How will they rule ??!

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This is how it always works. Muslims take over entire areas because people don't want to be around them.

It's the same principle of why people flee low income people coming into neighborhoods drivin the property value down, bringing crime and ignorance with them. Those places end up dumps, then the people that move make the new place better until we start the cycle back up of those groups following them again.
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I've got a great idea! Merkel should invite a couple of million MORE "refugees"- all of which should be male and between the age of 18 and 24. This will work out perfectly for Germany, and, should Hillary win, would be a perfect example for America to follow!
Do they really think a hot porn star accusation is the one that people will finally care about? Oh heavens, he offered a porn star money for sex!

Since this is all obviously orchestrated, I have a more interesting question. Would it have been a better strategy to trickle these women out WikiLeaks style, and drop the Billy Bush tape after? I think so. Strategize better Democrats.
I hope the economy is in there somewhere. I don't buy the notion that America was all that great 8 years ago.

Have someone read this story to you james. Here are a few excerpts that even you should be able to understand. Maybe not.

"Under Clinton's Housing and Urban Development (HUD) secretary, Andrew Cuomo, Community Reinvestment Act regulators gave banks higher ratings for home loans made in "credit-deprived" areas. Banks were effectively rewarded for throwing out sound underwriting standards and writing loans to those who were at high risk of defaulting. If banks didn't comply with these rules, regulators reined in their ability to expand lending and deposits."

"Next, the Clinton administration's rules ordered the taxpayer-backed Fannie and Freddie to expand their quotas of risky loans from 30 percent of portfolio to 50 percent as part of a big push to expand home ownership."

And perhaps the most telling part of the story...

"Just to make this story worse, Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Barack Obama voted to filibuster a Republican effort to roll back Fannie and Freddie. But on top of all this, while Hillary was propping up Fannie and Freddie, she was taking contributions from their foundations."
I hope the economy is in there somewhere. I don't buy the notion that America was all that great 8 years ago.

Of course it is. The economy would be third right after those two. Imo, scotus going far left & US suffering the same fate as Germany, France, Holland etc... are things I can't look past.

Hillary could be vowing to give me a 50% tax cut & still wouldn't get my vote b/c of those two reasons, though.

The Donald's 6 bankruptcies
[laughing] Back to the bankruptcies? You guys running out of things to be offended about?
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Good news, folks....well, not for the board moonbats.

First, Trump is up in EVERY single daily tracking poll, except the UPI poll. I tend to give independent polling companies more credibility than MSM polls, considering that the MSM is hellbent on seeing The Donald go down. Why should I trust their polls? It's gaslighting.

Second, it looks like Clinton's last weeks of campaigning will be spent in PA, OH, FL, NC and MI. But, but, I though she already had it won, and was aiming for a landslide. She's very wise to be spending time in PA- that may well make or break this election.

Third, it's looks like O'Keefe and Julian are saving the best for last. They're a-gonna get her, make no mistake. I can't wait until I see what they have.

Finally, new polls indicate she's up 2 in Michigan and by 5 in Minnesota. To paraphrase Albany, why are we EVEN TALKING about Michigan and Minnesota at this time? She's in trouble.
Trump is getting run off the field in the absentee ballot game in both FL and NC. Keep clinging to daily tracking polls.

If Trump were actually in a decent position, the GOP wouldn't be jumping ship. They know where the data is pointing.

As always: All the data could be way off, etc. etc. etc.....but it could be off in *either* direction
This is how it always works. Muslims take over entire areas because people don't want to be around them.

It's the same principle of why people flee low income people coming into neighborhoods drivin the property value down, bringing crime and ignorance with them. Those places end up dumps, then the people that move make the new place better until we start the cycle back up of those groups following them again.
Seattle is currently in this process. Hippies control the city council and they are destroying the city with their crazy legislation.
Do they really think a hot porn star accusation is the one that people will finally care about? Oh heavens, he offered a porn star money for sex!

