actually pay, you get better healthcare, if you're poor, you still get healthcare, you just have a lower level.

The cost benefit is no longer there (or if ever was?)
Obama might leave the country if Trump wins?

Its like Obama wants Trump to win in a landslide lol.
just stop . . . with the use of "single payer" when describing that construct. Obamacare was engineered to fail in order to "turn it into" government takeover of our entire medical care system. The government wants that money you've been paying insurance companies through employer payroll deductions. The government wants to provide the "group coverage". The government wants control of all pricing and dispensing. The government wants FULL CONTROL of determining what conditions qualify who for what procedures, what surgeries, what treatments. It is a rotten, rotten future. To the people who supported Obama and Obamacare . . . biggest "group fools" in history.

Once care premiums have been going up for the past thirty years. Not sure why all of a sudden it is the black man's fault.

Because the BLACK MAN promised everyone that we would have better insurance and save $2500.00 a year. And why do you have to bring race into it?
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Regarding his approval rating. It hovered in the low 40s for the majority of his tenure. But the telling thing is no candidate in 2010 or 2014 wanted him anywhere near their campaign. He only helped in the POTUS years when the entire system was concentrated on demonizing the GOP candidate and pushing turnout for down ticket. His one significant accomplishment is a colassal pile of shit.
Ughhh why did the Veritas thing have to be "Donald Ducks his taxes" . . . it sounds too dumb to be true, even though it probably is. Those people definitely think they are working with the campaign, but "Donald Ducks his taxes" makes everyone above the age of 6 cringe and turn off the video.
When weren't rates ever going up through the roof? I think it is some serous BS when you make it seem like healthcare cost were contained before Obama took office. Major BS...but then again, when it comes to hating on the black guy in office, this par for the course.

Lol wow. I had plenty ready to go, but others already covered it pretty well

Albany has "sexist" up to bat..

Xenophobe right after that

With that said, until we get to a single payer and remove the incentive for profit from healthcare,

Know what else happens when you remove incentive for profit? You remove the incentive for performance. You can't legislate or dictate performance.

It'll be like the VA. Just worse.

57% approval today I think...easily reelected. Sucky is so opinionated.

Re-electable against these two dimwits...absolutely lol.

His approval grows because he is on his way out. There's nothing else he can do to screw the American people...atleast that I can think of.

His approval grows because he's literally done nothing but talk shows for months. His best move was basically early retirement. When he was actually doing things, his approval was low