How will they rule ??!

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We'll see how it goes. I thought Romney bested Obama in the debates (first one was brutal) and it didn't make the slightest difference to his fan base. Granted, a lot of factors have changed since then. Black turnout will not be as high. Hillary is a disaster and her entire campaign has just been mud slinging of Trump. Also, Romney didn't generate the enthusiasm that Trump has.

Still expect to lose because I think the majority of people are low informed sheep but I don't think it's as wide as Dems claim. I think it's actually pretty close but knowing what Dems do, I suspect it to be rigged regardless.
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Hey numb nuts.......... Why would I lie about voting for neither candidate? Use your damn brain. Literally NOTHING to gain from it.

I dont give a damn if you hate me for who I vote for. If I was voting for Clinton I'd say it .... I'm not voting for Clinton....... It's either Johnson or not voting. And I'm seriously leaning on not voting after doing some searches on the 3rd party candidates.. Swear to god its like this election was brought to you by Saturday Night Live... all the way down to the 3rd party guys.
Lighten up Francis, I believe he was eluding to the "fact" that if you vote third party right now, Hillary wins. Not enough people would vote to be able to keep Hillary out of office. While conservatives are tired of their party and many are voting third party, liberals could not care less what their party does because, everything is acceptable including lying, corruption, cheating, stealing, killing, smearing, etc....but, you have that right and I don't disagree with people voting their conscience because, I do that with a lot of things in my life. I don't listen to music I used to because of singers pushing their agendas at concerts, or watch movies of actors who are too vocal about their agendas etc....I watch the entertainment industry to get away from all of the crap.
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That bitch is a stone cold sociopath. When you lie through your teeth and not even blink an eye.

She carries the same tendencies as your common day serial killer. No different than Bundy, Gacy, Ramirez, BTK killer, except she is an elitist politician with deep ties. That's the scariest kinda sociopath. The ones with political ties.

I have never seen someone lie so much within 1.5 hour time period. What an awful human being. All the while Hillary's vict... I mean voters lick that shit up like it's gospel.
That bitch is a stone cold sociopath. When you lie through your teeth and not even blink an eye.

She carries the same tendencies as your common day serial killer. No different than Bundy, Gacy, Ramirez, BTK killer, except she is an elitist politician with deep ties. That's the scariest kinda sociopath. The ones with political ties.

I have never seen someone lie so much within 1.5 hour time period. What an awful human being. All the while Hillary's vict... I mean voters lick that shit up like it's gospel.

I was trying to think of her performance tonight that pissed me off the most. The flat out lie about the Clinton Foundation or straight up lying about the Russia thing to deflect from WikiLeaks or her BS pivoting of her disdain for the second amendment.

This woman is pure evil and her followers are what Lenin would call "useful idiots." The second amendment was put in place to protect us from corrupt government hacks like her and the sheep who will vote to try and take away your rights.

I'm glad there was no handshake. I also do not think Trump should endorse this sack of garbage as a form of tradition. What would he care? All of us hate her and he doesn't have to go work in government after this.

But you know, if for some crazy reason he pulls this off, you know this bitch's head would explode. Could you imagine? Even if nothing changed or got done under Trump, to simply see her get crushed after all of the evil she has done and the entitlement she has, would be glorious.

Seriously though, I don't know who I can't stand more: her or her ignorant followers.
We'll see how it goes. I thought Romney bested Obama in the debates (first one was brutal) and it didn't make the slightest difference to his fan base. Granted, a lot of factors have changed since then. Black turnout will not be as high. Hillary is a disaster and her entire campaign has just been mud slinging of Trump. Also, Romney didn't generate the enthusiasm that Trump has.

Still expect to lose because I think the majority of people are low informed sheep but I don't think it's as wide as Dems claim. I think it's actually pretty close but knowing what Dems do, I suspect it to be rigged regardless.

This is what it comes down to. Does Trump get enough people out to vote that usually wouldn't vote otherwise within his base.

It's a lock that blacks will not turnout the same, but because of trump there will also be Dems that do turnout to be against him that maybe wouldn't otherwise.

Also, these polls people are quoting I just don't see being accurate. Especially when they all say "we have to admit that these are skewed due to more Dems polled".

I do not think anyone has gained from the debates at all and I wonder how much more info Wikileaks etc has because they will need to continue on with the daily drops.

Also Anonymous is a stupid idiot.
I was trying to think of her performance tonight that pissed me off the most. The flat out lie about the Clinton Foundation or straight up lying about the Russia thing to deflect from WikiLeaks or her BS pivoting of her disdain for the second amendment.

This woman is pure evil and her followers are what Lenin would call "useful idiots." The second amendment was put in place to protect us from corrupt government hacks like her and the sheep who will vote to try and take away your rights.

