How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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heard about Hillary is that she has a vagina,

She's not playing this card well enough. It's all she should play, tbh. The same way media heralded the first black president, they should be doing the same with the female thing. They ain't. It's odd.
Most folks don't see the 3 polls I listed. The MSM polls are seen more widely.
If you're on the fence or normally don't vote, and see Trump down by 12 there's a good chance you won't bother to vote if you've been leaning his way.

Which is why they use this tactic

Of course the polls are bullshit. Trump is drawing in crowds nearly similar to what Obama was in 2008, while Hillary can barely fill up gyms.

I still say Trump wins and that it won't even be close. Trump will get more Latinos, Blacks, and democrats than any GOP candidate in years. Hillary does not have a grip on the minority vote the way most democrats usually do (the weakest since the 60s). Most of her base hates her, while Trumps base for the most part is riled up about voting for him. These things are not good for Hillary. I think Trump will win in spite of Hillarys tries to rig it.

Trump is the change candidate. Change candidates almost always win. Hillary is status quo, and America doesn't want that. Look at the polls that show 60-70 percent of Americans believe America is heading in the wrong direction. Those people are not voting for Hillary. I'm not a guy who usually predicts things, but I'm pretty confident Trump wins and wins fairly easily. The establishment gets hit back on November 8th.

Packing an arena requires real people. Voting does not, thanks to the anti voter id party
Hopefully O'Keefe comes through today.

our side needs to stop wishing for a miracle hail mary outside party winning this thing. Hilldawg didnt have a seisure during any debate, wikilinks doesnt have her dirtiest most incriminating emails (yet?), and O'Keefe doesnt have her red handed spray painting cars at a Trump rally. if the GOP/Trump would have just talked about nothing but the touching issues, taxes, immigration, crime, economy and not have the media & invented controversies dragged off talking about those things the race would not be close - even with pussy grabbing vid & carefully timed bimbo eruptions.

She's not playing this card well enough. It's all she should play, tbh. The same way media heralded the first black president, they should be doing the same with the female thing. They ain't. It's odd.
they know doing that too much turns off as many voters as it turns on
our side needs to stop wishing for a miracle hail mary outside party winning this thing. Hilldawg didnt have a seisure during any debate, wikilinks doesnt have her dirtiest most incriminating emails (yet?), and O'Keefe doesnt have her red handed spray painting cars at a Trump rally. if the GOP/Trump would have just talked about nothing but the touching issues, taxes, immigration, crime, economy and not have the media & invented controversies dragged off talking about those things the race would not be close - even with pussy grabbing vid & carefully timed bimbo eruptions.

they know doing that too much turns off as many voters as it turns on

I don't know if there is anything concealed that could be revealed that could cost her the presidency.
Moe, how people could be so naive and delusional to be okay and accept Muslim migration is beyond me. I like it to the most gullible person reaching their hand into a pit of snakes and being oblivious to what will occur.

They have absolutey destroyed Europe. They do indeed rape at insane rapes and they justify it in the religion too. Check out their verse about the "uncovered" being molested.
I have come to the conclusion that the New York liberal media basically determines the course this country takes in politics and culture. They write and narrate the story that the vast majority of Americans listen to. If you control the media you control peoples minds. They could tell people that eating shit is good for you and I guarantee you that you would have millions reaching for their spoons.
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You do kind of wonder what kind voter turnout a very unpopular candidate who seemingly has the election "in the bag" will have. I mean no one is enthused about voting for her expect maybe Chelsa. I say election night will have a few surprises.
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Honestly only about two things since her fan base is beyond stupid: saying the N word or a gay slur.

That's all they care about.

What's amazing to me is the that Hillary voters are so worried about Russia now but they weren't when Mitt Romney mentioned it. Hillary voters wanted better relations with Russia per Obama's "I'll have more flexibility after the election" caught on tape.

Which leads us to this. hillary more like Vladamir Putin than other leader in the world. Putin controls media just like Hillary. Putin kills people just like Hillary. Putin has a secret gov't just like Hillary. Putin hates gays and blacks just like Hillary.

They are identical.
You do kind of wonder what kind voter turnout a very unpopular candidate who seemingly has the election "in the bag" will have. I mean no one is enthused about voting for her expect maybe Chelsa. I say election night will have a few surprises.
It's easy for people sitting at home on their couch to answer the phone and say "I'm with her!". It's another thing for them to actually get out and vote and support the nominee.

Look at Trump's rallies compared to Hillary's. This thing is far from over. Trump supporters are up in arms and WILL go out and vote. A lot of Hillary supporters aren't all that happy and will stay home.
Hillary +12 in Washington post poll. Not so fast, they heavily over-sampled democrats. I think that she is still a few points ahead but not double digits.

I don't think anyone has a damn clue how to poll this thing......I mean there is no telling what happens at all at this point and the only thing they have against trump is he won't shut up and skanks are out to get some fame, which at this point they don't even report because it didn't work at all!
It really is infuriating to know she's going to get away with all her criminal activity.

Can't even imagine working in a federal law enforcement agency under her.
It really is infuriating to know she's going to get away with all her criminal activity.

Can't even imagine working in a federal law enforcement agency under her.

DOJ will not do anything and she won't let FBI do anything, so yes she will get away with. Then throw in the media won't pres it. So, yes this is already a banana republic.
The worst part is apparently the woman who is going to be POTUS thinks dressing someone up as Donald Duck because the other candidate's name is Donald is the most clever goddam thing she's ever heard of, and it's worth breaking federal laws to ensure it happens.

But then again, pun Halloween costumes are always awesome and clever, so can see why the left liked it.
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It really is amazing that Hillary will most likely be our next President, and no one can name one thing she's actually accomplished. No redeeming achievement. Zilch. Nada.

