How will they rule ??!

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It is very interesting that you would tell another person that they should get out more, and then make comments to indicate that most of the people you know are from high school.

He's clueless. He acts like it's some misconception that the inner cities are crime infested servers of poverty filled with mostly minorities. The worst cities for crime are those with black majority or high black populations. It's not racist. It's simply truth.

Are there whites on government assistance? Absolutely. But in those impoverished white areas, you usually don't have to worry about getting robbed and murdered.

Are we also supposed to ignore that blacks and Latinos make the least amount of money per household? Ole copkilla wants everyone to think blacks are all in three piece suits, scoring high grades and working as executives and that anyone who disagrees must be an obese hillbilly with two teeth. It's entertaining.

In my area, I'm often the minority. When I was sheltered, I believed a lot of the BS and didn't know the differences in cultures until I lived in multiple large cities. The schools that are mostly black have the worst academics, the worst behavioral problems and the cities that run these areas are almost always run by Democrats.
He's clueless. He acts like it's some misconception that the inner cities are crime infested servers of poverty filled with mostly minorities. The worst cities for crime are those with black majority or high black populations. It's not racist. It's simply truth.

Are there whites on government assistance? Absolutely. But in those impoverished white areas, you usually don't have to worry about getting robbed and murdered.

Are we also supposed to ignore that blacks and Latinos make the least amount of money per household? Ole copkilla wants everyone to think blacks are all in three piece suits, scoring high grades and working as executives and that anyone who disagrees must be an obese hillbilly with two teeth. It's entertaining.

In my area, I'm often the minority. When I was sheltered, I believed a lot of the BS and didn't know the differences in cultures until I lived in multiple large cities. The schools that are mostly black have the worst academics, the worst behavioral problems and the cities that run these areas are almost always run by Democrats.

trust me, I get it . . . to actually participate in society is to know truth. Try hiring in the private sector for a few years, and take note of who, what, and with how much effort does look for, and prepare for, work . . . and those sad, long, broken periods of unexplained non-employment on their "resumes". When individuals such as CardK spout about such non-sense it likely reveals plenty about their own status, if not sustained future.
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Starting to believe every poll is utter BS and that this whole thing may be smoke and mirrors.



Over sample Hispanics
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guys, GOP internal polls** are saying the same thing (and in many situations, are even more dire than the public ones being published by all of these polling firms). This isn't some grand Democrat-Media-NateSilver conspiracy. Trump is just doing that badly.

There's a reason why Ryan told House members to do whatever's necessary. Many of them are in districts where Trump is getting killed in the GOP's own internal numbers.

**Standard disclaimer of "all polls could theoretically be inaccurate in either direction blah blah blah"...
Starting to believe every poll is utter BS and that this whole thing may be smoke and mirrors.



Over sample Hispanics
Of course the polls are bullshit. Trump is drawing in crowds nearly similar to what Obama was in 2008, while Hillary can barely fill up gyms.

I still say Trump wins and that it won't even be close. Trump will get more Latinos, Blacks, and democrats than any GOP candidate in years. Hillary does not have a grip on the minority vote the way most democrats usually do (the weakest since the 60s). Most of her base hates her, while Trumps base for the most part is riled up about voting for him. These things are not good for Hillary. I think Trump will win in spite of Hillarys tries to rig it.

Trump is the change candidate. Change candidates almost always win. Hillary is status quo, and America doesn't want that. Look at the polls that show 60-70 percent of Americans believe America is heading in the wrong direction. Those people are not voting for Hillary. I'm not a guy who usually predicts things, but I'm pretty confident Trump wins and wins fairly easily. The establishment gets hit back on November 8th.
How have you all done in predictions the last six or seven elections? Fox shared this professor's track record of being successful in correctly picking the presidency and I wanted to see how impressive that feat actually is.

My predictions during the time I followed politics.

