How will they rule ??!

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Who published that document? Doesn't pass the smell test at all.
It was anonymously leaked by someone, not sure where it originated and that's the reason for the disclaimer of its authenticity. I just found it interesting so thought I would post. As for its implications, guess we'll see soon enough.
Yes! I hope when she loses and her foreign money backers kill her off ala Vince Foster, that they bring her dead rotting body on tour through out America where each of us can tear off a piece of her body until she ceases to exist

You nasty bastard.......let me guess you want to grab that p***y don't you!
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Just found the full document (pdf). After reading pages 6 & 7 it's pretty clear it's fake.

Whomever put this together has way too much time on their hands. Could've been an amazing troll job, but they went way overboard, imo.






I'm kind of glad it's fake. Those last two pages are disturbing.

Ahh, I'm sure that something is brewing that doesn't need falsification.

But I do appreciate you editing it. While Cardkilla will cry when his cat doesn't look him in the eye, he would never come back and edit falsifications on Trump 4 weeks before the election accusations on him with those women.
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Hoping and praying for a gay slur or the N word in these documents or talking about murdering someone with a sefie over the dead body.

Wiki has to have those emails and can you imagine what's on those if they went through that much trouble to nuke them?
Hoping and praying for a gay slur or the N word in these documents or talking about murdering someone with a sefie over the dead body.

Wiki has to have those emails and can you imagine what's on those if they went through that much trouble to nuke them?
Yeah, you'd have to say the ones released thus far have been a let down.
This pretty much sums it up.

Fantastic video by Paul. Leftist networks wonder why they get smoked in ratings.

They have removed all doubt that they are in the tank. They're digging their own graves because more and more people are seeing their BS. Sure, absolute morons will fall for it when they see it but a huge chunk already knows it will be pure propaganda.

That's what happens when you're so obviously corrupt because a normal mind would see that Hillary is extremely corrupt and it's worth talking about especially with these emails. But they're so awful, they deflect on everything and have the same narrative on every network and tackle ignorant stuff like Trump tweets or him eating chicken with a fork or him not saying he would endorse Hillary (he shouldn't).

They pushed too far and it will bite them in the ass at some point. Maybe even this election. I know it has turned a lot of people off.
I just don't understand voting without ID. You can't buy a damn can of dip without ID. KY had been in the news because we won't get these new gov standard IDs and omg this is a big deal!!! You can't go to airports or universities or OMG u need fancy ID!!! Uhhhh nope. You don't need an ID to vote. So wtf is the point? So stupid.

This is why I don't vote, and I pray come Election Day, not a soul on this stupid planet votes. I hope they take their IDs to the gun store and buy a mac11.
Completely agree about IDs. Another such thing that baffles me is how releasing a birth certificate was a big thing for some presidential candidates. If we're going to have verification of anything, you would think verifying your identity to vote and verifying your place of birth to be president would be at the top of the list. If showing your id to actually vote is somehow racist, or whatever dumb argument, are the same people just not allowed to fly on airplanes? The world is stupid.
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Well thank god some professor concluded there's no voter fraud. The videos of the Clinton syndicate on camera explaining how exactly they were going to commit voter fraud had me thinking they might actually be committing voter fraud. I guess since no one is going to be prosecuted and the media doesn't give a shit, then they aren't in fact committing the voter fraud they say they're committing.
Studies Contradict Trump Claim That Voter Fraud Is 'Very, Very Common'

"Most experts say voter fraud is extremely rare in the U.S. with one study by a Loyola Law School professor finding just 31 known cases of impersonation fraud out of 1 billion votes cast in U.S. elections between 2000 and 2014."
Bullshit. There's ongoing FBI investigations in Indiana, Texas, Pennsylvania, Virginia & North Carolina as we speak. From dead people, to illegal immigrants, to voter harvesting.

Cite all the studies you want, but it's happening. Notice it says "known" cases. What about all of the unknown cases? The only reason they can even put out studies like this is b/c it's so hard to prove.
This is a prime example of how you are slow.

There was not argument being made, and Willy and I friends, we were joking. So you are slow there.

In previous post, a guy called "the Anonymous guy an idiot," thus meaning, he thought it was one person. So when Willy quoted him, I replied that Anon was a collective, pointing at the previous poster's mistake, in a joking matter. I didnt quote him, because I dont want to get in a conversation with him, and its par for the course. So this is why you are slow. You missed this as well.

So when you call me captain obvious, its because I was pointing out that someone legitimately didnt get that. So hence, you are slow.

I will now pat your head, and we can move on from this.

The fact that you typed all that shit out to cover for a shitty joke just proves you're a cuck.
Studies Contradict Trump Claim That Voter Fraud Is 'Very, Very Common'

"Most experts say voter fraud is extremely rare in the U.S. with one study by a Loyola Law School professor finding just 31 known cases of impersonation fraud out of 1 billion votes cast in U.S. elections between 2000 and 2014."


Dude, no one clicks your bullshit liberal links.

They have admitted to schemes on fricken tape. And 2 of your operatives have been shitcanned. Good job, though. You can get a trophy anyways.
Npr is unreal....idk how I missed this stuff. "As you know, Hillary Clinton has often been elected the most respected leader in the world"

Lmao what? They vote on this stuff? And she's a leader?
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Exactly how I feel about the White House correspondents dinner. Disgrace to the office, and embarrassing to the "journalists" who attend.
Is that a tree trunk I see extruding from your arse? Looks much bigger than just a stick.

C'mon. Comedy is rooted in reality, and sometimes it pushes the boundaries for a reason. I think it humanizes the president, and I respect them more for getting past the seriousness and stodginess to poke fun at things we all take way too seriously.

Of course, the opposing party will always get their panties in a wad because they hate the president and by extension anything the president does.
I watch the last 3 Al Smith Dinners last night just because the hits on Trump by the media.

Every one of the speakers hit on the most important topics of each election. Trump/Hilliary did as well yet Trump went overboard......

So that said here is my take, if it is overboard to joke about the corruption maybe the govt should stop the corruption? Maybe just maybe it isn't the damn joke that is sour!
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Yeah, you'd have to say the ones released thus far have been a let down.

Not in content. But definitely in impact. That said, the level of info required to make the msm talk about it or her disciples not vote for her would be incredible

Npr is unreal....idk how I missed this stuff. "As you know, Hillary Clinton has often been elected the most respected leader in the world"

Lmao what? They vote on this stuff? And she's a leader?

Sounds like bs to me