If elected, she'll be President Coattails.

She built a $400 million fortune by selling access and influence. She has also proven that the laws of this country don't apply to certain politicians. Hardly redeeming but her biggest accomplishments by far.
DOJ will not do anything and she won't let FBI do anything, so yes she will get away with. Then throw in the media won't pres it. So, yes this is already a banana republic.

Oh, it's only a "crime" when Edward Snowden or Chelsea Manning do it. With Hillary, it's not "crime", it's called "creative evolution".

Spin it anyway they want. This bitch is the worst candidate in human history.
I *just said* I can't hear whatever is in the video. I was going off of your "disappointing" comment.

I was talking about the second video not being a disappointment. This new video is disappointing.

When you said "another ovaltine" I assumed you thought the other videos sucked.
guys, GOP internal polls** are saying the same thing (and in many situations, are even more dire than the public ones being published by all of these polling firms). This isn't some grand Democrat-Media-NateSilver conspiracy. Trump is just doing that badly.

There's a reason why Ryan told House members to do whatever's necessary. Many of them are in districts where Trump is getting killed in the GOP's own internal numbers.

**Standard disclaimer of "all polls could theoretically be inaccurate in either direction blah blah blah"...
A better disclaimer might be that you have no actual idea as to what "GOP internal polls" are actually saying.

I have no doubt that the Trump has his own polls. They haven't been released, because there is no point in doing so. If Trump is losing in his internal polls, he has no incentive to release those internal polls. If he is winning, releasing them would be pointless, because the response would either be "the polls are garbage" or "he is lying".

So, if you are reading that internal polls are showing that he is losing badly, it's not coming from any release from the Trump campaign. There are three realistic possibilities to account for these rumors.

First, the campaign is releasing disinformation. However, that makes no sense. It's one thing is the campaign "leaks" a poll to show that the race is close, but that he's a bit behind, so as to scare the base into turning out to vote. But to leak information that he is trailing badly does not motivate; it demoralizes. So, throw that one out.

Second, a rat in the campaign is leaking this information, and this also accounts to supposed "GOP" polls as opposed to Trump campaign polls. But, if the rat has incentive to damage the campaign by leaking bad poll numbers, said rat also has incentive to invent the bad poll numbers in the first place. In other words, such a leak has no credibility, if that's what it is. And that applies to a GOPe leak just as much as a Trump leak.

Third possibility, Soros and/or the Clinton campaign just invented this. Made it up out of thin air, and called some friends in the MSM to report it. Think they're above doing that? Think the MSM is above reporting it without any degree of skepticism? Think a website like Politico or countless others might leap at a chance to talk about these "internal polls" without knowing what these polls actually indicate, as long as the "polls" support their narrative?

Here's what I am much more interested in reading about, than leaked "internal polls"- (1) actual independent polling such as IBD and Rasmussen, (2) where the candidates are physically appearing these days (for some reason, Pennsylvania and Florida seem to be focal points), and (3) credible reports of absentee ballot requests.
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A better disclaimer might be that you have no actual idea as to what "GOP internal polls" are actually saying.

I have no doubt that the Trump has his own polls. They haven't been released, because there is no point in doing so. If Trump is losing in his internal polls, he has no incentive to release those internal polls. If he is winning, releasing them would be pointless, because the response would either be "the polls are garbage" or "he is lying".

So, if you are reading that internal polls are showing that he is losing badly, it's not coming from any release from the Trump campaign. There are three realistic possibilities to account for these rumors.

First, the campaign is releasing disinformation. However, that makes no sense. It's one thing is the campaign "leaks" a poll to show that the race is close, but that he's a bit behind, so as to scare the base into turning out to vote. But to leak information that he is trailing badly does not motivate; it demoralizes. So, throw that one out.

Second, a rat in the campaign is leaking this information, and this also accounts to supposed "GOP" polls as opposed to Trump campaign polls. But, if the rat has incentive to damage the campaign by leaking bad poll numbers, said rat also has incentive to invent the bad poll numbers in the first place. In other words, such a leak has no credibility, if that's what it is. And that applies to a GOPe leak just as much as a Trump leak.

Third possibility, Soros and/or the Clinton campaign just invented this. Made it up out of thin air, and called some friends in the MSM to report it. Think they're above doing that? Think the MSM is above reporting it without any degree of skepticism? Think a website like Politico or countless others might leap at a chance to talk about these "internal polls" without knowing what these polls actually indicate, as long as the "polls" support their narrative?

Here's what I am much more interested in reading about, than leaked "internal polls"- (1) actual independent polling such as IBD and Rasmussen, (2) where the candidates are physically appearing these days (for some reason, Pennsylvania and Florida seem to be focal points), and (3) credible reports of absentee ballot requests.
(1) I do know what some GOP internal polls are saying (only a few; not all, obviously); this isn't based merely on what has been floating around on Twitter for weeks
(2) "GOP internal polls" =/= "Trump campaign internal polls"; state GOP organizations conduct their own internal polls almost every cycle, as do individual campaigns (senate, gubernatorial, house, etc)

everything else in your post (with the exception of #3 in your final paragraph) is either irrelevant, incorrect, or both.
(1) I do know what some GOP internal polls are saying (only a few; not all, obviously); this isn't based merely on what has been floating around on Twitter for weeks
(2) "GOP internal polls" =/= "Trump campaign internal polls"; state GOP organizations conduct their own internal polls almost every cycle, as do individual campaigns (senate, gubernatorial, house, etc)

everything else in your post (with the exception of #3 in your final paragraph) is either irrelevant, incorrect, or both.
Ok, fine. I know what some Democrat internal polls are saying (and not what has been floating around on Twitter) and they are very, very bad for Clinton!
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