I'm glad there was no handshake. I also do not think Trump should endorse this sack of garbage as a form of tradition. What would he care? All of us hate her and he doesn't have to go work in government after this.

But you know, if for some crazy reason he pulls this off, you know this bitch's head would explode. Could you imagine? Even if nothing changed or got done under Trump, to simply see her get crushed after all of the evil she has done and the entitlement she has, would be glorious.

Seriously though, I don't know who I can't stand more: her or her ignorant followers.

Agreed. I mean, she didn't even deny the claims about the riots she paid for in Chicago. Not a penny on the debt. Giving out how much time it takes a nuclear warhead to launch (4 minutes btw if anyone missed that), not denying the $25 million from Saudi, etc etc...
You guys want to talk evil - what do you think of Hillary, Schumer and Pelosi leading things?

Hillary wins easily, more and more likely the Senate flips and it looks like the Dems are full speed ahead on capturing the House.

The sun is shining bright today...
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Came to a conclusion last night: Hillary Is the best fit for the job . she fits right in as a politician; she is power hungry; she is coniving; She has prepared for the last thirty plus years for this moment by doing all the things career politicians know to do if they know they will be seeking office. This analogy came to mind: hillery is like a carburetor made for an Edsel while Trump is like a fuel injector. The carb fits the Edsel better, but then again it simply fits an obsolete, piece of cheap vehicle. Our system is completely broken and imo she is a flawed part that fits in a flawed system. Oh well politics as usual. We are doomed
The wikileaks Russian espionage thing was gold. I can't beleive she went full retard. She's usually able to stay calm and explain shit in a way that 3rd graders/avg voter would understand, but not that one. She got loud and stupid real quick. PUTIN HIMSELF!!! KREMLIN ORDERS!!

The worst part is she acknowledged they were real bc she's fn stupid lmao. All she had to do was say "what? huh? I don't know what that is?" and Donald would look dumb to the avg voter.
Swept under the rug moment which needs to be talked about more...she should have been removed months ago.

TRUMP:"So let me just give you one other thing. So I talk about the corrupt media. I talk about the millions of people -- tell you one other thing. She shouldn't be allowed to run. It's crooked -- she's -- she's guilty of a very, very serious crime. She should not be allowed to run.

And just in that respect, I say it's rigged, because she should never...


TRUMP: Chris, she should never have been allowed to run for the presidency based on what she did with e-mails and so many other things"
This is very trivial considering that a huge portion of her followers are gov't dependent but Trump had 3 million more followers than her on Twitter and 4 million more on Facebook. That's wild considering Hillary is apparently so much more "liked" than Trump, the "evil bigot."

Trump n Cal ain't that much different, tbh.
Wikileaks is Russia's fault? Got it. So basically if Russia catches me cheating on my wife, I can just blame high level espionage. Forget that the fact that I cheated on my wife. It was Russia's fault for catching me cheating on my wife.

That was basically her defense.

If Hillary loses, at least she will accept defeat!!!!


Of course she will...she's a seasoned politician and knows how to simply answer the question so that it is not the ONLY thing that is talked about after and the next day of the debate - pulling all the oxygen out of the room in a race where every single second counts when one is behind.

Yes, she'll accept defeat. I mean, she did concede to Barry.

Yes, LOL...
4. We are about to become a one party nation. All of the retarded Dems and even independents will look the other way when Clinton absolutely has open borders, tackles the second amendment in her second term (BANK ON IT), and we have many more rapes and terrorist attacks and forget what she claimed.
No. just like 2010 & 2014, if she wins & if Hilldawg governs in a divisive far left manner as Obama the GOP will POLEAXE the Dems in the midterms. Hell already Mav McCain making definitive statements the GOP Senate (which more & more looks like WILL be retained - so much for the one party nation, Trump killing the GOP narratives) will reject her Supreme choices.
Hillary is all about protecting toddlers from guns but is OK with aborting babies at 8-9 months. I guess they don't count. Bitch.

She is going to win because our stupid electorate put the worse candidate in the world who happens to be a perverted bigot, against the weakest Liberal in years. And she is going to win bigly.

Way to go dumbasses.
Did anyone notice that every time Trump was getting under her skin, Clinton went to this creepy semi-orgasmic grin. It was like Huma had a remote control vibrator on Hillary that she would turn on to keep her from blowing her top.


She did it last time too:

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Let's see what we have run since the great Ronald Reagan left office.

George H. Bush
Bob Dole
George W. Bush
John McCain
Mitt Romney
Donald Trump

Dems have run

Michael Dukakis
Bill Clinton
Al Gore
John Kerry
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton

This country went from Republicans dominating the nation in voting from 1980-1988 even had California for all of those elections. In 1984, Republicans won every single state but one. But since 1992, California has been devoted blue (Hmm, wonder why?) and we simply can't win anymore no matter what with the electoral college.

