How will they rule ??!

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see UCA....underreported govt fraud and failure
Via The Hill
The price of the most popular plan under ObamaCare will increase by an average of 25 percent on the federal marketplace next year, according to data released Monday.

This year’s increase — which is more than triple that of last year’s — is the sharpest jump yet since the launch of

Via The Hill
The price of the most popular plan under ObamaCare will increase by an average of 25 percent on the federal marketplace next year, according to data released Monday.

This year’s increase — which is more than triple that of last year’s — is the sharpest jump yet since the launch of


Oh and don't forget the $678 million dollar NO-BID contract that went to Michelle's BFF, Toni Townes, from Princeton college to design That website cost the tax payers a lot of money.
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It doesn't surprise me that Obamacare is failing. But, absolutely hate that many individuals....including friends of mine....are facing some very very significant increases in their healthcare costs that are putting them in a severe bind.

No dancing banana for this conservative.

To address the following post, my friends are telling the truth--their coverage is either being cut or their rates are going through the roof. The MSM doesn't want to cover it for the obvious reasons.
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It doesn't surprise me that Obamacare is failing. But, absolutely hate that many individuals....including friends of mine....are facing some very very significant increases in their healthcare costs that are putting them in a severe bind.

No dancing banana for this conservative.

To address the following post, my friends are telling the truth--their coverage is either being cut or their rates are going through the roof. The MSM doesn't want to cover it for the obvious reasons.

My wife just lost her job and we had excellent health insurance through her company. My company had to stop offering health insurance for employees because of the high prices that came with ObamaCare. So now what? We either go to the ridiculous marketplace for insurance or???

I know it gave 12m people insurance they didn't have and that is great but it cost so much more to so MANY more. That's liberalism for you.
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Michael Moore: Clinton doesn't just talk about Christianity 'she lives it'
It doesn't surprise me that Obamacare is failing. But, absolutely hate that many individuals....including friends of mine....are facing some very very significant increases in their healthcare costs that are putting them in a severe bind.

No dancing banana for this conservative.

To address the following post, my friends are telling the truth--their coverage is either being cut or their rates are going through the roof. The MSM doesn't want to cover it for the obvious reasons.

When weren't rates ever going up through the roof? I think it is some serous BS when you make it seem like healthcare cost were contained before Obama took office. Major BS...but then again, when it comes to hating on the black guy in office, this par for the course.
You don't get. You can't imagine the glee and personal pride of claiming a "win" on a college sport board. Direction of country pales in comparison.
It could get ugly before long, I was listening to three people today talking about how they have bought new guns and ammo preparing for the worse. Two of these guys were of today's generation who work and are not buying the Clinton B.S. There were about 4 more the other day with similar comments, 2 African Americans, one from Puerto Rico, and one of Mexican lineage. All 4 hate both Trump and Hillary and are Army retirees. They like me' are tired of the direction this nation is going. The Puerto Rican owns a good amount of land in the county and has built his own firing range in which he says many of his friends and family have been using a lot lately. Preparing for the Hillary presidency and the attack on the second amendment which we all know is coming.
My wife just lost her job and we had excellent health insurance through her company. My company had to stop offering health insurance for employees because of the high prices that came with ObamaCare. So now what? We either go to the ridiculous marketplace for insurance or???

Once care premiums have been going up for the past thirty years. Not sure why all of a sudden it is the black man's fault.
Albany, if you think it's funny, it's not. Obama's race had nothing to do with it and all you are doing is race baiting. I'm sure CATSRock is only upset about his predicament because he's a racist.

Would a mod either provide him a warning and/or put him in timeout for a bit? This crap's getting old.
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Albany, if you think it's funny, it's not. Obama's race had nothing to do with it and all you are doing is race baiting. I'm sure CATSRock is only upset about his predicament because he's a racist.

Would a mod either provide him a warning and/or put him in timeout for a bit? This crap's getting old.

Once again, let me know when health care costs were not rising? Your argument rings hollow. Plain and simple.
There will eventually be an outcry for the government to provide single payer. Pretty sure this has been the plan from the moment this crap storm started.

Pretty much the only way health care costs will be controlled...outside of that, more of the same each year.
You guys have been blaming Bush for the last 10 to 12 years now including the last 7 3/4 years of Obama. I guess since he is Black he should get a pass. Racist much Albany?

