How will they rule ??!

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As Candace Owens would say, you’re just using big words. You’ve actually made no arguments yet on this topic. Condescending attacks aren’t intelligent arguments. Analogies such as the one I presented are valid forms of arguments and are used quite often by most intelligent people not specific to people on “the left”. Let’s see how this plays out. DeSantis will either win or lose in court OR even if he wins, he will NOT defund a school for taking what they deem to be the proper security measures at their own institutions. It’s an empty threat, political in nature with the sole purpose of looking good to folks like you who may worship him.

Actually it makes perfect sense, but you aren't capable of understanding it. You need it dumbed down to biden level for it to make sense to you.
Some parents are fighting Gov. Ron DeSantis’ ban on face mask mandates at public schools in Florida. They are arguing the ongoing rise in COVID cases merits the public health measure.

DeSantis’ executive order makes the use of face masks at public schools optional. John and Robyn McCarthy are both worried about their son’s asthma increasing his vulnerability to a COVID infection.

As he gets ready to start first grade, the parents argue DeSantis is messing with his right to a safe public education.

“We want to just protect all our children,” John McCarthy said Wednesday. “We are looking for a solution here. We want to follow science. We want to keep our children safe.”

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden said DeSantis needed to “get out of the way” and allow local officials to impose face mask mandates. The president also wants governors to support incentives, so more people choose to get the vaccine against COVID.

“The mask unless everyone is wearing it, it doesn’t protect him,” Robyn McCarthy said. “Wearing the mask protects others, so for us, they took the choice away from us.”
The concerned mother had a message for DeSantis: “We will not back down and we will not tolerate your bullying.”

Franzella Guido Chacon agrees with the McCarthy family. She started an online petition asking Miami-Dade County Public Schools administrators to adopt and enforce a face mask mandate as the coronavirus Delta variant continues to spread.

Guido Chacon wants school districts to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s latest recommendation for “universal indoor masking for all teachers, staff, students, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status.”
. Analogies such as the one I presented are valid forms of arguments and are used quite often by most intelligent

No they aren't, and you and I certainly have different definitions on what it means to be intelligent.

They are used to deceive by intimating that things are more alike than they are different. Here, carrying a weapon into school is more different than carrying an open face into it.

Wearing inappropriate attire is more different than wearing an open face.

Protecting liberty is not the same as taking it away.
Some parents are fighting Gov. Ron DeSantis’ ban on face mask mandates at public schools in Florida. They are arguing the ongoing rise in COVID cases merits the public health measure.

DeSantis’ executive order makes the use of face masks at public schools optional. John and Robyn McCarthy are both worried about their son’s asthma increasing his vulnerability to a COVID infection.

As he gets ready to start first grade, the parents argue DeSantis is messing with his right to a safe public education.

“We want to just protect all our children,” John McCarthy said Wednesday. “We are looking for a solution here. We want to follow science. We want to keep our children safe.”

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden said DeSantis needed to “get out of the way” and allow local officials to impose face mask mandates. The president also wants governors to support incentives, so more people choose to get the vaccine against COVID.

“The mask unless everyone is wearing it, it doesn’t protect him,” Robyn McCarthy said. “Wearing the mask protects others, so for us, they took the choice away from us.”
The concerned mother had a message for DeSantis: “We will not back down and we will not tolerate your bullying.”

Franzella Guido Chacon agrees with the McCarthy family. She started an online petition asking Miami-Dade County Public Schools administrators to adopt and enforce a face mask mandate as the coronavirus Delta variant continues to spread.

Guido Chacon wants school districts to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s latest recommendation for “universal indoor masking for all teachers, staff, students, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status.”

Yeah, those people are idiots and are not following the science.

They are also bad parent.s
Some parents are fighting Gov. Ron DeSantis’ ban on face mask mandates at public schools in Florida. They are arguing the ongoing rise in COVID cases merits the public health measure.

DeSantis’ executive order makes the use of face masks at public schools optional. John and Robyn McCarthy are both worried about their son’s asthma increasing his vulnerability to a COVID infection.

