How will they rule ??!

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Podesta emails already showed their talking points in how to bury Ted Cruz is he got the nominee.

Nothing changes except for the names. Remember, they already played the affair angle in the primary.

Don't shoot the messenger:

I guess they finally got enough California transplants and illegals to Texas.

I do like that the left effs up their states then goes to places with conservative policies and then votes in a way that ruined the place they just left. Oblivious idiots.
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That and the left is about to vote in a Wall Street owned Warhawk.

Well said, and absolutely baffling. Where are the principled Democrats that just want to look out for the little guy with rich people's money? Oh yeah, their vote for Bernie Sanders didn't count.

It would be cool to get back to a point where we could at least pretend to talk about issues again. I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh on occasion, and he would regularly sing "racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe" in a prissy voice, mocking how the left just attacks the messenger with zero substance. Rush's joke is now literally killing people (BLM), the Republican party (Trump / the lack of GOP support for Trump), and probably the country with zero fs given about any kind of immigration enforcement.
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You think it's bizarre how conservatism is the counter culture of today and the left is the "machine?"

That and the left is about to vote in a Wall Street owned Warhawk.

I don't think it's quite's more that Conservatism is dead in regards to social issues. Couple that with the nomination of Trump and other fire-brands.

Easy to see why society as a whole is treading more liberal.
That supposed toss up declaration is based on one poll. We've already seen in the ctr leaks the dems had phony polls ready to go that their operatives could link to for bandwagon effect.

She's ahead. But Texas isn't a toss up in any version of reality. Congrats on echoing the band wagon
There is no one more smug than an elitist leftist. I've been arguing with this guy who keeps identifying himself and Dem voters as "college educated." He thinks it gives him moral high ground (I'm college educated as well but don't find it relevant to anything) or insight into these topics.

They also have the highest number of high school dropouts and felons voting for them. They like to champion themselves as intellectuals but the majority of their base are retarded college kids, gov't dependent blacks and Latinos, SJW psychos & the leftist elite.

Just hate that garbage. They're always smug and in actuality, pretty racist, which makes it easy for them to pander and manipulate these people when they need votes.
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White idiot shot today in edmonton for not not dropping his rifle when demanded by state troopers. Rednecks need a Soros-type.
That supposed toss up declaration is based on one poll. We've already seen in the ctr leaks the dems had phony polls ready to go that their operatives could link to for bandwagon effect.

She's ahead. But Texas isn't a toss up in any version of reality. Congrats on echoing the band wagon
While I agree that it's very unlikely TX will be within the MOE on Election Day....RCP didn't make that call based on one poll (as is specified in the link and on RCP's website).
All jokes aside, I'm an actual independent who did vote Kasich and have a Trump sticker on my car.... Never thought I'd be here a year ago and still have a hard time believing the American voter is actually so dumb to elect HRC.... They
L come around by Election Day or will seriously regret it if they don't
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Liar, you can't get your nose out of Hillary's ass long enough to hit it.
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Well said, and absolutely baffling. Where are the principled Democrats that just want to look out for the little guy with rich people's money? Oh yeah, their vote for Bernie Sanders didn't count.

part of "fair share" recipe her liberal SUCKERS have taken hook, line and sinker . . . that leaves her laughing doubled-over. She probably says to herself . . . "my god, these poor idiots voting for me can see me giving free lap-dances to the richest people on Wall Street 24-7, but all I have to do is make them think I actually believe they are better educated? ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!"
While I agree that it's very unlikely TX will be within the MOE on Election Day....RCP didn't make that call based on one poll (as is specified in the link and on RCP's website).

No offense, Jam - but just a few weeks ago when it was pointed out that RCP was tracking Pennsylvania as a "toss-up" you were somewhat relentless by referring to "other sources" while invalidating RCP data. Yet now you are presenting RCP data innocently. Pretty clear that you are likely only interested in RCP when the data drifts away from Trump. Sort of discredits - again, no offense - you as an intermediate for pre-election polling data.

Could be that you have since become more familiar with RCP. If so, was the Penn data then more correct that you had thought?
But why?

Seriously if you know polls are saying Trump is up what benefit do you get by reporting a poll with Hilliary in a landslide?

You'd be better off motivating you minority base by reporting Trump is at least within 2 pts! Then the Obamas begging and pleading would hit home and get the Africans up and out to vote!

Hilliary needs it and if they really wanted wanted it that would be the most effective strategy.

So why in the hell pump the BS? You really think they are suppressing Trumps crazy followers that are the type that just might be ready to start a revolution against the minorities anyway?

