How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I just don't understand voting without ID. You can't buy a damn can of dip without ID. KY had been in the news because we won't get these new gov standard IDs and omg this is a big deal!!! You can't go to airports or universities or OMG u need fancy ID!!! Uhhhh nope. You don't need an ID to vote. So wtf is the point? So stupid.

This is why I don't vote, and I pray come Election Day, not a soul on this stupid planet votes. I hope they take their IDs to the gun store and buy a mac11.
In Oklahoma you must have a form of picture ID to vote. No one here seems to mind, I have yet to hear anyone complain about it.
Only thing I paid attention to at the Al Smith dinner:

I suppose all this talk by liberals that rigged elections are no more a deliberate process than an imaginative one serves to (1) do nothing more than invalidate their own and opposite talking points from 12 years ago, (2) provide the full sanction from all liberals and democrats to George W. Bush's 2000 Florida / national election win over Al Gore, and (3) serve as a down-on-their knees, hat-in-their hands apology for EVER implying that republicans conspired to rig the 2000 Florida election.
This is the deleted tweet?
Not sure, just really makes one think hard about the choices. I dont know. I think Trump is a bad person, but in America, no matter who you are, you should have the right and freedom to make your own choices in a free system. The system isnt free.

I get all the arguments that can come from this, but as an independent, I do see how this election has been spear headed to help HRC. Its frightening. Trump makes valid points that are backed by the info from WikiLeaks.
What's worse, this was clearly an election a third party could've emerged and become a major player. Once in a lifetime opportunity.

Not exactly once in a least not my lifetime. Ross Perot had a chance as well but went bat-out-of-hell crazy when realized he had a chance to win. I don't think Perot ever really wanted to win. Many parallels between Perot and Trump except Trump decided to go GOP instead of 3rd party where he really belonged IMO. I honestly think that had he gone 3rd party he had a better chance at winning than running as a Republican. 90% of his support would be with him regardless of party and you wouldn't have the Republicans and independents who are scared of him supporting HRC.

Have really been disappointed that Johnson never got any traction or seemed to make any real effort.
Not sure, just really makes one think hard about the choices. I dont know. I think Trump is a bad person, but in America, no matter who you are, you should have the right and freedom to make your own choices in a free system. The system isnt free.

I get all the arguments that can come from this, but as an independent, I do see how this election has been spear headed to help HRC. Its frightening. Trump makes valid points that are backed by the info from WikiLeaks.

It's very concerning. No doubt in my mind HRC was promised the presidency by soros in 2008, if she'd step aside and let Obama have his time.

It's more and more clear that some unseen power players are controlling everything. Soros is definitely one of those people.

Not exactly once in a least not my lifetime. Ross Perot had a chance as well but went bat-out-of-hell crazy when realized he had a chance to win. I don't think Perot ever really wanted to win. Many parallels between Perot and Trump except Trump decided to go GOP instead of 3rd party where he really belonged IMO. I honestly think that had he gone 3rd party he had a better chance at winning than running as a Republican. 90% of his support would be with him regardless of party and you wouldn't have the Republicans and independents who are scared of him supporting HRC.

Have really been disappointed that Johnson never got any traction or seemed to make any real effort.

That's a fair point. I feel like if perot would've won, it wouldn't have resulted in a brand new 3rd party who could contend year in and out. I feel like it was a one off.

Plus there was a good sitting president and a new comer that was on fire as the other two choices.

Also don't agree that perot went crazy. He had views that rocked the apple cart. But they were pretty solid. Some were very solid.

Here, Johnson and the libertarians could've inserted themselves into the race for decades to come. Plus the other two choices are terrible, which have people begging for another viable option.

As an aside, imagine if perot never runs. Ghwb likely wins, and we never get the clinton machine. Things would look much different.
Cyber attacks knockout east coast Netflix, redditt, spotify, and things via Top Google News.

Do you think that's real or jkst an exercise to reinforce the Red Scare tactics used by Hillary's campaign?
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Cyber attacks knockout east coast Netflix, redditt, spotify, and things via Top Google News.

Do you think that's real or jkst an exercise to reinforce the Red Scare tactics used by Hillary's campaign?

The government is starting their salvage plan from pages 6 & 7.
Curious, how many have you spoken to that are black and/or officers?
Three of my old HS friends who are black, 2 of them West Point graduates...all retired military are probably the biggest Obama fans I know. I know they also hate Trump because they let everybody on FB know every day.

