How will they rule ??!

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Honestly for me, none.

I've already stated that I think the civil unrest in our country erupts either way.

I think we will see the next WW in 4-10 years either way.

And I like Trump am well aware of how to beat most of the tax burden I have so I usually give the govt a loan all year and get most back, but not all.

And day to day my life personally won't change.

What I will say is they are both bad and the fact either side hinges anything to either as being some sort of savior is damn shame!

I wish they were both shot today and we forced the next two people up to the task that we thought were better......and almost no matter what they would be better.
In all seriousness, what is the level of despair for most of my buddies on the right?

ever wondered how it may have felt at the first stage of the African slave trade? Where and when Africans were capturing other Africans and that natural question would have occurred . . . "why are they doing this to us?"
Hillary said again tonight that she's vetting the 65k a year refugees she plans to unleash on us & prioritizing keeping our families safe. Someone remind me again how she plans to do this?

Oh, & when reminding me, please keep in mind that the FBI has already admitted there is no way to properly vet them & Hillary, herself, in a WS speech also admitted that we have no way of properly vetting them. TIA.
I'm glad Hillary told our enemies that our nuke response time is 4 minutes.

I'm sure thats not classified info or anything.
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Honestly for me, none.

I've already stated that I think the civil unrest in our country erupts either way.

I think we will see the next WW in 4-10 years either way.

And I like Trump am well aware of how to beat most of the tax burden I have so I usually give the govt a loan all year and get most back, but not all.

And day to day my life personally won't change.

What I will say is they are both bad and the fact either side hinges anything to either as being some sort of savior is damn shame!

I wish they were both shot today and we forced the next two people up to the task that we thought were better......and almost no matter what they would be better.

This is some weak should have seen the doom and gloom that was predicted if the black man won the election.

Also, how beef jerky do you have stocked?
I'm not sure if Trump is going to be able to pull this off or not (probably not), so many lost opportunities he could have slammed Hillary on during these debates....but what knowledgeable person would vote for her, unless you just want handouts and free tuition etc... surely the independent voters see through Clinton's bullshit... the deck is stacked in her favor but she is soo unlikable and condescendingly panders to women and minorities that Trump may yet have a chance.
A few questions and comments.

1. Why didn't Joe Biden run? He probably destroys Hillary and was a better chance at building the campaign around. I don't think he's worth a damn but he didn't have all of the massive scandals and corruption tied to him like Hillary does. Then again, I think I may have answered my own question- she is bought and paid for by everyone and they need her in office, right?

2. Krazy is right. There will be civil unrest in this country regardless of the outcome. Personally, I would side with the group who isn't aligned with Muslims, Saudi, BLM domestic terrorists, George Soros, the group who wants open borders and to take away guns, etc.

3. How depressing is it that after November 8th, we will be ensured that Democrats will have held office for 24 of 32 years after Hillary's second term. But everything will be blamed on conservatives.

4. We are about to become a one party nation. All of the retarded Dems and even independents will look the other way when Clinton absolutely has open borders, tackles the second amendment in her second term (BANK ON IT), and we have many more rapes and terrorist attacks and forget what she claimed.

This country is finished but we will go through the motions with our distractions of sports, iPhone, movies and keep taking it up the ass. We had one chance to go with someone not owned and let the mainstream media and total sheep destroy it for us.
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This is some weak should have seen the doom and gloom that was predicted if the black man won the election.

Also, how beef jerky do you have stocked?

Weak? How am I wrong?

Doom and Gloom........we went from 10 to 20T in debt and Dems act like this bubble, which by the way has been due to tricky banks again, is something to be proud of witha 1% gdp.

I mean it doesn't get more fake than that!
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I'm not sure if Trump is going to be able to pull this off or not (probably not), so many lost opportunities he could have slammed Hillary on during these debates....but what knowledgeable person would vote for her, unless you just want handouts and free tuition etc... surely the independent voters see through Clinton's bullshit... the deck is stacked in her favor but she is soo unlikable and condescendingly panders to women and minorities that Trump may yet have a chance.

