How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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No he didn't. She lied thru her teeth


That was the best one. Chris was pretty cool. He gave trump the majority of the questions, but he let Hillary have her questions like the last third of the debate.

She just performed awful on gun control, immigration, economy. Toddlers with guns, went full on kremlin again about wikileaks lollll, and incoherent on economy per usual, free everything!!!
I despise Obama and all he stands for but I would be willing to give him 4 more years if these 2 assholes would dry up and blow away. America is stupid.
I get what yall are saying but it still didn't sit well with me. It won't change my vote but I'm thinking about all the undecided ones, and I'm sure there are a lot of them who didn't like that. Obviously those are the ones he needs to impress at this point.
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Trump's refusal to answer the question about accepting the results if he loses was really not a good moment for him. People hate sore losers and that certainly will not help him any.
Not disagreeing, but did he really say he refused to accept it, though? Wait & see approach isn't an answer either way.
You drink milk with your pinky up..

NPR still taking about it "it's unprecedented" to not accept being beat lol

Ine never heard any of this nonsense in my life

Mitt: "ah, you beat me Barack. Congratulations!"

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The questions were fantastic. The moderator did great. They were fair too. You saw a huge difference tonight. He asked tough questions on both but didn't take over the debate and attack one candidate.

It's the opposite of what the Dems did.

She's a pathological liar but got him riled up. He, however, got a national audience to read her open borders comment, bring up her inciting violence, bring up her taking money from people who kill women and gays so that was huge for independents, I believe.
Watching ABC. Typically and predictably they jump on crap that does not matter. Hc will win simply because the majority of voters are either unable to make an intelligent decision. Exactly what Good things for our country do her supporters believe she is able to accomplish?
Massive evidence the DNC is committing serious election fraud. I would not fn congratulate her either. If that is someone's litmus test on who they vote for they are a complete loser. As usual these overpaid pundits that the majority of Americans do not relate to on most levels take something about nothing and want to make a story of it.
Not disagreeing, but did he really say he refused to accept it, though? Wait & see approach isn't an answer either way.
You are correct. This cycle has been the most vicious one I remember seeing. And I'm of the impression that the American way is to put the past behind you and accept what the people have said, work for the good of the country. I understand he thinks it's rigged and I agree to an extent. But still. I would definitively have answered yes if it was me.
Crack me up seeing the usual claiming their person killed the other lol. I'm voting Trump and believe that he got a slight nod, but it wasn't a slam dunk. She was obviously more flustered than any previous debate.

Hoping the polls are skewed due to independents and right leaning Dems being afraid to give a true answer of voting for Donald trump.
I hope Trump doesn't accept the results. I will gladly march with the King of the North.

That's how things work if the other candidate doesn't accept the results, right? You declare the winner a usurper and unite the northern armies?

Or wait, askin a candidate if they accept the results is moronic and meaningless.
So no one in the media is going to mention the multiple "I will not add one penny to the debt" claims?

Hillary's economic game so big league that even the national debt gets free health care & college tuition!
It's not like he's going back to his senate seat, or his governors mansion if he loses. He would go back to being a private citizen while maintaining his constitutionally protected right to call out that lying bitch whenever he wants to. This system isn't used to a non-politician being in an election. They don't understand it.
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I thought Wallace was actually pretty good. I didn't see the "interruption counts", but it seemed like he at least tried to keep people on topic, as if that matters.

I really wish Trump would do a better job on so many things:
WikiLeaks - If it is Russian hackers influencing the election, why isn't Obama doing something about it? Why didn't he say "Hillary, what would you do if you were in the White House right now, and Russia was influencing the election on behalf of another Republican?" If it is Russian hackers influencing the election, why did Kerry have to make a deal with Ecuador? If WikiLeaks was all the sudden horrible, why did democrats worship at the altar of Assange until 2016?

Emails - Not only did she delete emails after them being subpoenaed, but she had classified information on a private server. Classified information is the property of the government, and leaving it on a private server without proper security protocol could literally be treason. It is a joke to the entire intelligence community now. The FBI director said something along the lines of "while I don't recommend pursuing this case, this is not a decision that should be taken as precedent if anyone not running for president does the same."

Trade Deals - Nobody cares about anything you say about trade deals. We know you wrote a book about it, but just like my college topology professor (who specialized in topology), nobody has any idea what you are talking about.

Groping - I don't even know, that is just uncomfortable to watch. It's like watching the innocent Duke Lacrosse kids up there getting railroaded. Nobody can respond to 10 such accusations in a week, its just ridiculous that they were all given credibility while WikiLeaks doesn't exist.

So concensus is DT had his best debate but it won't matter because he said he might not accept the outcome if he thinks the election was rigged. That will be the headline, the lasting impression of him tonight. To his detriment.

Maybe. But that might be something media types in the DC/NYC corridor believe because it probably was always true. But times are different now. The spirit of Brexit, of throw the bums out, rules the day. Saying that the system is rigged may not hurt him, may match the mood of the times quite well....
hillary was awful and the questions were clearly flustering her, she yelled multiple times.

It's pathetic that it took the final debate to mention her taking money from people who kill gays and stone women.

Loved that she was exposed on inciting violence video, the WikiLeaks and wanting open borders.

She didn't even deny those either. She just started deflecting about Russia. My hopes are he independents saw that.
Why should you tell the American citizens to get behind the most corrupt candidate of our time? We won't accept it nor like her so why sell your dignity and vouch for her?

Wouldn't want that on my conscience.
I wish we could elect Donald Jr. He has a much better personality and would probably be more successful in getting the female vote. I agree with Trump's stance on virtually everything but man I really get frustrated at some of his blunders on the campaign trail.
It's pathetic that it took the final debate to mention her taking money from people who kill gays and stone women.

