How will they rule ??!

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And your proof of this is?

The 17 agencies are: Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, Coast Guard Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, Energy Department, Homeland Security Department, State Department, Treasury Department, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Marine Corps Intelligence, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, Navy Intelligence and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

The Director of National Intelligence, which speaks for the country’s 17 federal intelligence agencies, released a joint statement saying the intelligence community at large is confident that Russia is behind recent hacks into political organizations’ emails. The statement sourced the attacks to the highest levels of the Russian government and said they are designed to interfere with the current election.

You are pulling your opinion out of your ass. Hillary is simply repeating what is being stated by the intellegence community.
Interesting, but the real issue is this- when are you going to pay your bet? If you are not going to pay it, you should at least apologize.
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Doesn't matter. Half of the Trumppets already believe they were released every day this week. Bret Baier had to correct another knucklehead today when he linked her private email server with Wikileaks.

But why does dirty politics surprise us in Washington or why is a sexist playboy billionaire shocking? Americans have the attention span of a gnat. No way does an ordinary American finally decide this week that Hillary's campaign isn't completely honest or that The Donald wasn't a buffoon before the bus comments.
Lol. I definitely do. Not sure you understand what I was saying.

Most people from queens say they are from queens

They don't want to be confused with the political manhattan elites.

Hence the part where I said : yeah yeah I know

gotcha . . . having worked in NY, central Long Island quite a bit over the years, I know exactly what you mean, but the way it works with the locals is to just say "the city" if you want to make any of the outer boroughs distinct without referring to Manhattan. You're sort of making a new rule, but I get it. They will apply the standard depending on the condition. Ask a taxi driver in lower Manhattan how many airports NYC has and he will definitely say at least two, more likely three, while none of them are in "the city" and only two are in the state.
gotcha . . . having worked in NY, central Long Island quite a bit over the years, I know exactly what you mean, but the way it works with the locals is to just say "the city" if you want to make any of the outer boroughs distinct without referring to Manhattan. You're sort of making a new rule, but I get it. They will apply the standard depending on the condition. Ask a taxi driver in lower Manhattan how many airports NYC has and he will definitely say at least two, more likely three, while none of them are in "the city" and only two are in the state.

I hear ya. Been there a ton and still have family living there.

In my experience there are 2 burroughs that people identify as being "from" instead of saying NYC or the city: queens and the Bronx.

People from those 2 also don't spend part of the year at their second home in the hamptons, even if they got the scratch to be able to.
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People from those 2 also don't spend part of the year at their second home in the hamptons, even if they got the scratch to be able to.

now that's funny. Folks from Queens are also the most likely to say what part of their borough they live in, but likely only when talking to other people from the area, yet not quite to the extent that Chelsea residents almost never say they live in Manhattan. There are also people who live just outside of the defined boroughs who will say they are "from" NYC - south Yonkers residents, lots of Irish and Italian folks in that area strong emotional ties to the city.
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Doesn't matter. Half of the Trumppets already believe they were released every day this week. Bret Baier had to correct another knucklehead today when he linked her private email server with Wikileaks.

But why does dirty politics surprise us in Washington or why is a sexist playboy billionaire shocking? Americans have the attention span of a gnat. No way does an ordinary American finally decide this week that Hillary's campaign isn't completely honest or that The Donald wasn't a buffoon before the bus comments.

I like that you all are excited about ushering in the demise of this nation for the most crooked candidate because she's a Democrat and "sexist" and "racist" and whatever buzzword you have been told.

Dems have become such a radical group of retards.
Queens get the money, tbh.

That little exchange perfect example of how the left plays dumb/trolls.

They do it every day with Donald. Just picture Donald at a debate, "look I'm from queens"....UMMM MR TRUMP FACT CHECK SAYS YOURE FROM NYC. ARE YOU IN FACT TELLING US RIGJT NOW YOURE NOT FROM NYC?


I think Clinton's paid for these dos attacks. This stuff happens occasionally and it's never a political talking point. Ever. The internets just down. But this happens, on a larger scale, and they roll out the "DHS ABD FBI ARE CURRENTLY WORKING VERU HARD TO STOP THIS MALICIOUS ATTACK" gtfo. Then I heard "FBI IS ON THE CASE AND THEY HAVE THE CAPABILITY TO TRACK THESE ATTACKS TO TGE SOURCE AND BLABLABLA" no you don't.

And when did they stop saying NSA? After Snowden? Used to be a very popular acronym. Not anymore.

It's hilarious. All this is more than we could ever ask for entertainment wise. Just sad how weak and pathetic we look.
I'm from Queens. I've always been from queens.


Next day on Today Show

Al Roker: well last night was disturbing, as you know, Donald received a geography lesson during the debate when he shockingly revealed he did not know what city he was from.

