How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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At this point they better have video or audio evidence of something really bad to destroy Hillary for good. People simply do not know or care enough about the Wikileaks to refuse to vote for her. Yes, it's hurting her and the DNC, but it's not putting a complete fork in them. Folks like us on here and those who stay up with this stuff care, but the majority of the American population only get energized when it's really juicy reality tv crap like the Trump audio from a few weeks ago.
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I honestly dont believe anyone has any idea what will happen.

Will wiki drop a bomb?

Will nbc drudge up some more dirt on trump november 1st?

Will hillary get flushed out of a bus because staffers were ordered to dump the shit out?

Hell, they are going to be together tonight in an event(a Catholic event) where they are traditionally supposed to poke fun at themselves.

But the polls, besides albany..who knows? I do like when he says his crap, its usually followed by the opposite. Will trends remain? The big money bets come in on hilldog but more bets have came in on trump, a la brexit.

Trump needs a flawless 3 weeks. Dont know how i feel about that, but i do believe the clinton camp has to be flustered with his ability to hang around.
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At this point they better have video or audio evidence of something really bad to destroy Hillary for good. People simply do not know or care enough about the Wikileaks to refuse to vote for her. Yes, it's hurting her and the DNC, but it's not putting a complete fork in them. Folks like us on here and those who stay up with this stuff care, but the majority of the American population only get energized when it's really juicy reality tv crap like the Trump audio from a few weeks ago.
I'm nearly positive WikiLeaks has the 33000 emails. That would be pretty juicy.
is there really a winner in this election? lol


Trump needs a flawless 3 weeks. Dont know how i feel about that, but i do believe the clinton camp has to be flustered with his ability to hang around.

I honestly think the Clinton camp is enjoying the constant needling of Trump and would welcome another debate. I mean, to see Trump blow up by calling her "nasty" when you know he wanted to call her a b1tch.

And to think many on you though all Trump had to do to win was to debate Hillary one on one. LOLOLOL
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I have a hard time believe there isn't more "woah" to come in the WikiLeaks mess. They are making shit up with such ferocity, and negotiating with foreign governments to get rid of Assange's internet . . . there has to be something more there, right? Dems wouldn't trumpet WW3 to silence proof of collusion between HRC the DNC and the Media would they?
Lol. Albany.

A fricken career politician arguably won 1/4 matchups against trump, in his first ever 1v1 debates.

She definitely lost the presidential forum, ya know the one where libs issued kill on sight commands to the liberal moderator.

Ahe may have won the 1st debate.

She lost the 2nd won and even dems agree she lost last night.

Even if she won all 4 by slim margins, it would be pretty astonishing with all her "experience". The fact that trump won, at a bare minimum 50% but more likely 3 out of 4 is really just sad.

It would be similar to a normal person competing against you in "who can be the bigger tool". You should definitely destroy anyone in that competition.

But hey, keep living vicariously thru democrat elections. Its pretty obvious you need something to feel good about.
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This was one of Hillarys "jokes"

"How is Barack gonna get past the Muslim ban?"

Trump would be killed if he said that. Interesting.
Even at a charity roast, DT can't help being a complete douche. Good bye Donald. Actually getting boo'd lol
I thought Trumps jokes for the most part were funny. Hillarys jokes sounded like a 10 year old wrote them.
Lol. Albany.

A fricken career politician arguably won 1/4 matchups against trump, in his first ever 1v1 debates.

She definitely lost the presidential forum, ya know the one where libs issued kill on sight commands to the liberal moderator.

Ahe may have won the 1st debate.

She lost the 2nd won and even dems agree she lost last night.

Even if she won all 4 by slim margins, it would be pretty astonishing with all her "experience". The fact that trump won, at a bare minimum 50% but more likely 3 out of 4 is really just sad.

It would be similar to a normal person competing against you in "who can be the bigger tool". You should definitely destroy anyone in that competition.

But hey, keep living vicariously thru democrat elections. Its pretty obvious you need something to feel good about.
As of June 23, 2016, it was proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that Albany is NOT a Nostradamus. With all of her gloating about a Clinton victory that has not happened, and may very well not happen, she has yet to explain how the Brexit prediction could have been botched so badly.
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Even at a charity roast, DT can't help being a complete douche. Good bye Donald. Actually getting boo'd lol

I bet you cry when you finish a glass milk. Prolly get extreme anxiety half thru the glass.

Boo hoo boo hoo

Lucky the Paddock doesn't roast her. Boy I got some words that would get me permanently banned from Rivals.

Boo hoo im cardkilla boo hoo
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And Twitter has removed it.
Yeah, twitter has been censoring this whole election cycle. Anything about wikileaks, Podesta, positive for Trump etc... gets axed as soon as it starts trending or shortly after.

They've also been outright banning pro Trump accounts and shadow banning others' tweets, not allowing their followers to view them or re-tweet them.
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We'll probably know pretty soon who leaked that poll memo. If the Clinton campaign did, because they finally figured out false bravado is really stupid, the media will go full on poll apocalypse. If someone else leaked it, it will never be mentioned again.
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We'll probably know pretty soon who leaked that poll memo. If the Clinton campaign did, because they finally figured out false bravado is really stupid, the media will go full on poll apocalypse. If someone else leaked it, it will never be mentioned again.

Notice it says "no skews or narrative screens were employed"? If this is real, I'm wondering if a lot of the other polls we see are employing these same skews and narrative screens?