Hillary said again tonight that she's vetting the 65k a year refugees .

x 8 years = right at a 1/2 million sans the whopping 2.5k unfortunates that get "vetted out" each year . . . and with their impressive reproductive prowess over a couple of generations . . . oh my. But just think of the increase in federal grant money for the rape crisis centers. We're creating jobs here folks. Moral talking points too.
A few questions and comments.

1. Why didn't Joe Biden run? He probably destroys Hillary and was a better chance at building the campaign around. I don't think he's worth a damn but he didn't have all of the massive scandals and corruption tied to him like Hillary does. Then again, I think I may have answered my own question- she is bought and paid for by everyone and they need her in office, right?

2. Krazy is right. There will be civil unrest in this country regardless of the outcome. Personally, I would side with the group who isn't aligned with Muslims, Saudi, BLM domestic terrorists, George Soros, the group who wants open borders and to take away guns, etc.

3. How depressing is it that after November 8th, we will be ensured that Democrats will have held office for 24 of 32 years after Hillary's second term. But everything will be blamed on conservatives.

4. We are about to become a one party nation. All of the retarded Dems and even independents will look the other way when Clinton absolutely has open borders, tackles the second amendment in her second term (BANK ON IT), and we have many more rapes and terrorist attacks and forget what she claimed.

This country is finished but we will go through the motions with our distractions of sports, iPhone, movies and keep taking it up the ass. We had one chance to go with someone not owned and let the mainstream media and total sheep destroy it for us.

1- Hilliary is their candidate because she defeats a republican candidate as a known popular female. Biden doesn't have the same advantages, and he hasn't been bought and paid for. Again as a religious party of mostly white successful men republicans are too easy of a target and they aren't playing the same game.

2- Honestly it doesn't matter what side your on if unrest hits the fan we are all targets. Just because trump/Hilliary win doesn't mean the unrest is any better either way. The president has a macros type affect on everyday folks. Sadly when unrest boils over it will be everyday people affected to worst.

3- Yes we as a nation are becoming so unprincipled and look completely stupid on the global stage. But it's what the big money wants. How Trump can go through 3 debates and not ask, as a business man, why a company should stay here and pay higher taxes and higher labor which are in most cases two of the three driving costs in all business..........does that make any sense if you are going to be an owner of a company or if you have to answer to investors why profits aren't where they should be!

He is an awful debater.

4- Remember this, the polls may be rigged as is the media coverage, but what isn't accounted for is the insane support that is out there for Trump. I don't care what anyone says they are not polling his whole base meanwhile Hilliary will not get the black support like Obama did not the latinos.

It isn't over yet.
By definition I thing all religions are a form of radical.

Others may disagree but once you really get down to it they all are radical forms of thought considering how much "unknown" it takes to believe or have "faith".

I don't think anybody can argue with that, other than maybe to attempt to use the modern behavior as a way to concentration on the application of "radical". But that by itself is never successful. Islam is behaving badly. Christianity has behaved badly. No winning in that loop.

Believing in something that cannot be proven = radical ideology. no argument from me. This is where in culture you have something that is conservative (religion) because it is a matter of tradition, incorporates values which are conservative, but not because it is rooted in something which, by itself, is not liberal. a great irony.
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It isn't over yet.

I'm surprised it was Megyn Kelly who did that. Shes usually very anti Trump. If she was like that more often, maybe she wouldn't be losing to Maddow in the ratings.
Its been over ever since Trump lost so much support after the Tape came out. If you cant see that then prepare to feel embarrassed when Clinton wins by 15% or more.

Wish you guys werent so damn stubborn and would just rally behind a 3rd party nominee. but nope... Trump supporters just had to go back a crazy man that was like a ticking time bomb and now we're going to have another Clinton in office............ I mean damn...... come on.. out of all the candidates you had to go with the one who was more MTV shock jock ???
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This was a destruction of one of the best the Democrats have to offer:

I like how they can't accept any responsibility, admit lies or acknowledge wrongdoing of any kind. She's a proven liar and when confronted, she deflects, gets angry at the messenger, doesn't even make sense and then doesn't even answer the question while then claiming it's not correct.