Haha. Was what i was saying that hard to understand? I mean kopi got it after i explained a little bit but mojo, cot dang.. acted like he was going to win the internet by pointing out what he thought was my dumbassery
Haha. Was what i was saying that hard to understand? I mean kopi got it after i explained a little bit but mojo, cot dang.. acted like he was going to win the internet by pointing out what he thought was my dumbassery
I got what you were saying right off.

To me it would be the same as saying to a Scotsman or Welshman "Oh, your English." When what was more correct would be along the lines of "oh, you are British."

I am probably wrong but that is how I thought about it.

Honestly I was surprised how the subject kept going...and yes, before some smart ass states it... I know I kept the subject going by my comment :)
The fact you still dont get it shows youre an idiot.

I typed it all out for you because of your obviously low mental prowess. I will pat you on your head again, and we can move on sport!

Your complete lack of self-awareness and constant need to exert some level of superiority over others explains your child-like political takes and deep-seeded fear of being viewed as "less than." How sad. Feel free to reply... again... I know you will. You have to. You can't control it. Give in to me or keep kicking the dog...

Explain to me, again, how I'm slow, yet you have had to explain away the same post 3 times now.
Haha. Was what i was saying that hard to understand? I mean kopi got it after i explained a little bit but mojo, cot dang.. acted like he was going to win the internet by pointing out what he thought was my dumbassery
I understood what you meant the first time I read it. That's probably because you explained exactly what you meant. Of course, I wasn't reading it with a dem addled mind. Can't imagine how shitty that must be.
Haha. Was what i was saying that hard to understand? I mean kopi got it after i explained a little bit but mojo, cot dang.. acted like he was going to win the internet by pointing out what he thought was my dumbassery

It was hard to understand if you're a robot with no sense of humor, common sense, etc.

I fn hate dumb on purpose smart people.
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"DON'T SHOOT THE MESSENGER" have any of you ever heard that before? What it means is, and this is for the dems among us, is that the messenger isn't the source of your pain, the message is. More than likely the message contains the truth, and sometimes the truth hurts. In this case the truth hurts Hillary because it allows the rest of us to get a glimpse of the real her. The one without makeup. Her after meth photo. They want us to ignore the message and direct our attention to a bogeyman.

It truly doesn't matter where the hack came from, it doesn't matter what the political motivation of the hacker was. What matters is the content of the messages. If they were emails of Trumps that had been hacked, Russia would never have been mentioned one time. Beleedat.
The Russian garbage for political gains shows how low the left will go.

Putin prefers HRC as leader to Trump. It is laughable to believe HRC on this topic.
Sure he does. Same reason he preferred O'bama. I bet Trump wouldn't have let a deal go through that gives Russia access to 20% of our Uranium deposits. Not saying much about Trump there, NO rational person would have.
She knew all along she was breaking the law. Video has surfaced of her lecturing, warning her State department employees against the very same crimes she committed.

She should be shot for treason, not being allowed to run for president. Those bastards stole our country and idiots here cheer them on. Disgusting.
I like that you all are excited about ushering in the demise of this nation for the most crooked candidate because she's a Democrat and "sexist" and "racist" and whatever buzzword you have been told.

Dems have become such a radical group of retards.
Like half of the Trumppets, you've completely misconstrued the buzzwords. Maybe you should practice matching the buzzword to the correct candidate for a few days.
She should be shot for treason, not being allowed to run for president. Those bastards stole our country and idiots here cheer them on. Disgusting.
We are all fully aware there would never be a hint of malfeasance should The Donald or any rep occupy any office, public or private. Make America Great Again.
We are all fully aware there would never be a hint of malfeasance should The Donald or any rep occupy any office, public or private. Make America Great Again.
I don't think you are "fully aware" of anything. If that is the reasoning you use for dismissing the malfeasance of Hillary, then you are an idiot. Not a run of the mill idiot. An actual, psychologically verifiable, idiot.

You sound as bad as Hillary when she claims Donald, as a private citizen supported the war in Iraq, when she actually voted for it as a US Senator. People like you aren't "fully aware" of how stupid that is.
Trump in Gettysburg is the Trump that wins. Had he done this from the start and not allow himself to derail on just about anything then Clinton would be getting crushed!
We are all fully aware there would never be a hint of malfeasance should The Donald or any rep occupy any office, public or private. Make America Great Again.
Big difference between what The Donald might do and what Hillary has been proven to have done on repeated occasion. Mishandle classified information - fact.
Trump in Gettysburg is the Trump that wins. Had he done this from the start and not allow himself to derail on just about anything then Clinton would be getting crushed!

The race is just starting, tbh. 17 days is like 2.5 e-years.