As he gets ready to start first grade, the parents argue DeSantis is messing with his right to a safe public education.

“We want to just protect all our children,” John McCarthy said Wednesday. “We are looking for a solution here. We want to follow science. We want to keep our children safe.”

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden said DeSantis needed to “get out of the way” and allow local officials to impose face mask mandates. The president also wants governors to support incentives, so more people choose to get the vaccine against COVID.

“The mask unless everyone is wearing it, it doesn’t protect him,” Robyn McCarthy said. “Wearing the mask protects others, so for us, they took the choice away from us.”
The concerned mother had a message for DeSantis: “We will not back down and we will not tolerate your bullying.”

Franzella Guido Chacon agrees with the McCarthy family. She started an online petition asking Miami-Dade County Public Schools administrators to adopt and enforce a face mask mandate as the coronavirus Delta variant continues to spread.

Guido Chacon wants school districts to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s latest recommendation for “universal indoor masking for all teachers, staff, students, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status.”

Hahaha fake news
Actually he has put the decision at the MOST local level possible ... the individual. He is not stopping one person from wearing face panties. The left has their priorities ALL backwards. Thought the left was all about "choice"?
They just want the schools to be able to force all the kids into the submissive mask wearing to help further their control of the kids and their indoctrination tactics. They know damn good and well kids and young adults are the lowest risk groups, but they need them masked up and under their control to build their one world order, communist robots for the future. Why do you think they haven’t approved the vaccine yet for children 12 and under?

ok, tin foil hat back on the shelf.
They just want the schools to be able to force all the kids into the submissive mask wearing to help further their control of the kids and their indoctrination tactics. They know damn good and well kids and young adults are the lowest risk groups, but they need them masked up and under their control to build their one world order, communist robots for the future. Why do you think they haven’t approved the vaccine yet for children 12 and under?

ok, tin foil hat back on the shelf.

Florida is now leading the nation in per capita hospitalizations for COVID-19, as hospitals around the state report having to put emergency room visitors in beds in hallways and others document a noticeable drop in the age of patients.

In the past week, Florida has averaged 1,525 adult hospitalizations a day, and 35 daily pediatric hospitalizations. Both are the highest per capita rate in the nation, according to Jason Salemi, an associate professor of epidemiology at the University of South Florida.

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Yeah, those people are idiots and are not following the science.

They are also bad parent.s
Those parents want to force all the kids into masks to “protect” their child, when it could be solved by taking the matter into their own hands and sending their son to school in a mask. Or a damn hazmat suit for all I care. No one is stopping them.
The youth need to get it. Like the damn chicken pox. Get it, have the sniffles, MAYBE, for a few days, then get in with their lives with the antibody in their system. It’s called herd immunity. Look it up. Hell, I’m 51 (for a few more days) I had it. I’ve had colds that were worse than what I went through. It was nothing.
How did FL ever elect this clown?

He was the worst of the worst. He rode the coat tails of his family name before people knew who they truly were. That and Democrats down here are all communist.

Jeb Bush was horrible for Florida and when he ran for president people discovered who he was.
Haha a Biden voter complaining about government overreach, I mean come on now. And again this example of “government overreach” is the government giving liberties and responsibilities to the individual, or the horror!

The CDC contradicts themselves every other week. Again is there any evidence that non medical grade cotton masks do anything? Again is there any evidence that shows kids are at high risk from Covid? Both questions are rhetorical by the way, the answer to both is no there isn’t.

And my final point again. If you live in Florida and want you get a vaccine and wear a mask, no one is stopping you. No one is stopping you from sending your kid to school in a mask. All DeSantis did was give the individuals that choice. Again the horror!!!

If you live in Florida and scared. Get your vaccine get your mask, hell put on two masks. You’re good to go.
Thank you
“The mask unless everyone is wearing it, it doesn’t protect him,” Robyn McCarthy said. “Wearing the mask protects others, so for us, they took the choice away from us.”
Oooh, I get it now, the mask only works in one direction. Got it now. Gee, I feel so dumb for not knowing that. SMDH.