A little late in my reply, but....

Let's be realists here, blacks' support of Obama is about twice that of a sampling of all Americans, at anywhere between 85-95% depending on the timing and source of the pol. (Yes, I'm rounding here but using a couple of different sources.) So it's not a shocker that your West Point friends are Obama fans. All of my black Facebook friends are huge Obama fans surprise, regardless of whether they are in the military.

With regards to my friends in the military that are not fans of Hilary and/or Obama: Two Medal of Honor recipients, a retired Naval Academy Captain, multiple well connected retired Green Beret/Special Forces who remain active in the SF community, multiple Facebook friends and a retired two-star general who worked at the VERY highest levels of our special forces. They don't care for them as individuals nor are they in agreement with their decisions and/or ability to make timely decisions with regards to the use or our military forces. My wife spent several days at Fort Bragg recently and came away with the same overall opinion---they'll be glad when he's out of office and another Clinton presidency doesn't excite them. Not saying any or all of them are major Trump fans, (a few of them are), but virtually none of them like the alternative except my lesbian former Marine friend.
I bet this thread was a blast to read at this time in 08

Why? You think there were people who didn't expect Obama to win? I knew he was winning. Didn't matter who ran as the Dem nominee, they were winning after everyone had turned on Bush. Usually, the same party doesn't often win three elections in a row.

But his presidency has been a disaster for our country. He started the downfall and Hillary will finish it off if given the chance.
Not sure, just really makes one think hard about the choices. I dont know. I think Trump is a bad person, but in America, no matter who you are, you should have the right and freedom to make your own choices in a free system. The system isnt free.

I get all the arguments that can come from this, but as an independent, I do see how this election has been spear headed to help HRC. Its frightening. Trump makes valid points that are backed by the info from WikiLeaks.

The whole thing has just become convoluted as hell.

The media actively working with politicians is absurd and terrifying.

There is no need for these PACS. It just gives the politicians a way to not do the dirty work. What benefit do they serve to us citizens? Gives any and everyone a way to break the rules without feeling remorse. Make tim kaine pay homeless people to get beat down and see if he does it.
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Voted today and had to show an ID. Everyone should be in favor of fair elections. Evidently that's not always the case. I favor a National Voter ID Law. Can't afford an ID then one will be given to the individual free.
The problem is that illegals have been given driver licenses all over this Country. Not sure how that would be dealt with.
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Voted today and had to show an ID. Everyone should be in favor of fair elections. Evidently that's not always the case. I favor a National Voter ID Law. Can't afford an ID then one will be given to the individual free.
The problem is that illegals have been given driver licenses all over this Country. Not sure how that would be dealt with.
Agreed on all points, but even if the ID is free, the documents that get you the ID often aren't....and turn around time can be insane. Gov't bureaucracies and all.

Despite the histrionics from both parties about voter ID laws, it's difficult to disagree with the principle of a free & universal ID that would be required to vote. The issue is how to implement such a policy.
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Any poll being cited is BS even if it's in Trump's or Clinton's favor. There's no GD way to know due to the bias especially of the left.

You cannot trust a single thing from our press or what they report.

Also, it's beyond hilarious how the debates are viewed by media. Their candidate always wins no matter what. Hillary claims she won all three debates, which is utter BS. There's no way she won that second debate. I wouldn't even give her last night but I'd give her the first one.
Few polls are actually conducted by the media, they are only reported by the media. Statisticians dgaf who wins or loses. They are nerds, remember? They want to get it right and be in the margin of error they expect. If they aren't right often enough they lose credibility. If the press didn't accurately portray their findings that would cost them credibility...especially with other statisticians that use their data. That is why 538 and others rank and weigh polls based upon their historical track record.

It is also quite amusing that the same people who say they don't trust the media are attracted and hold in high regard sources like Breitbart that is proven to be wrong time and time again and isn't the least bit objective. I guess it's ok to lie as long as they are lies that you wished to be true.
The right wing media has contributed more to the dumbing down of America than any other factor out there.
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Maybe VISA and MasterCard will make a driver license voter registration social security debit card. You never know. Watchem steal my idea.
Maybe we can do background checks on everyone before they're allowed to vote. And if the government arbitrarily puts you on a list of deplorables or some other watch list, we can take away your right to vote altogether.
This was one of Hillarys "jokes"

"How is Barack gonna get past the Muslim ban?"