Dems are the ultimate liars and BSers. They could honestly be stabbing you in the gut and then you'd yell out "Why are you stabbing me?" and they'd go "What about Russia?"
Its been over ever since Trump lost so much support after the Tape came out. If you cant see that then prepare to feel embarrassed when Clinton wins by 15% or more.

Wish you guys werent so damn stubborn and would just rally behind a 3rd party nominee. but nope... Trump supporters just had to go back a crazy man that was like a ticking time bomb and now we're going to have another Clinton in office............ I mean damn...... come on.. out of all the candidates you had to go with the one who was more MTV shock jock ???

EAD, Hillary supporter.
Its been over ever since Trump lost so much support after the Tape came out. If you cant see that then prepare to feel embarrassed when Clinton wins by 15% or more.

Wish you guys werent so damn stubborn and would just rally behind a 3rd party nominee. but nope... Trump supporters just had to go back a crazy man that was like a ticking time bomb and now we're going to have another Clinton in office............ I mean damn...... come on.. out of all the candidates you had to go with the one who was more MTV shock jock ???
You're with HER, aren't you?
Let's see what we have run since the great Ronald Reagan left office.

George H. Bush
Bob Dole
George W. Bush
John McCain
Mitt Romney
Donald Trump

Dems have run

Michael Dukakis
Bill Clinton
Al Gore
John Kerry
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton

This country went from Republicans dominating the nation in voting from 1980-1988 even had California for all of those elections. In 1984, Republicans won every single state but one. But since 1992, California has been devoted blue (Hmm, wonder why?) and we simply can't win anymore no matter what with the electoral college.

The whole middle of the country (except for Illinois) votes Republican but can't overcome the coasts and their politics and values differ significantly from folks in the middle. That's why I don't think one giant federal government over all of us should even be in play anymore. Let the states have more power. Break it up into multiple territories and allow open travel but don't make conservative areas be ruled by leftist lunatics and let the left have their utopia and keep the conservative ideals out so they can all end up like Detroit.
Yeah, its over like how Brexit was over too.

Oh, wait.
Albany appears to believe that the more she insists that Clinton is going to win, the more actual votes that she will receive. Note that she has yet to present an argument as to why she should win, only repetitive trollbait saying that she will win. The problem is that she has no credibility after Brexit. She has never addressed that gaffe, much less apologized for it. But she surely remembers it.

In any event, she is certainly not behaving like a person with confidence that her candidate has it in the bag. It's the opposite. Note that Alabama fans weren't trolling our football board before we played, predicting a victory. They didn't need to. South Carolina fans do it all of the time.

Why is Albany so antsy? The debate probably didn't go very well for Clinton, but, more troubling for a Clinton shill is the fact that Trump is up in the No. 1 rated 538 poll, and also up in the poll that had the best performance in the 2012 election. No wonder she's acting like a South Carolina fan.
EAD, Hillary supporter.

Hey numb nuts.......... Why would I lie about voting for neither candidate? Use your damn brain. Literally NOTHING to gain from it.

I dont give a damn if you hate me for who I vote for. If I was voting for Clinton I'd say it .... I'm not voting for Clinton....... It's either Johnson or not voting. And I'm seriously leaning on not voting after doing some searches on the 3rd party candidates.. Swear to god its like this election was brought to you by Saturday Night Live... all the way down to the 3rd party guys.
Hey numb nuts.......... Why would I lie about voting for neither candidate? Use your damn brain. Literally NOTHING to gain from it.

I dont give a damn if you hate me for who I vote for. If I was voting for Clinton I'd say it .... I'm not voting for Clinton....... It's either Johnson or not voting. And I'm seriously leaning on not voting after doing some searches on the 3rd party candidates.. Swear to god its like this election was brought to you by Saturday Night Live... all the way down to the 3rd party guys.