1992- Bill Clinton
1996- Bill Clinton
2000- Al Gore
2004- George Bush
2008- Obama
2012- Romney

So I've been wrong on both sides. Curious how you all fared? This professor believes Trump will win based on the primary model.
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I predicted W to win both times and for Obama to win both times. Wasn't old enough in the 90s to predict those.
[roll] yup all of those blacks and latinos are on gov't assistance and live in ghettos. Maybe you should get out more. Maybe it's because i'm a 'leftist elite' but the latino and black people I know don't fall into any of your stereotype categories. But I know plenty of white people getting gov't assistance. Mostly people I still know from high school. And probably all voting for DT.
How was Madea Halloween??
Uber-liberal Nordic utopia having regrets, needs fuzz to come help them see the bigger picture. We should kickstarter a trip for him to bike to all the shelters.

A nation 'WRECKED' by immigration: Do-gooding Swedes turn against migrants amid violence
SWEDEN’S open-door policy has 'WRECKED' Europe’s most liberal nation as the Swedes turn against migrants amid an unprecedented rise in violence and sex attacks.
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Uber-liberal Nordic utopia having regrets, needs fuzz to come help them see the bigger picture. We should kickstarter a trip for him to bike to all the shelters.

A nation 'WRECKED' by immigration: Do-gooding Swedes turn against migrants amid violence
SWEDEN’S open-door policy has 'WRECKED' Europe’s most liberal nation as the Swedes turn against migrants amid an unprecedented rise in violence and sex attacks.
Sounds familiar. On a related note, I'm seeing more and more resistance by my German friends and family members towards this unbridled immigration wave. They are sick of it and they want their country back.
Sounds familiar. On a related note, I'm seeing more and more resistance by my German friends and family members towards this unbridled immigration wave. They are sick of it and they want their country back.

You mean open borders may not be a good thing after all? I'm shocked.

Angela "HRC" Merkel will be getting the boot soon. She'll go down with the ship defending it too. These pro-Syrian refugee leaders are all being bought off by dirty Muslim money.
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This whole Syrian retrenchment may have worked over time, but it will fall flat because of greed.

Greed. Ahhh human greed. You can't make the world love Islam nor can you shame people to love to Islam in 8 years. But the money... You gotta try... The money......
Perfect AG candidate for the HRC administration, they will coach her up on fixing the system to avoid punishment:

Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane is due to be sentenced on Monday for leaking grand jury information to embarrass a rival and then lying about it to investigators.

Kane, 50, the first woman and first Democrat elected attorney general, faces a maximum prison sentence of 24 years but state guidelines suggest she could get a significantly shorter sentence. In court papers she asked to be sentenced to house arrest to allow her to care for two minor children.

Kane was convicted by a jury in Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas in August and resigned two days later.
guys, GOP internal polls** are saying the same thing (and in many situations, are even more dire than the public ones being published by all of these polling firms). This isn't some grand Democrat-Media-NateSilver conspiracy. Trump is just doing that badly.

There's a reason why Ryan told House members to do whatever's necessary. Many of them are in districts where Trump is getting killed in the GOP's own internal numbers.

**Standard disclaimer of "all polls could theoretically be inaccurate in either direction blah blah blah"...

Jamo, Thats not why Ryan said that, he said it right after the recording came out. Has nothing to do with internal polling.

Please link the internal polls that say the same things.

There is far more doubt in this election than in 08 or 12, but not if you listen to the media.
The more I think about it, the more I think the MSM is just begins to stretch it's "sea legs" with regards to propaganda. Not talking about polling either. Assange/Snowden/Okeefe types to be silenced/ignored. More collusion than we even have now. Just outright pravda stuff.

They know the only way to combat all this organic stuff is to go all in. All outlets across forms of media. To quote a Ron Paul meme, it's happening.

If elected, it's going to turn from getting her elected to telling you she's great and your circumstance is great and her agenda is going to get steamrolled right on through.
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The more I think about it, the more I think the MSM is just begins to stretch it's "sea legs" with regards to propaganda. Not talking about polling either. Assange/Snowden/Okeefe types to be silenced/ignored. More collusion than we even have now. Just outright pravda stuff.

They know the only way to combat all this organic stuff is to go all in. All outlets across forms of media. To quote a Ron Paul meme, it's happening.