Morons, the real truth is she doesn’t want her kid to be an outcast having to wear a face pantyliner while all the other kids are maskless and breathing freely.
They just want the schools to be able to force all the kids into the submissive mask wearing to help further their control of the kids and their indoctrination tactics. They know damn good and well kids and young adults are the lowest risk groups, but they need them masked up and under their control to build their one world order, communist robots for the future. Why do you think they haven’t approved the vaccine yet for children 12 and under?

ok, tin foil hat back on the shelf.

You're not wrong, that's for sure. Our American Marxists (leftists) have been indoctrinated fully, but ofcourse they don't know it... they are drones, pawns in another man's war.

Here's what they do in China - part of their brainwashing.

What did we do in our day? That's right, we played dodgeball, and it shows.

Florida is now leading the nation in per capita hospitalizations for COVID-19, as hospitals around the state report having to put emergency room visitors in beds in hallways and others document a noticeable drop in the age of patients.

In the past week, Florida has averaged 1,525 adult hospitalizations a day, and 35 daily pediatric hospitalizations. Both are the highest per capita rate in the nation, according to Jason Salemi, an associate professor of epidemiology at the University of South Florida.

So 45 kids out of about 4.31 Million (under 18 year olds as of 2019) that’s what? .001%? I bet more kids were hospitalized pre-Covid for the flu. I bet more kids died of the flu per year pre-Covid. .001% is considered a “major spike”? I guess when your coming from virtually zero anything can be considered “major”.

What’s the death rate of school age kids from Covid? Hell how about College age kids for that matter? What’s the rate of hospitalization to confirmed cases among those age groups. Give me that data and tell me why again we are going to these extremes when the got dam flu was always worse for them?
You're not wrong, that's for sure. Our American Marxists (leftists) have been indoctrinated fully, but ofcourse they don't know it... they are drones, pawns in another man's war.

Here's what they do in China - part of their brainwashing.

What did we do in our day? That's right, we played dodgeball, and it shows.
Damn and Yao Ming is the best they ever got out of that?
Some parents are fighting Gov. Ron DeSantis’ ban on face mask mandates at public schools in Florida. They are arguing the ongoing rise in COVID cases merits the public health measure.

DeSantis’ executive order makes the use of face masks at public schools optional. John and Robyn McCarthy are both worried about their son’s asthma increasing his vulnerability to a COVID infection.

As he gets ready to start first grade, the parents argue DeSantis is messing with his right to a safe public education.

“We want to just protect all our children,” John McCarthy said Wednesday. “We are looking for a solution here. We want to follow science. We want to keep our children safe.”

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden said DeSantis needed to “get out of the way” and allow local officials to impose face mask mandates. The president also wants governors to support incentives, so more people choose to get the vaccine against COVID.

“The mask unless everyone is wearing it, it doesn’t protect him,” Robyn McCarthy said. “Wearing the mask protects others, so for us, they took the choice away from us.”
The concerned mother had a message for DeSantis: “We will not back down and we will not tolerate your bullying.”

Franzella Guido Chacon agrees with the McCarthy family. She started an online petition asking Miami-Dade County Public Schools administrators to adopt and enforce a face mask mandate as the coronavirus Delta variant continues to spread.

Guido Chacon wants school districts to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s latest recommendation for “universal indoor masking for all teachers, staff, students, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status.”
The fool you voted for is allowing thousands to cross the Southern border with COVID. Until he shows he is interested in protecting Americans from COVID, Floridians will pay no attention to him.

The governor gave the power to the parents. If they want the kids to cover their nose and mouth they can do it. The people you reference are nothing but Democrat operatives who are scared to death of DeSantis because he can not be controlled and gives power to the individual citizens.

There is a reason the liberal press and their President attack DeSantis every day. They are afraid of him and can not control him. So keep crying
This is actually fair. I don’t know why @Gassy_Knowls thinks I’m trolling here. I’m not understanding how what I am saying on this issue isn’t filled with logic.

The CDC recommends masking. That’s a fact. The Governor is trying to make it so that if local governments and school districts want to follow those recommendations, they get penalized for doing so. And the basis for some here is because the CDC has changed its stance before?