Loved that she was exposed on inciting violence video, the WikiLeaks and wanting open borders.

She didn't even deny those either. She just started deflecting about Russia. My hopes are he independents saw that.
It was quite obvious that she made no attempt to refute the claims. She did the same thing she has always done and asked us to kill the messenger but ignore the message. Proverbially wrong response.
CNN has gone full blown nuke Trump after this debate!

No focus at all on anything at all about Hilliary. She absolutely ducked, dodged, and lied the whole debate.

That said she won this debate unless you are diehard Trump. Trump let too much slide and did a horrible job drilling home points he really needed too. At the least he needed to call out the spin and the lies.
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I wish we could elect Donald Jr. He has a much better personality and would probably be more successful in getting the female vote. I agree with Trump's stance on virtually everything but man I really get frustrated at some of his blunders on the campaign trail.

I wish we could elect Donald Jr. He has a much better personality and would probably be more successful in getting the female vote. I agree with Trump's stance on virtually everything but man I really get frustrated at some of his blunders on the campaign trail.

The man is not a career politician. He's not used to being able to lie and deflect like it's nothing. He's not used to having to defend himself against everything and everyone constantly with the deck stacked.

I laughed at her getting upset about how he "belittled" women who accused him of rape. Um, you ask any man how flaming pissed off he'd be to have a GD liar falsely accuse them of rape? How many of us would "take the high road?" What the hell are you supposed to say? Eff that and eff Hillary considering her and her husband's past.

He missed some opportunities there and he missed another one bringing up the O'Keefe video of voter fraud.

Jesse Watters– Verified account ‏@jessebwatters

Watching debate in enormous room of media in Vegas. Press laughs and cheers for Hillary and groans and gasps when Trump speaks. #inthetank
7:12 PM - 19 Oct 2016

Not sure who this is, but we've been assured there's no Clinton cheering by media. So something isn't kosher. Need to mull this for a bit....
Watters is alright. Think he does a segment on O'Reilly, Hannity or one of those shows on Fox News.
CNN has gone full blown nuke Trump after this debate!

No focus at all on anything at all about Hilliary. She absolutely ducked, dodged, and lied the whole debate.

That said she won this debate unless you are diehard Trump. Trump let too much slide and did a horrible job drilling home points he really needed too. At the least he needed to call out the spin and the lies.

But what did she actually say? She didn't even deny Trump's claims.

Remember, this wasn't for Republicans and Democrats. They already know who they're voting for. This is for independents who need something to make up their minds. You think that the open borders, WikiLeaks, video of inciting violence may have peaked their interest?

He got those things exposed to a national audience. He got flustered during the sexual assault BS claims like most people would. He also didn't dwell on the voter fraud video when she acted high and mighty or bring up the fact that Podesta said Clinton's camp accused Obama of voter fraud.

Wallace had no business dwelling on stupid BS about endorsing the person they lost to. It's irrelevant and has now turned into some BS talking point as if Dems would not have gone full on beast mode with a Trump presidency.
The man is not a career politician. He's not used to being able to lie and deflect like it's nothing. He's not used to having to defend himself against everything and everyone constantly with the deck stacked.

I laughed at her getting upset about how he "belittled" women who accused him of rape. Um, you ask any man how flaming pissed off he'd be to have a GD liar falsely accuse them of rape? How many of us would "take the high road?" What the hell are you supposed to say? Eff that and eff Hillary considering her and her husband's past.

He missed some opportunities there and he missed another one bringing up the O'Keefe video of voter fraud.The man is not a career politician. He's not used to being able to lie and deflect like it's nothing. He's not used to having to defend himself against everything and everyone constantly with the deck stacked.

I laughed at her getting upset about how he "belittled" women who accused him of rape. Um, you ask any man how flaming pissed off he'd be to have a GD liar falsely accuse them of rape? How many of us would "take the high road?" What the hell are you supposed to say? Eff that and eff Hillary considering her and her husband's past.

He missed some opportunities there and he missed another one bringing up the O'Keefe video of voter fraud.
He did bring up the O' Keefe video tonight though. I think he really screwed himself by getting into that public feud with Miss Piggy and then the straw that really broke the camel's back was that tape where he said those things. Now we have all the accusations about the rape and while they certainly do appear to be false, it still did irreparable damage imo. I hate to say it but I don't expect him to win. A month ago I felt good about his chances. I don't think any of those points would have been an issue with his son and he could have beaten the evil bitch.
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But what did she actually say? She didn't even deny Trump's claims.

Remember, this wasn't for Republicans and Democrats. They already know who they're voting for. This is for independents who need something to make up their minds. You think that the open borders, WikiLeaks, video of inciting violence may have peaked their interest?

He got those things exposed to a national audience. He got flustered during the sexual assault BS claims like most people would. He also didn't dwell on the voter fraud video when she acted high and mighty or bring up the fact that Podesta said Clinton's camp accused Obama of voter fraud.

Wallace had no business dwelling on stupid BS about endorsing the person they lost to. It's irrelevant and has now turned into some BS talking point as if Dems would not have gone full on beast mode with a Trump presidency.

Not sure what to tell you except if you know who is voting for who and this was to claim the undecided then her lies that he did not go to war on and let her ramble just allowed her to overcome the realities most people do not know.

I'm sorry to tell you this but Wikileaks, James O'Keefe and most of the corruption are still not household words or topics. He didn't drill this home like he should have.

She was allowed to spin and lie the whole time but you wouldn't know it if you don't research it it.......and if you are undecided at this point you aren't researching a damn thing to be anymore educated than you are now.

Posters in this thread make the mistake that everyday people that don't give a damn about this BS system care as much as we do. They don't so pretending he hit on anything meaningful is us republicans or trumpocrats lying to ourselves.