How will they rule ??!

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I don't think you are "fully aware" of anything. If that is the reasoning you use for dismissing the malfeasance of Hillary, then you are an idiot. Not a run of the mill idiot. An actual, psychologically verifiable, idiot.

You sound as bad as Hillary when she claims Donald, as a private citizen supported the war in Iraq, when she actually voted for it as a US Senator. People like you aren't "fully aware" of how stupid that is.
I know, I know, democrats stole our country. Rinse, repeat daily.

Typically, each stable makes note of the "disaster" of the other stable as they willfully ignore the transgressions of theirs. Yet somehow, things will be different if their horse wins. That's what I would call pathological. So it's up to the electorate to make sense of it all and decide which is less crazy. You know where I stand with that and as much as I would love a 3rd party to win, I'm not ready to put Charlie Manson in charge of the insane asylum.
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I'm not ready to put Charlie Manson in charge of the insane asylum.
& it's hilarious the brazen leap you have to make to try to compare Trump to a crazed criminal, when in fact Hillary, herself, is a crazed criminal, no hyperbolic comparisons needed.
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I got a funny suspicion that Trump knows everything James O'Keefe, WikiLeaks and others have.

Part of me feels like it's all coordinated and as he brings stuff up a few days later there is proof, always!

Now the funny thing is the media coverage saying they would like to cover the basis of his statements but the juicier material is simply that he is suing the accusers!

Hey dumbasses he wants you to cover that! By suing he gets into litigation that the media tarnished him by covering BS without facts.......good job though you f'n idiots by taking the bait that he hopes to use to challenge the scope of which the media operates.
I'm from Queens. I've always been from queens.


Next day on Today Show

Al Roker: well last night was disturbing, as you know, Donald received a geography lesson during the debate when he shockingly revealed he did not know what city he was from.

It's sad that this is 100 percent accurate. Then after this, Twitter trolls will flock to say "This bigot doesn't even know where he's from."

Then college age kids will repeat this of why they are against him while expressing how little they know about politics. "You can't vote for someone when they're so dumb they don't even know where they're from."

Dems are so dumb that they believed Tina Fey's quotes during her portrayal of Sarah Palin were actual Palin quotes. Honestly, this country is so beyond stupid.
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Not only did they play favorites & give the Haiti contracts to FOB (friends of Bill), they also gave them to FOC (friends of Chelsea), then stiffed their own friends & didn't pay them for their work.

Again, nothing really damaging, but just highlights the hypocrisy of them attacking Trump for not paying contractors who he claims did shitty work. Pretty much everything they have accused Trump of (w/o proof in most cases), they are actually guilty of.

outstanding issue

John - one thing to raise with Laura when you think the timing is right is the outstanding expenses bill the CF/ CBHF has with McKinsey. My friend Eric was the partner who led the work McKinsey did pro bono + expenses for the CF/ CBHF and the IHRC in Haiti for more than a year and their expenses have not yet been paid.

Eric did not want to reach out to me but after Laura hung up on him last week - after not responding to any of the formal bills or formal emails or Eric's emails - I think he's a bit at wits end and also doesn't want to run it up the flag pole at McKinsey to attract any undesired attention. I have not raised with my father yet as I thought you or Bruce were a more appropriate vehicle though I am happy to raise if you think helpful.

Thanks, Chelsea

Your complete lack of self-awareness and constant need to exert some level of superiority over others explains your child-like political takes and deep-seeded fear of being viewed as "less than." How sad. Feel free to reply... again... I know you will. You have to. You can't control it. Give in to me or keep kicking the dog...

Explain to me, again, how I'm slow, yet you have had to explain away the same post 3 times now.
It's cute when angry dumb people can't keep up. Sorry I "triggered" you.

So when some says anonymous is a singular person, and I explain its not, that's being obvious, it's explaining why they were wrong. Like I am doing with you.

I'm done explaining things to to dolts. You're a weak person, and overly emotional. Once again, I'll pat you on your uneducated hill hack head. Just move on roscoe...
Again, you seem to be the ONLY ignorant dumbass that was too stupid to get it. Probably because youre a wanna be manhattian
No, i very much "get" what you were trying to say after you corrected yourself via your 2nd and 3rd posts on the topic. But your first post was as nonsensical as somebody saying they're "from San Francisco but not from California" without providing any context.

So either you're a terrible communicator or you made a dumb typo. Your pick.
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No, i very much "get" what you were trying to say after you corrected yourself via your 2nd and 3rd posts on the topic. But your first post was as nonsensical as somebody saying they're "from San Francisco but not from California" without providing any context.

So either you're a terrible communicator or you made a dumb typo. Your pick.

it was bad comm on his part but it can be allowed. The context it badly needs - and really this is a dumb discussion - is sort of what I mentioned in a previous reply: that Queens residents are the most likely among New Yorkers to "go by" a more local neighborhood to tell folks where they're from. But again, only in local discussions. A good example is that Briarwood and Glendale residents are proud that they live in quality neighborhoods so they will mention those places when saying where they're "from" . . . instead of saying "Queens". This is how it can be acceptable to say (very loosely say) something like "Queens residents are not from NYC", because in many cases they won't even say they're from Queens. Now whether that approaches Phatty's basis or not, I don't know.

Years ago I did regular business at a couple of places on the island. One in particular way out in Farmingdale. If you've been out that far you know the area becomes "somewhat" semi rural, and folks make long trips from the boroughs for work each day to get there. Yet no matter what part they traveled from to get there, or how, if they told me where they lived it was always "the city". Discussions between themselves would be something completely different.
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Good news, folks....well, not for the board moonbats.

First, Trump is up in EVERY single daily tracking poll, except the UPI poll. I tend to give independent polling companies more credibility than MSM polls, considering that the MSM is hellbent on seeing The Donald go down. Why should I trust their polls? It's gaslighting.

Second, it looks like Clinton's last weeks of campaigning will be spent in PA, OH, FL, NC and MI. But, but, I though she already had it won, and was aiming for a landslide. She's very wise to be spending time in PA- that may well make or break this election.

Third, it's looks like O'Keefe and Julian are saving the best for last. They're a-gonna get her, make no mistake. I can't wait until I see what they have.

Finally, new polls indicate she's up 2 in Michigan and by 5 in Minnesota. To paraphrase Albany, why are we EVEN TALKING about Michigan and Minnesota at this time? She's in trouble.