Since this is all obviously orchestrated, I have a more interesting question. Would it have been a better strategy to trickle these women out WikiLeaks style, and drop the Billy Bush tape after? I think so. Strategize better Democrats.

This is one of the fakest things. They strategize to release the tape and then get a bunch of skanks to claim that he did what was said on the tape. Their camp thought that it was somehow proof.

I do like that we have to turn our brains off that these women are so traumatized and all decided to come out three weeks from the election. No coincidence there.

Heard one of these liars' attorney saying these women have nothing to gain from this. That's BS. For one. I absolutely do believe they have been paid. If protestors can get $1,500-3,000 and a phone, you know these people got something.
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Trump is getting run off the field in the absentee ballot game in both FL and NC. Keep clinging to daily tracking polls.

If Trump were actually in a decent position, the GOP wouldn't be jumping ship. They know where the data is pointing.

As always: All the data could be way off, etc. etc. etc.....but it could be off in *either* direction

Oh, we have no doubts Democrats are doing well with absentee ballots. I'm sure maybe half of them are alive.

They can jump ship all they want, they will never hold office again.
Trump is getting run off the field in the absentee ballot game in both FL and NC. Keep clinging to daily tracking polls.

If Trump were actually in a decent position, the GOP wouldn't be jumping ship. They know where the data is pointing.

As always: All the data could be way off, etc. etc. etc.....but it could be off in *either* direction
No, he's not. In fact, he's doing better than Romney by comparison in Florida. And he's absolutely cruising in Oh.

You failed to answer the issue as to why the MSM data should be trusted over the independent data. Moreover, you failed to address the fact her rare campaign appearances are in PA.

I am starting to question your identification as a cuck. Some of your posts are beginning to smack of Soros. I am becoming increasingly convinced that you're "with her".
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No, he's not. In fact, he's doing better than Romney by comparison in Florida. And he's absolutely cruising in Oh.
Link? Dems were up by 27 ballots (not a typo) out of ~513,089 at last update....Romney was up by 2% of all returned ballots at the same point in 2012.

And he's underperforming Romney by -28pts in NC returned ballots so far. (5% lead instead of Romney's 33% lead)

If you have more recent data, I'll gladly retract my statement.
Link? Dems were up by 27 ballots (not a typo) out of ~513,089 at last update....Romney was up by 2% of all returned ballots at the same point in 2012.

And he's underperforming Romney by -28pts in NC returned ballots so far. (5% lead instead of Romney's 33% lead)

If you have more recent data, I'll gladly retract my statement.

What are the numbers Jamo? Percentages only tell part of the story.

The numbers in 12 for Romney may be the same as Trump in 16. Also, do we know which candidate actually received the absentee vote, or just what the voter was registered as?
There are hippies and socialists on the city council. I live here. The hippies are on board with the socialists. Do you?
Yes, I live in Seattle (city proper; not Bellevue or Federal Way or any of the other suburbs/exurbs). And I wasn't criticizing you. I was making a joke/emphasizing that they're more than just benign hippies. Kshama Sawant is an *actual* socialist.
What are the numbers Jamo? Percentages only tell part of the story.

The numbers in 12 for Romney may be the same as Trump in 16. Also, do we know which candidate actually received the absentee vote, or just what the voter was registered as?
Party registration, AFAIK.

And I don't know the gross numbers in NC; I'd have to dig thru the releases.
Yes, I live in Seattle (city proper; not Bellevue or Federal Way or any of the other suburbs/exurbs). And I wasn't criticizing you. I was making a joke/emphasizing that they're more than just benign hippies. Kshama Sawant is an *actual* socialist.

I live in the city proper as well and Mike O'Brien is a hippy and I have the unfortunate fate of being in his district. The city council is about to hand all of the unimproved city land to the homeless for camping. Every homeless person on the west coast is going to come rolling in here for their free camping spot. Sawant is a hard core socialist not some namby pamby democratic socialist but it is O'Brien who is pushing this kind of insanity.

