How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Will you guys please stop pointing out the fact that Soros & Co. own the voting machines, the Clinton syndicate is on camera explaining how they're going to commit voter fraud, emails have been released showing collusion between the Clinton syndicate and various media outlets, that the federal government refused to prosecute Clinton in one of the greatest displays of corruption the country has ever seen, etc.

You all are anti American for pointing out that stuff is going on and might have an impact on the election.

I swear to Christ, will one of the lefties on here ever just take a step back and think about the stupid shit they're saying before the just toe the party line?
The fact that you don't know or appreciate the difference in 2000 and today is quite telling.
The issue in 2000 is that there was an automatic recount because of the closeness of the race. The recount and each subsequent recount that followed continued to produce different totals. Despite that fact the FL SoS certified the election. The lawsuit filed requested that they continue to recount until they came to the same totals. The SCOTUS ruled that the state SoS had the right to certify the election.

Nobody was suggesting a month out the election was rigged or was trying to undermine the public trust in the election process.

lmao . . . the parallels to be drawn for what is happening now would point more to what liberals were doing, saying, discussing in the months, years even, leading up to the 2004 election, as certainly the unfounded 2000 butt-hurt had a full 4-yr term of it's own. The narrative now is just a little compared to what then was a lot. A helluva a lot. Now it has more basis, as documented evidence of conspiracy to defraud has been made public, yet this gripe won't last 4 weeks compared to the bitter pissing and moaning that wept on for 4 f'king years! Then, all they had to reflect on were hanging chads, while remaining silent to evidence that ballots in Florida precincts favoring Bush had likely gone "missing". Knowing of facts and appreciation of differences . . . ? you are a joke.
Smartmatic? That just sounds like a scheme.

How long before Apple has genius voting machines that insta-analyze your brain, body scan, coupled with your e-profile to automatically pick the right candidate for you? So you won't be swayed by the media, so *every* voter can vote, low information or not, you can be 10000% confident that you made the right choice. It's science. Can't wait for that machine.
Did you notice that Trump got booed by the liberal media ever time he joked about Clinton but Clinton got cheered by the media whenever she joked about Trump.

sort of like noticing a hammer falls when you drop it? a warm balloon may rise when released?
Heard a congressman speak on Fox News and he made a very good point. The New York liberal media is basically changing the course of this election. Considering New York is the media capital of the world it's influence is far reaching. Even if the rest of the nation is suffering economically New York seems to weather the storm. These liberal New Yorker's cannot relate to the average joe that lives and works in fly over states.
I'd say that there is probably little difference between the demographic support in the military and that with the general public. White middle aged men go what...60-65% GOP?

You might say that, but most on here don't really put much faith in what you say cause half the time you just make shit up, based your "facts" on a sampling of a few of your friends or pull some BS outlier pol or article as proof. But back in the real world, Trump leads across all military polled, with Johnson also ahead of Hillary. Officers do have Hillary slightly ahead of Johnson with Trump a few points behind.

Sadly, this is a summary of their overall opinion:

"Both major parties remain largely unliked by the military. Nearly 83 percent of those surveyed said they are dissatisfied with Clinton as the Democratic Party’s pick to be president, and more than 65 percent said the same of Trump as the Republican nominee.

Only 4 percent of troops polled said they have abundant confidence that Clinton can lead the military as commander in chief. About 9 percent said the same for Trump. More than 60 percent of troops said they had little confidence either could.

“We are currently in a race to the bottom, and it is a sad thing to witness that this is the best leadership options that the nation can bring to the table,” wrote one male Navy lieutenant."

(Taken Oct 12-14, this pol was before Hillary mentioned the 4 minute Nuke timetable and before the majority of the Wikileaks comments came out. )
They announced to the world they were attacking Isis & taking back Mosul. What does Isis do? Plants sleeper cells 100 miles away in KirKuk.

When they get to Mosul, Isis mounts a surprise counter on KirKuk, targeting government buildings, trying to seize the city.
Lmaoo smartmatic is literally owned by Soros and made in the UK. He "provides" them to 16 states. For free? Wtf does provide mean?

Means, those machines are free only if the Democrat votes outnumber the Republican and Libertarian votes.
I mean, what else could it be? Obviously, it's a friendly gesture to one of your supporters, as Soros and VP of smartmatic are Clinton donors. Unreal. Unfnreal.

And Donald is in on this. I'm convinced. Why else wouldn't he be talking about this? That's a pretty big conflict of interest, is it not? Two of the biggest Clinton fans, people that back your campaign financially, are letting 16 states use their voting machines.

Oh, and he's literally a Nazi.

Like, when Clinton starts in on the Putin nonsense, why doesn't he fire back with Soros?

F all these people. This country is gay as hell.
The fact that you don't know or appreciate the difference in 2000 and today is quite telling.
The issue in 2000 is that there was an automatic recount because of the closeness of the race. The recount and each subsequent recount that followed continued to produce different totals. Despite that fact the FL SoS certified the election. The lawsuit filed requested that they continue to recount until they came to the same totals. The SCOTUS ruled that the state SoS had the right to certify the election.

Nobody was suggesting a month out the election was rigged or was trying to undermine the public trust in the election process.

So what you're saying is , there is precedence to wait and see the results before saying you'll support any outcome? Seems reasonable
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So really, who's f*cking with the internet today?

The US screw up the attempt to cyber attack the Russians?

The Russians striking back after the threat of cyber attacks?

Some other state actor?

Some random non state actor?

I'd imagine it's going to get blamed on the Russians. And not a single person in the media is going to stop to ask why the Russians would take down Twitter if that's the way Wikileaks is blasting out info on the leaked information the Russians allegedly stole.
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So really, who's f*cking with the internet today?

The US screw up the attempt to cyber attack the Russians?

The Russians striking back after the threat of cyber attacks?

Some other state actor?

Some random non state actor?

I'd imagine it's going to get blamed on the Russians. And not a single person in the media is going to stop to ask why the Russians would take down Twitter if that's the way Wikileaks is blasting out info on the leaked information the Russians allegedly stole.
Some serious forces at play here my friend...
So really, who's f*cking with the internet today?

The US screw up the attempt to cyber attack the Russians?

The Russians striking back after the threat of cyber attacks?

Some other state actor?

Some random non state actor?

I'd imagine it's going to get blamed on the Russians. And not a single person in the media is going to stop to ask why the Russians would take down Twitter if that's the way Wikileaks is blasting out info on the leaked information the Russians allegedly stole.
Interesting to note that Wikileaks made the threat yesterday and all of a sudden the internet has issues.
Wiki apparently showed some trusted sources 100% proof that Russia is not behind their hack
If Russia was behind their hack than Wikileaks wouldn't hack Twitter anyway. Why would you hack something from where you release your info? Seems counter-productive.
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Let alone the fact that there's zero proof Russia was behind any hacks, and Clinton's claim that 17 organizations concluded that or whatever is 100% complete pulled out of her ass horseshit.
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