BS. You were outed in another thread by qwesley. The reason you "independent voters" like to pretend you're not voting for Hillary is so you can escape criticism and claim "I didn't vote for her, I voted for Johnson/Stein/ALF or whatever. This makes you feel like you can take the high ground when discussing politics so when you're critical of a Republican (which all of you are), we can't retort back "You voted for Hillary."
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BS. You were outed in another thread by qwesley. The reason you "independent voters" like to pretend you're not voting for Hillary is so you can escape criticism and claim "I didn't vote for her, I voted for Johnson/Stein/ALF or whatever. This makes you feel like you can take the high ground when discussing politics so when you're critical of a Republican (which all of you are), we can't retort back "You voted for Hillary."

outed? by what? making fun of you trump supporters automatically makes me a clinton supporter. Explain to me the logic behind that please

once again. What would I have to gain by lying ????? Smart guy. Answer the question or shut the hell up.

And I stand by my words..........lots of country boys will be butt hurt. And its going to be funny. This entire election was rigged from the beginning ... its hilarious you guys still think Trump has a shot. That doesnt mean I like the idea of Clinton winning....
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I've been trying to re-look at the Brexit reports before the vote. Most I saw were Remain ahead by at least six percent. There were some way worse than that. And I did like the doom and gloom of the leftist sacks of garbage after Brexit occurred.

This country desperately needs that same moment to occur. That moment where we give the finger to corruption, to their media puppets, to immigration and invasion and get back to the ideals that made the country desirable in the first place.

I hope to God we can win this presidency to save it. Even if we got just four years out of it, it will have been worth it to keep the Clinton destruction from doing further damage to this nation.
outed? by what? making fun of you trump supporters automatically makes me a clinton supporter. Explain to me the logic behind that please

once again. What would I have to gain by lying ????? Smart guy. Answer the question or shut the hell up.

I just answered the question for you. Are you that dense? By not admitting to being a Hillary voter, you think it allows you to escape criticism/accountability. But we do like you independents who seem to always have a ton of criticism for the right but never say anything about the left.
Albany appears to believe that the more she insists that Clinton is going to win, the more actual votes that she will receive. Note that she has yet to present an argument as to why she should win, only repetitive trollbait saying that she will win. The problem is that she has no credibility after Brexit. She has never addressed that gaffe, much less apologized for it. But she surely remembers it.

In any event, she is certainly not behaving like a person with confidence that her candidate has it in the bag. It's the opposite. Note that Alabama fans weren't trolling our football board before we played, predicting a victory. They didn't need to. South Carolina fans do it all of the time.

Why is Albany so antsy? The debate probably didn't go very well for Clinton, but, more troubling for a Clinton shill is the fact that Trump is up in the No. 1 rated 538 poll, and also up in the poll that had the best performance in the 2012 election. No wonder she's acting like a South Carolina fan.

This is very trivial considering that a huge portion of her followers are gov't dependent but Trump had 3 million more followers than her on Twitter and 4 million more on Facebook. That's wild considering Hillary is apparently so much more "liked" than Trump, the "evil bigot."
I just answered the question for you. Are you that dense? By not admitting to being a Hillary voter, you think it allows you to escape criticism/accountability. But we do like you independents who seem to always have a ton of criticism for the right but never say anything about the left.

Im in a thread dominated 95% republicans and making fun of those trump supporters. You really think I dont have the stones to admit who i was voting for? come on. If I was that weak.. I wouldnt be posting in this thread at all. If you guys were mostly democrats and Clinton supporters ... I'd be here asking you guys to not vote for her ...........

My son has autism and Clinton is in the pocket book of big pharma. I'm not some big vaxxed guy ... i mean i make fun of my wife because she's all in on that stuff... But our son did have a 107 fever a day after his vaccine shot and afterwards is when the autism traits came out. I honestly think his body just couldnt handle the shot and the fever messed with his brain. Big pharma needs to do better testing but they wont because it costs them too much.. I need no other reason ............ and there are other reasons to refuse to vote for Clinton. But this one guarantees that I'd never vote for her.
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