When the city council starts up the safe injection sites is when things will really start rolling down hill.
Early voting data shows strengths for Trump and Clinton

"Hillary Clinton appears to be displaying strength in the crucial battleground states of North Carolina and Florida among voters casting ballots before Election Day, and may also be building an early vote advantage in Arizona and Colorado.

Donald Trump, meanwhile, appears to be holding ground in Ohio, Iowa and Georgia, according to data compiled by The Associated Press. Those are important states for Trump, but not sufficient for him to win the presidency if he loses states like Florida or North Carolina.

"The Trump campaign should be concerned," said Scott Tranter, co-founder of Optimus, a Republican data analytics firm. His firm's analysis suggests a "strong final showing for the Clinton campaign" in early voting.

Early voting — by mail or at polling stations — is off to a fast start. More than 5.3 million votes have been cast already, far outpacing the rate for this period in 2012. Balloting is underway in 34 out of 37 early-voting states.

In all, more than 46 million people are expected to vote before Election Day — or as much as 40 percent of all votes cast."
Wow, GREAT link. I had no idea the data was that accessible in Florida

Even though 20k more Republicans have mailed in so far, Trump is only getting like 85% while Hillary is getting 91% of the Democrats.

Add to that, Democrats have also requested 10k more ballots yet to be mailed in.

Not sure who's leading independents. Last I saw, Trump led Independents by like 7 in Florida, but that was a couple weeks ago.
Could be a sign of trouble for Trump, but it's an extremely small sample size as of now.
It's meaningless. If it's a bad indication of North Carolina, then the Ohio numbers suggest that he's going to win by 20 points in Hamilton County, which translates to a 20 point win in Ohio, which is not going to happen. He's also crushing her in early returns in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. But, again, all of this doesn't mean anything at this point. I'll deal with Jamo later about Florida.
Even though 20k more Republicans have mailed in so far, Trump is only getting like 85% while Hillary is getting 91% of the Democrats.

Add to that, Democrats have also requested 10k more ballots yet to be mailed in.

Not sure who's leading independents. Last I saw, Trump led Independents by like 7 in Florida, but that was a couple weeks ago.

Plus, the GOP usually runs up the score in the absentee ballot game (tons of military voters, old white retirees who haven't come down to Florida yet, etc.), the Democrats make up a significant portion of the deficit via early in-person voting, and then it's just a GOTV competition on Election Day.

This is where ground game matters. And it's showing.
Yes, I live in Seattle (city proper; not Bellevue or Federal Way or any of the other suburbs/exurbs). And I wasn't criticizing you. I was making a joke/emphasizing that they're more than just benign hippies. Kshama Sawant is an *actual* socialist.
Seattle? Of course you are just a RINO/cuck, and not a progressive! LOL!
It would be nice if the MSM would tell stories like this along side the "OMG Trump won't concede" stories. Not enough people know what a liar she is or how dirty she's been.
I actually live in the bluest majority-white congressional district in the country. Fun fact, right?
Shocked, shocked to hear that! But there are lots and lots of progressives in non-diverse areas in the Pacific Northwest. They have that luxury, I suppose. They could do a lot of liberal good-deeds by moving to some place like my neighborhood and putting their money where their prog mouths are. Anyway, back to the game, so I will review your "data" later. :)
No, he's not. In fact, he's doing better than Romney by comparison in Florida. And he's absolutely cruising in Oh.

You failed to answer the issue as to why the MSM data should be trusted over the independent data. Moreover, you failed to address the fact her rare campaign appearances are in PA.

I am starting to question your identification as a cuck. Some of your posts are beginning to smack of Soros. I am becoming increasingly convinced that you're "with her".

Of course Jamo is with her, he just won't say it.
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Shocked, shocked to hear that! But there are lots and lots of progressives in non-diverse areas in the Pacific Northwest. They have that luxury, I suppose. They could do a lot of liberal good-deeds by moving to some place like my neighborhood and putting their money where their prog mouths are. Anyway, back to the game, so I will review your "data" later. :)
Trust me, Seattle liberal have *no* issue throwing money at problems and not giving it a second thought. They keep doing it over and over and over and over.