If elected, it's going to turn from getting her elected to telling you she's great and your circumstance is great and her agenda is going to get steamrolled right on through.
see UCA....underreported govt fraud and failure
This election is so bizarre. The election is over, but literally the only positive things I've heard about Hillary is that she has a vagina, is not Trump, and is good at avoiding questions in debates. The election is over, but nobody shows up to see Hillary, and Trump packs arenas.
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I'm still hopeful that Trump will pull this out at the end due in large part to people just not being able to pull the switch for the crook at the end. I am honestly very sad for America if HRC wins - our nation will never be the same... Trump is no angel but HRC is the worst choice ever. Were she not so corrupt and evil and had actually done good things in her 30 years of 'service', she would actually be the most qualified but no, so many bodies and dollars and corrupt dealings - the WORST choice ever.
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IBD/TIPP - Tied Today
USC/LAT - Clinton +1
Rass - Trump +2

I am going to say you are going to see a drift to Clinton leading all three of these in the next few days in order to save face and offer hope to Republicans four years from now.
I'm still hopeful that Trump will pull this out at the end due in large part to people just not being able to pull the switch for the crook at the end. I am honestly very sad for America if HRC wins - our nation will never be the same... Trump is no angel but HRC is the worst choice ever. Were she not so corrupt and evil and had actually done good things in her 30 years of 'service', she would actually be the most qualified but no, so many bodies and dollars and corrupt dealings - the WORST choice ever.

Honestly, this was the same type of BS said about Barry before his first term and then before his reelection. Rinse and repeat.
IBD/TIPP - Tied Today
USC/LAT - Clinton +1
Rass - Trump +2

I am going to say you are going to see a drift to Clinton leading all three of these in the next few days in order to save face and offer hope to Republicans four years from now.

Taking a glance at those numbers does the race look over? No, of course it doesn't, thats the point we're making.

The race is tighter this year than the last 2, yet the media is already pounding us with it's over. I don't recall them ever doing that before.
Honestly, this was the same type of BS said about Barry before his first term and then before his reelection. Rinse and repeat.
No, it was NOT the same BS said about Obama. He was not super qualified politically speaking but didn't carry anywhere near the baggage of HRC. You're just wrong on that one Albany. HRC is by far, without question the most corrupt ever and you know that as well. She is in support of so many things that are just TERRIBLE for the future of our country. Take a look - a serious look at what's going on in Europe with regard to immigration and you will see a catastrophe. She is in favor of OPEN borders!
Policy aside, how can you support someone that has been so corrupt and constantly lied about it? Corruption that MATTERS to Americans? Not about Trump's big mouth which is annoying and not very Presidential...
No, it was NOT the same BS said about Obama. He was not super qualified politically speaking but didn't carry anywhere near the baggage of HRC. You're just wrong on that one Albany. HRC is by far, without question the most corrupt ever and you know that as well. She is in support of so many things that are just TERRIBLE for the future of our country. Take a look - a serious look at what's going on in Europe with regard to immigration and you will see a catastrophe. She is in favor of OPEN borders!
Policy aside, how can you support someone that has been so corrupt and constantly lied about it? Corruption that MATTERS to Americans? Not about Trump's big mouth which is annoying and not very Presidential...

I see what you are trying to say, but to hold HRC to a higher bar than all other politicians is comical to me. All of a sudden, the right seems to think we should only have choir boys running our government. If HRC was anything but cut throat, she wouldn't stand a chance to win in Washington.

We just have a different view of what politicians are...
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I see what you are trying to say, but to hold HRC to a higher bar than all other politicians is comical to me. All of a sudden, the right seems to think we should only have choir boys running our government. If HRC was anything but cut throat, she wouldn't stand a chance to win in Washington.

We just have a different view of what politicians are...
I don't expect to have choir boys in office but I and so many others are really troubled at the level of corruption from the DNC, HRC and the govt in general. It's stuff you see going on in 3rd world dictatorships. It's OK for her to be tough or cut throat I suppose but there is too much from this that is very wrong on so many levels. I'm all in for an America First policy for a change as the status quo has put us in a bad mess.