For the mess Obama inherited, you would think he would get a pass on lots of things, but that never tends to be the case with you all.
Once again, let me know when health care costs were not rising? Your argument rings hollow. Plain and simple.

Umm, I know this will go ignored. OBAMACARE WAS SUPPOSE TO CUT COST. He said it. Save $2,500 on premiums for each family. And Obamacare has actually has raised cost. He knew it would. That's what makes him a liar.

Once again, let me know when health care costs were not rising? Your argument rings hollow. Plain and simple.

Then why didn't you state this position....plain and simple...without adding the race bait BS?

My position has absolutely nothing to do with Obama's race....nothing, nor did I mention it in any way shape or form. It's his primary "achievement" as President and it's not working as well as he promised. So it's fair game. Drop the race baiting.
Umm, I know this will go ignored. OBAMACARE WAS SUPPOSE TO CUT COST. He said it. Save $2,500 on premiums for each family. And Obamacare has actually has raised cost. He knew it would. That's what makes him a liar.


Like it never happened....

<----- premiums/ded went up *and* specific plan was cancelled (if you like your plan you can keep it and grab people in the pussy) *each* year since Obamacare was passed.

Like it never happened....

<----- premiums/ded went up *and* specific plan was cancelled (if you like your plan you can keep it and grab people in the pussy) *each* year since Obamacare was passed.


Too bad that was 2008 and now has hit the expiration date to be critiqued. Inadmissible.
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and before that 99% of our problems according to you were Bush's fault. your not even a good troll. step up your game or gtfo
Friendly reminder that every major Bush policy decision had significant Dem party support...Iraq, NCLB, Homeland Security, prescription benefits, Patriot Act, etc.

UCA was one party rule like the porkulus.
Hillary is putting on lipstick, she's making her hitlist, and she's checking it twice.

Seriously, Obama made it cool and accepted to do whatever the f the president wants to do, so can you imagine wtf Hillary will want to do? Her and her 30 years worth of cohorts. For example, Obama made it cool to eat ass; Hillary will make it mandatory to eat ass. Obama droned Americans on foreign soil. Hillary will drone Americans in the Chic Fil A drive thru.
Let me know when you are able to realize 25%> 3-6%

Shew, when you get outside of the "we gonna win, you gonna lose" schtick, your ignorance of issues is glaring.

Sorry, but my employer insurance barely went up this year. Deductible stayed the same as well. I'll post the exact number later. So are we quoting rates for exchanges or employer based healthcare. Or are we going to look at employers who dump their employees on exchanges? There are many ways to look at those numbers.

With that said, until we get to a single payer and remove the incentive for profit from healthcare, your bellyaching falls on deaf ears. You and your boys vote for the same Republicans that want nothing to do with single payer.

Obamacare had three parts to it. Fair insurance - Check; Increase Coverage - Check; Control Costs - Unknown. So 2/3 is not bad, which more to come. And if it fails, then the need for a single payer only increases. Sounds good to me...

Too bad that was 2008 and now has hit the expiration date to be critiqued. Inadmissible.
Albany will go away for a few pages until people forget about your posts. That's how liberals work...deflect, dodge or ignore until it is forgotten.

Obama isn't blamed because he is black. He is blamed because he was been a sucky ass president whether he be white, black, yellow or purple.
Obama droned Americans on foreign soil. Hillary will drone Americans in the Chic Fil A drive thru.

That's pretty good. [laughing]

Someone touched on this earlier but Hillary is the wolf after a lot of false alarms from the right. She's the most evil and corrupt candidate that will ever hold the presidency. That is terrifying to consider. Just wait to see what this bitch will do in her second term. It will have huge consequences.

I have zero doubts that down the line in history, people will deny voting for Hillary or having anything to do with what will come of her presidency to avoid any accountability in the same way that people would shy away from sympathizing with the Nazi Party.
Albany will go away for a few pages until people forget about your posts. That's how liberals work...deflect, dodge or ignore until it is forgotten.

Obama isn't blamed because he is black. He is blamed because he was been a sucky ass president whether he be white, black, yellow or purple.

57% approval today I think...easily reelected. Sucky is so opinionated.
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