It completely escapes me how anyone can think that stance is trolling? You don’t agree with it, ok fine. Anyway, back to your point. Maybe there are circumstances where the majority should not rule, especially when it comes to rights.

But, are we talking about rights? Some schools have metal detectors and kids are subject to search. Aren’t those closer to rights than being mandated to wear a mask in school? Let’s not pretend that schools don’t already have numerous other restrictions on clothing etc that Governors rarely get involved in.

Im curious, is there another Governor in the country doing this? I don’t know, but I’m curious.
The reason I don't have a problem with what he is doing is because I think the government has over reached in this pandemic. I don't think it is the Government's job to protect us from ourselves. At this point they should be disseminating information about how to stay safe and let each individual decide what's in their best interest. I think he is simply trying to protect each individual's right to decide for themselves what they need to do. I respect his attempt to protect liberty instead of further perpetuating the nanny state that seems so popular today. If people don't protect themselves after having the information to do so, then that's on them.
Here’s a theory:

Force vaccinations in the midst of an outbreak that is exposing many myths about the vaccine (e.g. you won’t get covid if you take it, you won’t spread covid if you take it, vax antibodies are stronger than natural antibodies).

You push that next layer to get the jab by threatening their livelihood and attempting to shut them out of society, manipulating the immune systems of the holdouts.

Then, perhaps before the mid terms (but perhaps not until 23/24) you admit that the vaccines were not as effective as originally thought and blame it on the reckless Trump who ignored too many protocols and rushed a vaccine that was not up to standards.

But now, under the Biden admin, we have a better, stronger, even safer vaccine.

I suspect some version of this is coming.
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"My body my choice" That is ****ing hilarious. conservatives so full of shit
I gave you the answer, you're just having an attitude with me about it for some reason.

I'm not gonna go through and re-run Bevin's greatest hits for you. Google if you need help remembering. It's called giving your enemies ammo.

I never said what he said was "wrong," it was STUPID and POLITICAL SUICIDE.

Instead of implying teachers being out was causing kids to get abused, he should have said, "no one loves or respects our teachers as much as me. That's why I'm fighting so hard to save their retirement after being raided for decades by politicians like my opponents father. I encourage EVERY teacher to seek out the facts, don't just accept teacher's unions propaganda against me, which do NOT have any goal beyond their own power and enrichment. I'm the guy Kentucky teachers should be lining up behind."

It's called playing politics. Bevin chose to do the opposite.

And to be perfectly honest, that's a Trumpian answer. One thing that stands out more and more about Trump: he NEVER attacked the voters themselves as a group, even democrats. This current administration demonizes conservatives and Republicans daily.
Your response is LITERALLY, "I don't want to quote him, I just want to editorialize what I think he should have said now that a year has passed."

Setting aside your obvious hindsight, I STILL lack the necessary quote from Bevin that shows what he ACTUALLY SAID. This will be your third attempt. Something tells me that you are grasping at straws.
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Argument by analogy, which is all your kind do, is a clear sign you don't have an argument.

You don't have an argument. You (communists, yes that's what you are) never do. As I said, you are just exposing your ignorance. It's not the job of children to wear masks solely to placate your neuroticism. No matter what the CDC and their corrupt idiots say or do, that's all that is work here. To them, everything is a nail and they are the hammer, if they can "stop" one transmission while padding the packets of corrupt politicians, then that's what they'll do. THey don't care about antyhign else, certainly not the development of children, their intellectual and emotional development is not their concern.
And they DON'T care about stopping transmission. See the BORDER, and see BIDEN running around without a mask, and see Psaki telling the press to go get f***ed for asking who's been vaccinated.
Your response is LITERALLY, "I don't want to quote him, I just want to editorialize what I think he should have said now that a year has passed."

Setting aside your obvious hindsight, I STILL lack the necessary quote from Bevin that shows what he ACTUALLY SAID. This will be your third attempt. Something tells me that you are grasping at straws.
SMH. I just basically gave you an example (kids being abused because teachers out) if you weren't acting like such a disingenuous jackhole. 😅😅😅

Bevin's political demise isn't rocket surgery.
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