The whole middle of the country (except for Illinois) votes Republican but can't overcome the coasts and their politics and values differ significantly from folks in the middle. That's why I don't think one giant federal government over all of us should even be in play anymore. Let the states have more power. Break it up into multiple territories and allow open travel but don't make conservative areas be ruled by leftist lunatics and let the left have their utopia and keep the conservative ideals out so they can all end up like Detroit.

I can speak as a Cali resident, we will always vote democrat because of social liberalism. However, the cali economy would prefer a libertarian.
He wants border walls (complete with Checkpoint Charlie?), brown-shirted deportation forces, stop and frisk, prosecution and imprisoning of his political opponents and possibly refusing to concede if he loses.

She wants to "go after the money" and use the force of government to confiscate more of the assets of the wealthy, making them pay an even more unfair share of taxes while claiming that they don't pay enough. She then promises to spend us into oblivion.

It's not just MacArthur and Patton that are spinning in their graves. It's Jefferson, Madison, Adams, Franklin, et al. How anyone can still support either of those two is beyond me! Both have promised more government, more debt, and less liberty.
No. just like 2010 & 2014, if she wins & if Hilldawg governs in a divisive far left manner as Obama the GOP will POLEAXE the Dems in the midterms. Hell already Mav McCain making definitive statements the GOP Senate (which more & more looks like WILL be retained - so much for the one party nation, Trump killing the GOP narratives) will reject her Supreme choices.

Most of the appeals courts have been stacked with Liberal a Supreme Court that is essentially 3 Conservatives, 4 Liberals and 1 Swing is fine with me.

Y'all make it seem like a deadlock Supreme Court is a bad far, it's been a great thing for Liberal policies. And will continue to be.
Where is the ever so election ending video anonymous talked about?

Today would be a great time for it.
One of the funnier moments:

Chris wallace: Hillary in your goldman sachs speech you're being quoted as open borders being your dream

Hillary: russia yada yada yada

Wallace: i forgot the next question

Trump: answer

Hillary: does this guy ever answer a question?
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They're really playing this "accept defeat!!!!" card... because they can't talk security, guns, economy, etc.

Ok, let's play that card. DNC, do accept Bernie as your candidate? Lmaooo, Hillary?

That's a big "F no!", btw.

Ok, People of America, do you accept Trump/Hillary as your president?

That's a big "F No!!".

Ok, then. Everybody's p**** is sore, so let's talk about real issues that effect our country, k?

Another gold moment I forgot - When Hillary profiled the state of Arkansas and NY. Lmaoo. Stay PC!
They're really playing this "accept defeat!!!!" card... because they can't talk security, guns, economy, etc.
amazing that is the dominant story now. the history of the Republic hinges on a private citizen giving thumbs up or thumbs down to the results of the election. huh? why the touch does it matter what Trump does or does not say if he loses, last time I check the constitution does not require a concession statement by the loser in order for our society to continue.

Algore took 36 days to concede and I remember Nov-Dec 2000, there were no riots in the streets or anarchy or civil war. The touching country went on just fine, folks went to their jobs & earned their money & purchased goods & services.

this nation is so incredibly stupid it gets exactly what it deserves (i.e., not Made Great Again)
Just so we're all clear, Obama has declared cyber war, which they tell us is tr new age version of war, very serious, backed by Hillary and her Kremlin claims, again, very fn serious. Hillary took that a step further last nigt with the "restricted airspace" question she fumbled and did not answer.

That's one issue that Obama sponsors and every single American should care about.
Face it, righties, you folks picked a guy who blusters like Sonny but is really Fredo inside. I don't care if his Daddy and Roy Cohn taught him every dirty trick in real estate, he's not that bright. He can recite a few talking points that he doesn't really understand for a little while but soon enough his 8 year old maturity level kicks in and he goes full retard and babbles and harrumphs and makes faces and looks like the ass he is. He whines, he cries, he blames everyone but himself. Boo flippin hoo.

And who is he going up against? MFking Michael, that's who. Corrupt [sure, but no more so than the Donald, or the Bushes, or Cheney, etc]. Cold and calculating? You bet. Exceptionally intelligent with an unbreakable cool built on being incessantly fked with for 25 years? Yep. Don't be bringing a letter opener to a gunfight with her.

Trump is the natural by product of the alt right and has killed the GOP. Good riddance.
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This hits home...

Here's a big SCREW YOU to Rush, Hannity, Ingraham, Gallagher and all of the radio talking dickheads that pimped Trump for months. Lemmings listening to all the anger about "establishment" and "do nothing" Republicans gave us Donald effing Trump. And now we are going to possibly lose the Senate and soon the House thanks to the angry children in America who threw a tantrum. You wanted to beat Hillary? You had 4-5 actual real chances (some great chances) and picked this clown show.