How will they rule ??!

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Is that what I said? I said he’s F‘ing things up because he is trying to TAKE POWER AWAY from local government entities including school admins who SHOULD HAVE IT. Who gives an F what HE is for? I am not a scientist. You aren’t either. He is definitely not. I personally don’t know. YOU don’t either. Neither does he. The CDC says the following:

  • Due to the circulating and highly contagious Delta variant, CDC recommends universal indoor masking by all students (age 2 and older), staff, teachers, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status.

So, the CDC currently RECOMMENDS masking in schools. You’re telling me that you are FINE with a Governor trying to TAKE away the ability of local government and schools to have the option to mandate masking?
How is Desantis taking power away from local governments any different than Biden, Congress or the CDC trying to take power from State Governments?

Apple plans to scan US iPhones for child abuse imagery​

Security researchers raise alarm over potential surveillance of personal devices.​

“Apple intends to install software on American iPhones to scan for child abuse imagery, according to people briefed on its plans, raising alarm among security researchers who warn that it could open the door to surveillance of millions of people’s personal devices.

Apple detailed its proposed system—known as “neuralMatch”—to some US academics earlier this week, according to two security researchers briefed on the virtual meeting. The plans could be publicized more widely as soon as this week, they said.”

Yeah, I’m sure this is totally not going to be abused.
And whose going to define what is considered child abuse imagery?
How is Desantis taking power away from local governments any different than Biden, Congress or the CDC trying to take power from State Governments?
That’s his point. Y’all are supposed to support federalism, not centralization. But you don’t, it’s just a hypocritical front. You’re all about the top down enforcement when it benefits you.
Why does it matter what the majority want? I ask that because some people, not necessarily you, believe that we exist as a majority rule society and there is something magical about what the majority wants. In reality, we are not majority rule and the founding fathers recognized that just because the majority strips away your rights doesn’t make it any better than when a dictator does it.

This is actually fair. I don’t know why @Gassy_Knowls thinks I’m trolling here. I’m not understanding how what I am saying on this issue isn’t filled with logic.

The CDC recommends masking. That’s a fact. The Governor is trying to make it so that if local governments and school districts want to follow those recommendations, they get penalized for doing so. And the basis for some here is because the CDC has changed its stance before?

It completely escapes me how anyone can think that stance is trolling? You don’t agree with it, ok fine. Anyway, back to your point. Maybe there are circumstances where the majority should not rule, especially when it comes to rights.

But, are we talking about rights? Some schools have metal detectors and kids are subject to search. Aren’t those closer to rights than being mandated to wear a mask in school? Let’s not pretend that schools don’t already have numerous other restrictions on clothing etc that Governors rarely get involved in.

Im curious, is there another Governor in the country doing this? I don’t know, but I’m curious.
That’s his point. Y’all are supposed to support federalism, not centralization. But you don’t, it’s just a hypocritical front. You’re all about the top down enforcement when it benefits you.

It’s one of the dumbest “points” you leftist fools try to make.

You don’t know what things mean, which is why don’t understand why they don’t work, which is in turn why your “ideas” are doomed to failure, collectively and individually.
The old man was trying...
Bake the cake, bigot!
If schools are THAT bad, then what is the purpose of sending kids there? The "public benefit" is nearly gone.
That’s his point. Y’all are supposed to support federalism, not centralization. But you don’t, it’s just a hypocritical front. You’re all about the top down enforcement when it benefits you.
I actually agree with you and Dukeblu to a point. I don’t think Desantis should be mandating anything nor do I think the school systems should be. It should be completely the choice of the parents to mask their kids or not for a virus that is less dangerous to children than the common flu.
Front runner is going to make me lose my mind with the Reds bet. It is burnt into my memory I’ve accidentally read it so much. Someone let him off the hook for our sake.

The reds are the greatest...

I'm the one that has to write that garbage every post...and you are worried about you? I may not live through this...buddy I like you as a poster, but no one is letting me off a hook. I wouldn't allow it if they make a bet, you live up to it. I'm sure there are several posters here tired of it, hell I hate it, but there is nothing I can do. I believe around 8/24 is the last you either gotta buckle up and go along for this ride or put me on ignore until then.
I just finished speaking to a family member who does medical coding. Said they did three tickets today where patients had died with Covid. 2 were unvaccinated, a 75 yr old and a 67 yr old. 1 was vaccinated 84 yr old. Said the hospitalization tickets lately are close to 50/50 vaxxed/unvaxxed. Imagine that.
That's a big % of unvaxxed given their relatively small number.
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I think you're f.o.s.

I think you forgot Australia is in the southern hemisphere, and seasons are flipped. No biggie.