I mean you got to be a certain level of stupid ass to really think anything you say or do in the media is stopping Trumps supporters!

I don't get it........and to that notion I say while I prefer trump I really wonder what we may get ourselves into.
Jamo is just being contrarion imo....

Krazy, the idea is to try to sway the portion of the "winning team" vote, which is a sizable portion of the "low" information vote.

It's psychology over substance, the same reason why they play up the fear angle of a Trump presidency since fear is a powerful motivator... Which is ironic since the real candidate to fear is HRC, you can't have a person that corrupt without serious consequences it never ends well throughout history
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No offense, Jam - but just a few weeks ago when it was pointed out that RCP was tracking Pennsylvania as a "toss-up" you were somewhat relentless by referring to "other sources" while invalidating RCP data. Yet now you are presenting RCP data innocently. Pretty clear that you are likely only interested in RCP when the data drifts away from Trump. Sort of discredits - again, no offense - you as an intermediate for pre-election polling data.

Could be that you have since become more familiar with RCP. If so, was the Penn data then more correct that you had thought?
The dearth of polling in Texas is not at all analogous to what's been measured in PA.

I do like how everyone still shot the messenger, though. Good job! Good effort!
But why?

Seriously if you know polls are saying Trump is up what benefit do you get by reporting a poll with Hilliary in a landslide?

You'd be better off motivating you minority base by reporting Trump is at least within 2 pts! Then the Obamas begging and pleading would hit home and get the Africans up and out to vote!
Shhhhhh. It's easier to be mad at the media.
Again though, and this I just can not comprehend, if they want her to win and he is possibly actually up is the "winning team" vote enough?

They need black support. I understand the areas that are now possible wins for her like GA, AZ, NV etc are high minority states and if you want them you better stop telling them she is crushing this in a landslide!
But why?

Seriously if you know polls are saying Trump is up what benefit do you get by reporting a poll with Hilliary in a landslide?

You'd be better off motivating you minority base by reporting Trump is at least within 2 pts! Then the Obamas begging and pleading would hit home and get the Africans up and out to vote!

Hilliary needs it and if they really wanted wanted it that would be the most effective strategy.

So why in the hell pump the BS? You really think they are suppressing Trumps crazy followers that are the type that just might be ready to start a revolution against the minorities anyway?

I mean you got to be a certain level of stupid ass to really think anything you say or do in the media is stopping Trumps supporters!

I don't get it........and to that notion I say while I prefer trump I really wonder what we may get ourselves into.

B/c they're planning to steal it? Constantly pushing the landslide polls are the ground work & the final results will be in line with their polls.

Make everyone believe she's winning in a landslide, then when they steal it & she actually does, no one's the wiser.

Not saying that's what's going to happen, but it's the best answer to your questions as to why & the huge discrepancies in the polls.
But why?

Seriously if you know polls are saying Trump is up what benefit do you get by reporting a poll with Hilliary in a landslide?

You'd be better off motivating you minority base by reporting Trump is at least within 2 pts! Then the Obamas begging and pleading would hit home and get the Africans up and out to vote!

Hilliary needs it and if they really wanted wanted it that would be the most effective strategy.

So why in the hell pump the BS? You really think they are suppressing Trumps crazy followers that are the type that just might be ready to start a revolution against the minorities anyway?

I mean you got to be a certain level of stupid ass to really think anything you say or do in the media is stopping Trumps supporters!

I don't get it........and to that notion I say while I prefer trump I really wonder what we may get ourselves into.

Most folks don't see the 3 polls I listed. The MSM polls are seen more widely.
If you're on the fence or normally don't vote, and see Trump down by 12 there's a good chance you won't bother to vote if you've been leaning his way.
Again no one leaning his way isn't just going to not show. They are not stopping his supporters in this one at all.

Moe, I get that but that is a lot of theft to go uncovered. Especially the way it's presented and Trump isn't giving in you'd have to be scared of one of these Asange types to bust them.

I think what is happening is the reporting is lopsided and they hope she wins close and can say well it was a lot closer than anyone could have anticipated to slow down the corruption talk.

They may be misstepping to IMHO and it may suppress her vote.
Moe, I get that but that is a lot of theft to go uncovered. Especially the way it's presented and Trump isn't giving in you'd have to be scared of one of these Asange types to bust them.
I tend to agree, but it's the best answer I could come up with to why the MSM polls are pushing such a narrative, while the most recent independent polls tell a completely different story.
Don't believe any of the polls. It's all horse shit. In Florida, it's nothing but Trump people. I don't listen to no stinkin' non Florida residing person.