How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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every political follower has to agree that Gary Johnson & the Libertarian's bid to become a legit competitive 3rd party has gone over about as well as a fart in church
Well most libertarians know that, that's why they run as republicans usually. Rand Paul...yeah he would have won this election pretty easily.

I will be funny if Gary Johnson can win a couple states blocking the electoral total to where it's turned over to the House.
Guys let the bet thing go, I'm certainly not paying jamo if I lose either........feel like that is the most democratic thing I could do.
Ameritech, isn't that some pyramid scheme company like Primerica?
lol from its wikipedia page

Cultural reference[edit]
The Ameritech name was used in the storyline of the U.S. television miniseries Amerika to refer to one of the "sovereign" autonomous regions—Ameritech's regional operating area, theGreat Lakes area of North America—that the former United States was divided into in result of the fictional Soviet occupation that is the base premise of the miniseries' plot.

oh, the irony B. Hussein....

With what army? That guy "gets it" less than any other candidate other than Johnson.
Getting it, compared to what? As much as Republican voters getting it by supporting a democrat, with protectionist ideas, awful economic policies, lack of knowledge of free trade and tariffs (but but but hes a businessman), and a wall? Yeah I'd say Rand gets it. But I'm guessing you know none of his policies. But yes, Paul against Hillary, would have been an easy victory. Many democrats were looking for any reason not to vote for Hillary, and her terribleness has been normalized by Trump's. Republicans would vote Trump to burn it to the ground, stop the establishment, and stop Hillary...or that would be why I would vote for him, Democrat voters aren't swayed by that. They are both terrible candidates. I don't think you get what definitions of liberty, limited government, etc are.
Getting it, compared to what? As much as Republican voters getting it by supporting a democrat, with protectionist ideas, awful economic policies, lack of knowledge of free trade and tariffs (but but but hes a businessman), and a wall? Yeah I'd say Rand gets it. But I'm guessing you know none of his policies. But yes, Paul against Hillary, would have been an easy victory. Many democrats were looking for any reason not to vote for Hillary, and her terribleness has been normalized by Trump's. Republicans would vote Trump to burn it to the ground, stop the establishment, and stop Hillary...or that would be why I would vote for him, Democrat voters aren't swayed by that. They are both terrible candidates. I don't think you get what definitions of liberty, limited government, etc are.

Every modern politician. He doesn't even smile. He's no nonsense. Wants to fn audit the fed for crying out loud. He'd be murdered by a Clinton before he ever got close to being the president. He's not relatable, friendly, etc. His brand is not strong at all. He's not even Jim Gray. What he stands for is great, but he doesn't play the game.
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I'm glad Trump isn't friendly. We have plenty of friendly people in Washington DC who have done nothing. If it takes an asshole to start cleaning up Washington DC, I am all for it. The "nice guys" aren't doing their jobs.
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Amazing how the media refuses to talk about the emails, but choose to talk for 24 hours a day on how Trump would not agree to stand by election results. Al Gore anyone?
And it's not that he's to be believed, but I'll grasp on to any hope that there's an email somewhere where Clinton uses the word "fag" or something like that.

Something that will make her supporters finally turn on her after supporting her through all the felonies, pay for play and corruption.
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Kim dotcom is a lot more credible than any of these clowns that troll the media/people constantly, plus he's way more USA than these worldly F's, despite being a foreign.
Don't be a bag. Aren't you a big gambol guy anyways? Don't you know how welchers are looked upon? That's gonna follow you around like the plague.
Fuzz got away with it, though. Well, sort of; he occasionally gets called out on it, on this board. But he doesn't seem too worried about it.
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Don't be a bag. Aren't you a big gambol guy anyways? Don't you know how welchers are looked upon? That's gonna follow you around like the plague.

If I wanted your input I'd ask, K? Thanks!

I don't know jamo so how does this follow me around? By people bringing it up on a message? Shew wee I was worried for a minute!!

Jamo email me bud,, that way I can tell you in private to GFY if I lose and harass you to pay if I win.
If I wanted your input I'd ask, K? Thanks!

I don't know jamo so how does this follow me around? By people bringing it up on a message? Shew wee I was worried for a minute!!

Jamo email me bud,, that way I can tell you in private to GFY if I lose and harass you to pay if I win.
There is a very good chance that you will win. The more the MSM insists that it is a done deal- the more they show their worry.
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1 I wouldn't Welch but you can bet your ass I'll never admit to paying up whether I do or not.

2 I really don't care either way. I really wanted to make a fun bet where something odd like a wig had to be attached to each post or something but it's whatever.

If I didn't think I had any chance at all I'd have taken him up on his 1/2 off deal BS thing.