I think you were trying to act like the video was months old, not new, as presented.
Why respond if it's no "biggie" to u? Think whatever you want. That's what everyone should do.

This keeps getting funnier. Never expected such a big response. Amazing.

Like I don't read. Like I didn't take geography. Like I've never been there & don't know the seasons are reversed. Was laying on an OZ beach at end of Nov at 90 degrees. But I don't know sh!t about it.

Bring it on!
That’s his point. Y’all are supposed to support federalism, not centralization. But you don’t, it’s just a hypocritical front. You’re all about the top down enforcement when it benefits you.
How is it Top down enforcement simply allowing the people to choose over forcing them all to do the same thing?

People are still allowed to choose to wear a mask.
Just so I got this straight. You started this whole thing off by saying DeSantis was F*ing things up because he’s not for masks mandates. Yet you admit to having no clue at all if masks even do anything.

When it comes to schools. Again all science says kids aren’t at risk. That’s what the science says. So why should kids be forced to wear masks (you yourself says you have no clue if they even do anything), for something they aren’t at risk of?

When it comes to everywhere else. Adults can be adults and weigh their own risks. If they’re afraid of the virus, they can get the vaccine. If they feel like the vaccine isn’t strong enough, they can wear a mask.

Again all DeSantis did was ensure ensure individual liberty and responsibility. So I ask again, how is he F*ing things up? Right now it seems like you read a couple headlines on how evil DeSantis is and that’s it. Didn’t take the time to look into the situation and come up with your own opinion.
He doesn't think about sh!t. He just nods his head at anything DIms tell to do.
Is that what I said? I said he’s F‘ing things up because he is trying to TAKE POWER AWAY from local government entities including school admins who SHOULD HAVE IT. Who gives an F what HE is for? I am not a scientist. You aren’t either. He is definitely not. I personally don’t know. YOU don’t either. Neither does he. The CDC says the following:

  • Due to the circulating and highly contagious Delta variant, CDC recommends universal indoor masking by all students (age 2 and older), staff, teachers, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status.

So, the CDC currently RECOMMENDS masking in schools. You’re telling me that you are FINE with a Governor trying to TAKE away the ability of local government and schools to have the option to mandate masking?
The CDC has proven they don't know sh!t. You prove you don't know sh!t either by listing what they say.
I live in St. Louis, thankfully not represented by this insane pyscho. So disappointed (but not surprised) that she was voted in by the people in her area. A dreadfully terrible part of STL that has no chance to improve with her overseeing it.

The working people of this country will have to pay to support the worthless pieces of shit that keep voting for idiots like this fat bitch.
Trumpers aren’t staying home if Desantis ends up being the nominee. Trumpets will be all in on him if that’s the case because Trump will surely back him.
They stayed home in GA for the Senate elections w/o Trump on the ballot.
That’s his point. Y’all are supposed to support federalism, not centralization. But you don’t, it’s just a hypocritical front. You’re all about the top down enforcement when it benefits you.

Come on man, hahaha. No one takes this shit serious except a communist left wing troll who is a duke fan.

Please never come to Florida. Stay in your liberal shithole Antifa Basement

Apple plans to scan US iPhones for child abuse imagery​

Security researchers raise alarm over potential surveillance of personal devices.​

“Apple intends to install software on American iPhones to scan for child abuse imagery, according to people briefed on its plans, raising alarm among security researchers who warn that it could open the door to surveillance of millions of people’s personal devices.

Apple detailed its proposed system—known as “neuralMatch”—to some US academics earlier this week, according to two security researchers briefed on the virtual meeting. The plans could be publicized more widely as soon as this week, they said.”

Yeah, I’m sure this is totally not going to be abused.
But they won't unlock their phones for law enforcement.
That's a big % of unvaxxed given their relatively small number.
We’ll only 46% of Kentucky is vaxxed so I’m not sure how 1/2 of cases being among the unvaxxed is a big %. I would see it as the vaccine failing to prevent spread. Several of the unvaxxed she’s seeing are kids who had just tested positive with little to no symptoms. I’m sure some of their parents, vaxxed and unvaxxed, were part of the tickets as well. I have 6 people at my church positive right now. 4 adults and 2 children, all adults symptomatic and all vaxxed. Hopefully the vaccine is doing what they claim and making it easier on them. Just checked on them earlier and they were on the mend now at day 5, but there’s no way to know how and if it helped. I guess just hope.
How is it Top down enforcement simply allowing the people to choose over forcing them all to do the same thing?

People are still allowed to choose to wear a mask.
You're not allowing the local authority to choose what it wants to do. Instead you’re issuing a mandate from the governorship. I know you’ll argue anything, but this one’s pretty straightforward.