Trump would be killed if he said that. Interesting.
You left out the setup to the joke. Kind of loses all of its meaning without it.

I paraphrase but it was something like..." If Donald did win just think of the awkwardness when all of the surviving past Presidents gathered for the picture*. Not just Bill but how is Barrack gonna get past the Muslim ban?"

*It is tradition that all the surviving past POTUS gather for a picture after the inauguration.

Yeah Trump might get some heat for that "joke"...because he is actually the one proposing the ban.
You left out the setup to the joke. Kind of loses all of its meaning without it.

I paraphrase but it was something like..." If Donald did win just think of the awkwardness when all of the surviving past Presidents gathered for the picture*. Not just Bill but how is Barrack gonna get past the Muslim ban?"

*It is tradition that all the surviving past POTUS gather for a picture after the inauguration.

Yeah Trump might get some heat for that "joke"...because he is actually the one proposing the ban.
Doesn't matter what the set up was. If Trump said that joke CNN MSNBC would be whining all day today about how Trump called Obama a muslim. Hillary does it and not a single peep about it.
You should go on twitter and read the Democrat sheep on any wiki post. They're not upset at corruption. They're mad at Assange and Wiki(always attack the messenger) and them "working for the Russians."

Whatever their Dem politicians speak, they automatically believe it. That's why it's so easy to take advantage of is with that many retards.
Well thank god some professor concluded there's no voter fraud. The videos of the Clinton syndicate on camera explaining how exactly they were going to commit voter fraud had me thinking they might actually be committing voter fraud. I guess since no one is going to be prosecuted and the media doesn't give a shit, then they aren't in fact committing the voter fraud they say they're committing.

I suppose all this talk by liberals that rigged elections are no more a deliberate process than an imaginative one serves to (1) do nothing more than invalidate their own and opposite talking points from 12 years ago, (2) provide the full sanction from all liberals and democrats to George W. Bush's 2000 Florida / national election win over Al Gore, and (3) serve as a down-on-their knees, hat-in-their hands apology for EVER implying that republicans conspired to rig the 2000 Florida election.
The fact that you don't know or appreciate the difference in 2000 and today is quite telling.
The issue in 2000 is that there was an automatic recount because of the closeness of the race. The recount and each subsequent recount that followed continued to produce different totals. Despite that fact the FL SoS certified the election. The lawsuit filed requested that they continue to recount until they came to the same totals. The SCOTUS ruled that the state SoS had the right to certify the election.

Nobody was suggesting a month out the election was rigged or was trying to undermine the public trust in the election process.
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Nobody was suggesting a month out the election was rigged or was trying to undermine the public trust in the election process.
Selected, not elected.....
"You know we've had all kinds of problems in some of our past elections, as you might remember. In 2000, our presidential election came down to one state where the brother of the man running for president was the governor of the state, so we have our problems, too."

Making comments 2 and 9 years after about the legitimacy of an election is A-OK though.
Check and verify.
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A little late in my reply, but....

Let's be realists here, blacks' support of Obama is about twice that of a sampling of all Americans, at anywhere between 85-95% depending on the timing and source of the pol. (Yes, I'm rounding here but using a couple of different sources.) So it's not a shocker that your West Point friends are Obama fans. All of my black Facebook friends are huge Obama fans surprise, regardless of whether they are in the military.

With regards to my friends in the military that are not fans of Hilary and/or Obama: Two Medal of Honor recipients, a retired Naval Academy Captain, multiple well connected retired Green Beret/Special Forces who remain active in the SF community, multiple Facebook friends and a retired two-star general who worked at the VERY highest levels of our special forces. They don't care for them as individuals nor are they in agreement with their decisions and/or ability to make timely decisions with regards to the use or our military forces. My wife spent several days at Fort Bragg recently and came away with the same overall opinion---they'll be glad when he's out of office and another Clinton presidency doesn't excite them. Not saying any or all of them are major Trump fans, (a few of them are), but virtually none of them like the alternative except my lesbian former Marine friend.
I'd say that there is probably little difference between the demographic support in the military and that with the general public. White middle aged men go what...60-65% GOP?
I happened to leave my iPad on 630 today after KSR and heard Rush for the first time in a long time. Meaning I actually listened for more than 5 minutes. He made a great point in being thankful that this Democratic Party didn't exist in the 1700's. Patriots would have been browbeat for daring to speak up against the throne.