How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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One last bit about the conceding issue.

Clinton's staff vandalized the White House during GWB transition. They even went so far as to remove the "W" from all the keyboards.

This coming from Hillary's favorite news paper who is taking money from the Clinton Foundation

There's prolly piss and semen stains from Bill Clinton that is all over the walls

They clearly knew the disaster W was going to be for this country. A former living President not a single candidate would want stumping for them. Not a one. DISASTER.
What does it matter that Trump won't concede? No one should give a f***. It's as clear as a turd in standing toilet water, this whole election is full of American pussy drama queens and kings. It's all about hating on trump while rationalizing Clinton's treason.

"boo hoo, Trump won't concede" Trump won't do this or that- Boo hoo"

I didn't even pay attention to that last night in the debate. It did not cross my mind as controversial, but I watch CNN for 10 minutes afterwards to see what the targeted agenda would be and LMAO at that. People are just so dumb.......I mean was Hilliary even asked the same question?

I mean with all the voter fraud I'd assume she would be livid if she doesn't win......would she accept that?
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I'm not a communist or even particularly liberal. I'm anti abortion in nearly every circumstance, but I also know that the Republicans have never really tried and never will try to do away with it. They'll dance around it and mess with Planned Parenthood and talk a lot, but they don't want it to go away or they'll lose all those one issue voters. Catholics in this country voted almost uniformly Democratic for generations until Roe Vs. Wade. If abortion becomes illegal again and is settled law, a ton of them will go back to voting Democratic. The GOP leadership knows this. Heck, Reagan could have been elected King in 84 and had the sway to get a constitutional amendment to outlaw it. Did he try? Bush had all the political capital in the universe after 9/11. Did he try to outlaw it?

No, Reagan used his popularity to cut taxes with the richest getting a 60% cut. While all you righties whine about Obama nearly doubling the debt you forget that Reagan tripled it, and that was without inheriting two wars and a recession. Reagan could have done everything he did without doing that. Obama has had much smaller annual deficits by GDP than Reagan or either Bush. In fact, all of the top ten smallest annual deficits of the last 50 years have come under Democrats.

And what about Bush and his political capital and all the patriotic zeal after 9/11? Did he use it for any good for the country or for any morally righteous legislation? Nope. He invaded Afghanistan with a US Army that could only field about half the men it did in 90 and then split his forces and invaded Iraq under false pretenses and cut taxes during war time for the first time in US history. So now over 4500 American service people are dead from the Iraq war [ the reasoning and justification for the invasion has never been fully investigated even ONCE by a Republican controlled Congress, while Benghazi, with the FOUR deaths, has been investigated SEVEN times] and about four trillion dollars are gone. So it's a war which has cost the average living taxpayer nothing. The only casualties have been our best and bravest[ the military and their families -BTW, I could have never been in the service due to my back but am the son, grandson and great grandson of men who have fought in Korea, WWII, WWI and the Civil War] and our children and grandchildren, who will inherit the debt we keep passing on.,

I could go on and on. I'm not a Communist. I'm a pretty conservative person who is simply sickened by the astonishing hypocrisy of a party which wraps itself in the flag and meanwhile sells the country out with lies while crying about the tax and spend of the Democrats while borrowing and spending itself. The Republicans cut nothing but continue to spend and unlike the Democrat, they refuse to pay as they go at least a little. It's a shell game that is gong to choke our heirs to death.

I'd rather vote for people I don't totally agree with who aren't using my own morality and patriotism against me to ruin our country. Righties cry about socialism but seem to be content to endure eventual feudalism, because that's where the GOP has tried to lead us to.
move to strike as non-responsive.

you say the GOP is dead.
he says that's funny, look how many offices it will still hold after Nov 8.
you say, oh yeah, let me tell you why I don't like the GOP.

It's almost like he could have said, "I think we beat MSU by 4 this weekend" and you'd have posted the same thing.....
Speaking of Hypocrites, certain Dems are all up in arms about the UofL sex scandal. UofL has no morals, UofL will win at all costs, yada yada all the while being in the tank for a party who has been proven to be involved in criminal activity, you name it to win this and other elections.
False. Bozich and Forde says they are victims. They are journalists.
Madonna offering free BJ's for Clinton votes. I bet just about every known STD is lurking in that toxic mouth.

Bill says hi
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I like how it's apparently not insulting for Hillary to carry hot sauce in her purse and start talking to black people about Beyonce.

It reminds me of BBC's The Office where David Brent (Ricky Gervais) goes up to the office black guy and just talks about black actors and musicians and how much he loves Denzel Washington.
US soldier died (ied) today in Iraq. So, after losing 5k American lives taking Iraq, Hillary's policies gave Iraq to Isis & now we have more Americans dying trying to take it back again.
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Bill Clinton pocketing money from charity, personally getting paid by foundation.

Oddly, wjc does not have to sign such a document (conflict of interest policy) even though he is personally paid by 3 cgi sponsors, gets many expensive gifts from them, some that are at home etc
But but but Hillary needs to take your guns away because toddlers are psychopathic killers.
every political follower has to agree that Gary Johnson & the Libertarian's bid to become a legit competitive 3rd party has gone over about as well as a fart in church
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He did win the popular vote

But not the election & that's what the crowd was chanting about as Hillary smiles, nods her head in approval/agreement.

Spin all you want. Bottom line, & the fact the matter is, the same thing Trump has Democrats fainting over, they have been doing for years, on a couple of different occasions.
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Any poll being cited is BS even if it's in Trump's or Clinton's favor. There's no GD way to know due to the bias especially of the left.

You cannot trust a single thing from our press or what they report.

Also, it's beyond hilarious how the debates are viewed by media. Their candidate always wins no matter what. Hillary claims she won all three debates, which is utter BS. There's no way she won that second debate. I wouldn't even give her last night but I'd give her the first one.
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